The start of a hot summer [FM]

The story starts slow, but this is the build-up to much more. Let me know if you want more.

It was the start of summer, and the end of relationships; in just a few short weeks several long relationships in our circle of friends ended, including my own. With the changing of seasons, change was sweeping through my work life as well and with me barely touching ground my boss finally agreed that it was time to get me an assistant to help with the running of the company. Advertising for a job is such a tedious process and I did not have the energy to go through all that, and besides, I had a few friends that fit the bill.

Nadia was a beautiful blonde with long hair down to her beltline, she was tiny but perfectly built. I had had a crush on her for several years by this point but never had the opportunity to say anything before. She was gorgeous and she knew it, but with that came a fierce personality that was downright mean at times. I had met her at my then girlfriend’s workplace about 3 years prior, and when she quit I got her a new job at one of my good clients just so that I would be able to see her some more; she had a steady boyfriend at that time and we had no excuses to communicate outside of work. Her relationship was one of those that ended at almost the same time as mine.

My other option for the position was Sarah. We had also been friendly for years, and I had known her even longer than I knew Nadia. I also met her through my ex-girlfriend, they had worked together for a couple of years but she had resigned a year ago to move to a closeby mining town with her boyfriend. He had a firm belief that the domestic life was best for her and did everything he could to keep her from having to get a job, but times were tough and she had the ambition to be more than a housewife in a small town. When it came to looks, Sarah was virtually the opposite of Nadia; she had a darker complexion with chocolate brown hair down to her shoulders and deep brown eyes that reflected the sparkle of her bubbly personality. Her body wasn’t that of a modern super-model, but rather the perfection of a classical painting.

Two weeks before the end of September, I interviewed them both. I saw myself as a straightforward man and could not help but admit that the best candidate for the job would be Sarah(even though it pained my heart to turn down my crush for a position as my assistant), I phoned her the week after and gave her the news. She sounded very excited to join and even offered to start a few days early to get the lay of the land and be ready for the new month, but I had a training course in the city the last week of the month and wouldn’t be able to take her under my wing just yet.

On the second to last day of the training course, a colleague and I were walking through a shopping centre in the city and saw a little jewellery shop called “Sarah’s goodies”. I took a picture and sent it to her jokingly, telling her that I was looking forward to Sarah’s goodies joining me in a few days. I could feel a tinge of excitement flutter through my stomach, even though I had a crush on Nadia for a while I had always found Sarah attractive too(if anything she was, even more, my type than Nadia, but more on that later).

Monday morning was chaos as usual, with a general meeting at 0800 to dispatch all the teams and allocate work, and I asked Sarah to just shadow me and get a feel for how things run. With me being away the week before we haven’t even gotten an opportunity to make seating arrangements for her, so when the majority of staff had left for work we setup half of my desk for her for the time being. She would sit diagonally across from me since my desk was in the middle of the office.

Our offices had just recently been expanded due to the rapid growth in the company, and for the first time, I had my own space. Since I had just moved in, the detail was severely lacking in the little white windowless box I spent a lot of my days in. Walking into my office from the general work area(the technicians’ domain), my desk was directly centre left facing the door, with a little empty space on the left of the doorway. We decided to get Sarah a desk in this corner so that she would be close enough to assist with any work that came across.

We started setting up her laptop for the time being, but I was feeling a little embarrassed at the state of the office.

“Sorry for the way it looks, I haven’t been able to do much yet to get this place in order”

“You could sure use a woman’s touch in here” she replied, “I would have killed myself a long time ago in a lifeless white box like this.”

I’ve been trying unsuccessfully to get some decorations for my office, but the budget was tight after the office expansion.

“If you can get Justin to spend money on decorations, be my guest!”

She smiled at me with a devilish look in her eyes “Challenge accepted”.

Damn, I hadn’t seen that side of her before.

A few fairly boring orientation days later I was busy chatting with the John about this and that, and the noise levels in the general meeting area were picking up as usual. In an office of 15 young men, testosterone levels run high and morning teasing and wrestling around wasn’t an uncommon thing. I was just about to get into some technical detail about configuration issues on a router when I noticed that John’s attention wasn’t with me any more. In fact, the whole meeting room seemed to have turned the volume down some. John’s eyes darted past me towards the door, and of course, I had to see what was distracting him so. It was Sarah.

There she was, leaning against the doorway taking in the room and awaiting the start of the meeting. I’m pretty sure my voice trailed off in the middle of the sentence, as I took in the sight before me.

