Smugglers Ch 5 (Star Wars, Twi’lek, Romantic, OC, Bath Sex, Creampie, MF, Adventure)

[Link to Chapter 4 – Story Content](

Vashtin was glad to be back aboard the Ion Wolf. As the captain of the ship, the Wolf was his home and even in the best hotel room with the best company he could find there was just something comforting in being settled back into his well-worn captain’s chair. After Jabiim this is the only place for a broken war hero Vashtin thought to himself as he turned on the ship’s computer and started up a checklist of his ship’s systems. The smuggler couldn’t have been more proud of his crew all the same. They had secured the money, returned to the Wolf safely and still kept a hold on the traitorous girl Gemyline Croft.

The job was all but squared away for the crew of the Ion Wolf. All that remained was for Vashtin to take that no good bitch and drop her off with her father. Her father, the kriffing Moff! Vashtin thought to himself as he raised a hand to his face and rubbed out some of the weariness of his eyes. He had to be focused or they might end up in a similarly fucked up position. Just dropping her off was easy enough but of course for every action there was a reaction. Somehow Vashtin didn’t think that Moff Croft was going to just ignore the knowledge that suddenly Vashtin’s crew had millions of credits worth of solid gold, or that that very same captain had also fucked the daughter that the smuggler had been hired to rescue. The job hadn’t had any set conditions but the native from Jabiim was pretty sure that ‘Get the girl by any means necessary’ implied that he could do what he liked after he got her.

The mud brown haired smuggler figured that the only thing that might save them or at least keep the Ion Wolf off the empire’s radar was the fact that the governor would have to admit to just how much damage that his daughter had done in such a short time. That would make one hell of an embarrassment. One way or another it was a problem to worry about after they dropped off the bitch. So once everything was secure and things amongst the crew was settled up Vashtin jumped the Ion Wolf to lightspeed on track to arrive at Tabortil and leave her with Corto.

The ride was uneventful and soon enough the long lines of blue and white starlight slowed down until they resolved into individual stars. Vashtin rolled his head around, gently stretching out his worn form and wishing that he had taken some time off to sleep. He had been warned by Arya not to pull the long shift but with Nijia guarding Gemyline he had instructed the Twi’lek to make sure that she would be rested and ready to deal with Corto. Exhaustions aside Vashtin was worried that he might end up doing something stupid given that the seemingly simple recovery job of Gemyline ended up nearly landing his entire crew in an Imperial jail cell.

Thankfully going long periods without sleep wasn’t new to him. Vashtin’s experiences as a soldier in the greatest war of the generation had turned him into one of the toughest men alive. A little loss of sleep wasn’t going to slow him down. After they exited hyperspace Vashtin’s brown eyes quickly jumped back into gear and started to scan the stars and space in front of him while also checking out the instrumentation beeping in front of him. Most of the noises were normal but as Vashtin started picking through most of his checks he noticed a sudden shimmer of movement on the scanner screen. One hand grasped the control yoke as he started slowly turning towards Tabortil. It appeared that there was a bit of civilian traffic waiting to land on the planet with its single sun. His other hand quickly tapped in new commands into the sensor suite as he searched out the source of the fluxuation.

As the Ion Wolf closed with the planet Vashtin didn’t see anything apart from the normal. Tabortil had a lot of trade and commerce both legal and illegal so seeing a bunch of ships waiting to descend was far from out of the ordinary. The fluxuation lingered however and the smuggler captain continued to fight his tiredness in an attempt to track it down. His search was abruptly ended however when blue lights suddenly exploded all around the front of his ship. Blue and white sparks overloaded the area right in front of Vashtin’s eyes and he had to quickly push back into his chair before he keyed the com unit to send a message through the ship’s speakers. It was time to get the crew into action.

