The Princesses in the Tower – Chapter 4, Part 3 – Therese [Maledom] [Male supremacy] [Humiliation] [Dubcon] [BDSM] [Uncomfortable territory] [Les] [Masturbation] [Plot heavy]

*In loving memory of Larry Flynt*


Love your enemies and pray for those who persecute you. One should never oppose the teachings of Christ, deaf to the righteousness that is not of this world. And this one central to boot! Verily, contradicting for the human mind, because God gave us the instinct to flinch from the unpleasant. I prayed for bravery, so it wouldn´t be just the spasm of soul. Fear, fear, fear, nourished by Agatha and Ellen.

“Reach out the other goddess and no slowing down, garbage-head!”

The Mexican waved the mighty flogger down on me, slashing my right hip. I cantered on all four, runny nose leaking over the task unwinnable by design. I slowed down the second I accelerated, two mouse traps from the floor snapping on my hands and one on my foot. I was as movable as a worm when I kissed Ellen´s big toe.

“Why should I bother with you, lump of poo?”

“You shouldn´t, ma´am. I simply deserve to be reminded of my worthlessness.”

Ellen pressed her heel on my nape. The trapped fingers and toes compensated the stolen looseness by circling the plates around, but they were banging when Ellen was whipping me from shoulders to calves. I didn´t wear a thing, the chastity belt is considered excessive here and Ellen´s flogger is improved by steel balls. I walled up the filthy word I had chosen for her. It evaporated along with my consciousness. I have reawakened in their shower enclosure, ice-cold head, a flame-hot broken marionette of a body.

I longed for Georgiann´s lecture on BDSM´s history, just twenty minutes ago. Agatha and Ellen led me standing on two this time, I managed to catch on faces of their roommates – white Olivia and Native American Irene. They stayed inaudible, I could only guess for whose benefit.

“Ain’t this weird?” Ellen asked as she stuck some tapes with magnetic parts on the walls. “She is supposed to obey the guys.”

Agatha rubbed her chin. “You gave me an idea. She is our personal project. We can pitch her submission when the Saturday wing-ding starts or when it ends.”

Does it matter where I´ll be sliced?

“We can ingratiate, Agatha,” Ellen said. She affixed my limbs in mouse traps to the magnets. My legs were opened that way and Ellen was chafing the soft vulva with floggers handler. I have there the mere short line of fur in the middle remaining. Arthur is the minimalist.

Ellen lashing my labia showed the will to maximize…

There is only one excuse for not fucking, that being menstruation. How many of us have accepted gratefully those days of cramps and blood and irritability?

The row of the women in period is the jolliest little herd in the infirmary, people nearly jumping the queue to get their additional napkins and tampons, all listed in the certificate doubling as their sick note. When the heirs were the ones who felt ill, realizing they can do barely more than talk to us for several evenings.

My monthly dispensation hasn´t come yet, as an exhaustively flagellated wretch I have simply right to some pain reducers. Not too strong, so I wouldn´t be dizzy with Arthur. Good Lord, they didn´t consider me a serious enough case to lodge. I was swallowing pills while sitting down on the bed. None other than Basma stepped forward to be of service. She was sporting the dark blue nurse outfit.

“You were given to them for striking up one hedonist she-fellow?”

I tilted my head and the cup, but I nodded.

“And for being honest. Beware, Little star.”

Arab girl gave me a pill she hid under the little finger.

“If you can´t beat them and you don´t want to join them, convert them.”

That is the essence. Pray for your enemies. Make them see the truth.

Should I be praying for their sake, not excluding Larissa Lewandowska?

Medicaments induced drawn-out tittering, favored by Arthur.

“As the law demands, you have stripes, for you are my tigress,” he said. He witnessed me not trampled, raging on Larissa. Ergo, I´m the beast. I have to land on him like he was slow gazelle. He exaggerated the whimpering. He loved being bitten on his ears and through his mistletoe mustache, furiously scratched on a couple of beefy arms and hairy chest. Sated with thousand inflicted cuts, he did something uncharacteristic for both either hunter or the prey when turning the tables on the predator. Being aware of my aching vulva, he tumbled me on my stomach, opened my bottom tenderly, and pushed his rock-solid member into my anus. I couldn´t stand that pressure behind and the movement on the edge of my guts, but the glutinous squirt warmed me.

