(This series I’m starting is purely fantasy. This is heavily geared towards porn addiction, edging and gooning primarily. This is my first shot at creative writing in erotica and I would love to get constructive criticism, feedback, ad any ideas you think I should add for further additions. Also its a bit long, and I have tried to be as descriptive as possible but room for improvement )
**The Nation of Samarasa Part 1**
“Ladies and Gentleman, this is your Captain speaking. It’s ughh 8:30AM right now in Samarasa. The temperature is about 75F, there should be no chance of rain today. We should be landing at Melody Breeze International Airport in about 15 minutes. I want to thank you all for flying Fantasy Airlines”
The loud announcement from the intercom awoke Joan Carter. As she still struggled to open her jet lagged eyes, she opened the window shade. As the bright sunlight stung her eyes, she saw the plane descending into the Samarasan capital of Orgasmia. Joan, a 26 year old graduate student, from Miami, Florida.She came to Samarasa to conduct research for her thesis on the Samarasans for her PhD dissertation in “The Anthropological Study of the Illusive Nation of Samara”. As the plane landed and began to make preparations for arrival, she wondered if the rumors about this country were true?
“Do people really worship pornstars as actual gods?”
“Are people really free to indulge in any perversion they wish?”
“Is pornography considerded a actual religion here?”
She collected her suitcase from the overhead and left to the arrivals section to find her guide. The Samarasan embassy appointed her to help with her research.
“Tracey Blair” she read from the crumpled piece of paper she kept in her pocket. She scanned the area until she found a name card stating “Joan Carter”. When she looked up at the person who was holding her card, her eyes nearly burst from their sockets:
She gazed about a voluptuous causcasian female. Her jet black hair tied back into a ponytail that hung slightly below her left bosom , her velvety eyebrows complimented by her impeccably sharp contoured eyes, as if she took the eyes off Cleopatra herself. Her pixie nose, and seraph ears were more perfect than any Renaissance sculptors ability to craft. She had to be at least 40C breast size when looking at her chest. Her curves clinged to every inch of her flowery Maxi dress, down to her wide hips. Her smile showed her rosey pink lips , but more importantly her pearl white teeth free from any imperfections. Her smile shines brighter than the sun.
“Hi you must be Joan! I’m Tracey your guide and new friend to help guide you in your research” Tracey exclaimed. She oddly spoke in an old timey transatlantic accent, but her voice was a euphony, as if a million songbirds in a choir spoke at once.
“Hi Tracey I’m really excited to explore your country and learn as much as I can for my thesis, but I’m a bit jet lagged. You mind if I rest at the hotel first?” Joan said.
“Yes of course follow me, I parked in the parking garage nearby”, as she turned Jooan noticed Tracey’s long flowing jet back ponytail almost beckon her like a finger asking to follow. They came upon Tracey’s car, a 1965 Ford Mustang Convertible who had the top already down. As Joan placed her luggage in the trunk, Tracey asked:
“You mind if I change? I changed my outfit for the airport due to our international tourists.”
“Umm.. yeah sure” Joan said awkwardly.
“Perfect!”, Tracey undid the hook that held her Maxi dress in place, and it fell to the ground. Joan looked with her mouth wide open, at Tracey’s firm and impeccable 40C breasts. Tracey’s voluptuous body did not have an ounce of extra body fat, or cellulite. The dress hid Tracey’s smooth, glowing caucasian complexion. It’s as if Tracey magically rubbed oil into her skin, but her glow was purely natural. Tracey had a trimmed, thin bush around her upper vulva. From the glovebox, Tracey retrieved what appears to be a dildo, and switched the bottom switch to “Max”.
“Ughgh Praise Lord Samarasa” Tracey moaned as she pushed the vibrating dildo deeper into her vagina.
“So you ready to go?” Tracey asked
After a 30 minute drive on the Ronald J. Madingo Freeway, the Mustang entered Orgasmia’s downtown and it was about another 20 minutes until Joan’s hotel. Joan was silent throughout the ride, shocked and amazed at the sites she was seeing. Joan was an avid porn watcher but nothing prepared her for the things she saw.
She noticed everyone was either nude, or had some sort of genital jewelry on. She saw women being double penetrated by random passerbys on the sidewalk as if it was no big deal. Men stroking their cocks with passerbys contributing their saliva and personal lubes to their cocks to keep them lubricated. A group of men and women, surrounding one woman, urinating on her. The look of jubilation on her face as she bathed in the golden showers, rubbing the urine into her hair, mouth, and drinking it as if she was lost in the desert for 3 days without water.
But what really shocked her, was when the Mustang passed “The Melody Breeze Memorial Dildo Park”. She witnessed dildos anchored to velvet bases, sections separated by dildo size, texture, vibration, mechanical, etc. Men and women used the dildos to squat, one woman rode a dildo as if she was a rabid animal. Others used the public dildos to practice anal, another to practice deepthroat. One woman was so engulfed by pleasure, and quickly got up from the dildo, arched herself back and launched a powerful squirt at the other park attendants, and then resumed squat fucking her dildo.
“Everything ok Joan?” Tracey asked
“Yeah.. its just I wasn’t expecting this” Joan said timidly
Tracey smiled and said “Haha im sure it is for a first timer, but this isn’t perversion you’re thinking of we practice, we practice and live true freedom!”
After 20 minutes, they arrived at the “Lovense” Hotel. Joan used the check i kiosk to receive her room key but to the side she noticed Tracey. She was laying on the navy blue velvet sofa in the Lounge, and she was rubbing her clitoris. She could not hold the pleasure any longer, and removed her dildo as she squirted at least 6 feet into the air. The sound of the squirt as it landed back and slammed with such force against the marble floors, velvet sofa, and Tracey’s glistening body was as if a bomb had dropped.
“Umm Tracey I got my key now” Joan said timidly
“Oh that’s fantastic, well rest up today and tomorrow morning I’ll come and we can start your research” Tracey said as her rosey pink lips transformed into a shining smile with her pearly white, perfect teeth. Tracey leaned over and kissed Joan on the cheek, flinging Joan back from the sudeness and intimacy of the act.
“Good night Joan” Tracey said as she smiled again as she left.
As Joan entered her room, her mind was racing at 200 mph, and she was at a daze. The things she saw shook everything she knew about morality and decency, but she knew she had to see her research through.
“I better rest and relax, who knows what’ll come tomorrow” Joan thought
To be continued…
Source: reddit.com/r/eroticliterature/comments/nfh8gq/the_nation_of_samarasa_part_1