My Best Friend’s Sister [MF]

“Hey, Marlon! Right on time! They’re just about to kick off.”

“Thanks, Leon,” I said as we gave our usual half-handshake, half-hug for a greeting.

We made our way to the living room where he proudly displayed his new 75″ Ultra High Definition TV. You’d swear that thing was his baby, the way he doted over it, but I had to admit, the picture was excellent.

It was a typical Sunday afternoon. Leon and I drank, had snacks, and watched football all day. As far as traditions go, I couldn’t complain. Now and then, his sister would join us. Laura is 2 years older than we are and if Leon has ever seen me staring he never let on about it. I have had a thing for Laura since the 5th grade, and she has only gotten better looking as she filled out and came into her own.

Blonde hair, blue eyes, and curves everywhere it counts, MAYBE 5’2″ on a tall day. She’s pretty much everything I’ve fantasized about since I hit puberty.

Right as the game started, Laura sauntered through the room on her way to the side door to get to the deck leading to their pool. She was holding her towel and wearing what looked like the smallest strapless bikini she could squeeze into. My mouth dropped and I had to force myself not to stare as I stammered out a “Uh, hi, Laura.” She just smiled and gave a polite wave as she walked by. Jesus, she looks incredible. I could see her reflection on the screen and my eyes were locked on her perfect ass right up until she walked out the door.

I could occasionally see her through the window, gently floating by on her inflatable lounge. The view changed a couple of times; first lying on her back with sunglasses on, then she was on her stomach. I noticed the bikini bottom was scrunched up at the bottom and down at the top to minimize the visibility of tan lines. I had never been jealous of an inflatable pool lounge before, but If I could’ve traded places with it right then, I absolutely would have.

The game was nothing noteworthy. Half-time was close and our team was losing like losing was what you were supposed to do. We were half-paying attention, half-bullshitting through most of it. I took the opportunities when he was paying attention to look out the window. I almost didn’t even care if he caught me looking.

“I just ordered some food online. Wanna ride in with me to pick it up?” Leon asked. His house was within city limits, but only as a technicality. Most of the delivery joints didn’t come out this far.

“Nah, I gotta hit the bathroom and I’ll just hang out here… You know, so I can text you if we make a miracle comeback while you’re out.” I mean it wasn’t going to happen, but any excuse to see Laura just a little more was good enough for me.

“Yeah, sure thing, dude,” he said through a snarky laugh. “I’ll be back. Don’t burn the place down without me.”

I looked back out the window just as Laura sat up, facing my general direction, and slid into the water and started swimming. I quickly looked away, hoping she didn’t see me.

I went to the bathroom and when I came back into the living room, Laura was standing there, wrapped in her towel, still dripping. “Leon go into town for food?” She asked.

“Yeah, he just left a minute or two ago. Not sure where he ordered from, though.”

I quickly went back to my chair, fairly certain that if I remained standing too long with her in front of me like that, she would visually be able to tell that I was thinking about her.

“I saw you,” she said.

“Saw me?”

“Yep. I saw you. You were watching me through the window earlier.”

I tried to think of something to say; to come up with some excuse for looking out the window so I wouldn’t be embarrassed at getting caught. I stuttered, at first, but before I could say anything, the towel dropped to the floor, and she wasn’t wearing the bikini anymore.

“I saw you watching me,” she said again, walking toward my chair. “Do you like watching me?” Now she was right in front of me, looking down with a slight smirk.

“I um… I mean… What I was… I’m Sor…” And let out a shocked breath. That was it. I couldn’t form a coherent word, much less a full sentence. She leaned down, putting her hands on the arms of the chair, and leaned forward, putting her head next to mine. “I asked if you like watching me,” she whispered into my ear and bit my earlobe before lightly running her tongue on my neck.

My ENTIRE body shuddered. I could’ve died a happy man right then and there. I barely whispered out “yes” and she gently bit my neck.
“Then watch what I do now,” and she unzipped my pants, pulling my cock out. She didn’t bother undoing the button. I slid down in the chair as she reached down and hit the button to lean it back. She was in the perfect position for my dick to slide right in between her breasts when the chair came to a stop.

“Leon will be home any minute,” I said. It was a total shit attempt at a protest just for the sake of saying I made the effort, even as trivial as this one was. Honestly, he could’ve walked in right then and I’m not sure I would have cared in that moment.

“We’d better be fast then,” she deviously said as she slid her breasts up and down my shaft. I didn’t think that anything could possibly feel better than what I was feeling. And then she wrapped her mouth around the head and started sucking. She took my hand, placing it on the back of her head as she pushed herself down, taking all of it in her mouth. She moaned as I gripped a handful of her hair and worked her head up and down.

“Christ, I’m going to cum.” I said that to let her know, but all I heard was “mmhmm” as she kept going. I came. Hard. I made an audible moan as I came, and she gripped my thighs as she kept sucking until I was done pulsing.

She crawled up the chair and had me inside of her before I could process what was happening. “My turn,” she whispered, pulling my face in to suck on her nipple while she moved her hips up and down, side to side. I grabbed her hips and helped her move around on me. Within moments, we were both cumming. She leaned in and bit my earlobe as she moaned and her pussy tightened in time with my cock as it was pulsing.

She lingered there, slowly moving her hips back and forth as the aftershocks hit us both.

I never wanted that moment to end, but moments later, we heard Leon’s car pull in the drive. I let a panicked “OH SHIT,” but she held herself there. “What are you doing? He’s going to kill us!” I exclaimed.

She gave me the most devious grin and slid off of me right after we heard the car door close. She reached down, put my dick back in my pants, and zipped them up again. “Enjoy the rest of the game,” she giggled. She picked up her towel and walked into the hall towards her room, closing her bedroom door right as Leon walked through the front door.

“Hope you’ve worked up an appetite today, man. Pizza and wings are here. Did I miss anything good?”
I managed to keep my composure just well enough to say “I’m starving. You didn’t miss anything exciting.”


1 comment

  1. Thank you for sharing this story. It is lovely, and
    Laura sounds like great fun. When I was younger I used to like teasing my brother’s friends, they always thought I didn’t notice them watching. Why do you boys get so worked up about who is looking at your sister. So good on her.

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