The Visitor Pt. 2 [Fiction] [Dark Erotica]

(Pt. 1: )

Caroline stared back at her reflection, clutching a thick white towel against her naked body as her titian colored hair dripped water onto her shoulders and down her back. Her blue eyes looked tired, and she nervously chewed on her bottom lip as she internally debated whether or not she had the strength to join everyone downstairs today.

There was no way she could face the silver haired phantom that had plagued her dreams all night.

The dreams had been limitless – all sexual in nature with varying levels of intensity. She hadn’t soiled her sheets again, thankfully, but she’d woken up that morning hot-and-bothered and had been trapped in a constant state of overbearing arousal since.

She still refused to dip between her legs to take the edge off, unable to bring herself to masturbate to the thought of the strange man who had infiltrated her home. It felt wrong but boy was it becoming increasingly difficult for her to listen to that little voice of reason.

As she conjured up memories of the dreams, they played like quick flashes in her mind – brief images of slender fingers grazing her bare flesh, roaming over the soft peaks of her pert breasts. A striking and vibrant red tongue teasing her nipple before drawing it into the moist cavern of its mouth.

Heat flared beneath her skin as the visions replayed in her head, her face flushing bright scarlet in the mirror. She had no idea why she was so incredibly turned on by the idea of being ravaged by such an unnerving stranger. Her loins literally ached at the thought of Mr. Stygian’s warm mouth suckling at her bosom.

Caroline tried to shake the thoughts from her mind, feeling as if she would implode at any moment. In an effort to distract herself, she grabbed her brush and began running it through her damp waves, carefully working out any knots and tangles she came across and dropping her towel in the process.

Once she’d finished the task of taming her mane, she dipped her head downward and brushed all of the hair to the peak of her skull, pulling it into a tight knot at the top of her head. As she observed the end result of her efforts in the mirror, she briefly caught her gaze, her eyes lingering on her reflection as they began to roam over the curves of her pale, naked frame.

The attempted distraction of her hair was short lived, her mind slipping back to the dreams – to the feelings they stirred up within her and she couldn’t help but ponder if reality would outmatch fantasy or if it would leave much to be desired.

Caroline began to lightly trail her fingers across her skin, starting at her collarbone and slowly inching them downward to trace the valley between her breasts. She tried to imagine that it was Mr. Stygian’s slender extremities stroking her ever so delicately.

A breath hitched in her throat at the titillating sensations the thought evoked. Goose-pimples broke out across her body as she pictured those lengthy fingers exploring her bare flesh. Her nipples hardened as her center pulsed with white-hot desire, that of which ignited inside of her like a flame being doused in gasoline.

She pinched her lip between her teeth as she delicately kissed her taut nipple with the pad of her thumb, the mere touch of warm skin sending a shudder of pleasure through her. A low, breathy moan slipped between her lips and she knew that if she continued this little game of make-believe, that she would simply burst at the seams.

Suddenly, there was a loud knocking at the door that nearly made her leap out of her own skin and she shakily scrambled to scoop the towel off of the floor, haphazardly wrapping it around her body as quickly as her trembling hands could manage. She felt like a child who’d been caught doing something naughty and her heart slammed inside of her chest, adrenaline burning in her veins.

“Caroline, your breakfast is startin’ to get cold. Are you plannin’ on joinin’ us anytime soon or are you just gonna lock yourself in the bathroom for the rest of the day?” Her mama asked through the door, her voice sounding hoarse and weak.

“Uh… I’ll be out soon.” Caroline managed to choke out. “I just… need to finish gettin’ dressed and I’ll be right there.”

Caroline could feel a colossal wave of embarrassment crash down on her, the mounting arousal she’d felt only moments before rapidly crumbling into a deep, sweltering shame. She hadn’t a clue what she’d been thinking or why she’d even entertained the pathetic fantasy.

She didn’t know Mr. Stygian, she didn’t know anything about him or his intentions. All she knew was that he made her nervous, maybe even afraid and she found him incredibly off-putting.

He was dangerous – that much was obvious. Caroline could see it in his eyes, could feel it in the strange, dark electric energy that exuded from within him. It was almost as if he could get her hot just by merely being within proximity of her or simply looking at her with those strange, exotic eyes.

