Drunken temptation with GF’s busty work colleague (older male and younger female) – Part Two

**Part One of this story can be found here** -[https://www.reddit.com/r/eroticliterature/comments/o003r6/drunken_temptation_with_gfs_busty_work_colleague/](https://www.reddit.com/r/eroticliterature/comments/o003r6/drunken_temptation_with_gfs_busty_work_colleague/)


I slowly closed the door and turned to start towards the lounge/dining room. I didn’t plan to do anything but my mouth was dry, my hands were shaking a little and my cock was fit for bursting. I hadn’t had sex with Jo for like 3 or 4 weeks and I hadn’t ‘relieved’ myself for over a week. I’ve been a daily wanker for over 30 years and it literally only takes 3 or 4 days for me to build up a huge load so to say I was on a hair trigger of lust and sexual longing was an understatement.

“Is she okay?” Laura asked as I walked back in the room.

“Yeah, she’s cool. I think the shots and the long day just zonked her out. Are you okay, you want a tea or something more chilled like a proper Bailey’s or something?”

“Umm a tea later sounds good but I’m still loving the tunes.”

“I’m gonna grab some water to stave off that dehydration hangover,” and poured myself a pint of cold water. I necked it quickly hoping that it might cure the rising temperature in my cheeks and the nerves that were creeping into my stomach.

Why was I getting nervous, nothing was going to happen, just keep calm I told myself. I felt like a naughty schoolboy summoning the courage to have his first kiss behind the bike shed but laced with a feeling of guilt that I physically wanted someone when I had my emotional needs satisfied by someone currently sleeping in my bed.

Get a grip Tom, you’re assuming that she wants to do something with you, a hot sexy busty 26 year old does not want to be mauled by a 41 year old man. You’re not great looking, you’re slightly overweight, you aren’t ripped and you aren’t loaded with cash. She could get attention anytime she goes out so the notion that she’ll want to do anything with you is ridiculous.

I finished the water and moved into the dining area. Born this way by Lady Gaga came on which is a belter of a track and I let the music take me. I might be older but I can still bust some moves and it’s such a good track. Laura laughed in delight that I was joining in. I started moving my hips and pumping my arms in time with the cracking beat. Dancing is a ridiculous thing but I’ve always enjoyed it and if you are going to do it properly, you really just have to commit so you might as well pull a funny face and sing or mime along.

Fuelled with alcoholic confidence, the eyes of a hot young woman and a burst of energy, I really got into the tune pulling off a range of moves. Laura seemed to up her game and we were both moving round the room with increased energy. Born this way faded out and Gangnam Style came on.

“Oh god,” I said, “what a banging mix this is”.

I started laughing as the beats of the killer Korean tune filled the living room. We were both ‘creating some shapes’ and beaming at each other as we tried to one up the other in our routines. I moved slightly closer to Laura and the dancing provided a great opportunity to watch her body moving underneath the fabric of her t-shirt and pyjama bottoms. Her brunette hair twirled around her shoulders as she twisted her head and her big green eyes sparkled.

Her large chest seemed to move independently of her body as if the gravity for them couldn’t keep up with the movement of the rest of her body. I would get flashes of kissable midriff that showed her belly button and that delicious line that you sometimes see when the t-shirt would pull up as her breasts lifted up and then flashes of deep, rich cleavage as the t-shirt would get pulled down. To her credit, she certainly knew how to move to the music and wasn’t limited to the banal side step shuffle that many do when a decent tune comes on.

‘I’m sexy and I know it’ came on next and we both gave a little cheer. I slowed down my movements and started acting over the top sexy. I strutted round Laura and then leaned back against a wall, pulling a leg up and doing a model catalogue pose up at the ceiling. Laura watched this and then marched over to me. She stopped an inch from my body and then slid herself down me. I felt the compression of her heavy breasts trailing a path down my arm and chest and then down my leg as she wrapped her arms around my thigh. How she didn’t accidentally brush my rock hard cock was beyond me. I put my hand on her forehead as she looked up and then pushed her away to strut over to the sofa. She faked falling over, rolled up onto all fours and then stalked towards me like a cat.

I looked away maintaining a blue steel sexy pose and she stopped at my feet and then ran both her hands up my legs. Her hands got to my waist and as she went to get up, she stumbled forwards, pressing her face into my stomach and her chest into my groin. The tip of my cock slipped out of the waistband of my boxers and she must have felt it spring forward and force itself between her breasts.

