The Aphrodite Virus Book 1: Part 1 Infection

Greg was in and out of the hospital all the time, he had a tricky heart that gave out on him a few years ago. Ever since he had been on a regimen of blood thinners and blood pressure medication. He had to go get his INR checked every two weeks, it was usually an in and out visit that lasted no more than twenty minutes but today was different.

The E.R. was flooded with people who were all exhibiting strange symptoms. Fever, nausea, and…in the males priapism, hyperspermia, and growth of the testes. In women there was swelling of the breasts, nipple sensitivity, hot flashes that translated into the classic definition of “hysteria” that they were sexually frustrated and becoming behaviorally unpredictable and aggressive.

Greg passed the E.R. where nurses were overwhelmed and doctors did their best to talk to family groups over the loud chattering of the rest of the people. Three different sets of police were there, escorting prisoners on rape charges who also needed to be checked out. Apparently the men were “hysterical” as well. It was a mad house. Greg walked past as quickly as possible.

When he finally made it up stairs to the third floor where the cardiovascular and anticoagulation clinic was located, things were much calmer. He walked in, got his finger pricked, received his INR results and walked back out with non issue. On his way to the elevator he decided to to reroute himself around the E.R. and through the stairwell that would exit him on the cafeteria side of the hospital. He had no desire to try and walk through that mess downstairs.

He opened the stairwell door and heard the familiar echo of metal against concrete and the defining silence that stairwells bring. As he rounded the second floor, the door opened and a woman burst through almost running into him.
“Watch where the fuck you’re going!” she shouted. Greg paused, unsure what to say. He didn’t know how to watch for someone on the other side of the door.

“You’re right. Excuse me.” He simply said and tried to brush past her. She stood blocking his way and glared at him. As he moved past her he could smell the infection on her breath. She was sick.

He paused and looked at her in the face and when he did she moved into him, pinning him against the wall. Her face was flush and she was panting.

“Are you ok?” He asked ready to push her off him but he didn’t want to rile her up. Nothing worse than a woman getting pushed around in a stairwell from a man. A white, straight man at that. They seem to be the source of all the problems in America at the moment.

“I’m fine, thick dick, how are you?” She said and grinned grabbing his limp meat through his jeans. Greg flinched and went to push her off him but instead was met with forceful strength as her lips met his and her tongue invaded his mouth. He pushed her on the shoulder but she was leaning in form her pelvis so he groped her large breasts and shoved. At the break, he started down the stairs.

The woman seemed to snap out of whatever fever state she was in for a moment. “Oh my god…” She said, “I’m so sorry. I don’t know what came over me. I think I’m ill…” She said disoriented and confused.

“Try the fucking E.R.!” Greg shouted as he charged down the stairs and burst through the doors. He stormed through the rest of the building like a man on a mission to get the fuck out of there. He wondered if he should tell his wife about this. It isn’t like he did anything but still, a woman grabbed at his pecker and shoved her tongue in his mouth.

“Fucking hell…” He said wiping his mouth and spitting in the trashcan as he passed it. “I better not get sick with what the fuck ever these mouth breathers have.” He said colliding with the front doors.

He left the lobby of the hospital and walked through the parking lot in the noon day heat. 95 degrees and still supposed to rise another few degrees before sunset at 9:30. Greg got into his chevy and turned the ignition over, rolled down the windows and peeled out of the parking lot.

Living close to Lake Erie, he was used to seeing people in barely there clothes as they walked from the parking lots to the beaches in the summer. But there was something different today that he couldn’t put his finger on. People were…moving faster? Not running but stalking…People were interacting more on the streets.

By the time he got home, he was feeling a little more settled. He parked the truck in his driveway and admired the dedication his wife put forth in keeping her body in shape and toned. He never cared much about it but she did and she was always diligent with her workout routine and her diet. She was a great example of what it meant to commit to something.

He got out of the truck and heard the clanking of metal weights as she squated in front of the full length mirror in the garage with all the work out gear.

“Hey babe.” Greg said walking up behind her and putting one hand on the small of her back and the other out, spotting her as she moved through the positions. “Almost done?”

“Almost.” Diane said watching her form.
“Where’s Katey Sue?” Greg asked.
“She’s out back sun bathing. She wants to go down to the beach later. I told her we’d go.” Diane said replacing the weights on the rack.

“Maybe not today.” Greg said cautiously. “Something weird’s going on out there.” He said looking out at the neighborhood with curled lip. “Let’s just stay home and order pizza. We’ll watch a movie or something.” He suggested.

Diane smiled, “Sure” she said and wiped her brow, under her tits and then threw the sweaty rag at Greg’s face.
He inhaled and said, “MMMMmm my favorite scent!”
She laughed and hit the garage door. As it closed she peeled her sports bra off, revealing her sizable breasts and hard nipples and began walking up to the master bathroom to shower. She tossed the bra back to her husband and said, “Wanna wash or watch?”

Greg followed musing over his choices. Diane paused and bent at the waist without bending her knees, peeling her yoga tights and undies off of her round, apple ass. Her lips hugged the panties for a moment under she pulled the fabric too far down and they fell exposing her freshly waxed, innie. Her lips pursed, ready for a kiss.

Greg rolled his eyes playfully and kicked his shoes through the house, “I’m getting in with you and then getting inside you.” He said fumbling with his belt buckle and pants. Diane giggled and took her clothes completely off and threw them at him again. She then ran up to the shower, naked and sweaty. Ready to be pinned against the shower wall and filled with his warm, sticky cum.



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