Controlled and Insecure | P1 | (MF) (dd/lg) (Master) (CNC) (Somnophilia) (Omorashi) (Desperation)

This erotica is based upon themes requested by another user. If you are wanting me to explore kinks, fetishes or fantasies that interest you, please PM me and we will discuss it further. Thank you, and I hope you enjoy :).



Another two month relationship down the drain, another man that just wasn’t right for her. Though her reasoning for breaking up was more understandable than usual, since calling out another name during sex wasn’t exactly a great confidence boost for someone who was already lacking in the confidence department.

Katherine, who goes by Kate by everyone except her mother, is a twenty year old girl from a rural town in England. She had always been bouncing from one relationship to another, never being able to tie one down for any longer than four months. Her options for boyfriends rose exponentially since moving to university and experiencing city life.

Kate had no reason be low on confidence, her hips were wide yet coupled with a small waist, which combined to give her what one of her previous partners described as “a dump truck of an arse.” Kate has always had long, luscious, straight brown hair that stopped just above that small waist. Her hazel coloured eyes were beacons of light whenever sunshine entered the room, and her pale complexion meant she still had freckles dotted around her face.

Despite being an attractive girl, she always had confidence issues ever since she was in her preteens. The same young boys that made fun of her wide hips when she was young are now the same boys trying to chat her up whenever she posts on Instagram. The lack of a father figure in life often impacted her relationship with men as an adult, usually going for those who are slightly older, and seem more mature.

Growing up, it would always be Kate who had boyfriends, and they would always cause her friends to raise their eyebrows when she told them his age. Kate’s nature of jumping from one man to another lead her friends to always ask, “Who is it this month?” As soon as she hit 18, she told her friends about all dating apps she was installing, some of which she was secretly on beforehand.

Kate wasn’t a slut, though she had lost count of her body count after six months at university  but she never for one moment considered herself slutty or easy. From the outside looking in, it was clear that Kate used men as a confidence boost. They made her feel better about herself.

As she was walking back to her university accommodation after breaking up with her most recent escapade, Kate downloaded Tinder once again and soon got many matches. By the evening she had already managed to secure a coffee shop meet up with an attractive man the next day.

That next day, the weather was awful, which made the coffee feel so much warmer, and the coffee shop much more cosy. Kate liked to arrive 15 minutes early wherever she went, and much to her surprise, he was already there.

The gentleman stood up as she entered. “Hi Kate, I’m Harry,” the gentleman said politely as she walked over to him. He reached out his hand, which Kate grabbed onto. Harry pulled her hand towards his mouth and kissed her knuckles as if she was royalty. An explosion occurred. An explosion of butterflies in Kate’s stomach. She falls easily for men, and she fell faster than a house of cards in a gale force wind.

Harry asked what coffee Kate would like, an insisted on getting it for her. Harry, a dark skinned male, got up and walked towards the counter. Kate couldn’t look anywhere but at him. He stood at almost a foot taller than her, and he wore denim jeans with a brown leather belt, and a tight fitted tank top that hugged his abs and pectorals tightly. He was only 5 years older than Kate, but the maturity difference between him and other men Kate had been with was vast.

Kate on the other hand was wearing a chain print split neck long sleeve top, with high waisted black skinny jeans to accompany. Her top had buttons undone just so people walking past could see her cleavage. Kate’s breasts, sitting at a DD Cup, were hard to hide, and this top didn’t make it any easier.

Harry returned with the exact order, along with a cupcake for who he referred to as “his special cupcake.” Kate’s stomach at this point may as well have been a butterfly sanctuary. The flutters in her stomach wouldn’t take long to travel down her body and cause flutters in her underwear.

The two made a connection straight away. Harry took the lead and Kate bounced off of him. It wasn’t long before the coffees had finished and Harry was suggesting to go back to his place for movies and cuddles. Within 90 minutes of Kate entering the coffee shop, she was leaving and heading to Harry’s house. Within 90 minutes of being in Harry’s house, Harry was in her.

A week had past, and Kate had stayed at his house every day and every night. Harry soon began to exert more control and dominance. Controlling what she can do, what she can’t do, where she can go and when. Kate lived for this. This was the kind of man she was always hoping to find. Someone who she can listen to, obey his commands in hope that she gets head pats or called a good little girl.

One day after making them both dinner, Harry sat down and talked to Kate, about going the extra mile. “You can’t do anything without asking me first,” he says to Kate as she begins eating, “okay,” she replies casually. Harry had expected a longer, more intensely thought out process before she agreed, but the lack of a fight was both a reflection on the past week, as well as a foreshadowing moment of things to come.

That same evening, whilst the two were watching something on Netflix whilst cuddling on the sofa, Kate got up.

“Where do you think you’re going?” Harry asked, unimpressed, looking up at Kate who was in pink silky pyjamas.

“I’m just going to the toilet,” she replies.

“Did you ask me?” Harry asks, to which Kate shakes her head, “well sit back down then,” he adds authoritatively.

Kate falls onto the sofa with an attitude. “Can I go to the toilet?” She asks, getting ready to lift herself up.

“No. You can’t. You’re going to sit here, watch the end of this with me, and have a drink of water to take your mind off it.” The dominant, the master personality traits are coming out of Harry in full throttle. Harry knew that the end of the film on Netflix was over an hour away, and he was going to keep Kate firmly in his arms until it was finished, irrespective of what her bladder wanted.


//. End of Part 1

