Step Sister Corruption Part 132 – Day 76 S Night Pt 4 (fiction, M/F/F, d/s, teaching, step siblings, con)


We exited the elevator as each of us waited for the elevator to get to the floor that we were supposed to be on which was the 11th floor where the party was being held.

Apparently the party would be held on the 9th, 10th, and 11th floor instead of all over the grounds of the mini city but due to the unusual weather, hahaha unusual my ass.  Everyone knows that roughly the beginning of October every year is when the weather gets cold and just steadily goes down as each day passes and snows off and on until mid November as our location turns into a winter wonderland until roughly March if not later.

But due to the weather they had set up everything on the three floors.

We exited onto the 11th floor and the Braxter’s started talking about Muschi as we entered the main floor for the party and us four stopped dead in our tracks as our senses were invaded by the sensory overload.

I guess I should explain as it wasn’t much of a *Halloween* party but more of a *adult* festival.  A festival that **I** was WAY overdressed and the **girls** meaning Morgan, Kel and Summer were barely over dressed.

Hell even Dr. Braxter herself was overdressed.

Brynn was almost over dressed.

Most of the attendee’s hardly had a stitch on them except for *fetish* gear with people wearing collars and other open access clothing.

I think I saw one female with cowboy chaps on and a plaid open harness allowing her breasts to be out on display. As we walked I noticed her pussy wasn’t covered.

The girl’s quickly adjusted to the display.

I on the other hand needed a crane to lift my jaw off the ground.

Summer was the first to hook her arm through my arm as Kel did the same on the opposite of me as they led me onto the floor of debauchery where people openly displayed their bodies.

As we walked I imagined a person behind me moping up the drool….and precum I was leaving behind in my wake.

Brynn and Dr. Braxter walked in front of me as we followed behind them I looked around as I noticed Morgan followed closely behind Summer.

I swear that girl can easily disappear into the background unless you were paying attention to her.

Dr. Braxter made a bee line for a small group of people as she commanded to us, “Follow me.”

We weaved and bobbed around multiple people as Summer pointed to a female being eaten out by a guy with her legs in the air as she spoke, “Is that Jessica Morrison?”

I heard Kel speak, “Looks like her.”

I looked in the direction to see that it did in deed looked like the famous actress that a lot of guy’s had the hots for. Me included. But I dared not give the act any attention.

Shame I left my cell phone in the fucking van with my cape.

Damn it!!!!

I whispered to Summer, “Any way I can talk you into taking photos?”

Summer smiled and nodded as she spoke, “Oh Pet.”

Morgan quickly approached Summer’s side, “Yes Mistress?”

Summer pulled her phone from somewhere that amazed me as I lightly wondered how in the fuck did she hide her phone there.

Summer lightly spoke to Morgan, “Go take photos and videos of Jessica over there.”

Morgan took the phone as she nodded.

Summer quickly spoke, “Oh if you see any other celebs don’t hesitate to take photos.”

Morgan nodded and scurried off.

We continued to follow Dr Braxter until we got to the mini crowd as I noticed the people standing there.

In the group was one lady about Dr Braxter’s age with a protruded belly dressed in an attire that I saw in a show that was based on Rome during the old times. The woman stood About Summer’s height. Her complexion was fairly milky white standing on high heels. Her hair was cut into a shoulder length hair with a mini leaf tiara in her hair. The cloth covering her barely covered her shoulders and breasts as the rest showed her stuffed belly and open uncovered pussy.

There was a set of girls standing around behind the pregnant wanna be Roman woman. All the girls had cloth skirts that went down to the floor with their tops uncovered exposing their breasts.

Each girl had their own differences such as tattoos piercings but all had a collar around their necks and their hair all put up into a do.

All girls looked like the wanna be Roman woman’s slaves.

At least that is what it looked like their costumes were to me.

Next to the pregnant Roman was a guy dressed as a Roman soldier that stood a good foot taller than the pregnant woman with dark brown hair and slightly muscular laughing right with the pregnant woman to a couple who were dressed as Frankenstein and Ms Frankenstein…..just less clothing. And by less clothing I mean hardly any….ok they were nude.

As we got close Brynn ran up to the girl dressed up as a slave with THE most tattoos and piercings as she squealed, “Emie!!!”

The tattooed slave smiled and returned the hug as Brynn embraced her.

The Roman couple gave Brynn a glance as the soldier checked out Brynn in her attire before the pregnant woman lightly slapped the soldier’s arm.

Dr. Braxter walked up and smiled at the couple, “Dr. Hunter and Dr. Hunter so glad you’re here.”

Both couple smiled at Dr. Braxter, “Please Riley you can call us by our name’s we’re here to enjoy ourselves we’re not working.”

Dr. Braxter nodded, “Right sorry. Old habits die hard.”

The pregnant Hunter laughed, “Sure Sure.”

She looked at monster couple, “Jane. Ralph we’ll have to continue this conversation later.”

The monster couple looked at us and smiled before nodding to us and walking off.

She tilted herself to look at US as she smiled, “Who are your guests?”

