The Amazonians, Futas of the Rainforest: Part I (Chs. 5-8 (MF) (Strong Female) (Adventure)

Chapter 6

Mesma reached down to massage her clit. I had noted earlier that her clit seemed larger, more pronounced than other women I’ve been with. Come to think of it, all of the women here seemed to have rather girthy clits. I hadn’t thought much of it, as I know every body is different.

She closed her eyes in concentration, her fingertips occasionally tapping my cock head as it continued gliding between her pussy lips. Intuitively, I watched her touch herself. It was always a turn on to watch women touch themselves. Mesma began panting, and her clit swelled even more.

At this point, she was no longer rubbing a nub. She had her swollen clit between her thumb and fingers, and she was stroking up and down. The stroking prompted even more growth – and I stared in amazement at the rapidly growing member.

It was the closest thing I’ve ever seen to magic, yet it clearly was not supernatural. I imagined it was similar to watching a flaccid penis grow into a rock hard cock, only this was using female parts instead. I knew enough about biology to know that the hardware is essentially the same, it’s just constructed differently.

With increasing arousal and blood flow to her genitals, her clit widened and lengthened. Meanwhile, her labia contracted and tightened, seemingly to provide the extra real estate for the expanding clit. My hardness continued to rest in her slit, now nearly touching her growing rod.

Her clit had similar features to a cock – there was a defined head, and, somehow, appeared to be a hole. The shaft appeared hard and fleshy. Fully grown, it looked like a smaller version of my own hardware. She had maybe 4-5 inches of length and slightly less girth than myself. Mesma began to open her eyes now, after concentrating on growing her ladycock.

She looked at me with questioning, approval-seeking eyes. I was mesmerized and confused, and extraordinarily turned on. “You want?” She asked, grabbing my hand to touch her. I allowed it, and wrapped my hand around the engorged clit. It felt similar, yet different than my cock. It was softer, and didn’t have the distinctive veins protruding the shaft.

I began to stroke slowly, eyeing her face for her approval. She groaned softly, and pushed her hips toward me. “Can I?” I began to ask, gliding up and down her female parts again, hoping a hole was still there for me to enter.

“Mmm,” she moaned and nodded. It felt like a foreign maneuver, but I stroked her ladycock while I entered her pussy, and we both groaned loudly as I inched my way inside her. In amazement, I took stock of all of her fun parts: full, juicy tits, a hard cock, a wet pussy, and a tight asshole. I watched her mounds bounce as I jerked her hard-on.

“You trust?” She asked again while we fucked. I felt the urge to come soon.

“What, you have more surprises?” I joked as I thrusted her.
She grinned and repeated, “You trust?” This time expecting an answer.

“Yes,” I confirmed.

Mesma took control by grabbing my hip bones and stopping my thrusts. She lifted herself on tiptoes and my throbbing cock popped out of her hole. In swift motions, she pulled my legs out from under her, and opened my positioning, while spreading her wetness from her pussy to her cock. Completely under her control, my legs were open wide to her.

She grabbed my thigh and pushed back, exposing my bottom. With wet fingertips, she stroked circles around my asshole, her eyes darting from watching herself work back to checking my expression. The truth was that I was uncertain, but I had no desire to stop her.

Gently, she pressed one of her fingers into my puckered hole. It felt overwhelming at first, but once she passed a certain barrier, it was easier to tolerate. With her finger nearly all the way in, she curled upwards, tickling my prostate. “Ahh fuck!” I yelled.

Concern washed over her face and she slowed down. “No, no, keep going!” I begged.

She grinned hungrily and fingered my asshole with enthusiasm. I was leaking precum by the time she decided to try and penetrate me a different way. She pulled her finger out, and stoked her ladycock again, making sure it was fully lubricated.

Again peering into my soul, she placed the tip of her cock against my tight opening, and she gradually pressed forward. She and I both groaned deeply as she entered me. I felt a thrill seeing how much she enjoyed this.

Once my body adjusted to her size, she fucked me at will. She grabbed my legs and spread them widely, and she thrusted into me with purpose. Already nearing an orgasm before she began fucking my ass, I again felt the urge rise in my belly. “I’m going to come!” I warned.

“I come!” She wailed, and she stroked my cock in unison with her humping. Her pace quickened, and her grip on my legs tightened. All at once, I felt my own explosion blast out of me, along with a shot of warmth in my ass. I shot streams of seed into the air, while I felt her come overtake my tiny hole.

