Is this technically rape/incest

Ok so before I start this story off this is non fiction and just a confession so it’s a true story and I will be telling every detail just so people don’t try and say it’s fake or made up so for 1 the only reason I’m telling this is to hear other peoples perspective on it because I can’t really ask anyone else because it’s a close family member that did it to me and I don’t want the family to find out

So back when I was like 5 or 6 btw I’m 18 now soon to be 19 I used to go over to my cousins house which was 2 girls 1 older 1 younger but the same age as me since my parents had to work and I had nowhere else to go my aunt used to watch me but obviously not enough lmao now I’m not upset or anything that this happened I honestly don’t care but it’s just been on my mind lately so why not put it on here plus I’m anonymous which makes it better so 1 day I was over and we were playing games like usual I didn’t ever bring my game system and they never had one so I had to play with them to pass time but after a while my cousins mom hops in the shower which is when the playing stops she then asks me to go in the closet which I agree too but asks her sister to make sure her mom doesn’t come out the shower so as I’m in there it’s kind it’s kind of a tight space but she then tells me to take off my pants which I agree to but felt awkward abt it and for anyone wondering why I wouldn’t just fight back or tell her no is Bc I was scared I was raised not to touch women and got my ass beat for doing so so I never did and plus she was bigger then me at the time so she mightve beat my ass plus i was the oldest kid of three sisters so i could throw a punch but not take one so i listened to her as my pants were down she then took hers off and next thing you know shes on top and its inside n which she forced me to stay down until she was done which i wasnt scrambling but she wouldnt let me punk out so i just sat until it was over