He was exhilarating and terrifying all at once.

Not wanting to test her mama’s patience or be alone with her thoughts any longer, she quickly and shakily stepped into a pair of white cotton panties, not bothering to wipe away the evidence of her arousal first. She then slipped into her favorite sundress – a simple white spaghetti strapped A-line, patterned with lovely yellow sunflowers and a flared skirt that ended just above her knees.

It was classy and cutesy and it made her feel beautiful whenever she wore it.

Checking her reflection, Caroline realized that she could easily tell that she wore no bra underneath and it gave her a little bit of a thrill. There was no doubt Mr. Stygian would take notice and she hoped that it would cause her to plague his thoughts the way he had haunted hers all night long.

It only seemed fair in her mind.

Caroline found it so odd how just hours before, she kind of despised the strange visitor and wanted nothing more than for him to leave. While that was still, for the most part, true – the hyper-erotic dreams had managed to spark something inside of her and it was all that occupied her mind when she thought about him.

Dare she say it was causing her to develop a bit of a crush?

She slapped on a couple of coats of mascara and then finished the look with a golden chain ankle bracelet that had been gifted to her by an uncle a few years prior. There were a few tiny golden sunflower charms dangling from it, their centers made of shiny cubic zirconia.

It was one of her most favored pieces of jewelry that she owned – one of the only pieces of jewelry that she owned – and she loved the way it paired so perfectly with her dress.

After looking over herself one last time, she managed to finally work up enough courage to leave the safety of the bathroom, gliding barefoot down the stairs and making her way to the entryway of the kitchen. Everyone was sitting in absolute silence, not talking, not moving and there seemed to be a heaviness permeating the air.

Her parents were staring down at their half emptied plates and Caroline got the impression that they were actively trying not to look at Mr. Stygian, whom sat quietly in the same seat he’d claimed the night before. Since he was facing toward the entryway, he was the first to notice Caroline’s presence as she lingered at its threshold. His stormy eyes looked her up and down, lighting up with joy at the sight of her.

He was wearing a similar suit to the one he’d been wearing the previous night. It was a uniformed deep, rich black that made the paleness of his skin and hair stand out in contrast – no jacket but a silky looking waistcoat with a button-up beneath, the sleeves rolled up to the elbow and a similarly colored tie to finish off the look. Hanging on the back of his chair was an expensive looking velvety black homburg hat.

His silver locks were neatly slicked back from his face and a light dusting of stubble adorned his chin that she hadn’t seemed to notice the night before. He was much more handsome than Caroline remembered and it made her feel all the more flustered to be near him.

His lips curled into a smile before he stood, moving behind the only empty seat at the table to pull it out in a chivalrous gesture. With a simple sweep of his hand, he motioned for her to sit, his gaze trained on her as he awaited her compliance.

Her parents finally turned to see her standing in the doorway and it was obvious to her that they were under a great deal of stress. James – her daddy – looked as if he’d been up all night, his cognac colored eyes were slightly blood-shot, his salt and pepper hair disheveled and he appeared to be rather tense and on edge.

Nancy – her mama – looked as if she’d been crying for days. Her eyes were red and puffy and raw, her greying red hair dull and lank and she looked outright exhausted. There was no doubt in Caroline’s mind that their current state had everything to do with Mr. Stygian’s presence in their home.

Just who was this man who had so abruptly invaded her home?

It was clear to Caroline that there was something being kept from her and the revelation left her feeling a bit frustrated. She was an adult now, yet her parents still insisted on treating her as a child.

With a leisurely gait, she swept into the room, heat spreading across her cheeks as she immediately took notice of Mr. Stygian’s gaze roaming over her body before lingering on her chest. His smile widened as he descried the outline of her taut nipples beneath the thin fabric of her dress, his eyes flashing with a ravenous hunger.

“Good morning Caroline.” Mr. Stygian cooed in that velvety voice, her name dripping like molasses from his lips.

