Luna and Riley Ch.11! – A Friend in Need [Futa] [Incest] [Sub/Dom] [Lesbian] [Fiction]

Disclaimer: This story is dramatically fictitious and possesses depictions of completely unrealistic and unattainable body standards. If that isn’t your forte then you may not find this story to your liking. If you decide to read the story regardless I thoroughly hope you enjoy it! Thanks!

Notice: You should read the earlier chapters, so that the story makes more sense. Your choice though, hope you enjoy it regardless.

*The story, all names, characters, and incidents portrayed in this product are fictitious. No identification with actual persons (living or deceased), places, buildings, and products is intended or should be inferred. Any resemblance to reality is purely coincidence.*

Written By: [RebHillBabe](

**Chapter 11: A Friend in Need**

It had been a few days since Riley had promised to serve and submit to Luna and thus far she was doing excellently. The part of Luna that still didn’t want a child tried desperately to find some fault, some slip up in Riley’s behavior that she could use as an excuse, but Riley simply wasn’t faltering. Riley spent every second of every day, attached at the hip, caring for Luna’s every need and command. It was truly a spectacle, and Luna was happy that Riley was so enthusiastic about the situation.

This new care wasn’t all upside, however. Unfortunately, after the first night, having Riley suckling on Luna’s cock all night, had been found to be a bad idea. Since that morning, Luna’s precum was practically unstoppable. In fact, Riley spent most of her time in the day, simply guzzling the liquid to keep it from getting all over everything in the house. Thankfully, the silicon chamber she ordered was supposed to arrive today, which would allow Riley and her a bit more “free” time. It was fun, though, watching Riley happily slurp up the juice that now constantly flowed out, and Luna felt she may miss seeing it if the apparatus worked out.

Aside from the effects it was having on Luna, Riley was also seeing some impact from the lube. Namely beauty and lust. While Luna’s cum made Riley’s body voluptuous and curvy, it seemed her precum just improved Riley’s already immaculate presentation. Her skin was more flawless than ever and she almost seemed to be glowing all the time now. She had a new sense of innocence about her and she was generally happier and seemed more carefree.

Her lust had also skyrocketed. She now craved the juice more than anything, and if she went for any significant length of time without it, she seemed to go almost into a state of withdrawal. It seemed pleasing Luna was all that mattered to her anymore, and while Luna was quite thankful for it, she was also a bit worried. She didn’t want Riley to lose herself, and forget who she was. She loved the caring and obedient Riley, but she still wanted her to be her own person, with her own aspirations and goals in life.

The table had been moved from the middle of the living room and Luna stood in front of the TV, doing a variety of exercises. The TV showed an instructor, guiding her students through the movements which Luna followed. Some of the movements were a bit hard, considering she had her little sister sitting on the floor below her sucking the precum out of her cock, but she managed.

“Luna?” Riley asked quickly, knowing if her mouth spent too long off Luna’s cock it would make a mess.

“Yes Riley?” Luna responded as she mimicked the movements on screen.

Riley grabbed the large bowl that she always kept with her now, in case she needed to talk to or do something else for Luna, besides drink her precum. She pulled off Luna’s dick and placed the bowl beneath it. Precum poured out into the bowl with a steady, heavy stream, and Riley began to pull at Luna’s dick like an udder as she spoke to her sister.

“I was wondering…” Riley trailed off nervously.

“Out with it Riley…” Luna commanded, looking down at Riley and flashing a loving smile.

As authoritative as Luna was, she still wanted Riley to understand that she loved her. Their relationship wasn’t about control, it was about love, and it just so happened to include control. Riley smiled back, understanding the gesture.

“I want to give someone else your cum!” Riley blurted out, as if speaking quickly would change Luna’s stance on her request.

“What? What do you mean?” Luna questioned, continuing her exercises.

“Well, we know that your cum makes my body change… So I kinda want to know if it will work on other people too.” Riley explained, “I think it would be interesting to find out.”

“Hmmmm….” Luna thought about it.

Luna had to admit that the idea hadn’t crossed her mind until now, but it did make her curious. The effects on Riley were impressive to say the least, so who knows what could happen if someone else tried it. There were a few obvious problems however. The two biggest being: who would they give it to, and how would they do it.

