[F] 21 My FWB Scavenger Hunt (Task 4 aka The Streaking through Campus One)

Ok second to last post about this Scavenger Hunt. And if I’m being honest this will probably also be my second to last post at least for awhile (if not ever). I started writing these to try and figure out the feelings I had revolving around this public nudity stuff and the around my feelings for S… after that it morphed into kind of a creative writing exercise that I found myself kind of enjoying… I’ve found that I’m not really getting any of the same things out of posting anymore so I figured I would share the last of these confessions with you and then ride off into the summer sunset to continue my newfound slut phase unobserved lol.

Anyways with that announcement out of the way here is the one story that I wasn’t present for but did get some video, pictures, and the full story after the fact so I have it on solid proof it happened.

Like I mentioned S graduated (specifically a week ago last Saturday) and several other sorority sisters of hers also graduated (M from the first of these scavenger hunt tales among them). Because of Covid they spread graduations out by college over three days. So a few of her sisters graduated on Friday, most on Saturday, and I think maybe one or two on Sunday (I’m not exactly sure on all of those details).

What I do know specifically is that R (one of S’s closest friends, sisters, and roommates… and someone who popped up in a previous confession of mine wayyy back when I started posting) was one of the people who graduated on Friday. So a group of I think 6 of them drove over to campus to walk around one last time as students.

Now an important part to understand about campus is that there is a huge walkway down the middle of it. Like it goes all the way from one of the dorms all the way past the library, a bunch of academic buildings, the student Union, and even the football stadium can be seen from it cause it’s basically right there. And there is a single road that kinda cuts it all in half by the library.

Now S told me after the fact that she had kind of loosely planned this. She had always intended to do the task, but she thought that of all of them that this one would be the coolest to do prior to actually graduating and she thought would be kinda cool to do with her sisters as one last act of bonding. So she had invited 2 other sisters that she had pledged with over to drink with her and R (their names aren’t important to the story and since they both start with the same initial we can just call them the A’s). What she didn’t expect was for them to bring M over with them (the sorority president who was also graduating but is definitely not as close as those 4 are).

What S had planned was to get her third roommate (K) to drive them over to campus after they had been drinking. Then full of nostalgia and alcohol S would suggest one last crazy bucket list item of streaking down the full length of the walkway to K’s car which was parked back at the other end. Then they would just drive away.

M tagging along complicated matters. She had been pretty convinced that she could at least talk R and one of the A’s into joining her but M (especially after her naked mile at the party a month or so before) was super unlikely to want to participate and after the incident at the club with S and I, S already felt like she was on thin ice with M.

So I will attempt to make a long story short (too late). They did the full walk of the walkway and back doing all of the requisite pictures for nostalgia sake and we’re walking back when S decided to bite the bullet and not chicken out on at least floating the subject.

She surprisingly got a fairly decent reaction to the suggestion. The only person who declined to do it was one of the A’s (who if I’m being honest while she is a super lovely girl she is the one I’d least have liked to seen naked so…). R took some convincing and M took hardly any at all (S joked that the naked mile loosened her up like it did her…). Now no one was interested in doing the entirety of the walkway so they decided to start at a point close to the car (by this big sculpture thing in the middle of campus). Then K would drive to the road that cut through and pick them up. The girl who didn’t would collect everyone clothes and then they’d drive back around to pick her up.

So it was only a little after 12:30 at night at this point (I know cause this is when I started getting the Snapchats lol) so while it was late it still wasn’t crazy late to be stripping naked in the middle of a college campus. They waited till the got a text from K saying she was pulling up to start getting naked.

S told me that was all the reassurance she needed to strip everything off. The other girls were a bit more hesitant and stood in their underwear till they saw the car pull up in the crosswalk.

But then they did it. As soon as the car pulled up into the crosswalk the other three dropped trow and all four of them were off streaking down the middle of campus in their birthday suits.

Now if she had told me any of this before hand you’d have bet your ass I’d have been there to watch these 4 sorority streakers run down campus (even though I’d seen three of them naked before). But unfortunately S thought it best to surprise me so all I have are some pictures of the before and a few grainy videos that don’t show much and a few decent Snapchat’s that have long since disappeared.

All things said and down they didn’t run a crazy long distance and they certainly didn’t get caught. Though they said as they drove back to pick up the A with the clothes they saw a cop turn down the road they had to cross to get into the car (so a couple of minutes later and they’d have been in big trouble…). S did say she thought some dude and his girlfriend might have gotten a peak at some things they shouldn’t have seen while they all attempted to get redressed in the backseat of the car later…

So second to last confession from the scavenger hunt. As I said at the top the next one will probably be the last for awhile so look for it if you’re one of the 10 people still interested lol.

Source: reddit.com/r/gonewildstories/comments/ndhg27/f_21_my_fwb_scavenger_hunt_task_4_aka_the