The Shrunken Birthday Present: Part 1/Intro | (F24 F22) (Giantess)

(All characters in this and any story/scenario are both physically and mentally 18+. No story/scenario will include non-consent in any way either. No Exceptions.)

(Before the story begins, I just want to say that I am extremely new to writing erotic literature. This is the first story I am creating, and if you have any feedback to help me write better and structure the story better feel free to let me know as it’s greatly appreciated. As the title says this is an “intro” so there isn’t too much erotic/sexual content yet as that will come in during a later part.)

On an early Saturday morning at around 7:00 A.M, Gina started to wake up after a good night’s sleep. She was wearing her light grey t-shirt and purple panties that she put on before bed. The sun was illuminating her room with the sounds of birds chirping outside. Yawning while rubbing her eyes, Gina sat up for a couple minutes to check her phone for various notifications from friends and social media. A somewhat tired but happy smile formed on her face because her friends were wishing her a happy 24th birthday already. After she finished scrolling through all her different apps, she got up out of bed and went to open the curtains. With the sun shining fully into her room now, Gina walked out of her room to go to the kitchen while yawning once again.

Upon walking down the hallway however, there was a…. particular scent lingering in the air. “What is that smell?” Gina asked herself as she sniffed the air curiously. It smelt like…. chocolate. Gina was confused because she didn’t remember leaving out any food earlier. Confused, Gina walked out into the kitchen and…. she couldn’t believe her eyes. “H-huh?!” She rubbed her eyes to make sure she wasn’t dreaming, but after opening her eyes she realized she was indeed one hundred percent awake. Gina’s long time friend Jasmine (22 Years Old) was shrunken to about 2-3 inches tall, she was standing half naked wearing a mint green colored bra and mint green colored panties, and she was standing next to a chocolate birthday cake with candles and a card that was standing upright. “W-what the….?! Huh?! What the heck is going on?!” Gina said out of complete shock as she barely had any words to express her confusion while looking at her now shrunken friend. “Look at the card~” Jasmine said in an excited yet flirty way. Gina slowly walked over, picked up the card, and opened it. The card read-

“Happy Birthday Gina! I bet you have a loooooot of questions right now. Well cutie, do you remember on tv about a couple months ago there was that commercial about that new shrinking thing? It was the…. um…. hold on I need to go check. Oh yeaaaaaah it was that machine that was being tested or whatever. You know the one using all the lasers and it said ‘New Shrink Ray Technology’ in the corner of the screen? Whatever. Anywaaaaaay, I remembered how you told me that it would be super hot…. (Flip Over)

Gina looked at her friend Jasmine for a moment and Jasmine was…. biting her lip almost seductively. Gina blushed in embarrassment and quickly flipped over the card to read the rest.

“to ‘have fun’ with someone who was shrunken to like a couple inches tall or something. Like a mini dildo~. Well guess what birthday girl. I’m your birthday present silly!!!! Mmm~ I want to be your very own plaything from now on. Use me however you want and whenever you want ok cutie? Mmm~ I’ve been wet the entire time I’ve been writing this, annnnnnnnnd let’s just say my hand might have slipped into my pants a couple times already. Oh! By the way. April dropped me off here earlier in case you were curious as to how exactly I got here. Buuuuuuut yeah. Happy Birthday!

-Your Shrunken Friend and ‘Plaything’, Jasmine”.

Gina looked at Jasmine while still holding the card in her hand, and she was in complete silence with a look of shock still enveloping her face. Meanwhile Jasmine kept flirtatiously looking at Gina curious about what she might say next, but Gina looked like she was about to pass out because of what she just read. Her cheeks were blushing red in embarrassment too. “U-Um…. This…. This is actually real. You…. actually had yourself shrunken.” Gina said almost quietly with still a surprised and confused tone of voice. Jasmine bit her lip and shook her head yes. “I see those cheeks of yours blushing Ginaaaaaa. Cmon, you know you’re excited.” Jasmine said teasingly. Gina’s eyes got wide for a second as she half turned away blushing with embarrassment.

Without Jasmine able to see, Gina bit her lip with hesitancy as her mind was racing. “Oh damn it…. She’s right. T-This was my fantasy after all, and…. her teasing is really getting me turned on. Mmm~.” Gina thought to herself silently, but she had no idea her eyes were closed in a sort of day dreaming state by this point. “Ginaaaaaa? Hellooooooo?” Jasmine said with a smile knowing Gina was day dreaming about the entire idea. Gina shook her head suddenly and opened her eyes to wake up from being lost in thought. She turned around having no idea what to say. “Oh ummmmmmm right. W-Wait what were we um…. talking about?” Gina said with an embarrassed tone of voice. “Mmm someone’s getting turned on aren’t they? You know you love this idea just as much as I do.” Jasmine said teasingly. Gina’s eyes once again went wide as she heavily blushed again at what Jasmine said. “Eh heh~ W-Well l-let’s get you settled in then since you will be staying here now. H-How about you just…. stay there, and I’ll make you a bed and some other stuff.” Gina said as she walked to the next room to go looking for some supplies to make a bed and other necessities for Jasmine, but she also left in a hurry so she could fully compile all of what just happened within the last 20 minutes.
