[M]y Not so New [F]ucktoy – Family Dinner

[Part 1](https://www.reddit.com/r/gonewildstories/comments/nbsom8/my_new_fucktoy_long/) [Part 2](https://www.reddit.com/r/gonewildstories/comments/nc7bpn/my_new_fucktoy_day_2_long/)

Less than halfway home, I shouted “Shit” out loud. I got so caught up in wanting Cindy to suck on my balls that I completely forgot about her soiled outfit. Without signaling, I pulled to the side of the road, causing a honk and a few dirty looks. I grabbed my phone and texted Cindy: “Cum slut, that outfit better be back in its hiding spot and not in the wash. We are not done with those jeans, pants, and shirt.” I waited for a response, debating whether I should call her or let it be. Seconds later, one word: “Asshole.” With a smirk, I pulled back into traffic and headed home, thinking about how I would break Cindy in some more Saturday night. With family around, it would be tricky, but I had a few ideas forming.

For the next two days, I thought about ways I could have fun with Cindy while the family was all around. Saturday hit and it was a perfect day. Weather was going to top around 80 degrees with sun and a few clouds, which meant Cindy would inevitably be wearing some white, virgin like, sundress. Perfect! I arrived a few minutes late, as per usual, and she immediately made a point to say: “Well, look who finally decided to show up” while looking down at her Apple watch. “Look who’s bitchy as ever” I retorted. My brother laughed and my mother just frowned and asked for the millionth time why we all could not just get along. If only she knew!

The conversation continued, each glass of wine bringing more passive aggressiveness between my brother, Cindy, and me. My Dad decided it was time to grill, so Cindy got up to start getting the rest of dinner ready to bring out. As she stood, my Mom chided both my brother and I, saying one of us should go help her. I sighed, stood, and said: “Well, I guess it’s only fair, seeing as he has to deal with her whining ass all the time, so I’ll take one for the team.” My brother laughed, my Mom frowned, and Cindy tried to slap me. I ducked and headed into the house with her trailing behind.

She walked to the sink, face flushed, and muttered “Asshole.”

I came next to her, leaned in, and spoke quietly: “Speaking of asshole” before lifting her white lacy sundress. While she stood silently, hands firmly on the front of the sink, legs slightly spread, I slid my hand in her tight panties and started rubbing her fiery asshole with a dry finger. I leaned in, still speaking softly, and continued: “Now that’s a nice little asshole, you little slut. I can already feel how wet you are and the heat is incredible. Do you like looking out the window at your fake as shit husband and mother-in-law while I play with your ass?”

She half sighed, have groaned a quick “Fuck you” as I moved my fingers forward and found she was definitely soaking wet. After making sure my fingers were coated, I move back and slowly pushed them in her tight asshole. She was on fire and tight, but my fingers were slick enough they pushed fully in without issue. As her breathing quickened slightly, she leaned forward a bit more and tried to spread her legs further. The second part was near impossible due to her tight panties being wrapped halfway down her thigh.

I continued fingering her ass while I asked: “Do you think my nieces, quietly playing on the swing set out there, have even a remote clue I’m in here turning their innocent little mom into a cock starved slut?” Nothing but a moan and a push towards my hand, urging me to continue. “Don’t move and keep watching outside” I commanded while removing my fingers. She did as told, clearly flush with desire. Now for the first fun part of the night: I reached into my pocket and grabbed a toy I brought along for the occasion. It was a gleaming, shiny silver Njoy pure plug. Despite being a small, it had a hefty weight and would suit Cindy perfectly as she tried to calmly enjoy dinner.

I ducked behind her back a bit, not wanting her to see what I had in store and sucked on the plug a bit to make sure it was slick and would slide in okay. It was really cold, which would be half the fun. “Cin, no matter what happens next, remember the window is open, so anything you say will be heard. Understand?” A look of fear crossed her face before she nodded. The fear was quickly replaced by a lusty look. The cold plug hit her cheeks first, I couldn’t help it. She jumped, but managed to stay quiet. As I started to apply pressure and slip it inside her, she put her head down and muttered “Oh fuck. Fuck, fuck. Fucking cold, you dick.”

The plug popped in place and I laughed: “Nah, that will be later. For now, no dick.” I pulled up her underwear and smoothed her dress. She turned and looked at me with the now familiar Cindy look: Eyes blazed with a mix of hatred, lust, anger, and contempt. It was perfect. I roughly grabbed her left tit and remarked “You should be thanking me for getting you a nice piece of jewelry to wear for dinner. Now be a good little cunt and get dinner.”