Arthur went to wash and with the junk sanitized, he shouted to the entrance.

“You can go now too, Double L. Eve´s robe not enshroud, clothed girls not allowed!”

Nude Larissa hustled in. I have never desired female beauty, but I was dumbfounded by the symmetries of middle-sized breasts and dancer´s legs.

“Arthur, you should know by now that in this room I´m Triple L. Lusty Larissa Lewandowska, reporting for duty! She saluted.

As most of the times, Arthur was on top, making her “struggle” during the foreplay, licking Larissa´s fake tears and listening to cries for her husband´s help when he was inside. The second conquered orifice sucked him dry.

“You two, make out!”

Larissa could be her energetic self again.

“You are too hot for a penguin, girl.”

She strode over Arthur and she took both hands of the penguin that became tigress. She laid me down on the left side and did the same.

“Reward yourself with a pot.”

Easy to decipher. Her trimmed fur is shaped like a marijuana leaf. I had a lick of the slit and mine was just being eaten off, glossed up by the tinkering tongue and the teeth. The sensation of burning dissipated in the ambition be utterly voracious as a response.

Arthur has fallen asleep, nipples supporting him, nipples bearing down on him. He has an hour and a half to return from the dreams (our copies might retain him there) and crave me or Double L.

Larissa and Arthur… I have capitalized on meeting them. Which I did by breaking another of God´s commandments. But if anyone slaps you in on the right cheek, turn to him the other also. I responded to the offense with violence. Since that day, Larissa forgave me and I forgave her… Arthur was so kind to inducting me into polygyny and lesbianism. I´m not hating on them, but I die a little in the presence of Roberta or Sylvia and I live with nausea from Lolle Manderville!

“Larissa,” I said. “I can´t pray with you tonight.”

She pulled away from Arthur.

“My loss. I like to watch you throughout. You are the compelling devotion personified. I was not forced to find here a female pastor, stinking by the Protestantism.”

“I have other things to loathe, Larissa. The ecumenism isn´t nearly as detestable as…” I shut up.

“Say those words, Therese. I will rebuke you and the security will nullify your grouching.”

“Words? Extramarital! Barren! Threesome! Lesbian!”

She wasn´t taken back by any of the points, given how instantaneous her reply was.

“Penguin girl, what do you think is more important to God? Our earthly lives not terminated violently or our vags widened by dicks of guy we haven´t gone to the altar with? Tax collectors and prostitutes are entering The Kingdom of God before you. Maybe we are quickening in the ascension to Heaven. Arthur promised to make us both his lawful wives. It was never enacted how many marriages can good Christian man have, rich ones must distribute their genes. I will renounce lesbianism the day Apocalypse of Peter is in the Bible, not sooner. And one of the few humane things here is that nobody tries to impregnate us. ”

It´s damnable to misuse the scriptures and her happy reason pays no attention to the discrepancies. In the style of those Italian mobsters, who don´t miss a single mass.

Larissa knelt on the bed.

“I spy with my eye something beginning with S.”

I wasn´t in the mood for games.

“Sulker! Penguin girl, pray with me. Thank your Creator for a future husband like Arthur. So many gals will be jailed in their homes and have their asses beaten if they won´t do the laundry on time. This one will let us have a TV and VR set for two players. ”

I asked her loud and clear.

“Will we also pray for the other women?”

She clasped her hands. “Yes. For all who are good. And for all whose hearts are locked away from good.“ She was praying with closed eyes, disregarding me.

Double L didn´t answer my question, my acute, crucial doubt about her, but Barbara, if honest, would alleviate me in the matters of people stolen from me.

And she is my little rainbow as she proved before she spoke to Zita or Stacey. Mother Superior, far from well, is alive and she considered me a helper. Frank has his foundation and I hinged on the pureness he displayed. Barbara had the call to her parents spoiled somehow. Let it be the test for her, she will extol them simply for being and liking her.