“Arya! Get up here! We’ve got company” Vashtin shouted while he struggled to pull heavily on the controls. It was a fight that threatened to overwhelm him as he fought tooth and nail to keep his precious ship from taking any more damage. Before he was able to properly manage the circulation of power between the systems another pale blue salvo smashed against the prow of the Ion Wolf. Vashtin hissed when he saw more of the blue lightning dancing over his ship and sapping away the shields that were protecting the Wolf and all those inside of it. Vashtin’s left hand finally found the switch he was looking for and he managed to funnel power into his ship’s boosters. Returning both hands to the control yokes the Jabiimi smuggler weaved a crazy course of dives and weaving loops to avoid any more blasts hitting his vessel. Finally with a bit of breathing room Vashtin managed to put some thoughts into how to eliminate the person gunning for them.

The mystery attacker trying to blast the ship to bits was using an ion canon to drain their shields much more rapidly than a standard laser canon could. The specialized weaponry was very useful for not only disabling a ship’s shields but disabling it’s weaponry and systems as well. Access to that sort of weapon meant they were likely dealing with a professional or a well-equipped pirate. Whoever it was seemed very used to making darting sharp maneuvers to hammer away at his prey’s shields in the hopes of disabling the entire craft using the disruptive weaponry. After another blast to the Wolf the readout near his right hand displayed his shield power at below forty percent. Much more of this and he’ll sink us before we have a chance to fire a shot. Vashtin thought before he keyed the com unit once again.

“Nijia! Make sure the girl is locked up tight and get to the top turret.” The smuggler said quickly before he veered to the port to avoid another barrage of ion fire. Too many more hits and their shields would be out of the fight for good. The door behind him opened up with a hiss of hydraulics and then his orange skinned twi’lek partner in crime raced in. Arya grabbed her headset and settled into the chair beside the beaten down captain’s chair. Her lithe orange fingers danced across the keyboard in front of her. It was as if each finger was the leg of an exquisite entertainer carrying on a well-rehearsed routine. She easily diverted power from non-essential systems and reinforced the engines and the capacitators for the top turret.

“If we give Nijia enough firepower we might just make it through this fight.” Arya stated sharply as the sleek operator put everything into finding ways to pump more power to the ship’s top set dual lasers. The smuggler from Jabiim was glad to have Arya beside him in the cockpit. If they got blown up at least he’d be close to someone he loved. The situation was a far cry from his close calls during the Clone Wars. The smuggler wasn’t ready to cash in his credits just yet and he steeled his energy to fight on against the hunter ship.

With Arya’s assistance the Wolf’s shields weathered the storm of another assault from the gunship that was hunting for them. The alarms didn’t stop blaring in the Wolf’s cockpit but Vashtin also heard something else after Nijia activated the controls on the top turret.

“I’m strapped in Captain.” The Kaleesh growled over the com unit as the retort of more ion blasts ruptured the space around them. Whoever the pilot of the gunship was, they seemed quite skilled. Vashtin was no slouch at the helm either but even he was barely managing to stay in front of the enemy blasts. Sooner or later their shields would go down and they’d all be eating space dust.

“Get read Nijia! Going to give you a shot sweeter than Toji Honey!” Vashtin yelled over the com unit before he stopped veering and wheeling his ship and instead banked the vessel hard and cut back on the engines. The maneuver would set the top turret right on track to open fire on their pursuer. The gamble was that it gave their attacker a chance to hammer away at the Wolf as well. It would be up to Nijia to get them out of this deadly situation.


Nijia’s sharp warrior eyes zeroed in on their adversary while his clawed fingers tightened fiercely on the turret controls. At this point, he managed to get a good look at their attacker. The Kaleesh noticed the ship’s hull was black as night. Without the occasional reflection of light from Tabortil’s sun it would have been hard for any human to track it. Fortunately for the crew of the Ion Wolf, Nijia was a veritable master of gunnery. While his eyes alone could track the vessel, the instruments of the turret console allowed him to examine more details about their hunter. The vessel inching closer towards his firing arc had a sleek main body, dual slim and powerful ion engines with wing structures at the end of each side of the hull.