“How would we get them to drink it?” Luna asked, curious to see how much thought Riley had put into it.

“I was thinking, well… I was thinking that we could get Becky to drink it,” Riley answered, continuing to milk Luna, “And we could just sneak it into her food, or I could tell her that I bought this stuff online that is supposed to make you hotter. I think she would give it a shot if I did.”

“Becky hmm?” Luna questioned, realizing that Riley had given it a fair bit of thought, “You really think she would drink it.”

“Yeah, like I said, I think she would if I did it with her.” Riley responded, “So you would want me to tell her then?…”

“I’d rather do that then sneak it into her food!” Luna insisted, “That just seems… wrong.”

“Yeah I guess that’s true…” Riley agreed, “But… You’ll do it?”

“Why not?” Luna said nonchalantly, “I have to admit, now I’m a little curious myself.”

Riley didn’t even respond, simply showing her gratitude by swiftly resuming her job as precum drinker. Luna continued to follow the exercise instructions, but now her mind wandered. How would it affect her, would she like it? So many questions soon to be answered. Luna’s heart pounded as the thought excited her. Riley chirped below her, understanding what the sudden stiffness was from.


It was a few hours later and Luna was sitting alone for the first time in a few days. Becky had arrived and it wasn’t quite normal for Luna to hang around Riley when she was over. Plus with all the precum she was leaking, things would have gotten awkward quickly without Riley to drink it. Luna just sat back on her bed, sucking and jerking away at her own cock as she listened to the muffled sounds of her sister and Becky giggling and talking.

Becky had been Riley’s friend ever since elementary school. They had hit it off instantly on the first day and had become inseparable ever since. In middle school, Becky had moved away, leaving Riley with no best friend to rely on. Being so small and having lost her best friend, Riley retreated away from social interaction. Riley grew distant from her peers, relying more on Luna for fun than anyone at school. Not everyone picked on her, but there were few people she could say were even remotely considerable as a true friend.

Luckily, halfway through highschool, Becky’s family moved back, and they were reunited. Instantly the spark was back, but the damage had already been done and Riley continued to struggle to make new friends. Having missed so much time, Becky too faced difficulties making friends, which also wasn’t aided by her appearance. She certainly wasn’t ugly, but she was far from the bar of perfection that many high school social hierarchies subscribed to.

Nonetheless, Riley and Becky both seemed happy to be together again, and they didn’t mind not really having anyone else. They did their own thing and they let everyone else do theirs. Unfortunately, with college around the corner, they would once again be split, and neither were particularly looking forward to it. Riley tried not to think about it as she contemplated the true reason for her friend’s presence.

Riley fidgeted in her best friend’s company. Becky was the only person she knew, besides Luna, that she could confide in, so it was odd feeling so nervous. But, knowing what she was planning made keeping her cool incredibly difficult. Becky didn’t seem to notice, or at the very least didn’t mention it as they talked about starting college soon. Riley tried her best to seem focused and interested in the conversation, but she was too anxious to get Becky to try Luna’s cum to do so.

“Hey, you alright? You seem… Nervous…” Becky said, finally commenting on Riley’s behaviour.

“I-I’m fine!” Riley insisted poorly, “It’s just that, well… I have something I want to show you.”

“Okayyyy…” Becky responded suspiciously, “But this better not be another picture of your sister that you thought, ‘looked really cool’.”

“It’s not…” Riley assured, “Stay right here.”

Riley stood and left the room. She headed over to Luna’s and quietly slipped inside.

“You ready?” Luna whispered.

Riley nodded and approached Luna.

They had decided to make the cum fresh, since that was how Riley had always taken it so far. They didn’t want to change any of the variables so Riley had to get it from Luna quickly. Thankfully, Luna’s time spent masturbating alone had done most of the work, and she knew she wouldn’t take long as she got up to get ready for Riley.

Riley grabbed two small glasses they had prepared before Becky had arrived and moved over to Luna. Luna brought her cock tip up to Riley’s mouth and began furiously jerking. Riley held the glasses in each hand and kissed the tip of Luna’s dick, getting precum all over her mouth and chin.

“Get ready…” Luna breathed.

