Into the Bushes – Two strangers respond to an instant attraction.

Lilah was just swinging up to the intersection at Nancy Ct, about a block away from her condo with the morning sun low at her back, when she saw the other woman moving. That’s all she saw at first, too: motion. The quick strides of a pair of long, sleek legs, chopping over the road, turning onto Nancy with a purpose.

Her gaze lingered on the legs for awhile before moving up, seeing loose cargo shorts beneath a blue tanktop. Nice body. “Hey!” she called impulsively as the woman headed up Nancy. Where the hell was she going? “That’s a dead end, you know.”

The legs slowed, but they didn’t stop, a broad smile turning toward her underneath big sunglasses and a cap. “There’s no such thing as a dead end when you’re on foot,” the other woman called. Then, at last, as the woman got a better look at Lilah, the legs did stop. “Just depends on how much effort you want to put in.”

Lilah, drawing close, felt her grin rising to match. She could see now that the other woman was a little older, probably early thirties? Her cap was one of last year’s Moosehead ones, the ones they’d given out as a promotion during the River Days. “Well,” Lilah put in as she reached the stranger, “who wants to work on a beautiful morning like this?”

“It’s hiking. That’s not really work,” the other one laughed, and Lilah at once felt herself stir in response. That laugh! It was rich and sudden and it seemed to come flaring out without any thought. “There’s a little trailhead up there at the end of the street. It cuts down into the woods.”

“Trailhead?” Lilah glanced doubtfully down Nancy. “I think it’s all just tangled woods in there, isn’t it? I think the trials are over by the lake?”

“I mean, sure. There are plenty of trails by the lake. Where the people go.” Lilah caught movement behind those big glasses and guessed the woman was checking her out. She arched subtly, pushing her boobs out, though with a chest like hers there was really no need. “I come hiking back here because there aren’t any people.”

“Ooh,” Lilah nodded. “Like, some secret little hideaway.”

“Something like that.” She woman seemed to like what she saw. “You live around here?”

“Just around the corner. On Taylor.” Lilah reached absently up to mess with her ponytail; definitely, those eyes came back to life behind the shades. Yep, clearly checking her out. Lilah left her arms up high a little longer than she needed to then, for she was a girl who liked being checked out. “I usually stick to the roads. Cleaner.”

“I guess I’m kind of dirty then,” and then that laugh burst out again. Lilah was already wondering how she could decently ask for the woman’s number when, to her surprise, the woman jerked her head up Nancy. “You can come with me, if you like. When I said there weren’t any people, I meant sketchy ones.”

Now it was Lilah’s turn to laugh, turning on impulse to fall in alongside the other woman. “Meaning, I’m not sketchy.”

Looking around them, the woman smiled. “You seem nice. Besides, I’m not exactly spoiled for options.” There were no sidewalks in the neighborhood. The only people who walked around there were serious about it. “You’ve never been in these woods? I’ve been hiking in there for months.”

Lilah plucked self-consciously at her tights. “I’m not legally allowed in the woods. I’m not wearing cargo shorts.” The other woman snorted. “No offence, obviously. They look great on you,” she ventured.

The reply was an eye-roll. “Nice try. You’re not going to salvage yourself that easily.” They plunged into the trees, where Lilah was shocked to find a wide, well-cleared path. “See? The town doesn’t realize it’s here, but the local kids come back here to ride dirt bikes.”

“Shit. Clearly.” Lilah had no idea. A big clearing off to the left, just inside the woods but completely invisible from the road, featured a large plywood bike jump. “I had no idea.”

“Yeah. When you try new things, you can be surprised at what you find.” She nodded off to the left. “This whole area is actually owned by the Golf Course. If you look over that way in the fall and winter, you can see the fairways.”

“They don’t care that the kids ride back here?”

“I doubt they know.” The woman paused, glancing around. “The terrain in here isn’t exactly golf-y, you know what I mean? I don’t think they plan to develop it.” They walked on a few more steps, Lilah fascinated by a massive drop-off to their immediate left. She was also fascinated by the woman’s butt, wagging just in front of her. “Still, an unscrupulous golfer could probably sneak back here and just jump on, through the trees.”

Lilah risked a flirt. “I wouldn’t know,” she smiled. “I don’t play with balls.” The glance that came back at her was cool, she thought, but hardly unwelcoming. She started to wonder whether this woman was into her. “I wonder if people come back here to make out.”

The woman gave her quick laugh. “Hardly the most comfortable place to get it on,” she pointed out. The air was thick and still around them, the trees seeming to press close.

“It could be, with the right person,” Lilah smiled. They were heading downhill now. “Where are you taking me? Getting me lost?”

“I might,” the woman chuckled. She glanced back again, her face wrinkling into a grin.

“Maybe you’re the sketchy one, then.”

“No, I know where we are.” She made a series of sweeping motions with her arms, pointing things out. “Over there? There are public trails near Beaver Pond. These paths link up with those, but there’s a stream at the bottom of this hill. Then there’s another hill. I’ll take us between those, and through some bushes, and then? We’ll be on the marked trails.” She tossed another glance back. “I got you.”

Fuck, Lilah told herself. Definitely, the woman was interested. She wondered whether her nipples could be seen under her shirt; maybe that’s why she kept glancing around. “You might,” she agreed, letting the woman see her smile, “but only if you’re lucky.”

“I already am,” the woman grinned. “Who’d have thought I’d run into such a fun new friend this morning?” She took off her cap to wipe her forehead, revealing a head of dark russet hair. She picked her way through a muddy area crisscrossed with branches. “Careful.”

“It’s all swampy down here,” Lilah complained.

“Don’t worry.” They stepped high over a pile of rocks where some forgotten farmer had left them, years back. “I’ll try not to get you wet.”

“Too late,” Lilah volleyed back at once, and this time the woman stopped in the middle of the path. When she looked back her eyes were very wide behind the smoked glasses.

“You’re fresh,” she accused, but she was smiling hard.

“What?” Lilah shrugged with exaggerated nonchalance. “I was talking about my shoes. Is your mind in the gutter or something?”

“Usually,” The woman admitted.

“Dear lord.” They started off again, picking their way from rock to rock. “I’ve been walking through the neighborhood for months now. I’ve never seen you.”

“Yeah, that’s ’cause I’m usually back here in the bushes.” They edged along the edge of a stagnant pool covered with skunk cabbage. “We just need to hang a left up here, then it’s a short push through a thicket and then? We’ll be on the main trail.” She smirked back. “I told you I wouldn’t get you lost.”

Lilah slapped at a mosquito. “Get me found. These bugs are devouring me.” She winked. “Though I’d rather have other things doing that. Always.”

“Oh, dear lord!” The older woman rolled her eyes, but she was blushing. “You’re really something. You’re quite the flirt, you know?”

“Yes,” Lilah giggled, her pussy waking up, “I do know.”

The other woman nodded and seemed to think about that. “Out of habit? Or are you… looking? For something?”

Lilah felt sweat prickle her armpits and knew she was blushing, too. “I mean, who among us isn’t looking for something?” [read more](
