I once came in a public jacuzzi. Don’t blame me, blame the jets [F]26

I’ll preface this story by saying I know it was wrong. I broke the code of what should and shouldn’t be done in public. There was no guy teasing me or telling me what to do. I wasn’t *dared* to maneuver the jacuzzi jet so that it was grazing my clit.

No, I was just horny, pure and simple.

This happened when I was visiting Ireland with a few girlfriends about four years ago. It must’ve been day three of the trip. I’m used to coming once or twice a day, so after three days of no privacy, day *or* night, my horny-meter was quite high. (For some reason, I’ve never been able to come while I shower. Vertical doesn’t work for me. Enter: Whirlpool).

We drove across the country and got to the hotel at the west coast of the country. There was a spa at the hotel, and so naturally, we had to check it out. The place was like…something my Sims would have built if they had the motherlode hack and had endless funds. A *swanky* spa. An emerald green and black color scheme. You walked in and instantly felt rich and steamy at the same time.

What I really wanted was a guy to boss me around and tell me to, idk, take my bikini bottoms off in the warm water. I did not have that. Instead, I had me and my sexual streak and an undeniable affinity for public sex, which would have to do.

I swam around for a while and eventually settled in one of the “chair” areas in the whirlpool. There were large ledges and you could swim up between them, resting your arms on the ledges. Behind you were a few jets.

At first, I had the jets massage my back. Then I found if I just lifted myself up a few inches, one of the lower jets hit my pussy. Then I found if I angled myself forward, it rubbed my clit. *There*. Phew, it felt good. Around me, people talked and swam in the hot water, about 15 in total. I tried to look innocent, or at least zoned out, so that no one would suspect anything.

I wouldn’t let myself stay like that for too long. I pulsed up and down, letting the pleasure build and taking it away.

I told myself that I was trying to resist.

Really, I was just edging.

I started letting myself stay in that position that for longer and longer, starting making up excuses to justify that decision. The water wasn’t see-through, I told myself. The spa was *super* dark. It was like a club with water, really. No one would know.

Maybe they did.

Maybe they didn’t.

But soon I began ascending on that lovely one-way road to pleasure, you know the one. I tried to reign in my face as the pleasure built, but I also had to submit–if I concentrated too hard on how my face looked, I knew I wouldn’t come (hence the problem and the thrill: It required surrender).

And so, yeah, I surrendered. It happened. I came in a hotel spa. My friends were swimming around. They were none the wiser. I stayed there for a while, repeating a chorus of, “Oh no you DIDN’T! in my head.” I’ve come with shower heads in bathtubs (A+, A+, A+), but this was definitely a first.

Yes, I *know* this was a creepy thing to do….but…I did it! And I didn’t get caught. Would I do it again? Probably not. Am I happy I did it? Yes.

Next time, I hope I can RENT out the spa ;)

Source: reddit.com/r/gonewildstories/comments/n9o3ld/i_once_came_in_a_public_jacuzzi_dont_blame_me


  1. They ain’t catch me and nobody ever gon catch me! How bout dat?

  2. Sounds amazing! I love anything water based – jacuzzis, pools, showers, just makes everything so much hotter. Some people for sure might have noticed but no one ever says anything!

  3. No harm, no foul. No one sad hurt or seemingly even knew. This is just sexy, not wrong.

  4. I had a friend back in the day that hung out regularly in my hot tub. She learned the jets were powerful, and had zero shame.

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