Riley held out the glasses as Luna aimed her dick. The spurts started, quickly filling one glass then the other. It was a bit messier than either of them were expecting, with cum overflowing and spraying onto the outside of the glass, dripping into Riley’s hands and on her fingers. Not having considered their stances, Luna lost control and began to douse her sister in cum, long ropes shooting out and landing on her shirt and legs.

“S-Shit s-sorry!” Luna whispered frantically, as she shook from her climax.

Riley stood frozen from lust and fear, unsure of what to do. Luna aimed her dick down quickly, shooting the rest of her massive load onto the floor, but it was too late. Riley had cum soaking into her shirt and dripping from her hands and legs. Riley cautiously brought the glasses to her face and tried her best to clean her hands with her mouth.

Once down from her climax, and able to think more clearly, Luna wiped her hands on her stomach, and reached out for the glasses taking them from her sister. She grabbed the towel hanging from her door, and quickly dried the outside of them. The liquid swirled inside the glasses, still not settled from when they had been filled. Luna placed down the glasses and returned to her sister. Without asking, she grabbed the hem of Riley’s shirt and tugged it upwards. Riley raised her arms obediently without protest, as Luna swept it off her tiny frame.

Luna tossed the shirt to the floor and began rummaging around in her dresser for an old one that might look at least somewhat appropriate on Riley. At the very bottom of one drawer was an old shirt, but after putting it on her, it was still quite large, not to mention that it was simply different from the one she had left Becky in. Nonetheless, they had no choice, she had already been away from Becky for longer than seemed appropriate, and she couldn’t return in a soaked shirt.

Luna grabbed the already cum stained towel and dried off Riley’s legs, before handing her the glasses and sending her back to her room. Riley trembled with the full glasses of cum, trying to spill the thick slime, all the while the nerves of returning to her friend built up. Now, not only was she technically drugging her friend, but she was wearing a different, odd fitting shirt. There were lots of red flags, but Luna was counting on her, so she took a deep breath, and entered the room.

“What’s this bowl for?” Becky asked, hearing her friend enter the room behind her.

Becky was bent over, inspecting the bowl of precum that Riley had collected earlier.

“I-it’s nothing…. Really…” Riley stumbled, “It’s just some glycerin for this thing I’m working on.”

“Okay…” Becky said sarcastically, “Hope your ‘thing’ goes well.”

“Just come over here and sit down.” Riley insisted, gesturing towards the floor with the glasses in her hand.

“What are those? And what’s with the new shirt?” Becky questioned as she approached and sat.

“I spilled some and had to change… just sit down.” Riley said, trying hard to quickly move past the shirt.

Riley sat down across from her and held out a glass. Becky took it with a cautious hand and brought it to her face for a closer examination.

“Woah, it’s warm!” Becky said, not having expected it.

“Yeah… I uh, had to microwave it…” Riley lied.

“What… is it…” Becky asked, curious about the odd drink she’d been given.

“It’s uh….” Riley thought, she hadn’t even considered coming up with a name for it, “It’s just some stuff I bought online… It said it’s supposed to make you curvy…”

“Really Riley?…” Becky said looking up to her with a dull expression, “It’s supposed to make you curvy?…”

“That’s what it said!” Riley defended herself, “Listen I just didn’t want to take it alone, and we’ve always talked about how fun it would be to have big boobs and stuff. I figured this could be our opportunity!”

“Riley…” Becky said, placing the glass on the floor beside her, “I don’t know, this doesn’t seem safe… Do you even know what’s in here?”

“No…” Riley said, “But there were a ton of people on the website who said it worked for them! Why wouldn’t it work for us!”

“Let me see the website you bought it from, this all sounds… too good to be true.” Becky reasoned.

Riley panicked as her plan began to crumble. She had to increase the pressure a bit or Becky wouldn’t fall.

“Please Becky! I spent a lot of money on this, and I don’t want to drink it alone…” Riley whimpered.

Becky looked in her friend’s eyes and saw the fear in them. She looked down to the glass and once again brought it to her face. She gave it a deep sniff, and felt a very sudden and strong warmth rising in her crotch. She let out a sigh and nodded her head in silence. Riley smiled and bounced in her place, holding out her glass for a cheers. Becky clinked glasses, and brought the glass to her lips. She watched as Riley did the same, bringing the glass to her lips and simply watching to see if the other would drink.