It has to be a bounty hunter. Those ion cannons have hardly stopped firing which means good capacitors and a very well-functioning power circulation. Someone invested a lot of credits on that boat. Through the chaos all around them the Wolf continuing to evade the pursuer as Nijia steeled himself. The aiming reticle got closer to that sweet spot where it would turn from green to red as he fought to keep a firm hand on the firing controls.

Too bad all those credits won’t save you. As the reticle turned from red to green the Kaleesh quickly pulled the triggers and the heavy Sheltsteel laser canons started to open fire. The two long silver tubes glowed like angry red teeth before they sent a hail of blaster bolts towards the ship gunning for the Wolf. Nijia grinned in satisfaction as the enemy ship’s shields withered and collapsed under the punishment the Kaleesh was unleashing upon it.

A flash of metal on the right of his view caused his fingers to slip off the firing controls. The red hail of laser bolts cut off right before another vessel slashed in between the Wolf and their mystery attacker. “Vashtin what the hell was that?” The expert warrior asked as he saw another strange ship floating nearby while he tried to keep track of the black ship.

“He put us into the traffic around the planet Nijia. The mud farmer thought it might get this beast off of our tail.” He heard Arya’s voice cut in through the speakers.

“It’s a good plan! More importantly, what are you waiting for Nijia? The next time you see him, pelt him! Put him in the mud and don’t stop till he’s done bucking.” Nijia heard the native of Jabiim growling as the Kalessh scanned for his target. Soon enough he managed to reacquire the hunter vessel. The enemy ship had appeared after sweeping out from beneath an ore hauler as it moved in to open up with its ion cannons once more at the Ion Wolf. As the blue comets smashed across Nijia’s eyes he felt the entire ship jerk violently around and beneath him.

“Nijia he just broke our shields. It’s now or never.” Arya’s calm dispassionate voice alerted him as Nijia closed his eyes and took a slow comforting breath. He called upon years of training and his experiences before and during the Clone Wars. When his reptilian eyes opened up he pushed through the distractions. For the skilled marksman there was nothing besides his weapon and the enemy. The ion bolts splashing around him melted away, the other ships around them were no longer anywhere on his mind. It was just him and his target. Once more his fingers pulled hard on the triggers as soon as he found the opening. Each time the heavy cannons fired the outer barrel housing pulled back due to the forceful explosion of each volley.

Nijia watched as the crimson bolts reached out and slammed against the enemy vessel. Red explosions flared all over the hunter ship’s shields before they started to penetrate the hull itself. Small detonations blossomed all over the prow of the black ship before catching the port side as well. The Kaleesh watched the port engine housing erupt before the rest of the wing was forcibly ripped off. His eyes soaked in every detail as the ship splintered into two and then three pieces before the reactor went critical. Nijia let out a boastful warrior bark as he watched the ruined pieces of the ship lazily spin away from the central explosion.

“Target eliminated Captain. No more enemies on my scope. Maybe next time you won’t add civilian targets into the mix.” Nijia commented dryly before he started to engage the safety locks on the heavy turret as he continued powering the weapon system down.

“Roger that Nijia. Jeska Torlak.” Good Kill. Vashtin informed his friend over he com unit. The Kaleesh couldn’t help but smile at his friend’s attempt at his people’s native tongue. When the weapon was completely shut down the Kaleesh extricated himself from the turret housing and moved down the ladder on his way to check in on their prisoner.


Back in the cockpit Vashtin let out a long sigh of relief as he slouched back in the captain’s chair. His hands ached from the string of hard evasive turns, veers and barrel rolls that he had put his vessel through. Each creek and strain had made his teeth grind and now that they appeared to be in the clear, he was going to enjoy the downtime, however long it lasted.

He heard Nijia’s voice over the com channel. “Target eliminated Captain. No more enemies on the scope. Maybe next time you won’t add civilian targets into the mix.” The Kaleesh’s hard gravelly voice said over the com unit. A light on the console blinked from green to yellow informing the captain and Arya that the turret had been powered down.