Without waiting for a response, I headed to the bathroom, hoping a pee would help relieve the pressure of my incredibly hard cock. By the time I got back and started to bring items out, Cindy’s flushness had subsided and she seemed acclimated to wearing the plug. “Finally, my Dad complained, where were you?” “In the bathroom Dad, why, in a hurry to leave these twats?” I asked. That got me a glare from Cindy, punch from my brother, and a stern lecture about language from my Dad. Then the kids joined us and the rest of dinner was uneventful, other than the continual glares from Cindy, which did nothing but make me smirk.

“Mom, can we go next door and play with Jessica?” the girls asked. My brother said sure, mostly so he didn’t have to watch over them. Usually this was about the time I left, so I was not fully sure how I’d get more time alone with Cindy. I should not have worried. My Dad and brother announced they were going to sit at the fire pit and enjoy a cigar (not my cup of team) and my Mom said she would clean up. The next comment she made was priceless: “Jake, you and Cindy should spend some time together and find a way to get over your differences. It would be good for everyone.” I smirked and Cindy blushed.

When my Mom was out of earshot, I told Cindy to go upstairs. If my Mom asked, just tell her you need to go get changed or something. Surprisingly, she had no sarcastic comment this time and instead just did as I asked. I went in shortly after and chatted with my Mom a bit. “Okay Mom, I’m going to go out through the patio and see what Dad’s up to” was my exit, followed by a very quiet walk around and up the stairs. Cindy was in her bedroom, just standing there, unsure what to do. “Bed, Kneel, Now” I commanded.

She was getting good at these following orders and did as told. I flipped up her dress and pulled her panties off. As she shifted on each knee to help, I could see her ass gripping at the plug. A long string of her juices followed along with the panties. It is so fucking hot watching when a pussy is so sopping wet that you can’t contain it! I leaned in, grabbed her ass cheeks, and pulled them apart as I hungrily drank and sucked at her juices. Cindy arched back, giving me better access. Downstairs, a door slammed, and Cindy jumped “What if someone comes up?” she asked.

“Where are those panties from the first day?” I asked. She went into the closet and I heard her rummaging around. When she came back, she had them in her hand. Because they were white, I could see the discolored stains of our mixed lovemaking and smiled. I took her by the other hand and walked her into the bathroom, closing the door behind me. One of the best features about my brother’s house, beside the shower Cindy and I christened the other day, was the film on their bathroom window. It was one of those privacy films that looked clear if you were in the room but blocked the outside view. I told her to lean against the windowsill while quickly pulled my shorts and underwear off. At the same time, I was lining my cock against her waiting lips, I grabbed the soiled underwear. Reaching around, I told her “Open your mouth” and as she did, stuffed the panties in. She quickly spit them out and said “Gross, no way.” I pulled hard at the Njoy handle, causing her to cry out. “Open your mouth bitch!” I commanded. With one hand still on the plug, I guess she was afraid I might do something to hurt her, so she complied and opened again. “Let’s try this again” I said as I stuffed them back in. This time, despite a few coughs, she did not try to remove them.

I let go of the plug and slammed into her. She made quite a few muffled noises into her panty filled mouth and rocked back into me, signaling she enjoyed the rough pounding. For the next few minutes, I pulled my dick fully out, paused, then slammed back in. “Look down in the yard? See your pussy husband? Bet he never fucked you like this, did he?” This solicited more moans into the panties. “What do you think he’d do if he saw his perfect little housewife getting her pussy slammed and used while having a plug up her goody too shoe little ass?” That did it, Cindy quaked and shuddered as she came, releasing a stream of fluids around my bare cock.

I pulled out long enough to move her away from the window and had her bend over the sink. From this view, as I entered her again, I could make eye contact in the mirror and watch her breathe heavily against the white fabric. I came shortly after, shooting two-days of pent-up sexual frustration deep into her clenched pussy. Thirty seconds of cum shooting spams and I think I was finally spent. Just then, my brother called up from the stairs “Hey hun, you up there?” I quickly pulled the panties free and Cindy started to respond: “Yeah” but it came out more like “Ye.. uh.. uh. ah” as I chose that moment to pull the plug halfway out of her ass.

My brother, sounding slightly concerned asked “Okay, everything alright?” To that, Cindy, still tightly gripping my cock, deep inside her, responded somewhat breathlessly “Yeah.. god. ah. god. Bathroom, Down soon.” Devious as ever, I popped the plug fully out when she went to respond. “Oh, um, okay” was my brother’s response, probably thinking his wife was taking a big shit. “I came in to get more wine. See you outside.”

