Both of [m]y [F]riends with Benefits Under One Roof

Chrisanna was a coworker at the Tutoring Center. A short, deeply tanned girl with long black hair, a vegetarian partial to sun dresses. She was the very definition of "pear shaped," she used to joke that the good Lord hadn't given her much in the way of breasts but had made up for it by giving her way more ass than any one girl should handle. She was also a guitarist, so about twice a week during the summer I would come over to play with her, only to end up… well… playing with her.

The first time we had sex, she got all apologetic after ,explaining that she didn't want a relationship. I explained that I wasn't after one either, but did enjoy her company. "That doesn't mean we should stop fucking…" she laughed. "You're really good at it."

So our story opens with me deep inside Chrisanna, her on top of me riding, her bed shaking. She screamed as I worked in her -Chrisanna is, to this day, one of the loudest lays I've ever had. She slapped on the wall as she came. Soon after I finished as well, rolling out of bed and pulling my pants back on. "I'm going to have a smoke, I said. Laying face down on the bed, all she could do was give a thumbs up.

I step into the night air- cool for early June and am immediately startled when I see Shelby. Shelby was a rugby player and an exchange student from the Midwest who used to be one of my students at the Tutoring Center. She was very tall a bit on the chubby side with long, curly red hair and a bust that can be described as "massive." She had a knack for appearing to be a "good girl" but was actually one of the horniest people I've ever met in my life. Her last day of tutoring, she gave me a handjob in the center's bathroom. Since then I had been, in her words "my favorite booty call."

"Working hard in there," she laughed, eyeing me up and down.

"I.. um.. you heard that?" I stammered.

"Look," She laughed. "We never said we're exclusive. And you are really good at what you do." She giggled. "Apparently Chrisanna thinks so too."

She explained that Chrisanna's housemate and her were actually friends from back home ,and she was visiting the night. I left for Chrisanna's room to find her sitting up in bed, naked, rolling a joint.

Weed is like Viagra to me under normal circumstances. Smoking a joint as a cute Latina puts you in her mouth is not, sadly, an every day occurrence for me. I was almost instantly hard again.

"Take me from behind," She asked, almost begging as she climbed onto her knees. I positioned myself. "Fuuuck." She let out. "Go slower." I did, but it wasn't long until she was begging for more and more of my cock. I was happy to oblige, her bed shaking as I rammed myself into her. She shrieked when she came, maybe it was my imagination but it seemed loud even for her. I am not going to lie, part of why I was being so rough was because I was getting off on the idea of Shelby listening in.

Chrisanna fell asleep on her stomach after I finished. I got dressed and checked my phone. "Christ, what are you doing to that girl," Shelby had texted.

I texted back "nothing I haven't done to you."

"Oh yeah? Come show me. I'm high and horny upstairs… meet me in the basement."

Shelby put a chair under the nob for the basement door so no one else could enter. I was skeptical about my ability to get up again -three times this close together was just not a thing I'd done before. I told Shelby this and she pushed me down into a chair, began to slowly undress. When she undid her bra she saw me twitch in my jeans. "Hello there," she smirked, groping me. "Does Chrisanna know it's hopeless between you because you're a tit guy"

I laughed. "I'm not a breast guy… yours are an exception. Besides she doesn't want to date. Same as you. She's using me for my dick." "You sound so okay being used." "it's the American Dream." I laugh.

Once naked she sat on the washing machine. pulling a chair up in front of it I sat, began slowly using my tongue on her. "Lick me harder. Not there… fuck.. there." I moved my tongue rapidly, finding the rhythm and position I knew she liked. She pulled my hair for emphasis, her voice still commanding as she told me what she wanted, but more clipped. It wasn't long until she'd come. I hopped to my feet, I watched as she put the condom on me, loving the slow way her hand moved down my shaft. "Don't you dare go easy on me this time," She said. "I want you to hurt my little pussy."

I covered her mouth as I entered her, her eyes wide. I did not hold back, like she asked. Instead I went right into a series of deep, savage thrusts. Wild. It wasn't long until she was bucking, in the throes of orgasm. Which was good because at this point my cock had just about given up and I also came, my balls aching as they gave up whatever the had left for the day.

We both got dressed in a hurry and I left out the back door.

The next morning I got a text form Chrisanna. "Sorry I passed out on you," it read, followed almost immediately by a picture of her making breakfast in her underwear "But I wish you were here this morning." I assured her that there would be plenty of other mornings, and wondered to myself how she would react if she found out I'd fucked another girl in her house as she was asleep.



  1. I so want to believe this really happened. And if so, well done, sir. Well done.

  2. I went to school at a fairly open state University on the East Coast. This kind of hook up culture wasn’t exactly the norm but was not at all uncommon. Of course, I probably was a bit more audacious in this incident than most people usually are.

  3. Well, you write it VERY well and it sounds like fun was had by all. Good times in your 20’s, I miss those years at times…

  4. Thank you for the compliment. It’s weird, I regret sleeping around quite so much in high school and college, but I don’t know which experience I’d "take back" if I could, haha.

  5. That’s the greatest thing, you can’t! All goes into the "life experience" bucket, you know?

  6. haha yup. I guess I’ve just been reflecting a lot lately because things are getting more and more serious with my girlfriend. Thank God she doesn’t know my reddit account, haha.

  7. Man was I exhausted by the end of it. My second highest record for most sex sessions in the shortest period of time.

  8. I can imagine. I understand the recharge process and weed does helps me to. but dam…. nice work

  9. Gotta love college. Had too many crazy sex stories myself and it just comes as normal when you’re doing it. Anyways, kudos brother.

  10. You realize you have to tell us about your record setting story, right?

  11. When I first stated seeing my now fiance, she lived about 3 hours away from me. Because of this we weren’t intimate very often. To make up for that fact we would schedule about once every month or two a weekend long No Pants Fest. Most of these weekend long sex marathons broke this record at some point.

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