The way he spoke sent a shiver creeping along her spine and when she lowered herself into the chair, she could feel the tips of his fingers lightly brush the tops of her bare shoulders as he pushed the seat toward the table. The touch was brief, but that did nothing to mollify the dark energy that surged through her body, blooming from the point of contact between their skin before amplifying at the center between her legs.

Caroline could actually feel her sex throbbing with need and it nearly sent her over the edge. She was already aching for release as it was and as the overbearing sensations forced her to squirm in her chair, she could feel the essence of arousal seeping into the fabric of her underwear.

The stranger swiftly reclaimed his seat and Caroline could feel those intense, dark eyes boring holes through her. She timidly peered up at him through her lashes, burning with embarrassment as her body relentlessly betrayed her.

Mr. Stygian was on to her – she could tell. It was in the way that he watched her, the way that his mouth stretched out into that devilish grin, the way that his red tongue hungrily licked at his pale lips.

He was taunting her without uttering a single word, daring her to give in to her desires and to allow him to quell the blazing inferno that raged within her loins. His eyes said it all – the sensuous motion of his tongue spoke volumes.

It could be her that he was tasting.

What she’d done in the bathroom – it could be him touching her body instead. It could be him teasing her bosom and savoring her satiny flesh.

Fantasy could be reality.

Her mind flashed back to the dream, to the image of her nipple in his warm mouth and her body shuddered with delight at the thought. She wanted it so badly that it scared her – absolutely terrified her.

There was some dark magic at work here and she was hopelessly ensnared. She was under his spell and was utterly helpless to do anything about it.

Give in, it whispered.

Give in, it urged.

The words echoed in her head and she questioned how long she’d be able to keep her resolve. It was already crumbling down around her and the man had only been here for one night.

“You need to eat, Caroline.” Her mama said sternly, though her voice sounded tired.

Caroline was snapped back to reality and she hadn’t a clue how long she’d been off in her reverie. Her cheeks flushed red as she realized she’d been staring at Mr. Stygian for an awkward amount of time, though he didn’t seem to mind.

In fact, he appeared to be quite pleased with the effect he was having on her.

Caroline’s eyes fell on her plate and she picked up her fork to poke at her scrambled eggs, her mind racing with endless risqué visions. It was impossible to sit so closely to the man that had been plaguing her thoughts all night and all morning – the man who had her on the brink of eruption without actually doing anything.

But she couldn’t lose her reserve, not now. Not so soon. She just had to keep her distance, just needed to find a distraction until the man decided it was time for him to leave.

Nobody spoke and the silence was becoming deafening. The tension was so thick and heavy that Caroline thought she might suffocate beneath it.

“I’m surprised to see you’re still home, daddy. Are you feelin’ alright?” She asked in an attempt to alleviate the quietude.

“Uh… yeah.” He stammered out a reply, nervously rubbing at the back of his neck. “Yeah, I’m feelin’ fine. I just… I wanted to try to get some work done in the barn today. That thing is startin’ to fall apart and if I keep neglectin’ it, then we ain’t gonna have it by the time next year rolls around.”

Caroline found it odd that he would call off of work for any reason, considering the man never did such a thing. Even when he was sick.

Stranger yet, the anxious glances her parents exchanged between one another was not lost on her and it was obvious the pair was up to something. She stole a peek at the stranger and noted how cool and casual he appeared to be, leaned back in his seat with his arm resting on the back of the chair.

He was quietly examining the three of them, the ghost of a smirk playing at the corners of his lips. There was a dark glint in his eyes that made Caroline’s stomach twist into knots.

He knew that James and Nancy were plotting something – Caroline could tell. The man seemed to not miss a single thing.

Before she could convey this revelation to either parent, James spoke.

“Mr. Stygian?” He inquired.

The visitor stared back at him intently, his eyes flicking over James’ face as he appeared to be considering whether or not to humor the situation or put a stop to the assured insurgence.

“Yes, Mr. Belle?” The man responded after a moment of silent deliberation.

“Would you care to join me? I could use an extra set of hands out there.”

Caroline nearly choked on her eggs at the unexpected request, her eyes moving between each man as her mind conjured up countless scenarios. What exactly was her daddy planning on doing?

Whatever it was, she had a really bad feeling about it.