They both then began to tip the glasses upwards and let the liquid flow into their mouths. Knowing what it was and what to expect, Riley happily slurped it down, her pussy becoming wet from the smell and taste. Becky was a bit more taken aback by it. It tasted quite good, but was warmer and thicker than she had anticipated. It poured into her mouth and down her throat and she felt her own pussy grow wet as she drank it. “I better not die from this…” She thought to herself.


The minutes ticked by as they awaited for a reaction to Luna’s juice. Riley knew it would take a few hours, but had to seem like she was on edge the whole time like Becky. To be fair, she was a little on edge, just from knowing what would soon happen anyways, but she turned it up a notch just to play it safe. Her and Becky talked and giggled as they awaited the transformation.

About an hour after they had bottoms upped, Becky got a call from her mom. Apparently Becky’s little sister had to get picked up from somewhere suddenly, and Becky was the only one available.

“Sorry Riley, got to go…” Becky said sadly.

“G-Go? Go where?” Riley asked.

“Gotta take my sister home, little brat…” Becky responded, “Sorry this thing didn’t work out…”

“T-That’s okay,” Riley answered, panicking inside that the transformation could happen while she was driving. Knowing what it was like, that would be a terrible time for it to happen.

“Just hurry home!” Riley continued, hoping the sooner she left, the sooner she would be home.

Becky felt strangely about the way Riley seemed to be rushing her out the door. She had had to pick up her little sister plenty of times, and they usually just sat around for a bit longer, making her wait. But today, Riley was practically throwing her out. How odd. She got in her car and left for her sister. Riley scurried up the stairs and burst into Luna’s room.

“Becky left!” She exclaimed.

“Ahh ahh ahh,” Luna said, patting her cock.

Riley quickly raced to Luna and began to suck.

“I’m sure she’ll be fine, it takes a few hours.” Luna said, reassuringly. Truthfully she was a bit worried herself, but there was little she could do about it now.


A while later, Riley began the familiar process of transformation into a curvy goddess of a girl. Within minutes it was over and the two were having sex. Riley was on top this time in the cowgirl position, making giant hip movements to impale herself on Luna’s massive pole. Riley kept cumming over and over until they heard the chirp of a ringtone. Riley slammed one last time on Luna’s cock and reached for the phone. It was Becky and she had a feeling there was good news on the other end.

“H-Hello?” Riley said, trying her best to not sound out of breath.

“Riley! IT WORKED! If fucking worked!” Becky shouted from the other line.

Riley pulled the phone away from her ear, wincing from the volume. She gave Luna a telling nod, and brought the phone back to her ear.

“It worked for me too!” Riley said, faking a surprised tone.

“Hold on…” Becky said, “We have to show each other!”

Suddenly the call ended and Riley felt her stomach churn as a new icon appeared.


She frantically turned the phone to Luna and scrambled to get off her cock. Luna didn’t let her, grabbing her by the hips and holding her pelvis down.

“What! Are you crazy!? I can’t answer it like this!” Riley whispered.

Luna simply chuckled and raised her hips and slammed her back down. She pointed to behind Riley and had her grab a shirt from off the end of the bed. Luna threw it on and put her finger up her mouth, telling Riley to be quiet. Then she pivoted her on her cock, so that she was now in reverse cowgirl and told her to answer the call.

Riley understood what she was doing, but did not entirely approve. Although she had to admit it was making her incredibly wet. To fuck while on the phone would be one thing, but to get away with it on facetime would be insane. Still Becky would have no reason to think Luna had a cock, so she thought that maybe it would work out after all. She swiped the screen and watched as Becky’s image appeared.

“Heyy- oh… H-Hey Luna…” Becky said, clearly not having expected to see her with Riley.

“Hey Becky!” Luna responded.

“I can call back later…” Becky started.

“No, check this out!” Riley said, pointing the camera down and revealing her boobs on the screen. She kept her waist out of the shot, so as not to reveal their act.

Feeling a bit bold, Luna began to slowly pick Riley up and slide her back down on her cock. At first it was only a few inches but soon Riley was sliding up nearly her whole length.

“That’s… Insane!” Becky said, a bit curious about Riley’s nakedness in Luna’s presence.

“I was just showing Luna!” Riley said, clearing up any confusion, “We’re pretty close!”