I instinctively reached down to steady her and pull her up towards me. We were both laughing and I could feel her jiggling boobs against my upper chest. I looked down at her, she could only have been about 5ft 2 compared to my 6ft, and that just intensified my lust even more. For me there is just something about smaller women that evokes some primordial feeling of protection and alpha male in me.

My arms were around small waist, her hands were resting on my chest and her eyes seemed to twinkle as she looked up at me. I could feel virtually every inch of her soft curves pressing into my body. I wanted to kiss her, I wanted to rip her clothes off, I wanted to bury my face in that warm welcoming cleavage and I wanted to slide my ridiculously hard cock deep inside her.

It must only have been a second, yet it felt like an eternity, before I released my hands from her waist and she lifted her hands off my chest. My heart was thumping hard and I could see that her cheeks were flushed. We both recognised what had happened and I hoped that her body was telling her or rather willing her the same things that my body was.

She stepped back and smiled.

“God, you’re so much fun, you should come out all the time with us.”

“What an old man like me, I wouldn’t want to show you youngsters up.”

“Oh I think I could keep up with you,” she replied and gave me a wink.

“I’m sure you could,” I responded as I moved over to the table to grab a cold sausage roll and another drink of cider. Another tune dropped – Enrique Iglesias, I like it – and we both continued moving our bodies in time with the music.

I could taste the drunken energy in the room. It was a mixture of naughtiness, sexual energy and danger. Jo was sleeping just down the hallway and a knot of guilt was forming in my stomach but the tightness in balls was out of control. A million thoughts raced through my head. If we did something, would it be a one-time deal, would everything I had with Jo be smashed and on the floor, was it worth giving everything up to put my hands on this incredible creature.

The heady cocktail of alcohol and lust filled attraction was bubbling through my veins. It was filling my cheeks with colour, my brain with acts of sexual depravity with Laura and slowly removing the in-built restraints of being in a relationship. The ramifications of what anything would mean tomorrow felt like an eternity away and the inebriated devil on my shoulder was whispering dirty thoughts to me.

“Look at those massive tits with those juicy nipples,” he was saying. “Look at that small frame, that narrow waist and that cute bottom dancing around your living room. You deserve to have that. Jo can’t offer you that and no woman has offered you all of that. Okay, some women may have had a part of what she had here and another part of what she had there, but never the full package.”

“You’re a good guy, you’ve been nice to her, she’s coming on strong and you’ve got needs. She’s funny, she’s cute and she’s got a killer body. Seduce her, dominate her and own her.” He whispered to me.

Why couldn’t I have met Laura when I was single I thought, though of course the reality is that I would never have met her without the connection of Jo. Likewise I was aware of the attraction that not being able to have something brings and hence I was certain that someone like Laura would never look at me in a club or bar if I was out looking for a date.

I took a look at the clock and realised that it was 12:30

“Maybe I should turn this down,” I said as I picked up the volume controls “and maybe we’ll bring it down a few notches.” I flicked through some of the mixes on YouTube and put a chilled trance set on. Saltwater by Chicane came on.

“Ah nice tune,” I muttered.

“Are we ending the party?” Laura said looking a little sad.

“Oh no, just gotta worry about the neighbours. I’m in no rush to hit the sack so the night is still young as far as I’m concerned.”

Laura smiled “Oh cool.”

“I’ve always been a bit of a night person so I’m sure you’ll be nodding off before me. When Jo hits the sack she’s dead to the world so it’s normal for me to be pottering around, looking on the net, playing on the Xbox, watching Netflix until the early hours.”

“So, do you want that cup of tea or maybe a Baileys?”

“Let’s go for a Baileys please.”

“Good choice,” I replied as I fished out two glasses, popped in some ice and poured a couple of very healthy measures of the cream liqueur.

I handed her the drank and she took a solid swig.

“Umm, that’s nice.” I refilled her glass and motioned over to the sofa.

“Let’s take a seat and take the weight off our feet after all that dancing.” We moved over to the sofa and after putting our drinks on the coffee table, flopped into the respective corners of my comfy leather sofa.

“Ahh, that’s better,” she said, “Can you pass me my Baileys please?”

We both drank the ice cold Irish whiskey and felt our bodies relaxing.

“So Tim, Jo says that you like your films.”

“Tim? Who is Tim?” I asked.

“Oh sorry, I must be more drunk than I thought,” Laura replied tucking her hair behind her ear.

“Yeah, I’m a bit of movie geek if I’m honest. I just love firing up my imagination and being able to get away from it all in a film. I’m not trying to escape reality or anything as I really love talking and interacting with people but I do like a good story and good characters.”