She was wearing a royal purple off-shoulder top, with tight-fitting black jeans that sculpted her thighs perfectly, with black stiletto heels that made her suddenly look very tall. Her hair was pinned up in a messy bun instead of her usually loose hair, revealing a shapely neckline.

Well, at least I won’t have any troubles quieting the guys down today.

“Well then, everyone is here so let’s get started! What is still outstanding from yesterday teams?”

A slight groan went around the room as the guys pulled out their phones to report on the previous day’s work, and the day was off.

After the meeting, I felt my gaze constantly pulled in. My eyes seemed to be pulled by gravity left of my computer screen and to where she was sitting across from me, brow furrowed up in concentration as she writes furiously in her fresh day planner, setting out the work for the day as discussed in the meeting. She had brought her own pens from home that day, as the “Variety around here is shit.” according to her.

I couldn’t stop myself from sneaking glances, her light caramel skin smooth in her neck as my eyes traced the vein down from just behind her jawline down her throat where slight ripples moved just under the surface as her head moved from side to side, down to where her heartbeat is gently visible just above her collarbone, down the gentle slope of her collarbone down and down some more to her soft breasts hidden by the thin purple cloth.

I suddenly snapped back to reality and realise that the morning has already passed and I have yet to start my work, nevermind assigning her some more things to do. Fuck! I can’t be daydreaming about my assistant!

“Do you need me to do anything else for you?” she asked.

“Mmhmm what”, I pretended to be engrossed in my computer screen.

“Can I do anything, or shall I go and ask Justin if he needs anything?”

“Yeah that sounds like a good idea, I can’t think of anything else for you to do right now” except maybe burying my face in that cleavage. Fuck! Stop it!

“Dammit get your head together!” is all I could mutter under my breath as she walked out but my eyes could not help but follow her ass swaying from side to side as she walked out the door.

Since the distractions of the morning left me with half a day’s work to catch up in half an hour, I was actually busy with my work when my concentration was suddenly broken by the sound of Sarah’s laughter echoing through the halls and into my office door. She has the most infectious laugh, the kind of laugh that reminds me of a cool spring bubbling up through parched surface just inviting you to dive right in. A few minutes later she waltzed into our little office grinning from ear to ear.

“Get your keys and let’s go.” She winked at me and flashed a credit card, “Lunch and decorations are on Justin.”

“How did you manage to do that!?” I exclaimed.

“A girl has her ways” she retorted and gave me a naughty smile.

“You better be careful of Justin” I warned her “he might seem nice but he’s actually got a pretty perverted side to him.”

She just shrugged off the warning, but over the years of working for him many crises have popped up with his wife at multiple times screaming and crying in the offices over some young thing or the other that she believed he had flirted with. Nothing has ever been confirmed, but I’d seen the way he spoke to the prettier clients and I definitely didn’t want that to be the way Sarah gets treated, after all she’s been a long term friend of mine. That’s why I warned her right?

I decided that we should look for furniture for the office at a pawn shop first, you can get bargains in good condition sometimes and I was not one for wasting money. We made stops at three pawn shops with no luck on the furniture we were looking for before deciding to stop for lunch.

“Burgers okay?” I asked, since I’d gotten behind on my work I wanted to finish up in town and get back as soon as possible.

“Perfect, there’s a new burger I’ve wanted to try for a while now,” she said.

I placed our order in the drive-through and started off to the next furniture store.

“Shouldn’t you stop and eat quickly before you get sauce all over the truck and yourself” she laughed as I attempted an elbow steer maneuvre.

I laughed and agreed, “I’ll stop down by the lake quickly and finish up”

It was a small lake close to the shopping mall where we got the food and located about 2 minutes drive from my flat as well. I pulled the truck under a tree and switched off the ignition, just leaving the radio on softly in the background to mask the sounds of our hungry hungry faces digging into juicy burgers.

As soon as the last bite of food was gone, it felt like the entire world calmed down for the first time in a long time, there was a light breeze drifting through the open windows, and birds chirping in the tree above. The hot sun was tempered by the shade of the tree, I couldn’t bring myself to start the ignition again and get back to the rush of the world just then. I leaned back in the drivers’ seat and closed my eyes for a few seconds.

“What happened with you and Stacey?”

Her words jolted me back, and when I opened my eyes and looked at her she had shifted onto her side in the passenger seat, her deep brown eyes firmly fixed on mine.

“You guys seemed so good together, and I know she adored you, what happened?” she asked again.

“We just sort of drifted apart through the last few years to be honest, there wasn’t a single big reason for it.” I hadn’t spoken to anyone about the breakup since it happened, I’m usually a reserved person but something about the way she asked made me feel like she genuinely cared, and for once I wanted to share.