Dr. Braxter smiled as she held her hand towards us, “Charlotte. Terry. I’d like to introduce you to Gabe Newman, Kelly Michaels and Summer Prior.”

Dr. Braxter blinked, “Where’s your friend?”

Summer smiled, “Just wondering around.”

Dr. Braxter looked around trying to find Morgan but quickly gave up as she continued, “Gabe, Kelly, Summer I’d like to introduce you to Dr. Terry Hunter and Dr. Charlotte Hunter.” She looked at the duo, “These are the three I told you about.”

Dr. Charlotte Hunter looked us up and down before she smiled as Dr Terry Hunter huffed, “So this is the three you had us send so much money to.”

Dr. Braxter nodded with a smile, “Yes these three have been very accommodating that I felt they should get so much money up front.”

Dr. Charlotte Hunter smiled, “Well Riley if all that you say will be true,” she looked at us, “I’m looking forward to your results.”

Dr. Terry Hunter nodded, “Yes. In the mean time welcome to tonight’s festivities enjoy yourself and I look forward to the outcome as well.”

Both Dr. nodded as they looked at Dr. Braxter, “We’re going to mingle some more. Enjoy yourself.”

Brynn spoke, “Can I introduce them to my sister?”

The doctor’s looked at each other before they smiled and nodded. Terry spoke, “Emilia you can hang out with your family but make sure to check in with us every little bit.”

Emilia nodded, “Thank you sir.”

The doctor’s walked off with their two remaining slaves.

Brynn smiled, “Guy’s this is my sister Emilia. Emilia this is Gabe, Summer and Kelly.”

Emilia stood roughly about the same height as Brynn at a whopping 5’2” if not an inch shorter. Unlike Brynn, Emilia had her hair dyed a fluorescent blue that was more pastel blue than actual blue. Her hair was up like the other slaves so I wasn’t too sure on the actual length. Also unlike Brynn, Emilia was more skinny almost more petite than Brynn. And finally like Brynn, Emilia had her sister’s dazzling features. The two girl’s had a lot of facial commonalities but after the face is where the differences started showing.

Emilia’s over all body complexion was paler than Brynn’s light tanned complexion. It was like Emilia hardly saw the sun compared to Brynn.

Emilia’s breasts looked wrong on her frame like they were bolted on her body compared to Brynn’s natural look. I couldn’t see any scars to show that they were altered but with Muschi I could no longer tell if someone’s breasts were surgically altered or medically altered.

Her breasts were milky white like her skin complexion but her nipples were tattooed into a heart shape and filled in with a dark flesh tone ink that completely covered her areola with her nipples pierced.

I bet that shit hurt like a mother fucker.

I heard Kel whisper, “I wonder how much having her nipples tattooed hurt?”

As if hearing our thoughts Emilia spoke, “If you’re wondering about my nipples the answer is yes it fucking hurt like a son of a. But I love them.” As she held up her perky breasts with a smile, “Don’t you think so?”

I nodded as Summer quickly smacked my arm causing me to flinch.

Dr Braxter spoke, “Gabe, Summer, Kelly this is my other daughter Emilia Braxter. She works here as Dr Charlotte’s personal assistant.”

She turned to Emilia, “Emilia these are my students who will be undergoing my experiment.”

Emilia looked at us, “Pleasure,” before she looked at her mom, “and I know. I’m the one who approved their funds after Charlotte signed off on it.”

Dr. Braxter nodded, “So how are the Hunter’s treating you dear?”

Emilia blushed, “They’re alright I guess but I won’t be with them for very much longer.”

Brynn blinked, “You won’t?”

Emilia shook her head, “No I accepted a job as a research tech at Muschi’s main research facility.”

Dr. Braxter raised her eyebrow at Emilia, “So you’re going to the island?”


What the fuck were they talking about?

Still Emilia nodded.

Brynn looked at her sister, “When are you leaving?”

Emilia sighed, “In February I think when the weather clears up here and isn’t so bad over there.”

Dr. Braxter looked at her daughter with what I assumed was real concern as she spoke, “Well if you need anything or need me to pull some strings to get you back here to the states let me know.”

Emilia looked at her mom and nodded, “Thanks mom.”

Dr. Braxter acting like a real mom….huh. Who would have figured.

Dr. Braxter spoke, “So you got enough time to show us around at all the games here, Emilia?”

Emilia looked towards the direction where the Hunter’s walked off towards, “I don’t know I should really get back with Charlotte and Terry.”

Dr. Braxter waved at Emilia, “I’m sure they’ll be ok with you showing us around.”

Brynn quickly spoke, “Yeah sis it’ll be fun.”

Emilia sighed, “I guess it wouldn’t harm anyone. And it’s been a while since we last spoke.”

Brynn bounced acting like a little kid as she exclaimed, “Yayyy!!!”

Summer Kel and I all looked at each other as I wondered what was in store for us.




  1. You keep teasing us with this party I can’t wait for all the juicy details to come out

  2. I just want an orgy with gabe kel their mom and summer tbh. I do love the stories though.

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