Bent over in little dress – Amazing Finish in an Alley

She wore that dress for a reason.

Before Sophia headed out for the night she gave one last look in her full length bedroom mirror and smirked to herself.

“He’s going to go crazy over this outfit”, she thought to herself with satisfaction.

A red tiny club dress that just barely covered her ass while cupping her thighs perfectly to show off their definition. The rest of the dress fit perfectly with the exception of her cleavage which splashed out of the significantly too narrow bust. Both breasts squeezed together and lifted perfectly for that heart stopping look. Exactly how Bryce likes it.

She insisted on meeting him at the club directly verus being picked up. She knew that if he got his hands on her before that they’d never make it out of the apartment… and she wanted to have a little fun tonight.

So far every single time Sophia had been a naughtly little tease she had been appropriately punished (to her complete and utter delight) by Bryce’s dominance. Her heart fluttered with anticipation hoping that this dress and heel combo might just provoke another session of dominant pushiment and uncontrollable passion from him.

At the club he saw her from easily 50 feet away, along with just about every other guy in the room. She could tell it immediately registered with him why she’d insisted on meeting out in public. She could also see the quick glint of darkness that simmered just beneath his steady gaze. He wanted her, but it was going to be his way tonight.

She smuggly sauntered up to him and leaned her cheek up for a routine kiss to start their evening together. Instead of a quick peck she felt his rough hands grab her hips and sharply turn her around so she was facing away from him.

She felt his lips brush her hair and then ear while he said firmly

“You’re going to pay for teasing me like this. Let’s go on the dancefloor”

The moment he took her hand to lead her to the dance floor he turned back into normal happy Bryce as they chatted, kissed softly and danced together.

She could feel his hard cock pressing up against her, but he wasn’t saying or doing anything to really show he wanted her anymore than normal.

Hmph, Sophia thought to herself. Maybe he didn’t really like this dress as much as I thought he would…. Maybe he was hoping to see something else.

They continued dancing. His hands ran up and down the smoothness of her dress, occasionally flitting up to caress her tits and then darting down to grab her waist and ass with a commanding firmness. Sophia liked how he danced, he let her seduce him her own way… just until it was time to do it the way HE wanted her to.

They danced for about an hour without saying much other than a few short laughs. They didn’t need to talk much, their bodies always seemed to do the best talking when they were out together.

Out of nowhere she felt Bryces hand grab her wrist.

“We’re leaving”

Not another word from him all the way out of the club. Did I do something wrong? Is he mad at me? What happened? Thoughts raced through Sophia’s head as she was escorted out.

He’s not even holding my hand…

his strong fingers were clamped tightly around her wrist as he led her.

“Normally this would turn me the fuck on if I wasn’t certain something was wrong!” Her breath quickened and her face flushed as they briskly walked of the club and down the adjacent side street.

He still said nothing.

Only the click of her 5 inch platform heels broke the night silence as the booming form the club faded away.

She coudln’t take it anymore, she looked up at him with big hopeful eyes and opened her mouth to start the difficult conversation.

But before she could get a single syllable out, his right hand was around her throat.


She hadn’t even had time to process his grip when she found herself being forced backwards into a small dimly lit alley. She’d have fallen over backwards if not for his left hand pressed on her lower back. Lifting her up just enough to keep her balance while she was directed into the darkness.

His hand on her back went away, and was quickly replaced by the familiar toughness of cool brick. She hadn’t adjusted to the darkness yet, but she could see his near black eyes piercing her through the gray shadows.

With a hand still on her throat, he spun her roughly so that her front and face were pressed up against the brick. It was only now that she had enough presence of mind to realize how hard she was breathing and how dripping wet she was.

She started to think to herself, “I wonder what he’s got in mind tonigh…

When BAM. Her had was snapped back. He had his fingers in her hair and with one swift motion had yanked her back into his reality.

At the same time, she felt her dress expertly get flipped up. The cool night air fell across her ass. “I hope he likes this thong i wore for him…”

Whoosh. All of the sudden the cool night breeze ripple over her clit and labia.

“Did he just rip of my…?”

Before she could even finish her though she felt him throbbing inside her. Head still yank back, his powerful hips went to work from behind her. Slamming her methodically at the exact tempo she needed.

She felt complete ecstasy, and a numbness slowly started tingling her toes and working its way up her calves.

“It almost feels like I’m going to come already…” the voice in her head came back. A momentary break from the mind blowing fucking she was getting.

Before she had time to work out the exact sensation that had now reached her hips. Her attention was brought back to two things:

His hands wrapped around her tiny waist had just tightened, and his voice was now in her ear.

“You’re going to cum for me right now”, he commanded her.

Before she even had time to process what he’d said, he body obeyed. She felt her knees go slack as her orgasm began to shake her entire core, from her hips shooting outwards towards her breats and her legs.

She let go completely and felt his strong arms compensate for her weak stance to hold her steadily against the wall while he continued having her how he wanted.

She started to enter the post orgasm haze. A completely relaxed sensation enveloped her senses and took her back into the moment.

It’s almost as if she blacked out for a second, because when her mind startup again, Sophia found herself getting manhandled again. His hand was on her throat again, but this time she was being turned to face him and thrust onto her knees.

Up until then she hadn’t even looked back at Bryce. She realized now this was because she hadn’t been told to.

“Look at me”

That was all she need to immediately bring her big eyes up to meet his as she knelt before him.

He timed his load perfectly. As her gaze met his, he erupted. Completely covering her face with what was likely 3 orgasms worth of cum. It felt like he’d never stop as she maintained her gaze. She knew exactly how he liked her eyes on him to enhance his orgasm, and she happily played her part.

“I told you you’d pay.” A swift kiss the forehead followed.

“Now get up and lets go home. You aren’t allowed to touch or clean up my cum until we’re in the shower together”

She couldn’t speak at this point. It was simply too much stimulus. He pulled her up to her feet and off they went back to the busy street of the clubs.

Her breath steadied, and she held his arm tightly. Sharing his body heat and glowing to herself with satisfaction as they walked.

While cum dripped down her face.


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