The stormy night m/f

We went to bed that night angry, which I know you’re not supposed to do but we did. We had come to an impasse in our discussion and we were both too stubborn to yield to the other or admit defeat. It was about his business trip next month also being a family vacation which seems nice to you but in reality it means me entertaining family because he’s working, and let’s be honest, he doesn’t really notice or care about the snide remarks I get from his mom. She likes to needle me about still not having children, being a gold digger (even though I also work and always have), my weight, and my race and those are just the big ones. She thinks it’s because of me that her son likes to go by John instead of Juan, a decision he made for his career in college separate and very much before me. Her muscular, approachable son could’ve picked a worldly and cultured Latina, but he chose me; shy, white, blonde hair, blue eyes, chubby to me but curvy to him. She hates me and always has. You’d think a grandchild from me would be the last thing in the world she’d want but ever since she found out about my IUD she won’t drop the subject. I point out to her eventually, I like to let her really make an ass of herself for a while first, that since she’s so disappointed in her son’s choice in partners, whats stopping her from hating and being disappointed by our children? She usually shuts up after that, but never for very long before she moves on to one of the other topics.

For some reason I get the idea she thinks she’d really love our children and I really get the idea she’s curious to see what they would look like which I can’t say I haven’t had those same thoughts, but I’m not exactly rushing into motherhood just to satisfy curiosity. I want to be in a better place in my career or at least have a little more financial stability in our lives first and I don’t see what’s weird about that. 28 is ancient to her though, she was basically done having babies at my age so here I am listening to the remarks and comments about my age and time on top of everything else. At the end of the day, its not a vacation to me to field his mother’s remarks and family’s questions about where he is and when he’ll be joining, along with any other thought that passes into their brain at that moment. I swear it’s like they think I’m hotel concierge, tour guide and hostess all in one. But because he’s a partner and it’s a smaller firm, they get a better deal on their business trips if the attendees bring guests. The guests are responsible for airfare and the difference on their discounted rooms but the deal is hard to pass which is why he likes making it a family affair. Just once, more than anything, I want to go on vacation and have a vacation, especially now before we have children and it’s just he and I. But I know if I tried to explain that to him I would sound like an ungrateful spoiled brat.

So you can imagine, the discussion did not go well. “I don’t understand why your business trips can’t just be your business trip, why do you need an entourage? Why can’t it just be me and you for once? Why can’t you listen to my concerns without brushing them off?” I announced before we climbed into bed that he can do what he wants, but I’m not using my paid time off to host his family without him again because I’m not going. Period. The look on his face was so hurt I instantly felt terrible but I meant what I said and I wasn’t backing down, not this time. I returned his eye contact but mine was defiant where his was stubborn. I climbed in bed and turned away from him, not caring what he did or said because I had finally stood up for myself and shared my feelings about the family vacations I dread and hate. I felt him climb into bed but he might as well have been on the other side of a canyon all the room between us, facing away from each other, the blankets practically suspended in air and not touching the bed we were both holding onto them so tightly. I could feel tears welling in my eyes making my face hot but I wasn’t going to let him see if I could help it. I used the blankets and my hands to wipe them away while I could.

Then I felt movement and the taught blankets slacken; he moved to be on his back looking up at the ceiling. I could hear him turn his head to look at me and then feel him looking at the back of my head; I hoped he’d just go to sleep already. And then I saw it: a flash of light out the window. It was supposed to rain today but I guess it was late and it’s going to rain now, possibly all night. I love rain, but not thunder and the lightning made me think there was going to be a lot of both. Just as I was having that thought, a distant but loud rumble of thunder could be heard. Great, I thought, between how upset I am because of the fight and now the thunder, I’m not going to get any sleep. John must’ve used the thunder to move his arm without me noticing but the next thing I knew he put his arm under my waist and pulled me into him, still with my back to him not facing him or looking at him. I secretly loved it but I wasn’t ready to break my strong facade to react. He was still on his back and hadn’t said anything to me, we stayed like that for a few minutes and listened to the rain on the roof and windows, watching the lightning illuminate the room and give us the occasional rumble or clap of thunder.

I love laying with John, anytime I get to be in his arms it makes me feel so safe. Just as I was feeling myself soften in his arms, I scooted my bum closer to him and started to grind into him under the guise of readjusting how I was laying so my hips were kind of leaning against him but the top half of my body was still on my side facing away from him. He didn’t react. Maybe he had fallen asleep? I used my free arm I wasn’t laying on to hug his arm that was under me and then I had the thought to stick one of his fingers in my mouth. I was still unhappy about the fight but the very sudden and smooth movement of pulling me to him earlier turned me on and I thought maybe I could use this moment to my advantage. I had his hand in mine and I was separating his fingers and looking them over. I loved his hands; very white collar and perfect, but he had big hands with long fingers, clean, well manicured looking nails…I love men’s hands and John’s are some of my favorite. Just as i was doing a once over of the outside of his hand having already inspected the palm, he moved and used his hand to brush my cheek and lips, demanding kisses. Slowly, he worked his way down, inside my shirt and landed on my breast. He started tweaking my nipples and kneading my breasts which he knows is one of my weaknesses and it makes me wet almost instantly. He wasn’t playing fair. I backed into him as close as I could get and starting moaning and grinding against him. It didn’t take long for him to be on his side spooning me. He had his other hand on my butt squeezing and pulling my hips into him until he moved to the front and stuck his hand down my pajama shorts to check on his progress.

