[MF] Wife Leaves Town, Friend and I Go Drinking

Please don’t take this story as endorsement of infidelity, it’s just something that happened and I thought some people might enjoy it.

I’ve been married for seven years now and have two children with my wife. Our marriage is very good. We co-parent really well, we run our household well together, we both make decent money and have similar financial goals and outlooks. Sex is still great, but not as frequent as it was. Having children and being proper adults makes it much tougher to find that passion that’s naturally there when there is more time for each other.

Before we were married, my wife and I had a pretty close-knit group of friends. A lot of our group is now married, and most have kids of their own so the group is still pretty close. We’re not all going out boozing together every single weekend like we were, but we now have more family themed get-togethers. From that group, only one guy and one of the girls aren’t married or in a serious long term relationship. The guy moved away five years ago and the girl had moved but recently returned to our city. She’s still a close friend with both my wife and I and is great with our children, her name is Sara. When my wife and I were just starting to spend a lot of time together, Sara was clearly also interested in me. At the time I only had eyes for my wife and wasn’t willing to risk my now-wife getting jealous if I hooked up with Sara so I didn’t reciprocate her advances at all. After some time, my wife and I began dating and we both continued being pretty close friends with Sara, there was no awkwardness or resentment at all.

Sara is about 5’5” tall with red hair and a typical ginger complexion. She’s always been pretty heavy-set since I’ve known her and has the large chest you would expect to go with it. About 10 months ago, Sara began going five times per week to a personal trainer and shed a lot of weight. She’s still a little bit on the bigger side, but certainly looking much thinner.

I went to the city she moved to several times for business and went out for drinks with Sara, just her and I. There was never any sort of hint of flirtatiousness or anything that my wife would have frowned about at all. We’ve always had a really good time together with tons of laughs and a pretty carefree sort of vibe. We talk openly about her dating life and the struggles she’s had finding a suitable guy for a long term relationship. There’s been some joking about her joining my wife and I in a poly relationship, but those have always been jokes only.

Two weeks ago my wife took our kids and flew to Colorado to go visit her brother and his family. They had a baby in October but my wife didn’t feel comfortable travelling until now. I wasn’t able to go due to work commitments. She left me with a honeydew list, I dropped them off at the airport, and I had the entire house to myself. My plan was to burn through the list in two days or so and then play video games with my spare time. I dropped them off on a Tuesday evening, worked the next day, came home and made much faster progress than I expected. I had the list complete by 11:00 that night, it was mostly pretty minor stuff. I spent all of Thursday evening playing COD. I brought home some fast food, loaded the game up, and played for six straight hours. I didn’t think life could get much better! For those of you with family commitments, you know what I mean.

The next day (Friday) at work, Sara replied to an Instagram story I had posted saying goodbye to the family at the airport. We messaged back and forth a bit and she said she was going out that evening with a mutual friend of ours to a new-ish microbrewery. She invited me to join but I had enjoyed my uninterrupted gaming time so much the night before, I told her I was probably out because I wanted to do some stuff around the house (COD counts as doing stuff around the house, right?). She told me I was a lame-o and said she would drink double the beers that she normally would to make up for me not being there. By the time my work day ended I was pretty wiped out so I went home and napped on the couch for 45 minutes. I felt refreshed but realized I didn’t want to stare at a screen so I messaged Sara and told her to come by and we’d ride our bikes to the nearby brewery together. She agreed and said she’d be by shortly.

I showered, got dressed, and hung around on my deck playing on my phone waiting for Sara. I heard her ride into the driveway and called out a hello to her in fake-alarmed voice. She replied with, “Neighborhood rapist, just looking for a victim!” I laughed and she opened the gate to come into our side yard where I was. She looked the best I’ve ever seen her look. She was wearing jeans and a sleeveless green top which worked perfectly with her red hair and freckles starting to turn into a tan. There was a fair bit of cleavage being exposed which didn’t hurt. Sara has a very pretty face and probably only struggled to meet better guys because of her weight, which was now obviously becoming less of a hindrance for her. She hadn’t worn a helmet and her hair was down and in large, loose curls at the bottom. We had a beer at my place hanging out on the deck and caught up for a while about her tinder life, her work, my family’s trip to CO, etc. and then we jumped on our bikes and went to meet our friend.

