How an old friend made me her boyfriends plaything [FMM]

Reposted because I accidentally typed the tag wrong – sorry mods!

Hi, so its been awhile… but i did make a promise that i needed to post about something that happened that felt like i have crossed some kind of line and now ive found myself. What happened involved me and an old friend, ill call her Bella.

Bella went to school with me and we were always on and off friends – she was there the day I lost my virginity (ill post about that some other time), we would be together constantly, and then we drifted apart just before college. She would comment on my posts sometimes but that was about it. That was until recently when surprise surprise me being more open about my sexuality and wanting to have a slutty phase has gotten around some friends a bit more and then she started texting me. At first it was just all “oh hey its been ages how r u queen?”, but I could tell she was texting because shed heard stuff.

Then she just came out and asked if what she had read that i had posted was true. I told her yeah, and it was like she was meeting me for the first time, she just couldnt stop asking random questions and making out we were still best friends. And heres the crazy thing – i kinda craved it, i liked being the one she looked up to again, and i fucking adored how she was talking to me.

So, we start hanging out a bit more after college (she still lives nearish me), usually just to smoke and chill. Until on like the third day of doing this, we meet up in town, and she has her boyfriend and one of his mates with him. Her boyfriend is fit, but I never really liked him – too obsessed with making sure his hair was perfect and sneakers were perfect… but it was all good we just went and got some drinks, sat and smoked, and had a laugh.

It was getting late and we had all been drinking and started to flirt loads, and Bella was starting to talk more and more about what id been doing to get a reaction out of the guys. They were both clearly interested by the massive bulge in their pants, and that got me really turned on. We got more adventurous (we were in the park, but in a bit near the wall, where its quite hard to see and a bit more private, where we always come to smoke), and I was showing the boys my tattoos, until I got to one where I needed to basically take my top down to show them everything, so im sat there outside with my tits in my hands, showing them my tattoo, when Bella takes my hand and moves it away. I screamed at her but didnt really mind, and didnt make too much of a fuss about trying to cover back up. Her boyfriend looked like he was in heaven, and his friend just looked like he was really awkward and didnt know what to do but didnt look away.

Then Bella got a look in her eye I hadnt seen before, and she just stared at me, and got this weird smile. She put her arm around her boyfriends neck and kissed him, and after she did that, she held his hand and put it on my breast. The whole situation turned really tense but in a good way – it was like we all knew something was about to happen but nobody wanted to say anything in case it stopped it from happening. They just looked at each other with his hand on me, and she kissed him again, and then she came over to me, and put her hands on my shoulders. She kinda pulled me down a bit, until I was laying on the ground, with my shirt still round my stomach, and then she started undoing my jeans.

I was just laying there completely silent and not really knowing what the fuck was happening, but knowing i liked it. I hadnt ever actually done anything with Bella before, but now she had taken my jeans off, and i was laying on the grass with her hands on my side, and i felt her fingers slip under my thong, and pull it to the side. I lifted my head to look up, and she put a finger on my forehead and pushed it back down. She gave me this look that was like she was saying for me to stay still, but not harsh or bad, just… powerful. I closed my eyes, and heard her doing something, and then felt someone move between my legs. When I opened my eyes, I saw she had unzipped her boyfriends jeans, pulled his cock out, and had one hand gripping his cock hard around the base (it looked almost painful) and pulling him towards my pussy, her other hand pushing on his bum from behind. He leant forwards and put his hands either side of me, but just looked down and wouldnt look at my face. I felt his cock touch the lips of my pussy, and Bella rubbed him gently around me a little first, just helping make everything wet and ready, and then she really slowly pushed him inside. It wasn’t fast or hard, but just constant – he kept going and going until i could feel his hips on my thighs. When she did this, as she was pushing him into me, she didn’t stop staring into my eyes. I swear I could have come right then, but then felt him start to move in and out of me, really slowly at first, and then getting a little faster. I realised that she had her hand on his cock still for a while, until eventually i felt her fingers loosen and move away, and then she really quickly gave my clit a rub, just for a second or two.

So… yeah… i was there just lying there getting fucked by her boyfriend. Not just that, but getting fucked by him, with her making him do it. I started to close my eyes and really feel it again, and lifted my legs to wrap around him. I put my hands on his shoulders, but he kept refusing to look up at me. As I was about to say something, Bella reappeared, this time doing something else. She had her boyfriend’s friend in her hand, exactly like her boyfriend – jeans undone, cock out, rock hard and held tight, and they were up and over my head. He knealed down over my face, and I looked up, and the weirdness of the whole situation meant i didnt immediatley think “oh fuck id better open my mouth” so i just stared for a bit without doing anything. Bella then suddenly snapped, and her other hand literally pulled my mouth open, and the other hand pushed his cock into my mouth. He was in an awkward position – too high and at too much of an angle, I think he was worried about touching his friend… but he shuffled around a bit and after a moment we found that if he moved a bit to the side and I turned my head, he could quite easily fuck my face, which he did. And yeah, he really did fuck my face, and a couple of times my throat. I’m okay at stopping my gag reflex but not great, and I think I put him off when I gagged a bit when he pushed into my throat at a weird angle.

Eventually, after not that long time, I felt her boyfriend start to speed up, and get really tense. I pushed back onto him without thinking, and only when he was half way through cumming i realised that he was fucking me raw without a condom. After something someone said to me recently, i suddenly felt a wave of regret and worry, but then started to feel better. He came in me so much that i could feel it dripping out already, and he stayed “pulsing” in me for a few moments, until he just silently pulled out (that made me wince / tense up, which I think helped with his friend in my mouth). When he pulled out, his friend took his q, and without any warning got out of my mouth and started doing this relaly funny awkward shuffle on his knees to have his turn. I looked away to stop myself laughing at how funny it looked, and looked over to see Bella sitting really nearby, just staring at me, into my eyes, sitting and smoking a spliff. There was something weird and amazing about that – her just quietly watching me, that made me feel… i cant even describe it, but it was something different to anything ive ever felt or done before. I was interrupted by her friend sliding into me without any warning… but i closed my eyes and all i could think about was her watching me.

After he had finished in me too (fuck it, might as well now!), and we had put our clothes back on / sorted them out, we just sat and smoked in silence for a bit. Then Bella realised what time it was, and we all started walking to get the bus / train / taxi home. While we were walking out of the park, we let the boys go first, and Bella walked next to me, and put her arm in mine. She rested her head on my shoulder while we walked, and when i said “hey” to break the silence, she smiled, stopped, and really quietly said in my ear “im gonna get you so fucked.”. I asked her what she meant, and she just looked at me, and said “that was just messing around. i wanna see how much we can do to you”. And.. holy shit… i dont think anyones ever said anything hotter to me before that has made me so weak at the knees.

Weve been texting since then, and oh my god the things weve got planned. I know now that i needed her. this is what i needed most of all – someone to help me explore this, to help me feel how i want to feel… and its fucking amazing.


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