Just as he felt how wet I was, he growled in my ear before taking it in his mouth which just made me wetter, like the dam broke. Moaning and grinding with pleading, I could feel his hard member between my cheeks throb and harden. Taking his mouth away from my ear he asked me if I was going to go on his trip with him. Feeling especially defiant and bratty, especially because I really didn’t want to go unless it was just going to be the two of us: I said no, but didn’t stop what I was doing. His arm that was under me fondling my breasts and occasionally grasping my neck was now choking me. He asked again; and this time I clarified that I would only go if it was going to be just the two of us. He seemed to consider this, but he too didn’t stop or move his hands. Pinned against him and unable to move I could feel I wasn’t in a position to be calling the shots or making demands but I wasn’t ready to concede, I really didn’t want to host his family without him again and there wasn’t anything he could do that would change my mind. I reached my free hand I wasn’t laying on back and grasped his thickness, his grip on me loosened as he moaned appreciatively. I moved my hand to the inside of his underwear and was met with slimy precum and warmth, it was intoxicating and I wanted it inside me as soon as possible, I didn’t care where. Since he loosened his grip, I turned around to be face to face and kissed him deeply, continuing to stroke him.

As we kissed and embraced, we both totally forgot about the storm raging outside until a large strike of lightning illuminated the room for what felt like 10 seconds, we didn’t stop what we were doing but we knew the proceeding thunder was going to be deafening. I stopped kissing him, and moved my face into the crook of his neck and shoulder bracing for the thunder, his grip tightened on me again and even though we were expecting it, the sound made me jump, it sounded so loud and angry. John hugged me against him and consoled me “wow, that was a big one!”, “that’s what she said” I replied in his ear smiling with a slight chuckle on my lips. I looked up at him and kissed him again. I got up and straddled him, both of us still clothed and started rocking my hips on his hard and waiting dick. I was so wet and I wanted him so badly but I wanted to tease him more. “Please go with me baby, I like having you there as long as we get all inclusive benefits in a beautiful location, someone should be able to enjoy it” his face was sincere and there was nothing hidden in his eyes I knew he was being honest about wanting me to go with him. I looked down at him and didn’t stop what I was doing but it was getting the better of me and distracting me. Biting my lip and trying to gather my thoughts, I said “I just don’t understand why it can’t be just you and me one time, why does everyone get to be invited and then I have to coordinate everyone’s activities and listen to your mom complain, mostly about me… it’s my vacation too.” I had never really shared my feelings with him before about this, he was always so happy and proud to be able to give his family such a nice vacation I didn’t want to ruin the perception he had, but it had taken a toll on me. I could feel tears welling in my eyes again and I tried to stifle them so he wouldn’t see but of course another flash of lightning lit up our entire bedroom for a handful of seconds; there was no hiding anything in that moment, he saw everything.

John sat up and wrapped his arms around me, I was still straddling his lap but he brought himself to meet me and kissed me hard. He reached his hand up the wide leg of my sleep shorts and was running small circles on my clit, making me moan into his mouth. I reached down to his dick and wrapped my hand around it outside his underwear he moved his hand away to pull it out for me. Shiny with precum and hard as ever, it looked so inviting and ready. Commando under my sleep shorts, and having just had John’s hand up the leg, I felt pretty confident I could do the same with his thick cock. I looked in his eyes and kissed him as I gathered the extra fabric of my shorts out of the way to make room for him. Lining up his dick and my slit we locked eyes again, small flashes of lightning could be seen reminding me of a strobe light and as I slid down, we moaned together, our eyes heavy and glazed over with lust. The flashes of his face that I could see from the lightning was so hot and it spurned me on to what fragmented expression I would see next: I wanted all of them. Thunder could be heard in the distance like a rumbly growl encouraging us and feeding our emotions. John asked if he could ask me something as if I was going to say no in that moment, “why do you want to go just the two of us? Do you need a break from my family or is there another reason? I’m not going to be mad if you say you need a break this year, I just want to know”. Still riding him, I looked at him, our faces aligned and I could feel the spark in my eye I knew the lightning was catching for me. “Because yes, I need a break from your family but also, I want to have memories of a vacation you and I took before we had children”, I knew that wasn’t the answer he was expecting but it was how I felt. I made a big deal about getting the IUD because I didn’t want to have a child too soon, not because I didn’t want children. Anytime he brought up kids I usually shut it down or changed the subject because, truthfully, it scared me. But the more I thought about it as time went on, the more I wanted to have his children, I just hadn’t come up with a good way to tell him yet; the realization was pretty recent.

He kissed me the hardest he had kissed me all night then and without pulling out of me, he moved us so he was on top, pounding into me because even though I basically just told him I want to be the mother of his children, I do like it rough, and he knows this. Using all his power to slowly pull out of me to the head and then force back into me, I could feel him hitting all the right places for me and that familiar tingly buildup happening. Trying to hold out as long as possible to make it last, I didn’t want to cum before him, especially this soon. But it wasn’t really up to me when he reached down and did circles on my clit again with his thumb and pushed me over the edge. After teasing each other and the emotions of the night I was spent but prepared for whatever he had in mind, almost wishing I didn’t have the IUD because I for sure would be pregnant from this night if I didn’t have it.