“Roger that Nijia. Jeska Torlak.” The smuggler captain had never been more proud of his friend. The Kaleesh’s skilled aim and ferocity under fire had saved the entire crew. Once we make it down to the planet I’ll have to get him something nice, maybe a new blade, he always likes those jagged throwing knives, the smuggler thought as he continued to relax while Arya took over control of the ship’s handling. His eyes looked at the viewscreen as Araya began taking them down towards Tabortil’s surface.

As his breathing and nerves returned to normal he was caught off guard when Arya leaned forward and kissed him softly on the cheek. The Jabiimi captain closed his eyes and slowly enjoyed every moment of the kiss. Every centimeter of her lips and the sudden taste of her tongue against his own was savored after Vashtin’s newest dance with death.

When Arya slowly pulled back she smiled at her lover before she played her fingers through his thick long beard. “Rest up Mudboy. You did great but since you look like you’re about to pass out, I’m going to bring us down while you get some sleep. That means you get to explain to Corto why his package is in binder cuffs. After we land I’ll do my best figure out who was trying to add us to their kill count.” The sexy Twi’lek informed him as she gently eased the vessel through Tabortil’s upper atmosphere after getting clearance to land.

Vashtin cracked one eye open at the mention of him talking to Corto. Suddenly he wished the attacking ship had blasted them to atoms. At least then he wouldn’t be sitting on a pile of stolen republic gold and a spoiled brat of a moff’s daughter that he had to drop off with a worm of a crime boss. As he closed his eyes and tried to get some rest he took solace in the fact that at least for the next few minutes he wouldn’t have to deal with it.


About four hours after arriving back on Tabortil Vashtin was enjoying a hot bath in his personal refresher. The smuggler captain had his eyes closed and his entire body soaked in the hot water. It felt damn good and was quite the treat after having to play nice with Corto again. The crime lord had been angry upon seeing Gemyline Croft delivered to him with binders around her hands and with more than a few bruises from their adventures on Kaluhtan. Fortunately this time Vashtin had brought both Nijia and HUWG to Corto’s establishment. Mad as he might be by the treatment of his ‘goods’ eventually Corto had decided enough was enough and it was better to take possession of Gemyline and get the smugglers out of his hair. He had of course informed his henchmen Boggs to cut off Vashtin’s head if the smuggler ever returned to the cantina that Corto ran his operation out of. So in the end they received their payment for the job and also got rid of an incredible bothersome young woman. Teyza was sad to see Gemyline go but she understood that her one time friend needed to leave.

After Vashtin had returned he told the crew to go enjoy themselves for the rest of the day. With the harrowing fight with the mysterious gunship fresh in his mind he decided that some time off would do all the members of his crew some good. Of course Nijia was the only one who left the ship, mentioning that he would be looking for some new modifications for his armor. Tezya meanwhile was in the work room fixing up some of the lingering damage that had happened to HUWG. Arya was in the cockpit looking up lines for new jobs so here was no one to disturb Vashtin, at least for about half an hour.

After he cleaned his hair and beard, he closed his eyes and enjoyed the feel of the hot water on his shoulders and arms. Beyond he bath he heard the sound of a hydraulic hiss as the door to the room slid open. His brown eyes opened up immediately and reached his left hand out of the tub. The smuggler knew better than to be truly unarmed when relaxing and so his fingers quickly curled around the handle of a blaster pistol that was resting on the edge of the tub. Within a moment he had the blaster barrel squared at the person who had come through the door. When his eyes noticed who it was however the smuggler relaxed and laid the blaster pistol back on the edge of the tub.

“Sometimes I forget how light on your feet you are. I didn’t even hear you approaching the door.” Vashtin said as he scooped his left hand into the water before letting it fall back over his face. The figure who had come in through the door let out a small soft chuckle before she started to undo her dark steel tech bracelets. The twin bracelets with their keybads and hidden weapons were placed gently on an end table near the entrance. After that Arya started to unbuckle the buckle that lay beneath her breasts and the other one that ran across her stomach. After that the sexy twi’lek parted her jacket top and let the black and blue material fall to the ground as she continued making her slow advance.