Mr. Stygian’s lips turned up into an amused smirk, the storms in his eyes brewing dangerously. He tilted his head slightly to the side as the men stared silently at one another, seemingly having a conversation only they could hear.

“Certainly, Mr. Belle. I am a man of many talents. I am certain of my ability to offer the assistance you so require.” The man spoke smoothly, lightly rapping his pointer finger against the surface of the table.

Caroline looked across the table at her mama, their gazes locking together. Nancy was obviously nervous, perhaps even afraid and that only added to Caroline’s own mounting concern.

“Nance, how about you whip up some of your famous butter cookies in the meantime? Mr. Stygian here ain’t never had the pleasure of tryin’ ’em.”

James reached out and grabbed his wife by the hand, giving it a loving squeeze. Nancy stared back at him for a moment, seemingly unable to speak. She then peered over at Mr. Stygian, managing a weak smile in his direction.

“Of course.” She said after a brief silence. “Nothin’ says ‘welcome’ quite like my homemade butter cookies.”

Mr. Stygian’s grin widened.

“How wonderfully considerate.” He drew softly, a hint of condescension in his tone. “I am known to have a bit of a sweet tooth.”

His gaze then moved to Caroline and she couldn’t help but blush at the implications of his words. She was certain that he wasn’t talking about the cookies.

“Great. How ’bout we get to it then? Let the women have their time while we have ours?”

“Indeed.” Mr. Stygian gave a measured response, his eyes practically burning holes through James. “I reckon there is much work to be done.”

With that, both men stood from the table and Mr. Stygian grabbed the hat from his chair, perching it atop his head. He abstained from making a move until James strode toward the threshold of the kitchen, stopping to wait for the man to join him.

The stranger slipped behind Caroline’s chair, gripping the back of it with both hands before leaning down to bring his mouth next to her ear. His warm breath on her skin made her shudder and she felt her own breath catch in her throat as the sensation of heat licking at her lobe sent waves of excitement rolling through her.

“You and I shall have our time soon enough.” He whispered silkily.

Before she could fully register his words, he was gone, following James out of the room and leaving her in a state of confused sexual frustration. Her eyes met Nancy’s and she felt ashamed and embarrassed, unable to control the way her body responded to the stranger.

Neither woman spoke until they heard the screen door clap shut, signaling that they were alone in the house. Nancy let out a breath as if she’d been holding it the entire time and she looked as if she’d aged ten years over night.

“Mama, is everything okay?”

There was a stretch of silence before Nancy nodded her head, using the back of her hand to wipe her eyes. It was obvious she was trying not to cry and Caroline knew that there was something she wasn’t telling her.

“I’m fine.” Nancy said quickly, attempting to flash her daughter a reassuring smile.

She shoved her chair back from the table, lifting herself out of her seat as she busied herself with collecting all of the half emptied plates from the table. Caroline watched as she carried the dishes to the counter, setting them down to scrape the leftover scraps into the trash bin.

“If there’s somethin’ botherin’ you, Mama, I just want you to know that you can tell me. I can handle it. I promise.”

Nancy shook her head, waving her hand dismissively as she took the plates to the sink to wash them.

“I’m just tired, is all. I could hardly sleep a wink last night.” She finally turned to look back at her daughter, her smile much more convincing this time. “I promise that I’m fine, okay? Don’t worry about me, honey.”

Caroline wasn’t so sure, but she knew how stubborn her mama could be.

“Now, go find you somethin’ to do for a little while. I’m gonna be doin’ some bakin’ and you know how much I can’t stand havin’ anyone in the kitchen while I’m at work. If I need your help, I’ll call for you, okay?”

“Okay.” Caroline replied slowly, lifting herself from her chair.

She wanted to ask her mother again if she was sure that she was alright, but decided against it and sauntered off into the living room instead to find something to occupy herself. If not, then she feared that she would become lost once more in her provocative thoughts of Mr. Stygian.

Her entire body thrummed with titillation at the memory of his hot breath billowing against her bare skin. She could only imagine what wonders his mouth could bring.

