[MFF] How helping two coeds started off the best semester of my life (Part 9: The girls and I go out for drinks)

Shit, has it been a month already? ADHD is a bitch. This story is (as you might have guessed) part of a longer series.
You can find all parts [here](https://www.reddit.com/user/Bovrilandcock/comments/mng4pr/katemichele_series/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=ios_app&utm_name=iossmf)

The rain lasted for one more whole day. I studied a bit, went to the gym, met some friends and cleaned every part of my apartment that smelled like sex. And the whole time I was thinking about both of these sexy, slutty girls that made me feel like the luckiest guy in the entire town. I was aroused the whole time, and every few minutes, my mind darted back to the mental image I had of the girls. What didn‘t help were the actual images they sent me. I told them how much I love receiving nudes, and how much I like being teased, and it definitely hit a nerve with them.

The picture they sent me after getting home was only the start. It felt like I was constantly getting bombarded with pictures of Michele‘s boobs, Kate‘s ass, both girls completely naked, then Kate under the shower, Michele showing off some lingerie that barely counted as clothing, and so on and so forth. I didn‘t want to masturbate, so I could save everything for the next time I would meet them. But god damn it was hard. I was hard. But I managed to control myself.

As I said, the rain lasted for one more day after they left. But as I woke up on Tuesday, it was like nothing had ever happened and the morning sun was already filling my flat. I went through my usual morning routine, and sat out on my balcony, texting a friend about her recent breakup. It was long coming, and the guy was a jerk, so she wasn‘t really sad or anything. But I still wanted to make sure she was alright. She and two of our mutual friends had made plans to go out for drinks that evening, and she asked me if I wanted to come along. Just as I sent the text asking when and where, I got another message. It was from Kate, so of course I opened it right away. What I saw immediately made my cock hard again.

It was both girls lying in bed together, cuddled up to each other. Their boobs were pressed together on one side, and their nipples were erect. It didn‘t show them completely, but I could make out they were completely naked. „fuck me if I‘m wrong, but aren‘t there two beds in your flat?“, I answered. Kate immediately read it and answered. „We missed having someone to cuddle up to in bed. Maybe you can help us out tonight? ?“. Shit. Nothing I would love more. But I can‘t ignore my other friends, right? „Sorry. Can’t. I‘m going out with friends for some drinks tonight. Don’t get jealous, they‘re a different kind of friends than you.“ sent. „Oh, what Kind?“, the answer came. „Well, mostly I have not cum inside any of them.“ „Fair enough ? why don’t you invite us?“. Good question. Why the hell not?. „Okay, I’ll ask“.

I told my friend I wanted to bring two extras, if it was okay for her. She had not answered my question I sent earlier, but her next text didn‘t take long. „Sure, if they‘re cool. Pre-game at your Place, let‘s say 7?“ „cool. See you then.“ That settles that. I sent Kate the details, and in response I got another pictures. This time the girls were lying on their stomachs, and I got a beautiful view of two heavenly butts. Kate‘s tan apparently got stronger that day we were on the beach, and her tanlines were even more visible. Michele‘s butt was super light, but I adored her bubble butt shape. „See you then. We have a surprise for you ?“, the caption read.

The day went by slowly. I wasn‘t able to concentrate on anything (and that‘s not on my ADHD), and the minutes seemed to be running painfully slow. I went shopping for groceries and got some alcohol for the girls, and some non-alcoholic drinks for myself, as well as what I needed anyway. I went to the gym. I did some programming, but gave up. I showered, did my hair, got ready. I paced around my flat. I prepared some snacks. More pacing. Some more cleaning. More pacing. And then it finally rang, just a few minutes shy of 7. My heart began beating faster, as I opened the door and heard two pairs of footsteps coming up the stairs. It wasn‘t Kate and Michele, but instead Julia (the girl with the break up) and Steph, her best friend. Both of them are stunning beauties, with Steph being a tall, super slim and sporty blonde and Julia having an almost unreal thin waist with a huge bubble butt and stunning emerald green eyes.

