Nutrition and Love (Part 2) [milk] [ffm] [breasts]

Amy tip toed July to the kitchen.July is puzzled lifted her head in thinking what she meant as she did not want to fight Amy like the last time that meant them being separated for a few years. Just as she was beginning to think, she felt Amy’s strong hands cupping her breasts. July’s legs are now shaking and felt Amy’s breasts touching her back while Amy closed the gap between them hugging her from behind. July opened lips to say something but Amy had already sensed her thoughts and put her right hand finger on her lips gesturing her to stop saying anything. Amy moved her hand back to cup July’s right breast. Amy just stood there with her hands on breast making July ache for her next move. July’s shaking increased and Amy after a second pause, mover her left hand to right breast and the right hand to her left breast bringing their bodies closer. July’s satin push-up bra made Amy’s grip to slip. She reached inside this time, caressed her now erect nipples, squeezed her breasts gently and whispered in July’s ears “your udders are full with cream. I’m going to take all i want and you will let me”. The dairy farm experience taught Amy when the udders need to be emptied. July, now wet, replied “its yours to take. i missed it for a very long time. I’m going to…” Amy put a finger on July’s lips reminding her to be quiet. Amy, while still standing behind July, made her remove the t-shirt and she unhooked her bra and threw it on the floor. July’s 34GG udders now fell free giving Amy the full access. Amy motioned July to lean forward and raised her hands straight up so July’s head and hands rested on the microwave while making her breasts hang free and dangle. Amy, the expert hand at dairy farm, reached for olive oil to her right, splashed a few drops in her hand and started massaging July’s breasts round and round, up and down, kneading in between and stopping to pull down her now-hard nipples. July is dripping wet. Amy whispered in July’s ears “you’re ready.on your fours”. July turned around, went to the living room sofa, climbed on it with her right side breast facing outside and stood on all fours. Amy found a wide mouthed pot and came back to the living room, felt July’s udders one more, laid the pot down below her breasts and went to work. Amy tested the flow by pulling the first nipple gently causing July to moan. Amy pulled it hard next causing July to scream a bit. She know the right pressure July wanted them from their old milking days. Amy wrapped 3 fingers and thumb starting on July’s areola and gently slid down the right nipple. Olive oil ensured that there was friction and a drop of milk came out after few tries. Amy was amazed that July was producing after so many years. A drop is the hope that brought the smile to Amy. Amy swiftly started milking both July’s breasts in a rhythm alternatively. 10 squeezes and pulls later, a drop turned in to drip on the right nipple while nothing on the left and about 20 hard squeeze and pulls later, the right breast let go of its stubbornness unable to withstand Amy’s nipple squeezes and gave up a stream that sprayed in all directions. A spray of nutritious milk touched Amy’s lips. The fight between Amy’s hand and July’s right breast ended with Amy being the clear winner.

In any fight, the loser has to bear the punishment so another fight will not be fought. In order to prevent the next fight, Amy increased her pressure. She squeezed tight July’s right areola and pulled down hard slowly, so tight the the olive oil was of little help. The right nipple squirted a big stream of milk, like it vowed to never be stubborn and begged to let it go. Amy rejoicing the win let it go, only to go back to the areola again and start all over again. July’s left breast and nipple which appeared at first was ready to let out a stream at the first squeeze now showed no sign so it can go through the same excitement and joy the right breast went through at Amy’s merciless and artful hands. Amy changed her focus to July’s left breast which was happy to give her what she want but now suddenly changed its mind. July bent her head down to look at Amy’s art of milking that she had missed dearly. Amy dangled July’s left breast a bit. It was not easily accessible as it was on the other side. Amy touched and felt the nipple on the left breast was harder and bigger than the right, a result of July playing with it more often than the right nipple.

Amy with her previous win over the right breast wrapped her fingers on the left areola, squeezed gently and pulled down. The fingers freely slid down but no sign of milk. Amy went back at it with pressure up a notch. Amy felt like the left Areola is challenging her and went back harder every time. July felt a tingle of pain and cried out loud to Amy to slow down on her favorite nipple. Amy wouldn’t listen and now every pull was harder than the one before and the nipples stretched down farther and farther with each pull. July, while feeling the pain, couldn’t contain the pleasure of the squeezes that her left breast is going through. Amy is now getting frustrated and couldn’t think of losing to a teat, a fight she had won thousands of time though with a cow udders and teats. July looked down to see her left nipple enduring the intense squeezes and how red it had turned, told Amy to take it slow and not rip her favorite nipple. Amy stared at July and squeezed the left areola and the nipple crushing it and pulling it down making sure the fingers didn’t slide down causing the nipple to touch the sofa almost. July closed her eyes and moaned loudly.