If she continued to entertain these fantasies, she was afraid that she would lose what remained of her reserve and do something she would ultimately regret. It was already proving arduous enough not to slip her hand between her legs to alleviate the unbearable ache that pulsed at her center and she’d even actually considered the idea of allowing the man to do it for her.

She was already treading dangerous territory as it was and she simply couldn’t trust herself to not go any further at this point. It was a risk she wasn’t willing to take.

As the storm door came into view, she found herself drawn to peek outside, cautiously creeping toward it to look through the screen. The barn loomed across the yard and it seemed to call to her, luring her in and coaxing her to come to it.

She needed to know what was going on out there – she had to see just what her daddy was up to.

Carefully and quietly, she slipped through the door, making sure to ease it shut behind her so that her mama didn’t catch her sneaking outside. If her parents truly were plotting something, then Nancy would certainly stop her from investigating.

Caroline moved quickly and stealthily across the grass, making sure to stay out of view of the opened barn door. Though she couldn’t see either of the men from her vantage point, she knew that they were inside of the building and she didn’t want to blow her cover.

On the left side of the barn, there was a decently sized hole that would allow her to peek inside without being noticed, so she darted around the edifice, stooping down to keep herself hidden. Once she’d made it to the aperture, she lowered herself onto her knees, careful to remain unseen.

Inside, she could see James and Mr. Stygian. Her daddy had his back toward her while the stranger was facing toward the front of the building.

Neither of them seemed to be aware of her presence looming nearby.

Mr. Stygian was leaned back against one of the weathered work benches, his demeanor cool and casual, a cigarette hanging from his lips. James stood only a few feet away from the man, one hand planted on the table as a support.

They were in the middle of a conversation, one that seemed to be serious and it seemed as if her daddy was quite agitated.

“Everyone has a price. Everyone. Name yours. I don’t care what it is, how much it is. It’s yours, okay? Anything you want – just not her. Not Caroline.”

Her ears perked up at the mention of her name.

“I’m afraid that this is not up for negotiation, Mr. Belle.” Mr. Stygian replied cooly, exhaling a plume of smoke in the process.

“Come on!” James exclaimed angrily, slamming his hand against the table.

The loud sound it made caused Caroline to jump and she ducked out of sight just in case she’d been heard. However, that didn’t seem to be the case, as the conversation continued unabated.

“There has to be something! Anything!” James cried desperately, his voice cracking near the end.

Caroline moved back to the opening to continue her observation. The stranger took another hit from his cigarette before dropping it to the ground and grinding it beneath his perfectly polished shoe.

“It seems your wife has failed to explain to you how this works.” He responded shortly, seemingly growing tired of James’ incessant begging.

“She told me all about you, demon.”

Mr. Stygian laughed at that, as if it was the funniest thing he’d ever heard. He turned to face James at this juncture in the conversation, wiping away a fake tear.

“Call me whatever you’d like, Mr. Belle. The facts remain the same. I cannot be swayed by promises of money or meaningless possessions. I am here for one thing and one thing only, and that is your daughter.”

Caroline’s heart was pounding now and goose-pimples broke out across her skin.

What on Earth are they talking about? She wondered to herself.

What does he mean by he’s here for me? She asked internally.

None of it was making any sense and her head began to swim as she tried to piece it all together.

“Why does it have to be her?” James asked despairingly, clearly crying at this point.

“Because,” Mr. Stygian snapped, “she is mine! Promised to me by blood! I will not be denied what belongs to me!” He bellowed furiously.

The air seemed to be vibrating with malice, the shadows within the barn growing darker as they appeared to twist and grow with the stranger’s anger. James stumbled backward a few steps, clearly afraid of the man and the dark energy exuding from him.

Even from her vantage point, Caroline could see the man’s pupils dilate and swallow up the storms of his irises. He looked absolutely terrifying and every instinct in her body was urging her to run away as fast as her legs could carry her.

“Tread carefully, Mr. Belle. You’ve not the faintest clue what I am capable of – what I am willing to do to ensure that I get what I came for.” His voice had a sharp edge to it, daring James to test him.

The shadows were definitely expanding, shifting to reach out toward the man as if being drawn into him. Caroline was shaking as she watched in terrified silence, unable to move despite her brain screaming at her to flee from the danger.

