[F] Losing the game and losing my dignity and loving it

A pic of the thong in question…. [https://imgur.com/a/fIGby9m](https://imgur.com/a/fIGby9m)

Consider this the expositional inset at the beginning of a movie that covers 10 years of history in 3 minutes….

I met Jake as a freshman in college. He asked me out. We went out on a date. He didn’t touch me. I asked him to cuddle in bed with me. He did but still didn’t touch me. I left to study abroad. He waited. I came home. He brought me flowers. He didn’t hold my hand. He was too scared. We both painfully moved on.

Five years pass and we reconnect.

Another five years pass. I’m in a long term sexless relationship with my girlfriend that I still love very much. The shy boy who wouldn’t touch me in college is married now. And we talk a lot. We talk about sex. I live vicariously through him because he’s touched plenty of girls hands. He’s cuddled in plenty of girls beds. He and his wife are swingers and I get off on hearing him brag about his conquests to me. I hear all the details in the stories where I wish *I* was the center of his attention. I desperately try to come up with the easiest way to break to my SO that *I* want to be a swinger too. I want what I can’t have and it’s what he has.

Okay, so maybe it’s more of a prologue than a quick flashback.

But our *real* story begins with a conversation about kinks. Jake tells me everything. Nothing is off limits in our conversations. And I tell him everything back. We tell each other the things that we’re afraid to admit to our partners. Hell, we tell each other the things that we’re afraid to admit to ourselves.

And one day Jake lets me know that he has fantasies about playing strip games. Strip games? That’s not all that kinky for a guy that now gets to visit sex clubs with his wife. Jake tells me that he has fantasies of playing strip games with *forfeits*. *Ah, so it’s about getting to fuck the girl in the end!* Nope. It’s about something more. It’s about *humiliation*. Jake likes to *humiliate* girls and earning it in a game is his way of reconciling those desires with his conscience.

“Okay. Let’s play.”

I wait 2 days for a response.

“You would want to play?”

Damn, right I would! This is the best chance I have to get close to the man that’s unwittingly become the object of all my fantasies while still maintaining my fidelity. It’s a little bit of harmless fun between friends. But it’s *sexually* charged. And I can’t wait.

I was nervous as hell at work that morning. He was off and home alone and I had taken a half day. I didn’t have time to change out of my work clothes before I went to meet him. So I just had to come prepared. As I texted at his front door, I was wearing a work-appropriate grey blouse and a black pair of dress pants. Smiling as he greeted me, I knew there was a good chance I wouldn’t be wearing them long.

Jake was smart. And I admittedly let him have control over his own fantasy. He made the rules and I was just along for the ride. He picked a game that he knew he would win. Bananagrams: it was quick, easy to reset and most of all Jake was *good* at it. Much better than I would ever be.

He won Round 1. And as I stood up to offer up his prize he gazed at me with the hungriest blue eyes I’ve ever seen. Standing before him, I nervously laughed- “Okay, here goes,” I pulled my blouse up over my head and cast my eyes downward knowing that he was seeing me in a bra for the very first time. I wore a blue tie-dye one that pushed my breasts up nicely.

He won Round 2. I knew he would. “My bra or my skirt?” I meekly inquired. He stood up and smirked, stalking behind me. I felt a slight pressure as he gripped the back of my bra and released the clasps. I gasped as I felt the cool air meet my bare chest. The straps fell down off my shoulders and I instinctively covered up my small nipples. “No covering up,” he growled. And I obeyed.

The game was just a formality now. My hands literally shook as I attempted to piece the letter tiles together, painfully aware that my little breasts were shaking along with them. Game over. And so were my pants. I began to unbutton them slowly more out of nervousness than sensuality. “Dance a little for me,” I heard him growl as my eyes looked up from my zipper to meet his cocky smirk. And I did. I turned my back to Jake and I swayed my hips back and forth as I pulled the zipper down from my pants. I let them fall to the floor pooled at my feet as I covered my face in total embarrassment. The back of my matching blue thong was his to hungrily take in.

I sat back down for Round 4. The sensation of the chair on my bare cheeks did nothing to calm my nerves and I knew that it wouldn’t be long before I was more than naked. “Don’t touch them,” he growled as I stood up and slipped my fingers into the waist of my panties. Both my hands recoiled over my chest with a squeal. He stood up deliberately and advanced towards me, putting his own fingers in place of mine. With a swift strike, he ripped my thong down to the floor bending down as he went so that his face was mere inches from my ass.

“You know the rules we agreed on. Are you ready for your forfeit?”

I did. And I wasn’t. But nothing could ever make me ready for the act I was about to do. I heard a metallic clang. I heard leather sliding against denim. And then I felt leather sliding against my throat. Jake wrapped his belt tightly around my neck and clipped it. He took two steps back and drew the remaining length of it tight enough that I knew I wasn’t in control.


I sank to my knees and closed my eyes tightly in embarrassment. My palms rested beside my knees on the hardwood floor. I knew what came next.


And I did. I did exactly as I was told. How could I say no. I was his prize. The floor was rough on my knees as I dutifully led him around the dining room at belt’s length- my ass swaying to and fro with each *step*.


This was the part I was *actually* dreading. I breathed in a deep sigh trying my best to muster up the courage, or lack thereof to complete his final request. I shook my head meekly. I couldn’t do it.

“I said, speak!” he gruffly announced as he tugged back on my makeshift leash. I swallowed hard once more and opened up my mouth. “Ruff ruff!” I did my best. I really did.

“Good girl”

I was humiliated and degraded worse than I ever thought I would allow myself to be in my life. And I fucking loved it. I was his pet. I was his toy. I was his *fantasy*. And it was the greatest feeling ever.

Source: reddit.com/r/gonewildstories/comments/nanx6c/f_losing_the_game_and_losing_my_dignity_and


  1. This story is incredibly hot. I would love to hear if anything else ever happened between you two or if you ever played again.

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