Just A Taste (28M/F30) (long) (nurse/doctor)

Just A Taste

Have you ever met someone and had an instant attraction? The kind where it feels like there is a magnet between you. No matter how hard you try, you just can’t seem to break it. Their presence makes you nervous in all the right ways. When the slightest, most innocent touch sends a chill up your spine and leaves you reeling. It’s intense. Add them being your coworker to the mix, and it’s a recipe for trouble.
A few months ago I started a new job. I’m a nurse at the largest hospital in the state. I had worked in the emergency room a few times over the years working for this particular hospital, but it was very sporadic. I never really got to know people as I would just pick up for a shift and then be gone. When I decided I needed a career change, it was a no-brainer. Off to the ER, I went.
On my first day at the new job, the manager showed me around and introduced me to people. Everyone was extremely welcoming. As we rounded the corner to the area where the doctors and residents stay, one of the residents came flying out of the room. He was staring at his phone and ran straight into me. Thankfully, his reflexes were fast, and he caught me before I could fall. He grabbed me, one hand on my left arm and the other on my waist. The whole thing was such a whirlwind. I was embarrassed but laughed as I regained my composure. He was profusely apologizing. My manager was laughing and made sure we were both ok.
Once everyone had calmed down, I looked up and caught his eyes. He was beautiful. He was, I was guessing, six foot 4, maybe 5. He had sandy blonde, curly hair styled with just enough gel to give it that messy, sexy look. His eyes were a piercing blue. His smile was stunning. His body…. My god, his body. His arms were strong and toned. His chest and shoulders, broad. Although I couldn’t see it at this moment, I would find that his ass and legs put you in mind of that of a soccer player shortly after.
My manager finally introduces us. His name was Wyatt. He was a third-year resident from Georgia originally. After she introduced him, he smiled and stuck his hand out to shake mine. I returned the smile and took his hand. “I’m Elle. It’s nice to meet you. Thanks for saving me a second ago. It’s never ideal to end up on the floor your first day on the job.” I laughed nervously. “I’m just glad I caught you. I would have felt terrible if you had gotten hurt!” He said with a somewhat sad smirk. My manager jumped back in at that point and continued a brief conversation about how the doctor’s station worked. As we got ready to walk away, I looked back at Wyatt; he was already looking at me. I felt butterflies flutter in my stomach. “Thanks again for saving me. I’ll see you around!” I said with a wink. At that, he didn’t miss a beat and responded, “I look forward to running into you again.” This time his smirk was a little more sinister. The butterflies turning into heat.
For the rest of the tour, my mind is on Wyatt. There was just something about him. That primal attraction you only find once, maybe twice in a lifetime if you’re lucky. I do my very best to push the idea out of my head. He’s my coworker.
I start my job, and the weeks start flying by. The next thing I know, I’ve been at my new job for two months. Over this time, the tension between Wyatt and myself only built. We were always exchanging flirty little comments, usually with a sexual undertone. I would brush against him as I walked by to get past him. He would do the same. It was your typical workplace flirting. Nothing too serious, but there was a heaviness to this—almost a foreboding.
As I started proving myself, I was given more and more difficult patient assignments. With my background being in critical care, this was a welcomed change. On one particular shift, a patient was flown in that was an absolute train wreck. As usual, the entire team jumped in to help out, Wyatt included. He was the lead resident on the case. The attending physician allowed him to call the shots. He was clearly a little nervous, but he did great. The patient was intubated and stabilized in minutes. He stayed with another nurse and me at the bedside for quite a while after he actually needed to. We talked about the patient and kept things professional. As we started another medication for sedation, the patient went into distress and went into cardiac arrest. Without hesitating, I jumped on the patient’s chest and started compressions. We activated a code blue response and were successful in getting the patient back quickly. As I backed away from doing compressions, I felt Wyatt’s eyes on me. I met his gaze. The look in his eyes was pure lust. Not the look you expect to see in someone’s eyes in that particular scenario. It nearly stopped me in my tracks.
We finally got a bed in the ICU for the patient. Wyatt was adamant that he would transport the patient with me. With everything and every one necessary in tow, we took the patient up to my old unit. When I got there, I was received with plenty of teasing and talk of being a traitor. It was all in good fun. In all of my years of being a nurse, I have found that the more intense the area is you work in, the more corrupt your sense of humor is. There is also a complete lack of personal space and boundaries. We work in the closest and most intimate of quarters in stressful situations day in and day out. It’s only natural that we know each other better than our own families do.
