An affair as old as time (part 1)

When Mathew was younger he thought he had it all figured out, get an education, get a good job, get the girl and have a family, and he did. He had done all of those things, and yet as his 50th birthday approached, he couldn’t help but feel he was missing something. His wife Nancy really was an amazing woman, but she was typical. After the kids were born she stopped working to raise them, which is fine, but she gained weight and Mathew just wasn’t attracted to her anymore. He felt bad thinking these things about Nancy, after all she has done for him and their family, but he just didn’t feel complete.

Mathew had his own law firm, he had made it pretty big and was quite successful, more money than he knew what to do with. Even though he had several employees working for him, and enough money to buy a country, he still insisted on going to work every day. Law was his therapy, his quiet time.

He walked to work everyday, he had to maintain his athletic shape. On his daily walk to work he always stopped at this quaint coffee shop around the corner from his office ‘ café de l’amour épanoui” he didn’t know what it meant, and always made a mental note to look it up and he never did. Today was different, as soon as he walked through the doors he felt a different energy in the air. He was in a trance of his own thoughts he didn’t even see her coming towards him and then -crash- Mathew felt a cold substance all over the front of his button up. He feels his blood start to slightly boil at the idiocy of some people and gets ready to yell as begins to look up, then you see her face, and how sad her hazel eyes are. But he doesn’t get the chance to say anything before she is rambling out her apology “ I am so sorry, I didn’t see you there. Oh my god this was for my boss and now she is going to kill me, and I am going to be late. Oh my god your shirt, let me-” Mathew cut her off before she can say anymore “its fine dont worry about it, I’ve got another at the office in case of something like this, he replies throwing a smirk and a wink her way.

She looks down blushing but quickly looks up, “ at least let me pay the dry cleaning bill, it is the least I can do for you, my name is Marissa by the way, let me give you my number so you can send me the bill.

Feeling something you have never felt before, you slyly reply “ No dry cleaning necessary, but I will still take your number”

She puts her hand out for his phone and begins inputting her number, she mutters out a quick “text me” with a little wink and walks to go reorder her bosses coffee.

The day goes by and it isn’t an overly busy day at work. Mathew couldn’t help but think about Marissa, her big hazel eyes, her blonde hair down to her ass, and oh that ass.. He couldn’t wait any longer and picked up his phone to send her a text,

He sat there for what felt like forever trying to figure out what to say first. Finally he decided to snap a quick pic of the button up he changed into and captioned it with “ does this look like it needs coffee to you ;)” and clicked send.

What felt like hours passed by before he heard the familiar ding of a text message coming in on his phone, excitedly he picked up his phone, giddy like a school boy at recess and quickly opened up the conversation “ Maybe” Mathew took this as a good sign, “she’s interested right?”. He quickly replied back with a bold “maybe we can get coffee tomorrow on our lunch, try not to spill it this time ;)” and send. Just as he was having these thoughts his wedding ring caught the corner of his eye, guilt immediately filled him. He knew he shouldn’t be flirting with her and almost deleted her number, when another text came in and read “ I think I can do that” and all doubt and guilt washed away.