“How did you guys know when to call it quits?” She asked, and suddenly I saw a twinge of sadness in her eyes.

I thought for a few moments before replying. “I think it was when we got home after a long day at work and didn’t turn to each other for comfort any more but rather to weed or TV or video games. If you reach the level where your partner isn’t your partner any more but just a person you live with, and if you tried to fix it but nothing seems to work, that’s when you start to realize they might not be the right one.”

She turned her gaze away but didn’t say anything.

“Everything okay with you and Vic?” I asked.

“To be honest I’ve been feeling the way you just described a lot lately, there isn’t that affection any more. I guess it can’t always be like the first time but damn, I just want to feel wanted again you know?” She glanced up suddenly. “Can I tell you something personal?”

“Of course.”

“It’s been such a long time since I’ve had anything more than 5-minute sex that ends up with his drunk ass rolling off me and falling asleep immediately. I feel so guilty when I say it but a girl has needs you know. I try to do what he wants but he never gives back.” She blushed deeply. “I would give him blowjobs whenever he wants, but he never ever goes down on me, he thinks it’s gross down there.” her last words came out in a fast stammer and I could tell she was very nervous.

“So sorry this is too much info I know.”

“I know what you mean” I could feel the familiar dull ache waking up inside my chest again as I remembered my last few months with Stacey. “It was similar for us, I would try to instigate but I got rejected time and time again. It just starts to make you doubt yourself when you’re not wanted any more, when even the times you do have sex feels like they are just doing it to get it over with. No love and no passion just a mechanically going through the motions.” I sighed “But I’m starting to realise that you can’t view that as a reflection on yourself, if you’re not wanted by them and yet you’re doing all you can the problem is with them, not you. I mean just look at you,” I gestured in her direction “you turned all the heads in the office this morning and if you couldn’t turn Vic’s head that’s on him!”

She seemed to perk up a little bit “Yeah I suppose that’s true. I mean even Justin seemed to like what he saw this morning.”

“What do you mean?” I frowned at her jokingly.

“Well, he said I have a nice seat, whatever that means.”

I guess I didn’t control my face very well when she said that, and she burst out laughing. “Don’t look so upset!”

I felt a little relieved “Ha ha very funny, you were joking…”

“Well no,” she gave me a bit of a guilty smile “how do you think I got us the credit card?”

“Sarah!” I scolded her “Didn’t I tell you to be careful around him!?”

“Well yes, but you only mentioned that afterwards. Besides I didn’t do anything, I was just cleaning his whiteboard when he made a joke like that”

“I’m serious” and I was “you shouldn’t play around with him, there’s a lot of stories running around.”

“Oh not as if he’ll ever do anything,” she said defiantly “it’s only his wife accusing him of screwing around and nothing else.”

It seems that news travels fast in the office. “But still, stay away you don’t want to get involved there I mean he’s old enough to be your father!”

“Someone sounds jealous!” she was obviously teasing me at this point, and the best I could manage was a facepalm.

“Time to get on with the day I guess.”

“Whaat if you’re not jealous then, don’t you think that I have a nice seat?” She gave me a fake sad face and I started the ignition

“Don’t you start with me” I rolled my eyes “that’s beside the point!” I suddenly had a flashback to her walking out of my office that morning and well, there was no denying that she did, in fact, have a nice seat, and I was happy that I’d have the best seat in the house to her.

By the time we reached the next furniture shops I had just about written off the day as far as productivity goes, I wasn’t going to get anything else done by the time I got back to the offices so we did the rest of the shopping at a more leisurely pace. Just before closing time, we headed into a massive furniture warehouse in search of a desk for her. Strolling through the long aisles into the back shadowed by a very helpful salesperson we were very happy when we finally found a nice compact desk that would fit into her little corner of the office. As we got to the front desk to pay and arrange for payment and loading the desk onto the truck, the cashier smiled a warm smile at us.

“Oh you two look so lovely, I hope you’ll come back here when you need anything for the house; we have electronics and furniture and decorations, the works!”

I laughed “Oh we’re not…” “Thank you very much for your help!” Sarah interrupted before I could finish my sentence “We’re very happy to have found you and we’ll be sure to come back.” she smiled at me coyly. “Won’t we dear.”

I was caught off-guard by her reply and stammered a quick “Y-Yeah” before finishing payment and loading her desk. Well, that was interesting, I guess she just didn’t want to make the cashier feel awkward and played along with her assumptions. There was something nice about shopping with her though, it just felt good to be walking around talking about decorations and furniture, laughing and joking. What is happening?