My linkage to the covenant was reliant on Mother Superior´s request. Lessons of unsinful subjects could be extracted as some curiosities of Barbara and Zita´s telling. PE would be constrained to mediate. Stuff went over today – water -skiing, shooting… Possibly if the sisters will be taking steps to daring escape. Homemaking is problem-free.

I was obligated to get the matter of interest over in a novelty edition. Inmates variegated the kitchen shift by singing recipes and their parts to the liking of wardens and cooks. I was scripting my working chronicle that way, faking the enjoyment of barbecued peaches with mascarpone´s preparation.

“Stella stirs the sweet to sour, she won´t t be the one to devour, my knife slices fruit to two, Pearl smashed open the marinade… That will do!”

I can´t rhyme in the chaos of the overcrowded shambles, but the numbing pain and the Mother Superior´s requirement were the gentle inspiration. It is not hard to be faithful and pious just in the fallout of succor. Little did I know it would be cut short by the inhuman shaming. One of the younger cooks told me to visit co-lector Kaur in the guests’ dining hall. She told the same to six others. Cindy, one of Stacey´s friends.Underages Louisa and Erin, Sherry the manager, Gabrielle and Jennifer, two street thugs. We were perplexed. Kaur lectures on the rarer recipes and household tips, she speaks to assembly or lets the carrier convey.

She stood at the nearest oval table, charm of Indian not even thirty years old diminished by the careworn face.

“Seriously wrong stew is on our plates, dudettes,” she said. “I was tol… They order… I accessed the database and according to their wishes, I had to mark you… All of those, whose cooking is below average! I am sorry, they didn´t need me, they would come to the same results! I don´t know most of you, promise them you can progress, I will speak on your behalf!”

The outrage was extreme as in Jennifer´s “Fucking assholes!” or in the Cindy´s “Bellinda will hear about this!”. By the mischievousness of the fate, spokeswoman and Dorothy entered the dining hall early enough to caught us in the act.

“You´re rightfully aggrieved,” the spokeswoman said, smacking her lips. “The qualitative gap holds back the outcome of the whole class.” She showed her hands in the assurance gesture. “You won´t be harmed today. So your meals aren´t state of the art. No big deal. We can try to expedite harmonizing through your empowerment.”

If we were in the Arctic, Kaur would breathe a thick smog in her exhalation. I would steam in a little fog as a sideshow. The spokeswoman put an end to a tremble of my being rustling up anything above open sandwich difficulty. Skeptical thoughts have subsided in the boundless naivety I maintained for a stroll and heightened in the so typical chamber of the dungeon. The spokeswoman and the warden propelled us to the cell of grey bricks, the space pared by the benches on sides, the strong chains looming over mouse-colored pixie cut of… That was Harris, the other Homemaking co-lector on the lookout for the slop rustlers. The spokeswoman made Kaur stand next to her, but she questioned Harris first.

“Cecilie, tell us what were you told to do in the morning?”

Harris didn´t blink.

“To find the students with below-average marks from knitting. Not unrealized mistresses, actual failures.”

“How many did you find?”

“Two. One mature and one underage.”

“One of the underages is also in the bad cooking group. Your influence is crashing with two individuals. You had a successful knitting company, am I right?”

“I had ma´am.”

“Your colleague invited, produced seven F-students.”

Kaur looked at her, then on us. Cindy and I lurched. Jennifer gawked the same, ditto to Gabrielle, focused Sherry was covering the underages.

“That one has lost stellar qualities,” Dorothy remarked.

“Damn straight,” the spokeswoman followed. “Her show, how was it… Armitpree cozies! She doesn´t cozy too much without a script and she is sending paper airplanes of so-called tips all week long. The spokeswoman pointed her finger at Kaur and stated melodramatically: “She failed in teaching you how to cook. Call her to account! Torn the dress apart, slope her, put the boot in!”

“Yes, do it!” Kaur assented to her and also unsettled the spokeswoman. She kicked her ankle and stepped aside, offering us the way by her gestures, like if Kaur was a huge wedding cake.