Both panting and catching our breath, she pulled out me, and I felt her warm liquid dribble down my crack. I’ve been creampied, I thought, and grinned blissfully to myself.

Chapter 7

Mesma and I rinsed ourselves under the refreshing waterfall. It was nearly a spiritual experience. The unbelievable, explosive pleasure of our sexual encounter, and now the serene, renewing shower under the majestic waterfall. This place is both hell and heaven on earth.

We didn’t say much on our trek back to the village. I think we both felt the post-orgasmic glow and felt content simply walking together. Dusk was approaching and a distinct tension wafted in the air as we approached the village. I looked over and admired Mesma’s gentle, soft features. Despite her incredible strength and ability to grow a cock and fuck me in the ass, she was still soft and feminine and delicate.

Upon reaching the brush surrounding the town, the air was quiet. There seemed to be faint whispers in the distance. I wasn’t sure what I was hoping would happen next. I wouldn’t mind going to my humble quarters and resting. Or staying with Mesma for the night. Of course, she’d have to offer if I were to stay with her.

We reached a fork in the road, one direction led to my tent, the other to Mesma’s. We faced each other and our fingertips touched. She took a deep breath, and had words on the edges of her lips when a loud, booming voice interrupted.

“Ayy!” She howled, then proceeded to speak loudly and angrily to Mesma. It was Zula, the athlete. She towered over Mesma and pointed a finger in her face. Zula waved her hands frantically and motioned towards me. Finally, Mesma stepped back, appearing to be the submissive one, and Zula grabbed my arm and yanked me in her direction.

Zula held me as I followed, and I gave one final glance toward Mesma, who looked teary-eyed and had regret painted on her face. Two other athletes flanked Zula, I’m still not sure of their names. Both are similarly athletic, but clearly not the alpha, as only Zula holds that title. All three look like Olympian goddesses.

We arrived at Zula’s hut, and she finally released her grip once we were inside. She sat on her hand-made lounge chair, and put her feet up on a small ottoman. She pointed at me, then her feet, and spoke harshly in their native language. “Ikiti! Ikiti!” She ordered. I figured I should try to remember some of the words, so I take note of the word for feet.

I sat on a small stand and began coating her feet in their warm, scented oil. Mentally and emotionally, I was still with Mesma, so I tried to re-focus my attention to this tent with three new women. Three potentially drunk women, it turned out.

While I kneaded Zula’s feet, the other two sipped liquid out of ceramic mugs. They laughed and spoke loudly, I’m guessing they were sharing stories and making fun of other women.

Meanwhile, Zula was completely engrossed under my touch. I’d expand my massage to her calves, which made her groan and hum. When I was at the top of her calf, she whispered something to me, suggesting I continue rubbing her up her leg.

It was a little exciting, as I hadn’t been sexual with her yet. I was still on edge, but was beginning to find myself more present. Yet, I was still a hostage.

Reminding me of my nakedness, the other two began pointing and giggling at my growing erection. I felt so exposed having no layers to cover myself. It was such a toxic cocktail of emotions, I felt a sweeping numbness make its way over me.

It was becoming more clear to me that this was going to turn into a foursome. Zula had her head back, eyes closed and moaned softly while I grazed by her bits. The other two had ravenous looks in their eyes as they stared at my pulsing cock.

I continued to rub her groin and use suggestive strokes of my hands. I heard the breathing of the other women slow and deepen, and their giggling toned down.

I didn’t know what exactly was about to happen. Of course, I was aroused with three stunning bronze goddesses ready to use me. However, I was also their hostage. Their servant. Ultimately, it was not my choice to be in that tent.

I looked over to see one of the women pull a substantial cock from under her loincloth. She stroked herself while watching me slip my fingers inside of Zula.

The one with the huge cock stood and strutted over, lining herself behind me. She kicked away my little stand I was sitting on. I knew what she wanted, she didn’t have to ask. I lowered to my knees and bent over, offering her my tight asshole.

She licked her hand and rubbed her ladycock, then penetrated me aggressively. Her strong hand grasped the back of my head and pushed my face in between Zula’s legs. For whatever reason, Zula hadn’t grown a fleshy rod yet. I licked and nibbled her labia and clit.

My ass was filled, and it hurt a little. I tried to breathe deeply and relax my muscles. Then the other woman walked over and maneuvered her way under me. She lay on her belly, face down, and lifted her behind to me much the same way I had done a moment ago.