The brewery was busy. It was Friday night, the weather was warm, restrictions were lifting, and people were eager to try out a new place. It was so weird being out in a crowd like that again, I wasn’t even fully prepared for it. It was nice, but strange. As a result, I ended up finishing of my first two beers in 20 minutes. I already felt a little tipsy but was having a great time. Our friend we met was a girl we had hung out with several times. She had gone to college with Sara and was pretty newly married. Her and her husband were actively trying to have kids and she seemed happy to hear what I had to say from my experience. Sara’s eyes were wandering the place while we talked about this and she ended up chatting with someone she recognized a few tables away. There were some single guys nearby there too who were in their early 20s. Sara obviously enjoyed the attention she was getting from them more than listening to us talk about kids. After we had been out for a few hours, I realized I was pretty drunk. The brewery had begun emptying out, our friend had called it a night an hour prior, and the guys Sara had been talking to had gone to a club. We decided that enough was enough, paid our bill, and went outside.

We took one look at our bikes and started laughing. There was no way in hell we were going to be able to bike without crashing. Sara ordered a cab and five minutes later we were climbing into it. We talked about going somewhere else but decided against it. We joked about how old we now are and gave the driver my address. I thought Sara would then take the cab from my place to hers but as we got close to my house she asked if she could stay in our spare room so she could just walk down to grab her bike in the morning. I told her that wasn’t a problem at all. There was still no flirting or anything going on that made me think anything would happen. I had been stealing glances at her cleavage for most of the evening and had commented on it, but that was pretty usual for our banter.

We got into my place and I poured a couple waters for both of us and we sat outside for five minutes just chatting about the evening. I went and grabbed a new toothbrush and some toothpaste for her and brought them back to her and I went and checked in the spare room to make sure it was tidy and that the bed was made. It was all good to go for her. Sara came in beside me and shoulder-checked me to get past saying “Oh fuck, lying down is going to be awesome!” I gave her a shove onto the bed and she dramatically flopped down. Then she held up her feet and demanded that I remove her socks. “Sure thing your majesty,” I said and pulled them off. That was when I saw her give me a look like she used to when she was trying to get with me. Or maybe it was just a look like she was considering making some sort of move. She stuck her feet back in the air and said, “Help me with these pants, they’re sooo fucking tight!” I didn’t even think about it, my hands immediately went to the hem of the legs and I started pulling them off. Sara held her panties so they didn’t come off with her jeans as she lifted her butt up so the pants would slide off. I threw the pants over to a chair nearby and looked back at her. She wasn’t embarrassed or self-conscious at all. She also didn’t seem to be having any second thoughts.

She stood up from the bed and moved directly towards me. She stopped right in front of me and looked me right in the eye smiling. Then her mouth opened up and she turned her head slightly and moved in to kiss me. I didn’t even think twice. I was totally entranced. As soon as our lips met I felt a rush of passion like I hadn’t felt in quite a while. Kissing a woman who isn’t your wife is incredibly exciting. It might be one of the most invigorating things a guy can do. The kissing quickly grew more intense, tongues entered in pretty quickly and I put my arms around the small of her back and pulled her body into mine. We stood there beside the bed making out for a good three or four minutes just experiencing the feeling of kissing each other while I held her around the waist. She pulled her face and body back a little bit and looked me in the eyes. She still showed no sign of wavering on what was going to happen, she seemed to be savoring the moment.

I reached my arms back around her and pulled her towards me again continuing the kissing. Our tongues were now getting a little bolder and I slid my hands down her back onto her ass, I gave a squeeze on both cheeks and pulled her pelvis up and towards me. Sara began breathing more heavily now and was very obviously getting quite turned on. I let my right hand come around to her hip for a moment, and then continued moving it around to the front of her panties and in between her legs. I grazed the outside of her panties with my middle finger and could feel that she was already very wet. She exhaled when I brushed against her pussy so I let my finger just sit there for about seven seconds and then stroked her clit through her underwear. She let out a small, under her breath “Ohhhh.” I started kissing her jaw right next to her ear letting my breath out as I did, I worked my way down to her neck, all the while giving some small strokes to her clit still with my finger outside of her panties. Sara’s body began quivering and her abs began clenching. She seemed to be having a mini-orgasm already and her underwear was now drenched.

After fifteen seconds of kissing her neck while rubbing her clit, I shoved Sara backwards onto the bed. Her eyes were wide and she laid back waiting for me. I took off my shirt and quickly got rid of my socks and pants too. I then climbed onto the bed over top of Sara. I reached for the bottom of her shirt and pulled it over her head, her hair spilled down out of it as it came off. She was wearing a black bra that was very low cut, I had always wanted to see Sara’s tits, she tended to show off a lot of cleavage when she went out. I just never thought I would get to. I reached out my hand and grazed the exposed top of her left boob and slid my finger into the bra. Sara grabbed my hand and pulled it away then reached behind her back with both hands and undid her bra. She held the cups in place while she slid off the shoulder straps then took it off completely and dropped it to the floor.