When I try to justify myself in yet another instance of weakness I am delusional about spurring from Jennifer and Gabrielle, alternatively from Louisa. I can´t deny it was me who was ripping Kaur´s blouse on the left, I don´t know anymore who was on the right. Just like that, Kaur´s bra came to the fore, the white layer with black polka dots. We all hit her on the chest and the face.

Should she be praying for me? I am not her enemy, but that doesn´t change the fact I am “persecuting” her, reluctance is no excuse. Others should prey for I would be forgiven and for overcoming weakness. One can say the bad will is a weakness on its own, one that can be overwritten by the Grace. Is there inside me, the best version of Therese Kelly, so I could see the unquestionable path, like a lantern that was snatched to the bandit´s solitude?

The out of breath co-lector loosened up the skirt, so it could be shredded off quicker and the convulsing legs and waist were revolving knickers. We smacked her and pinched her, but she wasn´t resisting, she was jerking in an uneven manner.

“We will take her over,” the spokeswoman said. Hypocritically relieved, I and Cindy put Kaur on her feet. Dorothy took a knife and slashed the co-lector´s underwear, drawing a little of blood on the back before uncovering swaying dark breasts in their fullness.

“We have a replacement for you,” Dorothy said. From the bench nearby she took a double hoop with small holes on the sides and locked Kaur´s breasts in it. The meaning of the holes was explained by another item – long needles she thrust into breasts. Kaur was squealing, held back by the spokeswoman as Dorothy put heavy iron panties on her and plugged their hole by the plastic screw-like thing, now penetrating Kaur´s vulva. Two women chained co-lector´s hands and one click on the spokeswoman’s remote control lifted her. The spokeswoman opened a tile on the floor and she poured a bottle of oil from her coat below. The next click had no visible effect. I understood when I smelled the burning oil. Spokeswomen brought Kaur down, making her twisting her feet in fear.

Dorothy was craving them with nails. The spokeswoman told Harris to assign us only homework today. As for us, we haven´t been entirely forgiven.

“You will wear these on your Homemaking outfits.” She dispensed the scarlet cloth pieces in the form of the letter F she had on her shirt’s front pocket. I will never live to see scarlet A´s, I had thought. „You are on probation in the cooking area, because of incompetence punishable by the male enforcers. Don´t let your score drop, you have precious talents unearthed,” the spokeswoman said. My hands were crumpling the skin of their finger pads. If Harris asked, I could say I wasn´t knitting sweaters for days.

The xeroxed patterns constituted an appropriate pastime for Mother Superior. My commentary will be in all probability written on Friday, the new depression waning of and before Agatha takes me to the unknown event. My mood got marginally better on Georgianna’s lecture, made special by the presence of the authentic long-time sub (“This slave is forbidden to touch the button! Call the maser for giving an exception!”).

I´m doing resolutions. Better cooking so that I and Kaur will be handled with gloves. In due time, I will elucidate all accessible salvations to Kaur.

Today I was the salvation of horny heir, the priceless backup.

“For reelz! You can see why the monogamy is absolutely inhuman!” Arthur bemoaned Larissa´s menstruation certificate. The incapacitated lover, cross-legged on the bed, growled compassionately, showing the bare breasts to our guy, whose waist was mounting my body curled up, inconsiderate in the tempo.

“I´m not biting sausages, Arthur,” Larissa said. “You can trust me with blowjobs.”

Arthur didn´t think so.

“If I let you suck me off, that would be all the reason to be expelled from paradise and fined. Disproportionate to the tragic loss of two cunts and the totality of four jugs. That will not be taken away from me by the stupid female biology.”

He slapped the breasts in front of him, punched my vulva with an extremely hard hump, and waited still, like if he was threatening his member. Cum or else! It watered me in ten seconds or so.

“Stay in position, tigress. Fucking on passive is strangely satisfying… I trust you as much as Double L and today you will also be a weeper in her sted.”

Moving my head and nothing else, I glanced up to Larissa, who said:

“Every woman has three fuckholes, my liege, and you are versed in the dry one, so why am I for your eyes only?”

“I was doing anal yesterday and you are not so sensitive there. Or pliable.”

“But I cared about my ass! Never causing it any hemorrhoids, working on my legs 24/7.”

