Little Haven Part 1 [MF]

I’m on my back on a bed of straw. The crunchy fibers are making a rhythmic rustling sound and the two of us are breathing hard, but quiet. You’re above me, thrusting hard into me. Sweat dripping down your chest onto my belly. The squishy sounds of your member pulsing in and out of my soaking wet cunt and your thighs smacking against my ass can probably be heard by the tenants in the next room. You look me in the eyes, but I can’t hold your gaze. I break contact and close my eyes. I’m starting to feel things for you now and I have to pretend that I don’t. I can’t let you know. If you find out, you’ll have to stop. You’ll continue on with the others and I cannot stand the thought of you passing by my door in the dark. I live for the nights you stand in my doorway and I feel your presence.

I’m usually awake, reading in bed by the candle I keep on my nightstand. You come in, silent, and sit on the wooden chair near the door to take off your boots. The soft thud of them on my floor boards means it’s time for me to sit up and set down my novel. I hear the clinking of your belt coming unbuckled; the slide of leather slipping through the loops. By the time you unbutton your shirt, my nipples are already hard and poking through the thin fabric of my nightgown.

When you sit next to me on the bed, there is a slight creak of the posts, and I exhale with a shaky breath. You gently swipe my hair across my shoulder to see my smooth skin in the light. Your hand wraps around the back of my neck and squeezes softly. I turn to face you so you can lean in and kiss my lips. You pull at them with yours and suck my mouth to your mouth. Your warm tongue slowly probes inside me and I let out a quiet moan.

You, Benjamin, are the heir apparent of my home; of our home, Little Haven. And who am I? I am nobody. Just another servant of the estate. I take care of little things all over the property for you and your family. Whatever is needed by the cook or the housemaid or the farmhand. One of several young women of lowly stature. We were born into this role and we will die in it: poor, undesirable, yet helpful as the spokes of a wheel.

But in this moment, I am yours. I am your friend, your confidant, your servant. Sometimes, your lover. When you tire of your duties, the debutants, and the milkmaid, you come to me without speaking a word. We don’t have to speak to understand each other. For years, I enjoyed our night time recreations. We were practically children when it started. It was an experiment of sorts. We were trying to figure out each other’s bodies as well as our own. We would make each other laugh, we would stare at the other’s reactions to touch and breath on exposed skin, we would simply talk about the day’s events, or share secrets of our respective social circles. I never wanted anything from you, nor you I. Except for companionship and brief moments of bodily ecstasy.

These last few months, something has shifted inside me. My heart, which I personally believed to be made of stone, as though it were an impenetrable fortress with a soft interior reserved solely for friendship and familial love, has cracked open. But tonight, my eyes are closed and I’m determined to focus on the physical sensation only. That first brush of your lips against mine, pulling me into you as we sat on the bed. Your right hand sliding from my neck, down my back, to my waist. Your left hand reaching up to cup my breast; your thumb rubbing my hard nipple through the nightgown. You move my nipple in circles, ever so softly, then rub it back forth; feeling it get firmer and more erect with each pass. Goosebumps run down my arms and I feel warmth in the lowest part of my belly. A familiar tingle spreads across my crotch and shoots down my thighs.

You lay me down and hover above me kissing my lips, then my neck. Your lips and mouth create a gentle suction against my sensitive skin. You get up and reach towards my feet to lift my nightgown over my thighs, then my breasts, brushing my body with your strong and supple hands until it goes over my head. You’ve seen me this way so many times before, but every time, you look at my body with those hungry eyes and it makes me feel new and raw. There’s no time for foreplay. Your cock is ready and I swear you can smell my scent emanating from my netherregions. I was hoping for you tonight and my thoughts have already created the damp and heady aroma between my legs.

You slide your hand between my legs and press them apart. You gently probe with your fingers at the folds and test the slickness with a light touch. The more you touch, the more slippery your fingers become and you lift them to your mouth to taste them, then reach down to grab your thickening cock and tug. I touch your chest and feel the hair between my fingers. I gently rub your nipple with one hand and run my other up your neck to grab the thick black hair on the back of your head. Your cock is hardening further still and your uncircumcised skin begins to pull back from the top, exposing the reddening color of your member as blood rushes to it. The tip of your swelling penis begins to glisten. You guide it toward my pussy and begin to rub our two organs together. You push slightly at my wet crease, feeling my juices begin to coat you. Your breath quickens and you grunt as you force your head inside the tight, rippled, hot tunnel of my body. With the slickness giving you deeper access to my interior, I run my hands down your back and grab your firm buttocks, pulling your hips closer to mine. I gasp as you completely fill me and touch the deepest part my body will allow.

You begin to thrust hard and fast, leaning down to suck on my breasts and pull one of my nipples between your lips. I groan, quietly. There’s never enough time these days to slow down and fuck each other ten different ways. We have to hurry to get to the release we both so badly need. You’re perspiring now as you push, grind, and pump back and forth into my hips. My legs wrap around your waist so I can rub my clit against your groin, trying to create the pressure I need to get off.

But I can’t do it. You’re close and starting to lose your pace to the trembling of your muscles. You look at me and I look away and close my eyes. You pull out of me suddenly and take your cock in your hand, gripping it tight, pulling the skin up and down over the tip. I look down in time to see the hot white stream of your cum spray several times across my stomach and breasts. For the first time, I’m disappointed to see it spread and slide down my body onto the scratchy blanket beneath me. For the first time, I want your seed inside me. And there is that awful feeling again. The one that yearns for our souls to be combined in one body. I squash the feeling and push it down back into its cage.

You take a few breaths, then lower from your knees to your stomach so your face is just above my pinkish purple engorged cunt. I put my hands under my knees and lift and spread my legs so you are completely uninhibited. I feel your hot breath just before your lips and tongue slip around and suck at my clit. You place one hand so that you can pull open my creases even further to better access my entrance. The other begins to prod with one finger, then a second. You rub inside me, in and out, slower than you fucked me so I can feel every motion. You pull your fingers out and rub one against my asshole as you alternate between sucking and flicking my clit with your tongue.

I look down at you; your mouth covering my cunt and slurping at my excretions. I lean back on my pillow and let your work take me closer and closer to the edge. I am panting hard, but quietly. Moaning softly, only to utter the word “fuck” as you slide your fingers inside me once again. I’m not going to be able to hold on much longer, I can feel the explosion building inside me, getting harder to control. I feel my pussy squeeze, right before letting go of all tension as the orgasm bursts from deep inside me, flooding me. I shake and spasm as the warmth extends to every cell in my body, causing my hips to buckle and my legs to snap shut. You continue to suck and pull at my clit until I grab your hair and jerk my pussy out of your mouth’s gravitational pull. I lie naked, soaked in sweat and cum. You crawl to my side and roll over onto your back. You pull me in close to your chest, lift my chin, and kiss my nose and lips.

We lie together for a few minutes as my heart slows down and my trembles subside. Your arms around me. Then, you silently get up and pull on your pants. Your arms slide through your shirt sleeves. You put your boots on and grab your belt, the clinking buckle let’s me know it is time to sleep and dream. Hopefully of anything but you, if I am lucky.