Vashtin smiled and took in the detail of Arya’s large breasts as they swayed gently with each step. Her slight curvy hips shifted up and down with each step while her fingers hooked into the last buckle on her utility belt. When she was close to the tub she kicked off her boots and then seductively started to tug down her lean black tactical pants. While Arya wasn’t wearing a bra this time she was wearing a set of snug white panties that covered up her pussy. They remained the only article still covering up part of her flesh as she lifted one leg and then settled onto a seated position.

Vashtin looked over his lover’s body as she sat with one orange leg submerged in the warm water and the other one still settled outside of the tub. Arya slowly leaned in her body towards him till her nipples were nearly touching the water. The twi’lek’s nubs were a slightly darker shade of orange than the rest of her flesh but they were fast growing hard with lustful anticipation.

The smuggler captain reached out a hand and gently stroked his fingers over the side of his partner’s breasts. Arya cooed gently under his affectionate touch before she felt his hand slowly gliding down from the side of her breasts. The smuggler’s fingers inched down along the side of her ribs before the digits stopped right above her panties.

“You should be careful. You might get your panties wet.” Vashtin said smoothly as his fingers moved from the side of her panties and moved towards the center of the clothing line.

“Move your fingers down a bit and you’ll see just how wet I already am.” Arya said before she shifted her body forward so that the smuggler’s fingers were nudged down along the front of the silky thin material that covered up her sex. Vashtin smiled as he felt the wet stains that her juices had already created. He could feel her warmth through the fabric right before Arya leaned forward once more and rested her left hand on his shoulder. Letting her weight fall on Vashtin’s shoulder for a moment the well-toned twi’lek swung her right leg up and over the lid’s tub before placing it into the water as well. Vashtin’s brown eyes lit up as she slowly eased her body fully into the water to the point where her nipples were just barely peeking out of the hot water.

The smuggler from a world full of mud and rain wouldn’t have traded places with the Spice King of Nar Shadda as Arya inched closer towards his body. Even when his eyes might look at other women or when he found his way into the arms and legs of another there was no other true woman for him save for Arya. The best part and what made him the luckiest smuggler ever was her open mind but right now Vashtin wasn’t thinking about anyone but her.

“Come here.” Vashtin said softly as he reached his hands forward and eased Araya into position right next to him. Her breasts started to rub against his had lean chest while he place his hand on the edge of her now completely wet panties before he started to lower the garment down. Once Arya’s white panties were completely off of her body the sexy alien smiled and kissed his neck before she pulled out the soaked underwear and lightly dropped it outside of the tub.

“If you don’t fill up my horny pussy I’m going to drown you in this tub Mudboy.” Arya said with a hint of playful darkness in her voice as she let her left hand slide down and play with Vashtin’s thick shaft and heavy balls. The smuggler didn’t say another word before he reached his right hand forward and dragged Arya’s left leg up and over his body until she was floating right against his cock. Ignoring the former operative’s ghastly threats he simply used her body’s buoyancy to bounce her form up and down. This motion caused his thick cockhead to rub and brush over Arya’s outer petals while more of her sexual juices leaked out into the bath. “Fuah…. Fuck Vashtin…. Quit playing with me and fuck my horny pussy!” Arya demanded as she reached out her arms and dug her nails into Vashtin’s back while the smuggler continued rubbing his lover’s body up and down right against his powerful length.

As the twi’lek’s nails dug into the flesh of his back Vashtin gave the lovely orange skinned woman a smile before he kissed her lips and finally started to slide his cock directly into her vagina. “Ahh… Vash… so… fuh… fuck… so good.” Arya’s entire body shuddered in the water while Vashtin slowly lowered his lovers body further and further along his length. The orange skinned woman leaned into another wet kiss as the water splashed around her tits as Vashtin widened out Arya’ss pussy with his thick throbbing dick.