One thing was glaringly obvious: Mr. Stygian was not human.

“You can’t have her.” James choked out, attempting to sound more confident than he actually was.

“No?” Mr. Stygian queried, tilting his head to the side.

“No.” James challenged, squaring his shoulders as if preparing to fight.

Caroline was panicking now, afraid of what would happen to her dad if he tried to attack the stranger. Her mouth opened to protest, but nothing came out – her voice was lost within her fear.

“Is that so? Perhaps we shall ask Mrs. Belle what she thinks of this insurrection?”

The threat was not veiled.

“You leave her out of this!” James howled tempestuously.

Caroline watched in horror as her dad brandished a knife from his side, lunging toward the man to drive the blade into him. Mr. Stygian didn’t even so much as flinch – he stood motionless and watched James with those abysmal eyes.

James stopped dead in his tracks just before reaching the stranger, his entire body breaking out into a violent tremor. The blade shook from his grasp, clattering to the ground as he sank down on one knee, seeming as if he were being forced by something unseen.

Mr. Stygian took a step forward, looming over the pathetic figure. Caroline could hear a petrified whimper escape her dad and she perceived the inky shadows as they surrounded both men, wrapping themselves around James’ wrists and throat like translucent tentacles.

Tears were streaming down Caroline’s face and she wanted to put an end to whatever was happening, but her body would not allow her to move or speak. She was glued in place, forced to watch as the horrifying events unfolded before her very eyes.

There was no doubt that she was never meant to see this side of the stranger.

“It is by the blood that courses through her veins that brings me here, Mr. Belle. You are merely a donor. I will make an example out of your beloved wife if you dare defy me. If I were you, I would think very carefully about my next move, James.” He said the name as if it left a sour taste in his mouth.

Mr. Stygian brushed his pointer finger across James’ forehead and an agonized wail tore from his throat, his body shaking and writhing in pain. The screams devolved into choked gurgles as the shadowy tendrils that were coiled around his throat tightened like a vise.

“I am the balance between pleasure and pain.” The stranger spoke in his usual velvety tone. “You’ve only seen but a taste of what I can do, Mr. Belle. I can crush you with a single touch.”

He brushed his finger against James’ forehead once more, eliciting more wet gurgles as he thrashed in pain and tried to cry out. Suddenly, and to Caroline’s relief, the shadows released him and James crumpled to the ground, greedily sucking in air as he curled into the fetal position, sobbing uncontrollably between each draw of breath.

“Consider this your first and final warning, Mr. Belle. Next time, I will not be so merciful.”

That was the last thing Caroline heard before she made a mad dash back toward the house, desperately praying that she wouldn’t be spotted by the stranger. She feared what would happen to her if he knew that she had been spying on that entire ordeal.

In a trice, she fled up the porch steps, crashing through the storm door and nearly losing her footing as she scuttled across the living room and bounded up the stairs.

“Caroline?” She heard her mama call from the kitchen, but her legs would not allow her to stop.

Caroline practically dove into her bedroom, slamming the door shut behind her before shakily locking it. She stumbled away from the door, expecting it to burst open at any moment to reveal Mr. Stygian on the other side.

She sank to the floor beside her bed, overcome with a tidal wave of emotion. The most prominent thing she felt was fear and she ugly cried into her hands, desperate to stifle the sounds of her sobs as her mind relentlessly replayed everything she’d witnessed.

A knock sounded at her door and Caroline thought she would die of fright. Her heart pounded violently in her chest, threatening to launch itself from her body.

“Caroline?” Nancy’s voice came through the door. “Caroline what’s the matter? What’s going on?”

“Go away!” Caroline managed to choke out.

“Caroline, open the door!” Nancy demanded, pounding her fist against the wood.

“I said go away! Leave me alone!” Caroline yelled in protest.

She didn’t want to talk about what she’d seen. She didn’t want to ever open that door again.

“Talk to me!” Nancy pleaded, concern straining her voice. “Please tell me what’s going on!”

“Just leave me alone, Mama! Please! I just wanna be alone!”