Cindy turned around to face me after I let me limp cock slip free. “You are such an asshole Jake” she said with that same fiery “Cindy look.” I roughly manhandled her messy pussy while she stared defiantly at me. “Seriously Jake. Fuck you!” “Ha, you just did that you uppity bitch!” I picked up the soiled and wet panties and told her “Here, put these on.”

“Fucking gross. No way. Get out so I can pee and clean up” she replied. I grabbed her firmly under the chin and forced her to look at me. I growled “Go ahead and pee while I’m watching, but you do not lean up. After you are done, air dry, and put the fucking panties on. I want my cum leaking out of you tonight if that prick decides he’s finally man enough to fuck you. You told me he only does missionary and there is a zero chance he’ll eat you out, so go ahead and see if he realizes when his dick is slipping through my sticky cum.”

I could tell she was ready to say something, but instead, she took a deep breath and sat on the toilet, making no attempt to cover herself. She pulled her dress high, looked me in the eye, and let out a long pee. Not my thing, but I refused to look away. This was all about dominance. Once she finished, she put the nasty soiled panties on, straightened her dress, and went to leave. “Hey slut, you’re forgetting something” I remarked. As she went to ask what, I slid the plug in her opening mouth. She coughed and chocked due to the unexpected intrusion but sucked on it for a second before I pulled it loose. “How’s your ass taste?” I asked with a smirk while holding up the plug. “Keep this. I will instruct you when to use it. Best hide it so dickhead doesn’t see.” She grabbed it and stormed off into the bedroom. I cleaned up and quietly headed back downstairs. When I walked into the kitchen, Cindy and my Mom were finishing dishes. Sweetly as I could, I asked “Do either of you beautiful women need help with the silverware?”

I hung out until my parents were getting ready to leave, which was about two hours longer than I usually stayed. As we all said goodbyes, I managed to get Cindy alone and whispered “Facetime me tomorrow and prove you’re still wearing the panties. Maybe then I’ll let you wash them.”

This morning (Sunday), I received a text “FT?” I immediately dialed her up on facetime. “Hi” was all she said. Her hair was a messy tangle and she still looked sleepy. She looked… subdued. “Morning Cin, you look like a tired little fuck toy, how was your night?”

She laughed “Paul (my brother) wanted sex. I bet you would like to hear how the entire time he was in me, he kept commenting how wet I was, wouldn’t you?”

“Not really. I want to know how it made you feel?”

“Like a shitty, cheating, slut wife” she responded. Her eyes betrayed her though. She had a sparkle of lust as she talked. “Ok, he’s out. Can I show you the panties and finally wash them?” I nodded and told her to put the camera down, so I had a good view when she took them off. She was almost as messy as the panties. She had been shaving since I told her to Tuesday morning, so I could see her pussy lips sticking to her milky white skin.

“Where’s dickhead and the girls, I asked?”

“He had to go help your parents, so he took them with.”

“Good. Now lick the crotch of those panties while I watch” I commanded.

“Jake, you’re fucking gross. That is too far. God know what’s on those now!”

“Let’s see: Tuesday you leaked all over them, then I came over them. Thursday, you creamed them some more. Last night, you used them to catch my cum leaking out of you, then you likely dribbled a little pee on them. Finally, you let your twat of a husband come in you. Did you wash up after?”

“You told me not to.”

“Good girl, so you slept in them, letting his cum and more of your girlie juices seep in, so yeah, I think we know what’s on them. I won’t ask again.” As she picked them up and started to hesitate, I added “one full minute of licking with your tongue keeping constant contact. Start now or it goes up to five.” She had a look of disgust as she started to trace her tongue up and down the panties. The phone was still propped far enough away that I could also see she was touching herself and moaning. She really was a dirty, dirty slut.

“Good job Cin. You can do as you please with them now. Clean them or keep them as a hot souvenir of our first week. And Cindy,” I paused, waiting for her to make eye contact, “You are my fucktoy until I say otherwise. Anything I do or ask, you will comply without hesitation, understand?”

That look again. God, it makes me hard. Then a question: “Do I have to call you master too?”

“Ha, no. Not unless you want to. Go get yourself off and enjoy the morning. When I see you next, you can tell me all about it.”

“Yes master” then she disconnected.

Little did she know, I made sure I had screen recording on. I propped my phone on a stand and set the video to loop. I jerked myself off twice watching her lick those used panties. My stomach was a mess by the time I finished, but it was worth every drip!

DMs and Chats welcome. I’ll continue to share this and other stories as long as everyone continues reading! Time to decide when and how my next encounter with Cindy will happen!

Source: reddit.com/r/gonewildstories/comments/ne0idr/my_not_so_new_fucktoy_family_dinner


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