I immediately was super hyped, because I had not seen either of them for a few weeks, which is weird because they were my best friends (actually still are, but we live in completely different parts of Germany now, so we don‘t see each other as much, but yeah). I couldn’t help but smile like an idiot, which they reciprocated. They both ran up the last steps and hugged me so hard I almost couldn’t breathe. And it felt great. Obviously, having two incredibly beautiful girls hug you and press themselves into you is a nice feeling. I had made a mental barrier to see neither of the girls as potential mates, because I like them too much to risk our friendship, but I‘d be lying if I said it didn‘t stir anything inside me.

We started chatting about what had happened, and I fixed them some drinks. Just as I poured myself a virgin colada, it rang again, and before I could do anything, Julia already opened the door, and Kate+Michele came up the stairs and into my flat. They hugged me just as the other girls had before, and this time the missing mental barrier made me incredibly horny. I noticed both K+M wearing matching blue dresses without bras. Not that I would complain. I introduced all girls, and got the new arrivals drinks. All girls are super outgoing, so the initial awkwardness was overcome quickly, and we were soon sitting together in my living room and laughing about Julia‘s stupid ex and what he had done wrong.

The alcohol was flowing, and the girls were already getting a bit tipsy. Kate sat next to me on the sofa, and she was definitely getting more touchy, resting her leg on mine, touching my forearms, resting her head on my shoulders every now and then. Michele sat on the other side of the room and was facing me, her long smooth legs crossed. We were having fun and laughing a lot, while still waiting for Bianca, the last one missing. Suddenly Julia‘s phone rang, and she stepped to my balcony to talk. Steph used the opportunity and went to the bathroom, leaving me alone with Kate and Michele.

„So. What‘s that surprise you have planned for me?“ I asked, while looking at Michele. She smiled and licked her lips like a cat who just found a way into the pot of cream. „Well“, she said „you told us how much you like being teased and flashed, sooo…“ she uncrossed her legs, slowly pulled up her skirt, parted her legs a bit further and showed me her beautiful, perfectly smooth pussy. She probably smiled while doing so, but I didn‘t notice it because I was too fixated on the view below. Her labia were already red and slightly swollen, and I thought I could see a little wetness. I gulped, and Kate laughed her beautiful, bell-like laugh. „I think he likes it.“ I turned towards her. „Are you…“ „missing my panties?“ she finished my sentence for me.

Without another word she parted her legs just as Michele had done moments earlier, and I was greeted by the sight of another smooth, beautiful pussy. This time I couldn‘t just stare, but instead put my fingers right on her already slightly protruding clit and gave it a gentle rub. Kate closed her eyes and let a light moan escape her lips. I wanted to do more, but just in this second, we heard the door to the balcony go and all three of us got back into innocent positions in light speed. I hoped the buldge from my rock hard cock wasn‘t too visible through my trousers. Julia stepped back into the room with a slightly annoyed face. „Bianca will join us „later“ because she had to „talk“ to her boyfriend. So if you don‘t mind we can leave right now?“

None of us had any reasons, so as soon as Steph came back from the bathroom we informed her on the recent developments, she rolled her eyes and said „talking aka getting dicked down hard“ which made us laugh, the other three girls went to the bathroom as well and we were on our way. The bar we went to wasn‘t that far from my flat, and we met many other small groups of students all over the old town. We stopped twice to talk to some people we knew, so the 5 minute walk took about 30 in the end.

We arrived, got a nice, slightly secluded space in a corner, and a waitress quickly got us our first round of drinks. The girls all went for different kinds of cocktails, while I opted for a non-alcohol beer. They took pictures of their drinks, all tried sips of each other’s drinks, and the evening started to get even more fun. We continued our conversations, and it drifted off to things I can‘t remember. What I remember is Michele and Kate sitting on my opposite side of the table. As the evening got longer, they got more drunk and more daring. At first it was only quick flashes when Julia and Steph were gone. Then it became longer flashes. Then one time Kate first pulled her skirt up, and then her top down, flashing me her stunning boobs. Michele wasn‘t as daring, but I could see all the action getting was getting her excited as well.

