Roscoe Forthright. The Skull Ritual. Spurt Semen on the Skull.

**As a leader of an international sex cult,** I can say I have seen no porn in the past 40 years which is more interesting than my daily life. My life is cheerful and fun,populated by a small and affectionate group of exquisite young heterosexual and bisexual human females. I think of them as Temple Virgins, though none are virgins, and few enter temples of any kind. ***I spend time developing my sex rituals,writing them down, and trying them out with the girls,*** as a way todecide what works, and what does not work. Both in making sexyfilms, and in creating rituals, my intention is to generate worthwhile spiritual content, and worthwhile spiritual results.

***Many people would get more from porn,if porn had even one small hint of worthwhile spiritual content.***As things stand, most 21st Century porn gets boring afteran hour or two, because it lacks humor, and lacks cheerful,warm-hearted fun, and 99.999% of the time lacks all thought-worthycontent. We watch acrobatic men and women, and girls with dicks,all of which get dull, even when the bodies are pretty to look at,and everyone moans at the appropriate moments. Often we see forms ofbody-twisting which are simply not possible for most humans, on aregular basis. ***Everything is fake and exaggerated, and that is oneprimary source of boredom.*** Point-of-view, amateur porn is often morefun the slick professional porn. Even with POV there is little to think about.If you think I am exaggerating, watch a few of my videos ( My own life is more fun and more interesting than anything I see on TV, cable, streaming services, ***and most especially more fun than any modern porn.***

***So far, no anthropologist has called me up,*** or come to visit our Meditation Centers, to research our modern sex rituals. Perhaps they get no grant money for that sort of thing, or the colleges and universities have no interest in current developments of religious sex cults. They might drawn analogies between my Temple Virgins and historical temple prostitutes. But that would be inaccurate.

**My girls fuck boys because they enjoy that sort of things. And most boys have no problem with that.** There remains an ongoing debate among scholars on the subjects of temple virgins and temple prostitution. ***Much modern scholarship relies on the agenda the university or college*** (the people paying for the scholarship) ***wants to promote.*** In recent decades, feminism and neo-paganism, andmodern concepts of “sex workers” ***become social agendas to be pushed, or denied.*** ***And scholarship serves those agendas.*** Someresearchers say temple prostitution and sex ritual practices were invented by European historians to spice things up, to make ancient cultures, or cultures in distant places seem alluring and exotic. Who knows? Who really cares? ***We each believe what we wish to believe, for many personal reasons, regardless of any evidence, or lack of evidence.***

[Sex Rituals – movie trailer](