“That’s it… fuck… thrust right there. I can feel your cock and the water inside of me. There isn’t any space left ….. fuah…. Fuck!… no space left inside of my pussyaaahhh!” Arya cried out as he pussy clenched and quivered around the smuggler’s powerful length. Her nails continued to scratch and scrape across his muscular shoulder blades as he bounced Arya’s body on top of his lap. The force of each thrust started to become so powerful that the water from the tub started to splash out onto the floor of the refresher.

“By the stars Vash… Your cock always feels so good after a fight. That’s it… fuck me… fuck my horny tight pussy like the slutty girl I am haha.” The moaning twi’lek cried out as the human continued shoving his prick deeper and deeper inside of her pussy. Suddenly Vashtin placed his hands on Arya’s ass cheeks and then pulled her off of his raging erection. Arya mewled like the slut she was being as she looked at him with a puzzling look on her lovely features.

“I thought I warned you what happens to teasers.” Arya said before she such the roguish grin that had formed on Vashtin’s face. The smuggler’s right hand reached forward and squeezed and played with the orange girl’s tits before he kissed down her neck and collarbone. When he finally pulled back he spoke softly into Arya’s ears.

“Turn around and put your hands on the wall.” The smuggler told his lover while he continued to play with her breasts for a few more moments before Arya chuckled and then rose up on her legs. Vashtin eventually rose up himself as he watched the water dripping down over Arya’s amazing lean body before she turned around and bent over. He moved in closer and chuckled as Arya gave him a little wiggle of her tight ass before she reached a hand back between her legs and parted her tight smooth pussy lips.

With such an inviting display the only compulsion in Vashtin’s mind was the motivation to mate and fuck Arya to his heart’s content After lining up his cock once again he speared his length directly back into the twi’lek’s tight warm pussy. “Ooooawhhh.. you’re so hard inside of me. That’s it… fuck my little smuggler cove with your big space ship! Hnnn… Vash… I… Hrnnn.. I’m going to cum! Make me cum Vash!” Arya cried out as he hammered away at her tight fuckhole. Her fingers pressed hard against the wall to keep her body up as her ass slammed back until her cheeks smacked against Vashtin’s lean hips. When Arya started to cum her heavy breasts were heaving a mile a minute as the smuggler buried his entire cock inside her twitching pussy.

“Vashtinaaaaaahhhhh!!!” Arya cried out as every thought in her brain mixed into one explosive note of pleasure while her entire body twitched and bucked. Vashtin didn’t stop throttling her entire body with his saber even as her pussy grew tighter and tighter around his probing length. Under the incredible pressure and the heat coursing through his veins it didn’t take the smuggler many more thrusts before he reached his own launch point. While Arya moaned and struggled to remain upright Vashtin’s thrusts increased in their ferocity and decreased in their tempo. Arya’s lekku were bouncing almost as vibrantly as her tits were bouncing and the twi’lek turned back to smile at Vashtin.

“That’s it Vash… use my pussy… fill me up with your thick cum!” Arya pleaded with him right before he started to cum. The smuggler gasped and groaned aloud as he started to pump the orange twi’lek’s pussy full of his thick white seed. Arya’s eyes fluttered and struggled to remain open as the pleasure burned through her entire body. Her pussy felt so hot and raw that it was all she could do to remain upright before Vashtin slowly lowered the two them back down into the water. The smuggler wrapped his hands around Arya’s warm wet body and squeezed her tits together as he kissed down her neck.

“I love you Mudboy. Don’t let all that gold change that.” Arya said softly before she let out a warm chuckle when Vashtin played some more with her nipples.

“Of course Arya. Speaking of which we need to find someone who can purchase the bricks from us for cold hard credits.” Vashtin said to Arya while his left hand stroked her lekku.

“Hehe…You know I think I know exactly who to talk to.” Arya said while she continued to enjoy the embrace of her smuggler.

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