Kate went so far to even flash me while Julia and Steph were at the table. She pulled up one leg on the chair and rested her head on her knee, while acting like she didn‘t notice her skirt shifting and giving a clear view onto her most private parts. Steph and Julia either didn‘t notice or were too respectful to say anything, so I was left with trying not to stare to obviously, while also getting as much of a view as possible. I had given up on the idea that my bulge was not visible, and instead was hoping that the puddle of pre-cum was not visible through my pants.

When the clock neared midnight, we decided to go clubbing. We paid our tab, and said our goodbyes to Steph, who had to work the day after and did not want to be too hungover. So the other three and I made our way to the first club we could find. The door wasn’t a problem and we got in easily. It was pretty crowded, even though it was a Tuesday. But warm nights, start of a semester and lots of new students meant this was no surprise. I got a round of shots for the girls and a juice for myself, and we made our way to the dancefloor. The DJ was playing some 90‘s pop which got the girls excited, and we started dancing in our little circle. It didn‘t take long for someone to start chatting with Julia, and after making sure everything was cool, she disappeared from our circle, so it was just Kate, Michele and me.

The dancefloor got more crowded, so we had to get together even closer. Soon, the girls were rubbing up to me, and kept grinding on me. The music was banging, the crowd was going wild, and I felt myself getting lost in the moment. Knowing the two beauties rubbing up to me were hardly wearing anything but a thin piece of cloth while rubbing up to me hit me like a ton of bricks, and in a split second where Kate made eye contact, I grabbed her ass, pulled her into me and started making out with her, while swaying to the music. The moment started to feel like it would last forever, but I felt Michele still grinding on me, and I did not want to make her feel left out. I broke the kiss with Kate, leaned over to Michele and kissed her just as I had done with Kate earlier. She tasted like the fruity cocktail she had had earlier, and she kept sucking on my lower lip hungrily, lightly biting it. My hand slid down her waist and onto her butt, which made her moan lightly.

After a while I went back to kissing Kate, and I heard some people cheer on us. I was too occupied to really note who it was, and it didn‘t matter anyway. We stood there, in the middle of the crowd, still lightly swaying to the music, all hands over each other’s bodies, making out. I was getting hot, and not only from the room temperature. I broke the kiss with Michele, and she was panting heavily. I looked at the clock and saw it was almost 2am. We had been making out like this for well over one hour. I was hot. I was sweaty. I was horny. One look at the girls told me they were probably feeling the same way. I gestured towards the exit, and they nodded in unison. So we left.

On the way out, we came by the tables, and saw Julia sitting there and making out with the guy from earlier. I didn‘t want to disturb he because everything looked well, but still made a mental image of the guy. We finally got out of the club into the slightly cool night, but after the heat of the club it was a welcome change. The girls were giggling and obviously quite drunk. „So, do you want me to take you home, or should I call you a taxi?“ I asked. „Are you kidding? We shaved our entire bodies for you, spent the entire evening showing you our dripping wet cunts, and now you want to leave us high and dry?“ Kate said so loud, a few heads in the club’s queue turned. „Boy, I need to feel your dick inside me, and you Are not allowed to leave us until I‘ve had exactly that.“

Just the answer I was hoping for.

This part didn‘t have as much action as the last parts, but I promise I’ll make it up in the next one. And it‘ll be a shorter time between parts :)

Source: reddit.com/r/gonewildstories/comments/n9frz1/mff_how_helping_two_coeds_started_off_the_best


  1. Nice, hab mich heute daran erinnert und den Subreddit gecheckt und ich wurde nicht enttäuscht ;)
    “Are you…“ „missing my panties? ”
    Ich denke mal aus Gründen der Logik, hast du das ein wenig anders übersetzt. Bin doch neugierig was das Original wäre

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