I was bent over the new bed holding onto the lift sheet, my round ass sticking out and my back slightly arched. Wyatt was standing next to me. Another nurse, one of my best friends, walks to the same side of the bed and slaps my ass. “Damn girl, that thing looks better all the time!” She remarks with a laugh. I snort. “It’s all for you, baby!” I say with a laugh and give a little wiggle. Everyone laughs aloud. I hear Wyatt make almost a grunting sound. He quickly clears his throat, covering the sound. We move the patient with ease. The intensivist walks in as we are finishing up. We know each other well. He asks for a quick rundown on the patient. I tell him everything that has transpired. As I finish my report, I realize Wyatt hasn’t taken his eyes off me. Everyone else who helped transport has already gone back to the ER, taking the bed with them, but he waited behind.
I say my quick goodbyes, and we head back to the elevator. As soon as the door closes, we lock eyes. I clear my throat nervously and lean against the wall. What is it about an elevator that just makes sexual tension ignite? “Strong work in there.” I say with a coy smile. “Ha. Thanks. It wouldn’t have been if you hadn’t been in there to keep me on track.” He says with a nervous laugh. “I followed your lead. You really did do great.” I say sincerely. He gives me a little more of a smile. “It was interesting seeing you in that arena back there.” He says. “That’s my wheelhouse. It’s just what I’m used to doing.” I said in a very matter-of-fact manner. “You really know your shit. It’s sexy.” He says with a sexy smirk. “And your friend is right; that ass just gets better all the time.” The elevator opens as he finished his sentence. He gives me a wink and walks out the door. I’m dumbstruck. At that moment, I want to throw him up against the wall and dive into his kiss. The heat in my stomach has reached my pussy at this thought. I physically shake my head. Get it together, Elle.
We walk back into the ER, and our shift is over in no time. I keep thinking about Wyatt’s comment. I keep thinking about Wyatt. Damn, what I wouldn’t give to fuck him. As I’m leaving, I hear someone coming up behind me pretty quickly. I turn to see that it’s Wyatt. He’s obviously trying to catch up to me, so I slow down. He smiles as he gets to me, “I figured you could use some protection going to your car.” “A little protection never hurt. Thanks for thinking of me.” I say sarcastically with a smirk. “Oh, I’m always thinking of you.” This he says without a smile. The tone of his voice changing and deepening. My breath catches. We reach the elevator to the parking garage. “Oh yeah?” I say as I cock on eyebrow. The door opens, and we enter. I instinctively lean against the wall, arms folded across the large breasts, my foot flat against the wall with my knee bent. He stands directly in front of me. Not touching, but one step, and he would be. “Oh yeah. Mostly when I shouldn’t be.” The door closes. It no more than seals, and he steps forward, closing the gap between us. He grabs my leg to keep my knee bent and grabs my waist roughly with the other hand. His body heavy against me. I can feel the bulge in his thin scrubs pressing against my leg. It’s growing harder by the second. He feels huge against my leg. My mouth waters. My pussy is hot and aching for him. Our faces are so close I can feel his breath on me. He moves his hand from my waist to my chin, lifting my face so that my lips are even with his. There couldn’t be more than a centimeter between my lips and his. “You are the sexiest woman I have ever laid eyes on.” He growls. Normally I would roll my eyes at a line like this. Not this time. I inhale deeply. I’m increasingly aware of my hard, pierced nipples pressing against my thin bra. I lean them into him and grab him at his waist by his scrubs. I pull him hard against me. At this, he presses his mouth against mine with a hunger that leaves me breathless. He kisses me with a passion that I’ve never experienced, jutting his tongue to mine just enough to keep me wanting more. I want more of him. I want all of him. I run my hands under his scrub top and grab his back just above his ass. I pull him as hard as I can into me, digging my nails into his skin just barely. He moans against my mouth. He moves the hand holding my leg straight to my ass and grabs it tightly. I wrap my leg around his pushing my pussy against my thigh. I’m so wet I can hardly stand it. I bite his bottom lip. Before I can react, he grabs my other leg and lifts me off the ground, thrusting me against the wall. I let out a little moan. His hard cock is right against my pussy now. I grind against him. Fuck, I want him.
Suddenly the bell of the elevator dings, and the door opens. We separate our faces, and he allows me to put my, now shaking, legs on the ground. We both fix our clothes and walk out of the elevator. He walks me to my car in silence. As I reach for the door handle, I feel his hand against the small of my back. I turn, and he wraps one arm around me, effortlessly pulling me back in. He gives me one more deep kiss. He releases me and gives me a sexy smile. I bite my bottom lip and take a deep, slow breath. “See you tomorrow, beautiful. Sleep well.” He gives me a wink and walks away. “See you tomorrow.” I say after him, completely shaken and reeling from what just happened. I’m already counting the hours until I see him again.

Source: reddit.com/r/eroticliterature/comments/o5feq7/just_a_taste_28mf30_long_nursedoctor


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