The Mimosa Crawl [Free Use] [Group]

Things had been pretty horrid during the pandemic, but once things were starting to relax and turn back to normal, Rachel began to feel better about life. She had missed hanging out with Katherine and Jimena, and now that they were together again she felt a lot of the comfort that she had missed for the past year come back to her.

Jimena also made Katherine’s heart jump when she saw her. Her dark skin always captivated Katherine. She didn’t know what it was, but people with island complexions always made her want to stare, and never out of wonder, but always out of lust. She tried her best to keep her eyes on the flute in front of her.

Rachel held out her glass for the other two to toast. Her thick lips shined against her white teeth. Her brunette hair was done in a perfect bun. She looked confident and sure but inside she was tearing herself apart.

Rachel never had anxiety before the lockdowns, but now it seemed to overtake her life. She was mortified, but also, she needed to be out and about with her friends. She invited both of them out, arranged for the tickets to the Mimosa Crawl, and set up the transportation. The night before she had spent her evening wondering if she had planned too much and if she still had time to cancel. But the walls of her house were starting to close in on her, and she felt like getting out and about would do her and the girls good.

“To having our freedom back,” Jimena said, raising her glass and meeting it with her friends.

“To the end of the panini,” Katherine said. Her dark curls bobbed as she switched her gaze between the two.

That is when they began to drink, and because it had been so long since they had been out, the girls drank heavily. It had been well over a year since they had been cooped up in their houses. Even though the women were well off, it got boring at home. You missed the thrill of talking to a stranger in a crowded bar or the rush that you would get when someone would buy you a drink. Those things couldn’t be replaced with new hobbies or crafts.

It didn’t take long for them to get a nice buzz. Soon after, that buzz turned into a drunk, and once that happened, Rachel was finally feeling like there was nothing to worry about at all. Especially with the real part of the entertainment being so close.

“How long has it been since we have gone to a Mimosa Crawl?” Rachel asked. She played with the handle of her bag, running her finger along its grooves.

“It has to have been like three years,” Jimena said. “It was even before the pandemic.”

“Really that long?” Katherine asked.

“Yeah, I think so… I know. Once you think about it we really waited way too long to have done something like this.”

“We should treat ourselves more,” Rachel said. “That’s what the pandemic taught me. I am going to live more. I want to give in to those urges to be free more. I don’t want to ever feel cooped up like that again.”

Rachel could tell that her words were slurring and that her heels felt a bit wobbly, but she didn’t care. She felt good for the first time in ages. She felt her excitement build, even more, when she saw the emcee on stage come out and grab her microphone, ready to address the women who were drinking and socializing in the courtyard between bars.

“Alright ladies, alright, quiet down. I know we are all excited today, and we are having fun, but the party is just about to really begin. This is the portion of the evening where we have some fun with our live entertainment. Is everybody ready?”

The crowd let out a roar, an inebriated and enthusiastic one. Most of the girls began to kick off their heels in anticipation.

“Alright ladies, then let the fun really begin.”

Once the words left the emcee’s lips, two doors on each side of the stage opened up. Out of them came the men. They were the entertainment. They were all nude, from head to toe, and they all had different shapes and figures, heights and weights, but they were there for the ladies to now enjoy at their leisure. They began to walk through the room, allowing different tables of women to grab them and begin to enjoy their company.

Rachel grabbed one as soon as he passed. He was a blonde with a wide chest and blue eyes. She stared into them as she grabbed him and held him close to her chest, fondling his body wherever she could get her hands. He melted into her arms, letting her hands travel across his groin and then his cock, feeling glad that he was back doing what he did best now that the virus was under control.

Katherine did the same, grabbing a black man who towered over her. She sunk to her knees immediately and took him in her mouth, She slid him along her lips and tongue a couple of times, getting him nice and wet before shoving him down as far as she could, holding him there frozen while she began to massage his scrotum.

Jimena was feeling adventurous that day, so she grabbed two of them. She placed her hand on their chests and then began to whisper into each of their ears. She told both of them to lay on their backs and keep their mouths open, and hang their tongues out. After they did so, she approached the one on the left, the one with a three-day stubble and amazing cheekbones, and she began to rub herself against his face, moaning and rocking for a couple of minutes before shuffling over to the other one and doing the same to him.

The entire courtyard was filled with it. The spring air was filled with the smell of Dom Perignon and sex. The sound of moaning and skin slapping skin infused into the atmosphere, and Rachel felt herself finally letting go of all the anguish that had been in her chest since the previous March. She came right then, feeling the cock in her pulse along with her, filling her up with a hearty load that stayed deep inside her momentarily before spilling out onto the young man’s groin.

Jimena had switched now. Both men were laying down in the same position, but now she was taking turns placing each of them into her mouth and sucking them, feeling their bodies tense and twist under her as she showed off her skills, skills that had been lying dormant for months that she only wished to use, just like this.

Katherine was enjoying the one that she was with too. She had him hold her in his arms while he took her. She loved it when the men they would use could manhandle her like that. The reason you came to these things wasn’t just the fancy drinks and the cute dresses, you also came because the studs they brought never disappointed. She told him to keep doing that. She spoke into his ear and said for him to keep fucking her until she came and he did, as they always did because all they were there for was to be used and nothing more.

It wasn’t much later when they all were laying down beside one another, Jimena between her two friends, and each of them had one of the men inside of them. They weren’t even the ones they had each started with, but the women didn’t even notice at that point. They were deep in conversation with one another.

“Jimena,” Katherine said, feeling herself blush as she began her drunken tirade. “I gotta admit something to you… I have always had a bit of a crush on you… And I never thought I would have the guts to tell you, but the pandemic and everything…”

She let the words hang out there like that until Jimena reached over and placed a hand on her cheek, looking deep into her eyes before she kissed her deeply.

“Awww, you guys…” Rachel said, her skin beginning to flush with excitement as well. “You two are so sweet and cute!”

It was then that Rachel came one more time, and the individual who was inside of her also let loose a thick rope before flooding her with a steady stream of cum. It was her second of the day, and Rachel basked in it while she thought about how they were only getting started…