Caroline hugged her knees to her chest, squeezing her eyes shut as the tears continuously flowed down her cheeks. She rocked herself back and forth like a babe, her entire body trembling with terror.

“Damn it, Caroline! Open this door right now!”

“I said leave me alone!” Caroline howled angrily, swiping one of her snow-globes from her nightstand and hurling it at the door.

It shattered from the impact, sending shards of glass scattering across the floor. The liquid inside dripped down the door, leaving a puddle at its base.

“Fine!” Nancy shouted after a moment of shock. “Stay in there, because you’re grounded, missy! I don’t care if you’re eighteen!”

Caroline listened as Nancy’s footsteps stomped down the hallway and faded down the stairs. She felt a pang of guilt but she just couldn’t handle explaining out loud what she’d seen.

All she wanted to do was forget.

Forget everything that she’d seen.

But she knew that the images seared into her mind would never leave her.

She skipped dinner that night, unable to come face to face with the monster that had infiltrated her life. Through the vent, she could hear voices downstairs and she was relieved to hear her daddy’s voice among them.

He was still alive – at least for now and that’s all that really mattered to her.

It was impossible to catch just what was being said, but it sounded like a heated argument. Thankfully, there were no screams of pain, but Caroline could only assume that Mr. Stygian was putting her parents in their place – warning them of what would happen if they ever dared to plot against him again.

Time passed and Caroline couldn’t bring herself to sleep. She’d slipped into an oversized shirt she often used as a nightgown, in hopes that she would get comfortable enough to fade into unconsciousness.

However, it didn’t work and she’d been helplessly stuck with her thoughts. Despite the horrors that she witnessed, the entire ordeal had left her with so many unanswered questions.

Just who or what was Mr. Stygian? And what was his connection to her family? He’d mentioned something about their blood, something about a promise.

None of it made any sense.

To make matters worse, Caroline had been holding in a pee for hours now and was starting to feel as if her bladder would explode any second. After a long pep-talk and many deep breaths, she mustered enough courage to finally unlock her door.

Quietly and trepidly, she stepped out into the darkened hallway, images of those twisting shadows filling her mind. It nearly stole all of the bravado she had managed to work up, but the incessant need to relieve her bladder urged her on.

She tiptoed as carefully as she could down the corridor, her sights set on the closed bathroom door. Light was shining through the cracks, signaling that someone was inside and she immediately felt on edge.

Her heart began to pick up pace beneath her breast as she prayed under her breath that it was one of her parents. She wasn’t sure she’d be able to keep her cool if she were forced to face the stranger after everything she’d witnessed.

The thought alone nearly sent her into an anxiety attack.

Suddenly, the door swung open and to her horror, Mr. Stygian stood on the other side. She stared up at him with wide eyes, akin to a deer caught in headlights and a smile began to creep into the corners of his mouth.

“Caroline.” He cooed in that smooth voice, eyeing her up and down like a piece of meat,”What a pleasant surprise.”

Her mouth opened to respond but only an airy breath escaped her lungs. She saw what this man was capable of and she feared what he would do to her if he figured out what she knew.

“Cat got your tongue?” He teased, taking a step toward her.

“I… I… uh… n-need to use the bathroom.” She managed to squeak out.

“Of course.” He replied softly, stepping to the side.

Caroline found herself unable to move, stuck in place as all she could do was stare up at him in terror. He raised his brow at her, gesturing toward the door with his hand, daring her to slide past him.

A knowing look flashed behind his eyes and a breath caught in her throat. He was onto her – he knew that she knew.

His smile widened and taunted her.

“You know, Caroline, if something is bothering you, you can confide in me. As I’ve said before, I have not come to harm you. I am a friend.” He reassured, placing a hand to his chest in an attempt to dispell her fears.

Still unable to find her voice, she remained silent and still, wide eyes unable to look away from that deceptively handsome face. There was a monster lurking beneath his skin – she’d seen it for herself.

“That’s okay,” he said after what felt like an eternity, “you don’t have to talk if you don’t want to. I’ll let you be so you can finish your business.”

To her relief, he moved away from the bathroom, ambling down the hall toward the guest room. Before she could will herself to move, he spun around, lingering at the threshold of his open door.

