Nation of Samarasa Part 2: Gooner Breakfast [M/F] [Gooning] [porn addiction] [edging] [cum]

Joan awoke the next morning in a disoriented dreamlike state. She was unsure if the previous day’s had actually occurred, or it was all part of some insane fantasy that was conjured by the deepest bowels of her subconsciousness. With her eyes still drunk with sleep, Joan limped over to the TV remote and turned the TV on. She was curious what Samarasan TV was like and what better way to start than with the news? As the screen flickered to life, her sleepiness was shattered from what she saw.

The TV switched to GNN, which stood for “Gooner News Network”. It was the “Morning Show” and consisted of anchor Xavier Blakeland. Like the street, the anchor was completely nude. Xavier was a muscular, about 6’1 foot African American male, bald, but thin slender eyes and cheeks. Like Tracey, his smile was pearly white that illuminated her room through the screen. Joan couldn’t get her eyes off one thing however, his cock. His cock had to be at least 8.5 inches. She noticed it was limp, but even then it was as thick as her forearm. The cock head had a light purple hue to it, while his shaft was a deep chocolate brown color adorned by a myriad of veins needed to power such a feat of human reproduction. His testicles hung in his scrotum like coconuts caught in a net, and were the size of grapefruits. They were tight, perfectly grasping every inch of Xavier’s scrotum and Joan thought for a second she saw them twitch.

However as Xavier spoke, Joan could not understand a single thing he was saying. Xavier’s eyes were cross eyed, his tongue stuck out from his lower right mouth. He smiled as if he had one too many shots of liquor, and spoke what sounded like total gibberish. She also noticed hwo he was drooling profusely, the drool dripping onto his hard pecs and falling more, illuminating his body like baby oil.

Joan stood stunned by what she was witnessing, but confused at what Xavier was even saying. She then heard the bell ring at her room’s door. She opened the door and it was Tracey. This time, Tracey had cherry red stick on, her ponytail still reached her left bosom, and she had a pink hue on her cheeks complemented by her smokey eye mascara. Her seraph ears adorned silver hoop earrings. Joan noticed Tracey had nipple clamps on, but she couldn’t hear a vibrating dildo this time. Finally Tracey had golden, gladiator sandals on, which hugged her toned, utterly flawless legs.

“Good morning Joan, I figured you’d still be jet lagged so I brought some breakfast. Some of Samaras’s specialties !” Tracey said.

“That’s sweet Tracey, thanks for that” Joan replied

Tracey placed the breakfast on the coffee table and began to unpack. She handed Joan her breakfast container and she took hers. Joan braced herself for whatever insanity was in the box as she opened it. However, she saw it looked like an egg white omelette which mixed vegetables and hash browns. She glanced over at Tracey and saw she was having bread with some sort of jam.

“Dig in, I’m sure you’re starving” Tracey exclaimed.

Joan took a bite and the flavor was strange. It wasn’t bad, but it didn’t taste like any egg whites she ever had. It had a mild salty taste, but it was relatively neutral. The vegetables were spinach and other green leafy vegetables which tasted as they normally do.

“Is everything Joan?” Tracey asked.

“Yeah it’s just I’ve never tasted eggs like this before” Joan replied.

“Oh sweetie it’s not eggs, I did tell you I wanted you to taste Samarasan cuisine. It’s semen” Tracey said with a small smirk.

Joan nearly gagged at the thought of the fact that she was eating a “cum omelette” , but Tracey was very kind to her and she did not want to offend her, so she continued to eat the omelette.

“The men of Samarasa have a very strict diet of pineapples, fruit, and green leafy vegetables coupled with constant exercise and vitamin regimen. Their cum is delectable, and is a core tenet of our beliefs, but more on that later” Tracey explained.

“Oh I forgot the drinks, here sweetie let me pour you some Cumoolata” Tracey said as she grabbed her crystal glasses.

The “Cumoolata” was milky white and slightly thick. Joan knew this was clearly semen. As she lifted the glass to her lips, her hands began to tremble at the depravity of the situation she was thrown into. As the glass nearly reached her lips she could smell the drink. The drink had a sweet smell to it, almost made entirely of honey.

“What on earth?” Joan thought.

She took a small sip of the drink and her eyes nearly popped out their sockets. The drink was incredibly sweet, similar to fruit juice. No saltiness, no neutralness, or any other flavors she heard cum taste like. Tracey’s small sips transformed into big gulps, her taste buds enchanted by the honey cum she was tasting.

Tracey giggled as she said “I’m glad you’re enjoying the Cumoolata. The guys we use for that drink have an extremely strict diet of pineapples, high sugar content fruits, water, and special cum aid pills. I kid you not, their balls are transformed into human candy factories”.

Tracey pulled out a spread that also said “Cumoolata” but the spread was a thick jelly like consistency. She used a butter knife to take the spread to spread it on her bread. As she chewed on the bread, she took intermittent sips of the liquid Cumoolata.

“Ah he’s talking about the new sybian park we are planning to build slightly outside the capital” Tracey said as she pointed to the TV.

“So how about we get some of the research started?” Tracey asked.

“Sure, you mind if we start with religion?” Joan replied.

“Thought you wouldn’t ask, but one little thing. I think to really help you into your research I think you should conduct work nude. It’ll really help you connect to my people” Joan said.

Joan nearly turned pale, she was no stranger to porn, or masturbation but always in private. However she knew this was her ticket to make her research and her dissertation as incredible as possible, she had to do it.

“Umm sure, if that’s what it takes.” Joan replied timidly and with her cheeks blushing ruby red.

Joan removed her t-shirt which exposed her slender build. Joan was also a caucasian build but she was petite. Her face and chest and a mild amount of freckles on them, her dirty blonde hair was cut into a bob with bangs. Her glasses hid her sea blue eyes, while the loss of her shirt exposed her perky B-cup breasts. Joan’s body was petite and slender. Joan undid her pajamas which exposed the rest of her petite frame. Her vagina was waxed smooth as a marble floor. Now she was nude, open to someone she barely knew, but for some reason she felt comfortable.

Tracey looked in amazement and said “Lord Samarasa I thank you for bringing this angel into my life”.

Joan sat down, gathered her notebook and pen and asked “Are you ready ?”.

“Lets begin” Tracey said confidently.

To Be Continued..


1 comment

  1. Great job! I’ve come to this out of order, but I’m looking forward to catching up and await part 3!

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