Lighter of sperm, Arthur embraced the mundane conversation.

“What was your job, Larissa?”

“Travel agency representative.”

“Sweet! You are a globetrotter!”

“No continent skipped! I was in the company up to the activation of limiting protocols. Boss has written everywhere that he can´t afford to lose his female employees, but my colleagues were writing too… At the police, they showed me anonyms about my opinions. I carelessly confessed to the part of it, I wanted to show goodwill. Policemen took my nude pictures and booked me a penal flight and the bus.”

People are awful!

“I feel sorry for you… They stabbed you in the back!” I sobbed. If my close ones denounced me… I could be a true masochist, situating myself to that adversity.

Do we have to be in crisis, to become genuinely compassionate?

“Penguin girl, now you see your worth! I was healthily humbled by Arthur, but I found too much pride in my new role.

I corrected you about discourtesy to your fellows, making the same faux pas, worse one! We have formed clearly cut collegiality and complaisance to the bestest boss ever.” She gave Arthur a brief, friendly kiss. He humped me slower and he dismissed his weeping roleplay for the missionary.

She and I were wishing our lover good night together. Double L treaded in the opposite direction of warden as all of us did sometimes and said: “Wanna by worthier by any chance?”

She confounded me. I had a vague notion it should be related to an earlier exchange, no clue, how could I have bigger value in her life. It irked me simply as I couldn´t fathom the answer, not because of low confidence. Does she intend to explain herself? That single sentence of hers segregated me from my roommates and I glimpsed her many one-sided brawls on Friday PE, women she pushed down to the water, women she entrapped, her arms and legs of beautiful nymph… Licking her crotch gave me a new perspective. For the love of God, she will explain herself, she is outspoken and if you put a bee in a lady´s bonnet, you are going to lure it away. You would expect her to be the one to sneak a look. Mindful of Mother Superior, the more observant Catholic by a mile, I was translating the tasks old and new to words. The cottage they opened on Monday was put into operation. A balmy aroma of herbs ground in a mortar slackened the spirals of my schemes and the annoyance abated in the very griding by the pestle.

“Check out my mixture!”

Larissa had to be directly behind me, her left arm shoveled her mortar to the breast level. Inside there was a blend and in the bottom´s middle, I saw the pristine face of the white rose. Conveyance. Or rather riddle for me about conveyance´s venue. Larissa cursed: “Damn, the flower felt there!”

Ladies in her row wouldn´t be blamed for coming to the conclusion she is displaying a symbol of her heir´s endearment. She has chosen the “hideout” against common sense. The gardening was clean-cut, me in the squad altering the rock gardens endlessly, the not so lucky majority culling the trees. The greenhouse with white roses stood not in the proximity to the colorful flowery ornaments we were picking up, closer to the woods, underpasses interspersed the way. We had permitted some freedom of movement with our carts, but I haven´t seen Larissa anywhere. She shouted at me from the treetop. “Don´t you know it is closed, you autistic idiot?”

I haven´t heard such invectives since childhood.

“Ma´am, she is hopeless and I´m her guide dog, I´ll escort her to the layovers.“ The grumbling warden gave her a limited time. We fuck the same guy, equals we are the same individual and can balance our imperfections.

“Intrigue in the plain sight, Double L?,” I asked, cart backtracking.

“My favorite and unfailing strategy, penguin girl.”

“But for what purpose?”

“I can´t forget the insurgents. I was a friend of the secondary participant – Susan Worthington. There wasn´t any “tertiary circle” to speak about, but people knew. Many disagreed, but couldn´t change their mind. It turned out as it did… Considering their exile, it will do us no good to think and talk about their misjudgment. However, they spoke about one striking fact. Pepper was organizing her uprising with Lolle Manderville.”

“That co-lector? Bi-sexual?”

“Yes, she became that shortly after the uprising. Co-lector, I mean. I suppose she was bi since birth. Or at least since sexual maturation. The point is, it seems to me Manderville is a mole. I indirectly asked Ekström and she went on how nobody but co-lectors and insurgents was there. I snitched on Manderville and Ekström told me Mayson has screening in use. She talked like a fucking bureaucrat, she is in cahoots with them, absolutely. I also asked the dumb girl, Ruby. She spoke like a fax. I know they are scrapping PTSD out of her, but there were recited parts too.”