Over the next few weeks, me and Sarah became closer, slowly starting to build a tighter friendship than we ever had before. Work kept us very busy though and with me being newly single and ambitious I spent most of my free time on overtime alone at the office, catching up on things that got left behind. The first month of her employment flew by in a haze and by the start of her second month, she asked if there wasn’t anything she could do to earn a little more money. Even though the cash she was bringing in was helping, they had moved into an apartment in town and had many new expenses to cover. I mentioned that she might be able to help me out with some paperwork after hours(with the business growth many things had fallen far behind) and she was eager to jump at that opportunity. Inevitably the conversation sometimes drifted to our relationships from time to time. We became comfortable talking about everything with each other, and one evening “Surrender” by Billy Talent started playing from my playlist.

“Have you ever really listened to the lyrics of a song and realise that the song applies so well to your situation?” I asked.

She frowned slightly and looked at me “So I take it this song applies to you?” She had put two and two together very quickly. “Go on then, start it from the beginning so we can figure out what’s happening in your life.”

I smiled sheepishly and did her bidding. (If you haven’t heard the song before it’s about a guy who likes a girl that seems out of his league, and regrets never having the courage to do anything about it.) “So I take it this is about Nadia and you, right?” She had hit the nail on the head first try, and I couldn’t hide my shocked expression very well.

She rolled her eyes “Yeah I’m used to it, all the guys fawn over little Nadia. Congratulations on being so original.”

It was unusual for her to be so curt, especially since I felt like I’d just revealed something personal to her. “You seem upset…” I wondered why she was acting like this, perhaps things between her and Nadia wasn’t great.

“Well you try working next to that for years, never being the pretty one, all the guys flirting with your best friend, even the ones you liked. And now you’re another one, yeah that’s just great.” I was quite surprised by how sensitive this subject was to her, I would have assumed that they both had guys falling all over for the both of them, and I didn’t hide my confusion.

“That makes no sense, she’s got nothing on you” and I meant it “I’ve just had a crush on her for quite a long time but it’s not like she’s more attractive than you, you’ve each got a unique beauty going for you.” She wasn’t buying it.

“Hell you are a real looker yourself, I’ve had to stop my thoughts from going places many times even before you started working here and now…” I had to stop myself from saying too much, no girl wants to know that she has someone sitting in the same office as her fantasizing about them.

She gave me a weak smile “It’s okay, sorry it’s just a sensitive subject to me I didn’t mean to lash out.”

I tried to change the subject “How are things with you and Vic?”

Judging by her lack of enthusiasm, I hadn’t picked the best topic. “Oh it’s alright, I’m just tired you know? I haven’t even had the urge to initiate sex for weeks now, I mean I want to but I just don’t feel like going through the normal motions anymore.”

“Well, perhaps you guys just need a shot of passion.” I pondered out loud “You know what might help… I’m gonna send you something, just read it tonight before you go home and let me know if it worked okay?”

I had found a story on Reddit’s gonewildstories sub a while before that blew my mind called “It’s not cheating if you don’t touch”.

It’s not cheating if you don’t touch… [F/M] from gonewildstories

I searched it up on my computer quickly and sent her the link, and continued with my work.

Ah shit, I forgot about the premise of the story! It’s about two people in relationships with an unfulfilling sex life falling slowly into lust with the premise that it’s not cheating if you don’t touch. They did eventually touch though.

I hope she doesn’t read anything into the story. Or did I want her to read into the story, was I secretly hoping? No! I can’t fo that, she has a boyfriend!

I was trying very hard to concentrate on my work again.

A few minutes later I noticed that the scratching of her pens and clacking of her keyboard had grown rather quiet, and glanced over to her. I couldn’t see what was on her computer screen but I didn’t need to, her eyes were wide open and darting back and forth on the monitor, and a deep red flush was creeping up her chest to her neck and cheeks. I could hear her breath deepening but I pretended not to notice anything, scrolling back and forth on my computer not getting a damn thing done as all I could think about was Sarah’s body. Her body getting turned on a few feet from me. I could see her starting to squirm in her seat, hands clasping the chair next to her as she bit her lip softly, attention fully on her monitor.

Just focus on your work, don’t look at her! I wasn’t used to seeing a girl turned on like this, and to think that’s because of what I sent her. My heart was drumming in my ears and I could feel the blood flowing to my crotch.

She sighed deeply, and her eyes turned to me. “Well alright now I have inspiration for tonight!” she said through a short breath. Her face was red and flushed, and I mustered a nervous laugh not knowing what else to say.