July wanted Amy to do it again and again in her mind but couldn’t see Amy getting frustrated. July whispered something to Amy. When Amy hadn’t responded, July ordered Amy. Amy raised her gaze up to listen to July. When mommy orders, Amy listens and she knows what will happen if she didn’t. Amy quickly got up, went to the kitchen. July’s hands ached a bit due to being on all fours but the pain is no match for what is to come. Amy searched a bit and found a piece of cheesecloth, 2-3 cubes of ice from the freezer, rolled the ice in the cloth and walked back to July hurriedly. July had changed her position by then so that her left breast is now easily accessible to Amy and is facing outside.Amy kneeled down, took July’s left breast in her left hand and squeezed with a vengeance. July is watching the frown on Amy’s face and ordered Amy to pinch the areola at the bottom with a finger and the thumb to expose the nipple fully. Amy did as she was ordered. July asked Amy to rub the ice on the now reddish hard nipple. Amy rubbed in circles and saw the nipple was getting harder than before. Now July ordered Amy to take the nipple in her mouth, bite it, flick it, suck and blow on the nipple repeatedly. Amy couldn’t say no such a pleasure and complied immediately. The warmth of the blow and the bite ensured victory for Amy and a warm drop of milk appeared from the now defeated left breast. Amy smiled uncontrollably at her conquest of the massive meaty milky boobs but she was reminded that the overall war is not yet won. July felt happy at the sight of a happy Amy and this made her hormones to start the milk production in full scale. Amy adjusted the wide mouthed pot, examined both the nipples and felt the udders one more time before looking into July’s eyes questioningly.

July nodded approvingly. Amy climbed on the sofa and kneeled in front of July and undid the buttons exposing the overloaded white weightlifting bra. Amy removed and tossed the bra letting the 36H farm built boobs free from the bra jail it was suffocating in. The biggest gift yet for Amy is the unusually perky and long brown nipples on top of the naturally firm lifted breasts that looks like inviting anyone to play with it.July’s eyes widened with excitement at the sight of the bunnies that Amy let outside. Amy watching the eagerness in July’s, took each of her boob to her mouth and wet it. Amy then looked at July with a questioning look “do you want it?” July pounced like a thirsty calf waiting for mommy udders and took one of Amy’s nipples in her mouth. Amy let July taste her nipple for a good 5 second and pulled it out slowly and softly. July looked at Amy disappointingly. Amy whispered in July’s early “Take both at the same time or nothing”. July’s face lit up at the thought of gushing milk from both the perky nipples at the same time and opened her mouth wide. Amy lifted both her breasts and pushed her nipples inside July. July sucked them both with a firm bite. Amy’s experience has taught her well and she knows how to keep the milk flowing to July. July chewed, bit, sucked and played with Amy’s now hardening nipples. Amy was moaning in pleasure and asked July to not let either nipple fall out of her mouth at any cost. July nodded and bit them harder. with July pouncing and ravaging her nipples, Amy took her hands to work on July’s breasts, areolas and nipples. Amy told July “I’m going to empty your udders by working on your wild teats. Be a good girl and don’t let a nipple fall out of your mouth until i’m done emptying your udders”. July nodded with excited eyes and bit Amy’s nipples hard to sign as acknowledgement. Amy started milking July’s udders and stopped it in 5 minutes, quickly pulled her nipples from July’s mouth that almost ripped her nipples and stepped down the sofa. The pot is now 1/4 full, Amy’s nipples are hurt and felt good but the intense pleasure from July’s bite and sucking motion wouldn’t let her her focus on emptying July’s udders. Also July’s milk flow as reduced from the sound of milk hitting the pot. Amy stepped down on the floor, kneeled and took July’s naughty left nipple in her mouth while her hands worked on the right breast. The warm mouth appreciatively sucked the areola and nipple causing the milk production to flow through. Amy’s hands stopped and examined the right breast with her hand while continuing to suck July’s left breast. She sensed that right breast is empty of milk and let it drop. Amy’s mouth sensed continuous milk flow from July’s breast now and decided to switch to hands. July whispered that Amy should continue to squeeze and pull until the pot is full as her left breast alone should be able to produce 12oz of nutritious milk easily on a good day and the 24oz pot nowhere near half. Amy replied back saying that she can feel the milk inside but the nipple is not cooperating. July nodded and said to do what she want’s and until she want’s. Amy felt challenged after all these years of work at the farm. She changed tactics from mouth to hand squeezes and kept doing it alternatively. When the pot is almost 1/2 full, Amy stopped and gasped to July “this is some wild nipple you here and i’m going to enjoy it”. July laughed and said “Do anything you want to it but don’t rip it as you you will be hungry again tonight” Amy and July got up causing their breasts to sway and jiggle, filled their glasses with fresh milk, toasted and crashed on the sipping on the nutrition rich sweet energy drink. July took a sip and looked at Amy’s hand and palm and said she missed her milker. Amy took away the glass from her hand, motioned July to lie on her lap and put her nipple in her mouth for July to drink directly. July played with Amy’s nipple in her mouth gently at first and wildly after. Amy emptied her glass in one gulp and gazed at July’s skill in playing her nipples – one in the mouth and the other in her finger tips. When July was done emptying both Amy’s teats, they both became naked and went to bed. Contd…


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