Lost Bet Trois [MMMF]

This is a continuation of [Lost Bet](https://www.reddit.com/r/eroticliterature/comments/mfdwps/lost_bet_mff/) and[Lost Bet Duex](https://www.reddit.com/r/eroticliterature/comments/ncolcj/lost_bet_duex_mmmf/).

The black leather collar was designed to allow Marie to be held in place, led by a chain, or any other restraint needed. The loops on it were decorative as well as functional. Marie was feeling the pain/pleasure from the butterfly nipple and clit clips that were chained over her body to the collar. Geoff gave her collar a tug from behind, the resulting tug on her nipples caused a sharp pain followed by a need in Marie. She did not move from her kneeling position but waited for instructions as she had learned at the club.

Geoff looked at Justin and Robert. “Here or at the club?” he asked. Justin said, “Let’s take her to the club.” Justin helped Marie raise. She went to turn towards her bedroom to get clothes, but Geoff pulled her to a stop. “This way.” Marie went to object but caught Robert’s warning glance. She turned towards the door and Jackie came up beside her. Jackie said, “This is a lesson in trust as you learn to be a submissive. The guys want to know you will do as they ask. They will keep you safe.” Jackie was wearing a black corset with a lace skirt. She looked elegant but a bit risqué in the outfit as the skirt did not hide the lack of underwear…she was not even wearing a thong. “I will see you at the club.” And Jackie left.

Robert closed the house, and the club members began to depart. Marie felt the cool air on her body and the sunset meant people might be able to see her standing on the step naked. She felt vulnerable and exposed. A part of her felt free and beautiful. That Geoff, Robert and Justin did not show any concern of her nudity in public made her feel like they thought she was worth showing off. They walked beside her to the car. Geoff got in the front seat but Justin and Robert got in the back with her. Geoff adjusted the rear view mirror while Justin help Marie into position. Her legs were spread wide with the feet up on the two front seats. Geoff could see all of her. Robert removed the clit clip and gently stroked her clit. His touch was soft and her little clit was so sensitized that it immediately began pulsing and she exploded. After rubbing a bit more, Robert put the clip back. The pain almost was a relief.

Justin smiled and murmured you look so pretty when you come apart for us. He removed the clip from her breast and took one breast in her mouth. The lick of his tongue had her yearning for more. The suck had her head spinning. Robert joined in and she almost came apart again. Geoff barked from the front seat, “Do not cum until we tell you.” Marie let out a sad moan but began to reel in her needs.

Then they were at the club. She was led in from the Garage entrance and up the elevator to the club. A stage had been set up with a sawhorse. She was led onto the stage and the butterfly clips removed. Justin smiled at her and said “Tonight we will enjoy watching you be pleased by multiple people in multiple ways. You will do fine. This will seal you to the club.”

Robert helped her onto the sawhorse. He then took a whip and spanked her bottom. Marie could see the pleasure in the people’s eyes. Several came up on stage to check out her ass. A man who Marie hadn’t seen before came up and asked Robert if he could spank her pussy. Robert helped her shift and the man picked up a fur covered paddle. He began by rubbing and ended by smacking her pussy hard so she would let out moans. As his excitement rose, he looked at Robert who nodded. The man entered her and very quickly came inside of Marie. She was struggling not to cum. The fur covered paddle had her very sensitive and his long quick strokes had rubbed her sensitive clit.

Next came a guy who brought a device onto the stage. We would like to see her ride this. Geoff, Justin and Robert exchanged a glance. After seeing nods from the other two, Geoff said she would for 10 minutes. Justin helped her off the sawhorse and Jackie brought her a wet cloth to clean up and some water. Jackie whispered “This toy is called the cowgirl girl. You ride it like you would a man. It gives really good orgasms.”

Robert said, “Climb on and enjoy. Cum as often as you like.” The next 10 minutes felt like a never-ending orgasm to Marie. The device rocked her, and she gyrated her hips. Her hands touched her breasts and she cam hard and often. The rhythm would change randomly, and she would have to adjust but she was nearly sagging after just 10 minutes. Her face was glowing and her voice a bit rough from all her moaning. Several club members suggested another longer ride as she had put on such a show. Justin ever the diplomat said maybe next time…this is her first outing.

Geoff picked her up and laid her on a couch. He gently washed her up in front of everyone. He looked at the head of the club who nodded. Geoff said “Now you please us. While I would love to ride your cunny, you look worn.” Marie barely understood what was being said. She was placed so she could be seen easily and Geoff took her mouth and began to use it for his pleasures. While she focused on taking him deep. Robert lubed up and took her ass. As they moved in and out of her, Justin took her hand and had her begin to work his shaft. She was tired but pleasing them gave her energy. She began actively moving in rhythm with both Geoff and Robert. Her fingers stroked and then gripped Justin. She moaned onto Geoff when Robert stroked her aching clit and Geoff pulled out to spray her. Robert quickly followed and then Justin. She blinked at them, afraid she had done something wrong but Justin gave her ass a slap and said “Our good little sub.”