“Do you get much time to watch films, maybe with your little one?” I asked.

“Do you mind if I put my feet up” Laura asked as she swung her legs up and rested her feet in my lap.

“Go for it,” I said even though she already had.

“Yeah, I watch some of the Disney kiddie films with her but don’t really head out to the cinema.”

“What about all the dates you must go on, surely that’s a good time?”

“What has Jo said, I hardly have any of those.”

“Oh, I just assumed you know, pretty woman and in this day and age of Tinder and Bumble, you’d be swamped. I thought it was piss easy to get dates and easy sex nowadays.”

“Umm, everyone says that and you’d think it might be but there’s a lot of weirdos out there and besides saddled with a kid isn’t everyone’s dream date.”

Without thinking, I started to rub her feet with my hands just like I always do with Jo. I suddenly realised what I was doing and slowed down the movement to pull my hands away before Laura said,

“Oh god that’s nice, please don’t stop,” with a look of contentment on her face.

I was conscious that I’d willingly broken the contact hurdle and felt my tummy begin to tingle at the excitement of laying my hands on her. As I rubbed and caressed her sock covered feet she asked me,

“So what kind of films do you like then?”

“I’ll give most things a go but probably horror, sci fi, action etc. I do love a good Marvel film.”

I started to really grind the soles of her small feet with my thumbs. Laura laid her head back and I looked at her womanly body. The t-shirt was doing an admirable job containing the pressure of her impressive chest and her midriff was exposed. The skin looked so soft and was inviting me to put a hand on there and then slide it up.

Her legs were shapely and I moved my hands up her calves squeezing her flesh and muscles as I did.

“Your hands are so good,” Laura mumbled.

“I’m better with necks and shoulders.” I replied.

With that, and before I had a chance to say anything, Laura slid off the sofa and sat on the floor in front of me.

“Okay,” I said quizzically.

She reached for her Baileys whilst I swung my legs over her head so that I straddled her from behind. She pulled the hair from the back and round to the front so I could lay my hands on her shoulders. I slowly started to knead the skin and could feel the tension in her shoulders.

“Umm, this is great,” She purred “Baileys and a neck massage. Jo said we’d have fun but I never imagined shots, drinking and then a proper massage.”

“Well I do try to be the hostess with the most-ess,” I replied.

I worked from her neck and out to her shoulders feeling the muscles begin to relax under my stimulating pressure. I ran my hands down the tops of her arms and then pulled her shoulders together. I then moved my hands back to her shoulders and rubbed up her slim neck and onto her head. Her hair smelt wonderful and felt so lovely and soft.

Offshore, another Chicane track came onto the mix.

As my fingers traced little paths around her scalp causing her head to loll around in time with my movements, she rested the Baileys down and then slid a hand under her t-shirt. I wondered what she was doing and then realised that she was sliding her bra straps off so that I could fully rub her shoulders.

“You’re quite tense here,” I said, “when was the last time someone gave you a proper massage?”

“Oh not for an age. My shoulders do get pretty knackered what with the straps for these big boobs.”

I felt a rush of excitement as this was the first time that we’d actually discussed one of Laura’s most amazing features and I was keen to continue on the topic but not overplay it.

“Oh do you have big boobs then?” I said in a funny mocking way.

“No, they’re tiny” she joked suddenly squeezing them together by bringing in her shoulders.

“I hadn’t noticed. But seriously it must be a piece of piss getting dates and attention with them?”

“Well they can be a blessing sometimes but they mainly get the attention of the creepy perves or the cocky arseholes. I think normal guys might be intimidated by them.” She pushed her shoulders back and breathed in almost as if to consciously show them off to me.

“I can certainly see that,” I replied. “If I saw you in a club when I was younger, I wouldn’t bother to come over because I’d assume that you would be receiving so much attention that you wouldn’t concern yourself with me.”

“Well that’s what I need isn’t it? Nicer guys like you who will come over.”

“Or of course, you could always go over to them? Power to women and all?”

“Yes, I guess you’re right that I could but I’m a bit more of a traditionalist. They are also a nightmare when it comes to finding pretty clothes and don’t get me started on how expensive bras are.”

“Do you ever have to contend with people questioning their realness,” I asked wanting to keep them in the conversation.

“Yeah, come to mention it, I do get that quite a bit.”

“Is it usually blokes doing it to get you talking about them?”