“Thank you, I´ll watch my back when they are around.”

“Penguin girl, I want to be certain they are the moles. You are friend with the Arab girl, Manderville´s roommate, I heard?”

“Yes… And even before her, I consulted with Brunkows. (That led to you for that matter.) What about it?”

“Question her! She should know about the uprising as it happened and one of Brunkows was among the hostages. If we have moles here, they can be fed the false intel.”

“For whose benefit, Double L? I take it you are not really reconciled with being one of two Arthur’s wives, but do you have some alternative? For you, for me, for anyone?”

I couldn´t exactly disclose that my room is brewing the plot of uncertain aiming.

“Does everything have to be part of grand design, penguin girl? Maybe I want to avenge Susan. Maybe I want to put the moles to sleep in their burrow. I don´t keep the hard feelings towards the one who squealed me. I have found a good admirer. I hate the person, who let so many women denigrate, harm and jailed for life to ensure herself advancement.”

This change in her demeanor was all it took to be vigilant.

“Why do you ask me today? Why not tomorrow in the park?”

“Because tomorrow you can fumigate the molehill.”

“She has got wind about you being at the reception,” Stacey signalized. “How so?”

“Larissa was the one telling me it will be the reception,” I responded. “It was gossiped to her by Agatha´s roommate Olivia. L socializes.”

“Splendid. Why didn´t I think of that?”

“You secretives are your own enemies,” Barbara signalized.

“Whereas we secretaries are also going to the reception,” Zita reminded us.

“So, it´s either park or an empty room for me? I should be thankful the lawn won´t be trad on by the tramps.”

If I am the most tested one, then may I make the right decisions.

The reception was called up to half-past eleven to the wide hall delimited by Tower and Brotherhood standards with the FPA flag in the middle. A large number of slutty women had about half a dozen egg-shaped tables, the sole layers that could cover bare legs resting on the Stilletos that would bane muscles in the week to follow. The privileged ones were denied the presumed elevation, being hosted in the golden monokini, fastened by a giant ribbon on the back. The true color showed in the short moments though, as the rays that penetrated the darkened hall from behind of drapes needed a moment between the red and purple spotlight shining.

And the music being played? The tiring rotation of Bad Girls, Pretty Woman, and Cherry Pie. None of these hits of the past decades applied to me, I felt. For example, the reckless fervor to “live fast, die young”. The light-hearted strippers, hmmm, those weren´t complaining about the food metaphors and some of them were tinkling with little forks for the cheesecake.

The supreme irony of this Saturday was me taking a spot associated with the table for the higher-ups, near to the Brotherhood standard. On the right side of the narrow top, Agatha and Ellen were drinking their martini impatiently, the toast schmoast. Irene was heartening the girls on the left side. They urged her to bring back new occurrences from her time as a video content mastermind. Zita, Barbara, and their friend Lydia were fiddling around the chequered career. The remaining girl, one they called Montserrat, listened only at the picked-up moments, but the most intensively at those. She was eyeing the guests for the rest of them. I´ve had a view blocked, thank God all were invariable. They made me hug a tall black pole, squatting by vulva on the seat with the rough pyramid, much below the actual table´s level. I could say my immobile lover was wearing me, I was “clothed” only in an oval cage mask with holders attached.

Agatha coveted my freaked-out expression I was overstating my worries with.

“You will be moving, but your cunt will be filled, till you go to sleep. Screw up… Screw anything up and I´ll drill you so much, your cunt will be large enough for five babies to slip through.”

I confirmed verbally since Agatha and Ellen were now attaching saucer and the champagne glass to my holders. I failed to see, why they are preparing me. I did not care for much else than rough attrition inside my crotch.