That night at Marie’s house, Justin curled up with her on one side and Robert the other. Geoff had given her a deep kiss before leaving for work. Marie slept a very content sleep. Her first punishment came the next day, when Justin told her to call into work sick or just quit. The word no came out of her mouth. Justin leaned her over his lap and gave her a spanking and then told her to go sit in the corner. The chair he selected had a ropy bottom that seemed to eat into her bare, red bottom. She squirmed trying to find a place that was not raw to sit comfortably. She called into the office sick immediately after he let her up. Justin did not touch her nor did Robert for the rest of the day. She did everything they asked but no cuddling. When Geoff woke up, he took her into her arms and soothed her. “Being a submissive means you trust us to take care of you. We don’t need you to work.” Marie nodded and went in the next day and handed in her resignation.

That night Justin, Robert and Geoff gave her a bath followed by a massage. They watched a movie and all nestled down to sleep. Marie was very content and happy.

A few weeks had passed, and she wanted to do something special for her men as she liked to think of them. She asked them what fantasy could she fulfill for them. A wicked gleam came into Justin’s eyes. “Stop taking birth control.” Justin said. “That’s it?” she asked. “No but this is step one.” That night she stopped taking the pill. After two weeks, Justin announced that it was time to start on the next part of the fantasy. “Do you remember how you rode the Cowgirl at the club?” Marie nodded. She had ridden it two more times since and loved every moment. “You are going to ride Robert and me at the same time tonight. Tomorrow morning you will ride Geoff and me. Then you will ride Robert and Geoff.” Marie hesitated and said, “I don’t understand.” Justin just gave her a wink.

Justin and Robert lay down on the living room floor. There penises pressed together, their balls touching. Geoff helped Marie step over them and begin to lower. “Now, go slow and take them both into your cunny.” She looked at him shocked. “Remember a baby comes out of there, you will stretch enough. I will help you until you get your balance.” Marie slowly began to lower onto them at the same time she held their penises together to help guide them in. Geoff began playing with her clit. Her juices began to lubricate their heads. Slowly she was able to fit them in. The pain from the stretch subsided and she began to go lower and then would stop. Geoff continued to help her by playing with her body and providing support. A moan escaped Marie and Robert and Justin slid in all the way. Marie had never felt so full. She began moving up and down. Her enjoyment took over. Geoff stopped helping her and grabbed his phone and started filming. Marie was moving on them and touching herself. She was in heaven with excitement. Every quiver of their penises made her exalt. Robert and Justin began to moan, and she felt their need to explode. She slowed down and began to tease them, just when the seemed to cool, she sped up. Suddenly all three exploded at once.

Geoff helped Marie off of Robert and Justin, cuddling her. He asked, “Did you really enjoy that? You seemed to relish it once you got started.” All Marie could do was glow at him and smile. She seemed to be happy from her soul to her heart to her body. After a few minutes, Geoff took her for a shower and cleaned her up.

After a good night’s sleep curled in Geoff’s arms, just the two of them for a change, Marie repeated the performance with Geoff and Robert. Justin was at work, so Robert set up a camera for him to watch later. Marie was able to help herself and that made her feel more in control. As she came, she realized that Geoff and Robert had held back. She began again and after her third try, they exploded inside of her. She landed on them in an exhausted heap. She slept the day away after a warm bath where Robert gave her a massage.

Marie asked Robert why they had chosen her. Robert smiled and said that they had not planned on taking a sub. They had planned on seeing how far she would go, but as Justin had told them. She was the best at everything. Smart, beautiful, and fun. We all three fell in love with you. Marie blushed and said “Oh!” She promised herself to make her men happier more often. She was smitten as well.

When Justin came home that night, he found Marie ready to go. She had set the stage and he got undressed and joined Geoff. The difference in Geoff and Justin’s girth and length made it a bit harder for Marie but she finally managed, and she held onto her pleasure until she could take both of them with her. She clenched hard and they released into her as she peaked. As she fell asleep, cocooned between them, she heard Justin murmur to Geoff “I hope your calculations are correct.”

Marie continued to enjoy her men, singly and together. She missed her period. One quick test later…she was pregnant. The guys were ecstatic. Soon they would be daddy’s and they were all hoping for a little girl as pretty as her momma.

Source: reddit.com/r/eroticliterature/comments/newrce/lost_bet_trois_mmmf