“Umm, yes, it is a fair share of them although when I used to go clubbing other women would be asking if they could feel them when I was in the toilet, which is a bit weird.”

“Blimey, I guess people are just fascinated with that which is rare.”

I carried on rubbing Laura’s neck and shoulders and shimmied forward on the sofa to get closer to her. My cock was beginning to swell up again and was managing to inflate whilst being rather uncomfortably positioned growing down one leg of my boxer shorts. I could feel the dampness on the top on my leg as it spotted drops of precum on my boxers and skin.

Being a bit closer allowed me to look a little further over her shoulders and as my hands ran over her neck, I couldn’t help but sneak a peek down her t-shirt. Her bra was doing an admirable job of pushing and holding her tits together and her cleavage was deep and tempting. As her body moved from the massage, the huge boobs slowly swayed from side to side.

I moved my fingers round to the front as my thumbs made deep circles in the muscles in the side of her neck. My fingertips danced gently across her throat and then her collarbone. Her head tipped backwards and she had her eyes closed and let out a moan of appreciation. I took the opportunity to drink in even more of her enticing cleavage as my hands moved further round and ever closer to the real prize. If only I could just slide a hand down the front and feel the warmth and pressure of her cleavage on my hand.

“This is so relaxing that I could fall asleep.” she said as she opened her eyes and looked up at me. I felt a flush of embarrassment flood my cheeks as I realised that she would have seen my eyes fixated on her tits before they flicked shamefully to her face.

Whilst she was clearly comfortable with me touching her, being caught so brazenly drinking in her chest gave me a jolt of guilt and reality. My cock was going wild with lust but my conscience was trying to throw cold water on me and I removed my hands.

“Umm, maybe I should make up the bed for you, so I don’t have to do it later.” I croaked out, feeling a mixture of nerves and hesitation. I stood up and she looked at me disappointedly.

“I’m sorry, I didn’t mean you to stop, it was so lovely.”

“No, well, err, I can check on Jo and get the bedding and maybe we can watch a film or something?”

She smiled back at me, recognising I think my sudden uncertainty and how close things were getting between us. We were clearly both thinking the same thing and the twinkle in her eye gave the impression that she wanted me to put my hands on her again.

I hurried down the hallway and retrieved a sheet and brightly patterned pillow case and duvet cover from the airing cupboard. I threw them on the twin bed in the spare room and then eased open the door to check on Jo. She was fast asleep with crazy bed hair and a low mild snore going on.

Taking care to close the door quietly, I moved back into the second bedroom, turned on the bedside lamp to make it cosy and started to make up the bed. I grappled with getting the duvet into the cover and fluffed up the pillows. As I turned to leave the room, Laura was standing in the doorway leaning against the door frame.

“I got lonely in there and I think I’m a little tipsy.” she said stepping inside the room, closing the door and slowly approaching me.

“I didn’t bring a change of clothes, do you have anything I can sleep in?”

She played with the fabric on the bottom of the t-shirt as she said this and looked up at me with her big eyes.

“We don’t really wear anything in bed so I don’t have any specific bed clothes I’m afraid.”

Laura took a step closer to me so that the tips of her breasts touched my chest.

“Well maybe you should just undress me for bed then.”

My breathing stuttered with anticipation and I stared at her, taking in every detail of her incredibly pretty face. The tension and pressure in the room had suddenly sky rocketed and I knew this was the moment that we’d both been building up to all night.

My head reminded me of Jo sleeping soundly next door but my heart was thumping like a jackhammer and my cock was begging to be released and let loose on this heavenly creature. I had been in a relationship with Jo for over two years now but Laura was the apex of what I desired, no craved in a woman.

“Well…?” she said as a cheeky smile formed.

As if of its own will, my hand reached out and grabbed a scruff of the bottom of the t-shirt. I held it firm and looked deep into her green eyes.

Something inside of me snapped, like a dam releasing and the tidal wave of lust crashed through me. Using the scruff of the t-shirt, I pulled her into me hard, feeling her soft body crush into me. I’d past the point of no return and the train was out of control. I was going to do whatever I wanted to this woman and no one was going to stop me.

Using my other hand, I slid it up her back and cupped the back of her head as my mouth descended onto hers. She leaned back slightly, tipping her head up and pushing her tummy into my granite cock. Her lips opened as my mouth came down onto hers and I kissed her with all the passion that was bottled up inside me.

Her lips felt soft against mine and her mouth opened wider as I entered it and connected with her eager tongue. Keeping my lips locked onto hers in a sweet and wet fusion, I lowered my hand from her neck to the small of her back and stepping forward pushed her slowly back into the bedroom wall.