I didn’t know if I could perform all three sexual tasks. I didn’t think I had much choice, anyways. The one under me was wet and ready for me, and I slid into her opening. It was overwhelming – pleasurable and terrifying, ecstatic and hesitant – all at once.

The power of the three women was immense. I felt fragile under them, yet they fed hungrily off of my sexual anatomy and abilities. Whether it was dumb luck or the booze, they all approached climax quickly. I almost felt as if I had cheated by how soon they were ready to peak.

The sensations were far too intense for me to withhold my own orgasm. As I felt hot liquid fill my ass, my own heated fluid was released into the one under me. Luckily, the most important one, Zula, also came with the rest of us.

Something about it felt cheap, but I felt relief that they were done with me. Once we dislodged ourselves from each other, Zula gave me a passive wave, a flick of her fingers, which indicated I was free to go. I didn’t hesitate to stride straight out of that tent.

Chapter 8

The temperature barely changed in this part of the world, but the night air was crisp enough to be refreshing after the strenuous activity. It’s a long walk back to my basic living space. I walked past Lepsa’s tent. I swear I felt my cock shrivel even more at the thought of her.

I passed Anka’s royal hut. The materials were still basic, but it had a distinct sturdiness to it that signified it was important. As always, two Amazonian warrior guards stood outside of her hut, their eyes sweeping their surroundings suspiciously.

Nearing my destination, I approach Mesma’s tent. A warm feeling washed over me as I thought about our day together. She was so much different than the others, at least any others that I had met. Before I was past her tent, I swore I heard a whisper.

“Psst,” I heard again. I looked closer at Mesma’s tent, and saw the front tarp opened just enough for her eyes to peek out. She stuck her hand out slightly, and motioned for me to go to her. I felt relief, although I was also looking forward to a decent night’s sleep.

I snuck into her tent, and found that she’s set up a ritualistic bath. I looked at her, feeling desperate she was not asking for more out of me, but knowing I’d have to fulfill her wishes. “Lay down,” she said, and pointed to the clean, soft cloths laid on the floor.

I looked at her, confused, wondering if I had been hallucinating from exhaustion. She smirked, and gently steered me over and had me lay down. “I wash you,” she said, looking unsure of her English words.

“You. You wash me? Are you sure? I don’t know. Can you even do that?” I asked, panic rising quickly in my gut.

“Shh. It is okay,” she assured me. “We stay quiet, it will be okay. Now, flip over. I’m sure they had your backside.” I turned over, looking at her with amazement that she knew so much English.

She pulled a rag out of a bowl, and rung the water out. As the warm cloth touched my back, I felt my muscles instantly relax. Her caring touch washed up and down my back, then down to my ass from where I had been taken moments ago.

I flinched a little as the warm cloth swiped over the sensitive area. “Sorry,” she said. “They hard on you.”

Her make-shift bath continued down to my hamstrings, calves, and finally my feet. All parts of my legs had been aching for weeks, and it felt magical to have such a tender touch tending to them.

“Turn,” she instructed. I flipped over, the middle of my body still covered in another woman’s fluids. Mesma began with my face, washing away Zula’s essence from my scruff. “You must watch for Zula. She no good.”

As she washed my chest, I entered a partial sleep mode from the deep relaxation. The water also had oils and herbs, which filled the tent with soothing aromatherapy. Mesma was most careful around my genitals. She lovingly washed away what had happened earlier.

When she reached my thighs, I somehow felt my body responding to her touch. My shaft began to fill, and soon I was fully erect. She took notice, and gave me a wide grin. Then I heard voices and footsteps approaching.

Before either of us could move, Anka and her guards were at the entrance of Mesma’s tent. Anka looked enraged. My lovers yelled at one another in their native language and I watched cluelessly. Anka motioned to me. Then her two guards approached me and pulled me out of the tent by my arms. They were so strong, I had no chance of successfully resisting.

As I was escorted away from the tent, the two continued arguing. It was a long walk. The guards led me to a vacant tent, away from the others. They threw me in, closed the flap, and stood outside to make sure I didn’t leave.

The bare tent, not unlike a jail cell, is where I woke up today. I’m guessing it’s late morning. I fear that I’ll be tortured and killed. Or I might go back to Anka’s hut and return to being her servant. My mind spins.

I hear footsteps stomping toward my jail tent. The two guards open the flap for their leader to walk through. Anka stands there, her face expressionless. Never before had the line between my life and my death been so thin.


1 comment

  1. The futas finally make an appearance!
    In all seriousness, great story, can’t wait for more.

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