“It’s not funny!” she exclaimed “But that’s quite a story…” her voice trailed off. “Any other advice for me?”

Her eyes locked onto mine and I felt my heart jump into my throat, and my face felt as flushed as hers.

“Well there’s one more thing I can suggest” I replied, and suddenly my mouth felt dry as the desert “there’s this survey that couples can take to help explore each other’s sexuality and find new things to try. Maybe you and Vic could give that a go, it might help reignite the passion.”

“Okay, show me.”

I was surprised at her quick reply. There was no way of getting up from my seat at that point without revealing my situation downstairs, so I motioned her over to my side of the desk and opened the site. “Well, you see you can do it on separate devices or both do it on the same device one after the other.” I explained.

“What kind of questions do they ask?”

“To be honest I don’t really know. I never did it before, I just remember stumbling upon it a while ago.”

She looked at me with a deadly serious face “Well I can’t exactly have Vic do it if I don’t know what we’re in for, maybe we should run through one and just see what it’s about…”

Oh fuck. I wasn’t about to say no to her request and besides, what’s the worst that could happen?

“Well I think it’s best if we do it on two devices” I still had no way of standing up so she could definitely not use my computer “I’ll start it and send you the link.” She quickly gave me her email address and I started the him&her survey.

The list of questions start out pretty tame “I want longer foreplay sessions with Sarah” question 1. Well the only way I’ll be able to see what she’s into was to be honest with my answers, it wouldn’t work otherwise since the site only shows you what both partners have in common. I could just blow through it and have her see the example questions… Or I could find out what she’s into.

“I would like to have an orgy of more than 4 people with Sarah”

“Yes!!” was my last answer and I clicked the “Get results” button and glanced over to Sarah who was also on the last page by the looks of things. My heart pounded so loudly in my ears that I barely heard the “ding!” letting me know that she was done. The list of questions about everything I’d like to do to and with Sarah had pushed me to another level, and I could feel my dick raging against the fabric of my pants.

“Well, there you have it” my voice came out barely above a whisper.

“Are we going to look at the results?” She asked softly. I looked at her for what felt like an eternity but was more likely a second or two. I could see her pulse racing in the little vein in her neck.

“If you want.” we both clicked on our results link.

At first, I thought I had just gotten my own list of answers back, all of the questions I answered yes to was laid out there. The list kept going and going.

“You should try having Sarah sit on your face”

“You could try having sex in a public setting”

“You should try having sex in the office”

“You should try including another female in your sex with Sarah”

Each sentence I read sent a throb through my loins, I could see a wet spot forming on the tip of the tent in my lap. I closed the results for further reading later and swallowed hard. If I don’t stop now I might just cum in my pants! Sarah was still engrossed in the list, her breath fast and hard as she slowly scrolled down. When she finally reached the bottom she put her phone down and let out a jagged sigh.

“Well that’s some interesting reading.” she giggled nervously.

What do I do? Fuck! “We should probably start heading out, it’s getting late!” Brilliant, I have to get out of here before I explode or things go any further.

She took a couple of deep breaths and agreed, I started tidying my desk and trying to get my thoughts onto anything but her. Fortunately, she excused herself and I had a few minutes to pace up and down and calm the monster in my pants a little.

The cool spring air calmed me down a little on the drive to her apartment where I dropped her off, and a final “Good luck tonight” when she got out of the truck brought me back to the reality that she was heading inside to fuck her boyfriend now.

On the way home I realised that I still hadn’t finished reading the results of the quiz, and my heart started racing again. It was all I could do to control myself to not pull out my phone and check my email for the link to the results before I got home. Is this wrong? Should I be reading it? I mean she looked at the results right. Did she even answer honestly, or did she just run through the list to see what the questions were about?

No question, I had to see what it said.

As soon as I got inside I plopped down on the couch and pulled up the link to the results.

“You should try having sex in the office.” That was on the list, that means she answered yes to it.

I felt my already hard dick growing at the thought of what we could do in the office. Stop it! She has a boyfriend, this is not about you!

My hands slipped down my pants as I kept reading, imagining all the scenarios in the survey.

“You should try having sex in front of a window” God damn, she’s adventurous!

I couldn’t even make it to the end of the list before I felt the dam break, images of Sarah stretched out on the boardroom table, me balls deep inside her flashing through my mind as I came. Shot after shot pulsing from me, covering my shirt and pants.

Fuck, fuck, fuck! I couldn’t do anything with her, I’m not that kind of guy am I? Feelings of guilt started creeping in as I showered and got into bed that night.

I’ll have to set up rules for myself. Was my last thought before drifting off to sleep.



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