“Oh cool…” Becky said, unsure if she was comfortable with showing herself naked in front of Luna.

“Show us those titties girl!” Riley said, hoping that she would be so aroused that she would despite Luna.

Becky seemed to freeze for a moment, before panning the camera down and showing off her new body. Riley gasped, both from the sight and from Luna’s cock, which was now causing her to actively try to repress feelings of pleasure. She bit her lip as she looked on at her friend’s new body.

Becky had always been on the heavier side, even in elementary school. And as she had gotten older, she continued to pack on the pounds. She wasn’t obese, but she had been called fat by the other girls at school, and thus her transformation seemed even more drastic than Riley’s. Her fat was completely gone, replaced by a slender waist and giant tits. She shared proportions of Luna, and was identical to Riley now except for her height.

“You look so… Fucking good!” Riley exclaimed, panting a bit. She hoped Becky wouldn’t notice the camera and herself moving up and down.

“I know! This is so fucking crazy! You look amazing too!” Becky responded, overjoyed from her new looks.

The two continued to chat and chirp over the changes they had undergone. All the while Luna continued to fuck Riley while they talked. Thankfully, Becky seemed more than a little occupied on admiring her own new curves to notice or mention the bouncing camera, and after a few minutes the call was over, and their sex had gone undisturbed.

“Well, that answers that!” Luna said, happy that nothing bad had happened.

“Yeah!” Riley responded, throwing her phone onto the bed and resuming her own lustful movements with a reinvigorated enthusiasm, “She seemed to have the exact same response as me!”

Luna and Riley simply smiled at each other as Riley lifted and smacked her pelvis repeatedly down on Luna’s. Luna was unsure of the opportunities this would open for them, but it was nice to know that the effects of her cum appeared to be pretty universal. Luna could feel her climax approaching, and even without saying anything, so did Riley.

With a few more strong thrusts, and a bit of kegelling from Riley, Luna was soon blasting ropes inside Riley’s warm, soft womb. As usual, Riley began cumming from the filling sensation, and cum oozed out of her tight canal as she collapsed on Luna’s chest. Luna ran her fingers through her hair, comforting her as she jerked and spasmed.


Soon the afternoon had arrived, and the whole family sat down for dinner. As per the new norm, Riley served Luna’s every need, giving her the best and biggest portions of the prepared meal. It was still clear that their father was not especially happy about what was happening, but he kept his mouth shut. Eleanor didn’t mind, in fact she was starting to enjoy watching Luna wolf down the enormous meals she made for her.

She wasn’t sure if it was obvious, but she had started making dinner specifically for Luna. Eleanor made her favorite seasonings, dishes, deserts, and it was nice watching her thoroughly enjoy the handcrafted meals. She also enjoyed watching her husband fester. Their relationship had hit a bit of a plateau, and he was no longer being especially rude to her, but still he had some lingering resentment towards her and was simply being cold.

During dinner, Luna had to resort to tampons and pads to keep her precum in check. Obviously unable to have Riley slurping at her cock under the table, she had found the method of tying four tampons to the tip of her cock, and wearing a pad in her panties was sufficient in keeping back her monsoon of juice. Still it wasn’t terribly comfortable, and it was quite expensive, so she hoped that the silicon bulb would work better.

The family chatted as normal about their day, doing their best to act as if nothing was wrong. Luna had noticed her mother giving her more visual attention over the past few days, but figured, and hoped, that it was nothing serious. All the while, Luna still couldn’t get over the video she had caught earlier of her mother sleepwalking into her room and stroking her cock.

The mere thought of it occurring sent shivers of arousal down Luna’s spine. Perhaps the new attention Eleanor was showing her was a sign of some level of attraction, beyond that of their simple mother daughter relationship. Luna was hopeful, but wasn’t planning on pushing the matter at all. If something was brewing, it would be on her mother to make the first move, although, perhaps she already had. Regardless, Luna couldn’t risk messing up what she had with Riley, which was currently the most important thing to her.

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1 comment

  1. Sorry about how this one got formatted for desktop!! I don’t know why it did that but I can’t seem to fix it no matter what I do. If anyone has a solution, let me know. It seems to be mostly fine on mobile, which is what I assume most of my readers use, so I guess it’s okay, just a bit annoying.



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