They turned the lyrics and music of Cherry Pie down to the bare minimum, the elite has been completing the representation. I recognized the wheezing of principal Mayson, Dr. Beck, and Master Malcolm. I managed to rotate my caged face enough to distinguish the movers and shakers, consisting of a row of wardens, who were handing out some grey-to-blue ballots to privileged ones, taken aback by as well as protecting those three men enjoying their time of slow advancement. They took the sovereign, majestic chairs with gilded headrests, just here, between the top tiers and secretaries, acknowledged by everyone, mildly acknowledging Agatha.

“Stand up, girls!” principal Mayson shouted to be heard over half of the hall. The privileged ones stood up obediently, some of their bare legs shivered. I suppose they can warm up by shaking the breasts… Agatha, Ellen, Irene, and Olivia were humbled by adopting the true painted whore image through an almost concrete level of lipstick, flashy makeup, and two-piece dresses.

“We are ennobled by your acceptance and inclusion in our order, girls,” Mayson continued. “You are close to shedding any remnants of career mentality and we salute you for that by giving you extra dessert! But you must express gratitude. You have been given ballots with numbers on them. After feasting on sweets, you are expected to read them and find their twin-like in the game of pelmanism. So, when you´ll have your pair, it will make splendid love before our eyes!”

They laughed nervously, masking their embarrassment with handclapping.

“Sit down and replenish yourselves with sugar energy to move your waist areas and tongues. In about fifteen minutes.”

No amount of stimulating songs would expiate for such an ugly toll. I dared not judge these persons, I was merely estimating they are petrified, their souls not fortified by hope and faith.

Our enemies are the precious thing. They are showing us harshness in the absence of comfort in which we slumber. They are turning to us the form of human that could once be like our own but experienced and decided for something different and they are giving us choice, how we will respond, which directions are leading to the life we want to have.

“I hope you like when ladies take care of themselves,” Mayson said to Irene of all people. “It is cute when the bitch of choice has a hungry twat even before the panties slide down. In any case, hands on the table!”

Irene whipped out her palms theatrically, laughing without opening her mouth.

“Yes, it arouses me, because I will always see the guys paying for it! My pussy should be moistured by prosperit!”

“Corporate ladder must have trained you in cocksucking,” Agatha joked. “I´m so taut to know, who of us is pleasing you more, Mr. Principal.”

“Rest be assured, Agatha. You won´t have to do a year again. And I think even Sophia will have to suck my cock. She is already chained to the bed, she will take successively all three guys here, after we will be done with you and madames.”

“I was never in a brothel, let alone running it,” Irene objected.

“Great. I never liked to date bitches of similar profession,” Mayson responded.

Nobody breaks loose from degradation. Please, spare Zita, Barbara, and their friends. Only one of them should be seeing stuff like that.

“You along with Malcolm and Mr. Beck will be under atrocious enticement without our cunts not yet opened.”

No, she could not possibly read my mind.

“What are you suggesting?”

Agatha pointed her finger… At me.

“She is supposed to hold your soup in a moment. Do you see that glass? I think you all should take off a load of your jizz to it and she will drink!” She pulled the long twisted straw from her pocket.

I have a confession to make. I adored my masturbations. I felt the guilt, made all the bigger by me never being caught by the caretakers or sisters, but I could never think of it as sinful. I forbade myself to touch a male body, but I couldn´t understand why I would be filthy from touching mine and there were so many boys I would like to be with. It was obvious to me I will stop doing it when I will take my vows as the final sacrifice of things sexual in my life. It took Vincent´s deviant lecherousness to put me off self-polluting. Arthur didn´t want my hands to replace him – like ever – and my vulva thanked me for being not loaded when it didn´t have to be.

On this occasion, my erring body called for an exception. Not when I had to keep the balance so that Mayson´s soup won´t end on the floor, which was a herculean task for a moment. My pelvis was forcing the inside space to rub the stake intensively not long after the privileged ones made their pairs and the golden packings served not as clothing, but as bedding upon which nude sluts descended. I saw many variants of that. There laid about fifty-year-old with larger booty who was caressing eighteen- to- nineteen-year-old thin girl like a mother advising the offspring, no matter she was driving her labia through the opposite Valley of Pleasure, causing there stormy weather and giant flood with some luck. Disdain was arousing too, as I glimpsed two kissing girls, faces wet, but the kiss uninterrupted and some of the tears might have reached the other´s lips. Some of the women were overreacting, probably pornstars, doing what they have known best. I was forcing my waist to move in half-circles, soon not being the only masturbator.

