Kiddnapped & Feminized (Part 1) [MM+][Anal][Rape][nc][feminization][transformed]

Hi Everyone this is my first time writing, let alone posting, any kind of erotic literature so I hope you all enjoy it.

Blind, I felt hands rest on each of my shoulders. They began to put downward pressure on me as if urging me to kneel, which I of course knew is exactly what was expected of me. I slowly started to bend my knees, giving no resistance, until both my knees were touching the cold hard concrete floor. I shuddered as the cold hit my knees and legs, slowly they warmed as I was left there for what felt like an eternity. The hands moved from my shoulders, and I heard as voice say, “Very good”, a voice I had become very familiar with. When I heard that voice, I was reminded of everything that led to me being in this place. Just as I started to remember I felt something warm and hard against my lips.

It was September 2016, I had just finished my first week of university, I was excited to be finally studying something that interested me, Biochemistry. I had always wanted to help the world in whatever way possible, and I always loved Chemistry in high school, so the field of medicine was an easy choice. As a teenager I took part in several experimental drug tests, all to help forward the field of medicine, this had some shall we say unfortunate side effect on my growing body.

One of the drugs had inadvertently caused my adolescent body to produce less testosterone, so while my friends and classmates had grown more muscle mass and hair in all kinds of new places, my hips had filled out and I was left completely hairless from my nose down. While this did mean that I got teased by more in school it never really bothered me because I knew that I had helped to further the research on a new drug, even if it ended up being changed form a supplement to help with muscle growth in underdeveloped people to a drug to help with Transitioning from Male to Female.

Over the course of the week, I had met my instructors as well as several made friends with a few of my classmates. Now that it was Friday, we were going to go out to the campus pub for some food and drinks, and to see if we could pickup any girls as any freshman would want to. I got ready in my dorm room and then I stepped out into the hallway, looking both ways for my new friends, I saw them at the far end of the hall, and they waved me over. I excitedly walked over to them, and we headed out of the dorm building and began to make our way to the pub at the other side of campus.

When we got there, it was packed to say the least, wall to wall with other freshman, some I recognized and others that I had never seen. The school was reasonably big, but not huge, so I was surprised to see so many new students. My friends and I made our way to the bar, passing the crowded dance floor, I thought to myself that maybe pub was the wrong name for this place and that nightclub might be more appropriate, not that I had ever been to a nightclub as I had only turned 18 a week ago. As we passed the dance floor, I could see girls on the dance floor grinding their asses against any crotch that came close to them.

“Damn hopefully I can get in on some of that” I thought to myself, feeling slight pressure in the front of my pants. As I watched the dance floor, I saw a good number of girls whose dresses had ridden up, exposing their underwear. It was a teen boys dream, panties and thongs in all colors, some ridding up into the girl’s ass, some with visible wet spots, and at least one girl who clearly was not wearing anything under her tiny skirt.

I finally pulled my eyes away from the sexy bodies on the dance floor and back to my friends, who were clearly also enjoying the view. We continued to the bar and ordered some drinks, as we waited one of the guys, Luke, said.