Her tits were pretty nice. You could see the first signs of sagging just starting with them, the nipples were a little puffy and a pale pink color. The skin was a bit paler on her breasts which made the freckles stand out really nicely. I was probably staring a bit because she pulled my face towards hers by the back of my neck and began kissing me again. Both of us were now just in our underwear making out on the bed with her on the bottom, it took almost no time before I was grinding my dick against her pussy, both of us were eager to get me inside of her. She reached down and slid her panties off, I copied her and we were both naked. Since I’m married and my wife is on birth control, we don’t keep condoms around the house. I was trying to sort out how this was going to work in my mind when Sara laid back, spread her legs, and said “I need you to fuck me.”

“Are you on birth control?”

“Of course I am!”

That was enough for me. I held my dick and rubbed it against her pussy lips and clit to moisten up the head, there was already enough precum that this probably wasn’t necessary. Sara had a landing strip of soft red hair. It looked to me like she had everything else lasered or waxed, there was no stubble or bumps at all. I rubbed my head up and down along her and every time I slid it down, I pressed it into her pussy just a little bit. Each time I slid it in just a little more until I was putting my dick in halfway. I then ran it down and held it against her pussy opening. I looked at Sara, she was looking down obviously just dying to have me inside her completely. I leaned back a little bit and slid my dick into her all the way. I started making a slow vertical circle with my pelvis, I could tell Sara was really enjoying this. I kept doing this for two or three minutes when I felt like I was getting close to coming. I stopped and pulled out because I wasn’t ready for this to be over.

I laid beside Sara and started kissing her again, I slid two fingers into her and she stopped kissing me as soon as I started sliding them in and out. She was nice and wet so my fingers made the telltale squishing noise as I finger-fucked her. She closed her eyes and grabbed the pillow behind her head with both hands. I stopped going in and out and made a come-hither motion making sure to hit the ridges on the front part of the inside of her pussy. While I did this I shuffled my body down a bit and leaned in with my mouth towards her clit. I gave her a little lick while continuing with my hands and Sara suddenly started getting much more vocal. She let out a couple “Ahh”s and “Ohhh”s. I kept doing this for about three minutes when I felt her pussy start to grip my fingers a bit harder and she shouted “Oh fuck!….. Ohhh….. Oh fuck!! Fuck!!!” She started to orgasm around my finger, I don’t know if she’s a squirter at all, but she got really wet while she orgasmed to the point where it was running down my fingers and down her taint towards her ass. I kept up the exact same motion with my fingers and pulled my face away from her clit to watch what I was doing and to see her face as she came.

When she finished she opened her eyes wide and stared at me seemingly a little surprised at herself. “I need you to do me from behind,” she said and she got herself onto all fours right in front of me. She stuck her ass up in the air and looked back. I was already getting myself into position on my knees behind her. I slid myself into her from behind right away and started up a good rhythm just fucking away for a few minutes. I was the perfect level of drunk where I was fully hard, but not so sensitive that I wanted to come right away. As I fucked her she was breathing heavily. I spread her cheeks apart and looked at her asshole. It crossed my mind to see if she’d let me fuck her ass but as soon as I thought about it I realized I was getting ready to come. I picked up the pace and Sara noticed right away. She started bucking against me a little harder and between breathes said, “Fuck me hard, fuck me hard, fucking come in me. Come in my pussy!” That was all the encouragement I needed, I gripped her hips and slammed myself into her as hard as I could. I came hard, I held her as hard against my pelvis as I could as I shot out a few ropes into her. We both collapsed, me lying on top of her just breathing heavily. “Fuck…” was all either of us said for a minute or two.

We ended up passing out shortly after this. A few hours later we fucked again when I woke up and started rubbing her pussy. And then again when we woke up in the morning. After that, she left and I went about my day. We’ve texted back and forth a little bit since then but neither of us has mentioned what happened. My wife and kids came home from their trip. I don’t really feel guilty about it, maybe I should, but it just seems like something that is between Sara and I and that it’s totally separate from my marriage with my wife and my family life.

Source: reddit.com/r/gonewildstories/comments/o033l1/mf_wife_leaves_town_friend_and_i_go_drinking


  1. Great story, and I’m glad you have friend like that in your life. What you have is just between the two of you, no one else needs to be involved. You still love your family, you just have love for someone else to.

  2. Great story, I completely agree with the part about kissing a woman who is not your wife is one of the most invigorating things a man can do. Especially when things dry up and you just feel desired again.

    Amazing first experience with Sara and that you didn’t have to worry about a condom. You have a great thing going on with her. Hope you can see her again in the future.

  3. I usually love cheating stories but honestly this is so sad. I feel so fucking bad for your wife and kids.

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