Men opened or loosed their lower cloth pieces and unsheathed their mighty members, always jerking off for a few seconds, stopping and let the other man in. It might have been the real cause why Barbara suddenly said she ate something rotten and all her underage friends wanted to accompany their friend to a healthier environment. Mayson, interested only in the mature ladies, released them absent-mindedly. He was the first to cum and the movements of my head were instrumental in keeping his semen unspilled. I was more concentrated on observing quite a long member of Malcolm´s and I felt disappointed when he added his amount of white waste. Agatha waited until Dr. Beck relieved himself and stuck the straw into… Ewww… Cocktail.

“Let them go,” Mayson shouted. “They are pointless now.” The force of male wardens stopped the games of privileged ones and took them away, still undressed., Everybody´s attention was directed at me, so I started to suck.

The bitter taste of three men burned in the mouth and the neck because I couldn´t forget who they are. I had to bear with it. Larissa gave me a mission, so I raised my eyes a little to remind myself, to be more aware of this company and I smiled as if I drank pineapple juice.

“I see you reformed since the reduced sentence,” Mayson said, looking into the seemingly dried up glass.

“Yes, I said. “That is why I am here. Than… Thank you, not just for the cocktail, but for what are you doing for us here. This place is changing me in unexpected ways. I and my friends deeply regret that not all can squeeze the helping hand. Also thank you for the second chance you gave me and for the exception for Basma.”

Melody of my voice should be that of a battered child, but this was humility I always reserved for the divine and that was preposterous, snake´s smile in the style of Double L. “I understand girls here can´t be reprimanded lightly. As Pepper and her accomplices have learned. Pepper was just deplorable. I and the Basma, on the other hand, have been simply unaccustomed. She recently told me that she starts to consider Ms. Manderville attractive and she might go for “alternative options” in the night.”

Mayson shrugged.

“That´s cool, but then I´ll remove her status. Even now I can be penalized for the unfulfilled transaction.”

“If I can say something… I think she is considering Ms. Manderville because she wants to be even more protected, silly girl. She said our new co-lector threatened some underages, claiming she can put the squeeze even on you, personally. I wondered what kind of hogwash it would be and she looked taken aback by that question.”

Good. Larissa´s toxic smoke is out. I hoped he will not interrogate me much further. I couldn´t just make up something like that, but if Double L´s suspicion is right, Basma might tell me more and I just stepped into the lion´s den.

Mayson´s tightened lips and wandering eyes convinced me that such boasting was possible. Maybe I made him now hate Manderville, but who knows when it will make difference?

“Have you talked to the co-lector about this?”

He was speaking in a frightening cold voice. For sure, he also might now think I´m having a score to settle with her.

“I can´t tell I know Manderville much… I just know she acts arrogantly. She is similar to Pepper in that regard. ”

I don´t think I went too far. Manderville is also captured woman with only formal authority over me.

Mayson stuck his finger through the cage and poked my nose.

“You are an excellent judge of character.

One final test.

“I have seen the cooking co-lector, Armitpree Kaur, ravaged without mercy. They found too many of us unable of the good cooking. Maybe there are some lame gymnasts…“

“Hehehe, we are not preparing the Olympic Team, but the training before the visit is under insufficient survey…“

“Which will never be hardened,” taunted him Irene, and then she added “Daniel”. “Agatha disclosed to me on the fact that coaches are too busy to be held responsible anywhere in the Tower.”

She had a voice sweet as pralines, but the fake smile gave away the sourness. Thank God she wasn´t happy with her defiler.

“I´ll take you from behind and tear out the igloo of flesh from between your legs,” he scolded her.

They released my neck and head. Utterly naked I was taken through the path of Zita and Barbara.

As it turned out, Stacey really had a dull Saturday.

When the monthly blood started to flow, I took Basma aside in the infirmary.

“Little star, I have a proposal from aunt Larissa. It concerns Lolle.”