She moaned slightly as one hand circled round my waist and the other touched my cheek. I wanted her to feel how hard she had made me and ground my stupidly erect cock into her lower tummy. In doing so I could the compressed weight of her huge tits crushed into my chest. Her body felt amazing and my hand slid from her back and onto a pert cheek of her backside.

I squeezed it hard and pulled it up, She let out another moan whilst her mouth continued to be glued to mine and we twisted our heads to ensure that we could taste as much as possible of each other. I could feel my lust bubbling like a thermal mud pool and I placed both hands on either side of her face. Whilst I leaned the full weight of my body onto her, my tongue explored the inside of her mouth in a desperate attempt to draw in as much of her as I could and demonstrate what she was doing to me.

I pulled back from the kiss with my head spinning and she felt limp in my arms with her head still tipped back and her eyes closed. I had to put my hands on her body and quickly placed each hand on her breasts. Even though they were encased in a t-shirt and heavily engineered bra, you could feel the weighty mass. My hands were rough in their treatment, circling her boobs and digging my fingers into her flesh as she moaned in delight.

I felt like a man possessed and succumbing to the desperation to see her pulled the t-shirt up and over her head. With it still tangled around her arms, I held them above her head and feasted my eyes on her huge tits nestling in a white patterned bra. For me, they were literal perfection and still holding up her arms, I buried my face in her cleavage.

God they were so warm and soft. I could smell the linger of perfume that she must have placed there a few hours back and I licked and sucked the smooth flesh. I had to see them fully and I had to taste them. With a dexterity that amazed even me, I reached round and with one hand unclipped the heavy clips of her bra.

The heavily underwired fabric loosened but they didn’t collapse out of the bottom and bringing that hand back to the front, I pushed the bra up to reveal the largest and most spectacular breasts that I’ve ever seen.

They must have been a G or even an H but didn’t fall down to her waist. The erect nipples were centrally placed with a decent amount of areola around them.

“Oh my god, you’re incredible,” I said.

She feebly protested against me still holding her arms above her head but I didn’t care. Even with her arms up, they were still massive yet weren’t suffering the effects of gravity. I took one in my hand and felt the weight. They were heavy and firm yet so incredibly pliable which seemed to defy known laws of physics.

I grazed my thumb across a demanding to be sucked erect nipple and saw her tremble at the attention. Squeezing the tit harder, I brought my mouth down and traced my tongue around the edge of her areola. I wanted to chew down on the nipple but fought my instinct and tried to control my pace. She was a goddess and I really didn’t want to rush any of this.

I continued to circle the nipple with my wet tongue but made sure not to touch it apart from with my hot breath. Her chest was rising and falling indicating, I hoped, that she was as turned on as I was. I continued to squeeze and fondle the one big tit, watching my hands sinking into the flesh like a giant stress ball as my tongue skirted around the raspberry like nipple.

When I could take it no longer, I hungrily devoured it, sucking and nibbling the erect flesh to make it even harder. She moaned and writhed as I held her firm against the wall and continued to demolish her glorious G cup tit with my mouth.

With an audible slurpy pop, I released her breast and watched as it wobbled back into place. Grabbing the bra from around her neck, I swept it over her head, up her arms and slid both it and the t-shirt off of her. As her hands fell to her side, her breasts moved slightly down but retained their incredible shape.

I dropped to my knees, cupped both breasts and buried my face into them. I went from nipple to nipple, suckling and play biting the nipples and breast flesh. God, this was what I’d wanted to do all night.

“I’m sure you’ve heard it before, but your body is really something else.” I managed to mumble out from around my thirsty tongue and mouthfuls of boob.

“I have but it’s been a long time since someone enjoyed it as much as you” she whispered back to me.

“I could suck these juicy tits forever, they’re just amazing”

“I’ve wanted you to put your hands on me for the last couple of hours. I’m so turned on right now” she mumbled as she ran a hand through her hair.

With that I pulled away from her chest and kissed a path down her soft belly. At the same time my hands grabbed the top of her jammy bottoms and pulled them down. They caught on her shapely bottom before pinging free and I slid them, along with her knickers, down her smooth legs.

**To be continued** (*character limit forced me to split*)Let me know if you enjoyed this and want to see the final part.

Source: reddit.com/r/eroticliterature/comments/o5nql2/drunken_temptation_with_gfs_busty_work_colleague


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