He still wore that devilish smirk, those stormy eyes gleaming in the dark.

“I keep my door unlocked. If you ever want to talk, you know where to find me.”

With that, he slipped into the darkness of the room, shutting the door behind him and leaving Caroline alone in the hallway. Finally able to control her limbs, she rushed into the bathroom, swiftly locking the door in fear that he would return.

She quickly relieved herself, haphazardly washing her hands once she’d finished. There was no need to spend any more time in here than was absolutely necessary.

Once she’d unlocked the door, she cracked it open and peered through the slit, examining the darkness for any unwanted guests. The coast was clear and she slipped through the door, briskly making her way back to the safety of her bedroom.

She immediately locked herself inside and crawled back into bed, her hands trembling as she pulled the blankets over her.

He knew.

He’d figured it out. She mentally berated herself for making it so obvious. What would he do to her now that he knew that she’d seen everything that happened?

If he wanted to hurt me, he would have. She admitted to herself.

She’d seen what he’d done to her dad in the barn. All he had to do was touch her – but he hadn’t. He hadn’t shown any signs of wanting to cause her any harm.

Perhaps she could use that in her favor.

There were so many questions running through her mind, so many answers that she needed to know. Something told her that she wouldn’t get any from her parents.

I keep my door unlocked. If you ever want to talk, you know where to find me.

Perhaps she would have to take him up on his offer. As terrified as she was, her need for answers far surpassed the fear and before she even realized what she was doing, she was slinking back down the hallway.

Her legs carried her to the guest room door and for a long moment, all she could do was stare at it, heart slamming beneath her breast. Now that she was here, she was second guessing herself.

Perhaps it would be best if her questions were left unanswered.

No, she told herself.

I have to know the truth.

Caroline lifted her trembling fist into the air, lingering just before the door as she reconsidered one final time.

I have to know the truth, she told herself again.

She rasped her knuckles ever so gently against the door, making sure not to alert her parents to what she was doing.

“Come in.” That smooth voice coaxed from the other side.

Hesitantly, she pushed the door open, forcing herself to step inside. The entire room was shrouded in darkness, only a sliver of pale moonlight creeping through the curtain across from his bed.

Mr. Stygian was sitting atop the mattress, his back pressed into the corner of the wall the bed was propped against. He was shirtless and was smoking another cigarette, images from earlier flashing through her mind at the sight.

Her instincts told her to turn around and leave, but her desire for knowledge gave her the strength to push forward. She closed the door behind her, taking a few trepid steps into the room.

“I knew you would come.” He said after a moment, wisps of smoke creeping from his nostrils.

The stranger lifted himself to his feet, his lithe figure becoming clearer in the thin stream of moonlight. He was nothing but lean muscle and sinewy, his abdominals and pectorals looking as if they’d been chiseled out of stone.

A dusting of hair bloomed across his muscular chest, trailing down his abdomen before disappearing beneath his trousers. She couldn’t help but to admire him, unable to deny the attraction she felt. His lips turned up into that irresistible smirk, clearly aware of the effect he had on her.

The dreams from that morning flooded her mind once more, images of that wet, red tongue trailing over her skin and teasing her nipple.

She shook her head as if the thoughts would fling themselves from her brain. This wasn’t why she’d come here and she refused to be ensnared by his dark magic.

He was a monster – not a man. She couldn’t let herself forget that.

“What brings you here, Caroline?” His voice dripped like honey.

She bit her lip as her mind raced to formulate a response. The last thing she wanted to do was piss him off, so she had to be careful to choose her words wisely.

“I… I saw what you did in the barn.” She swallowed hard. “I saw everything.”

His smile only widened at her response, his head tilting slightly to the side.

“Did you now?” He asked slowly, taking his cigarette between his fingers.

A cloud of smoke trickled from between his lips, dancing into the air above him.

“So, what is that you want, Caroline?”

There was a stretch of silence between them as she considered her next response. Once she opened this door, there was no going back.

She needed to be sure that this was really what she wanted.

“Answers.” She finally managed to say.

Their eyes met and she felt a surge of confidence flood her as determination took over.

“I want answers.”
