the not-so-secret- account [FM][Tit sucking]

**Hey! I wrote a quick one-off story I thought you guys might like. More stuff on my profile and discord!**

Gabriel had started streaming on twitch when the pandemic first locked everything down. She was surprised when she started getting subs and had worked hard over the last year to crow her following. She was pretty good at some of the games, but it was pretty obvious most of her subscribers were guys that liked watching her tits jiggle while she played.

She got into the habit of wearing well-fitted T-shirts with no bra during her streams. Whenever someone in chat would ask for her OnlyFans, she would shut them. She wasn’t doing that and if they kept asking she’d ban them.

She was doing well enough she moved in with a friend in a small apartment, finally out of her parents’ house. She streamed all the time, but her subs were plateauing and she was nervous. Her roommate had let her be late on rent, but it was the 20th, and she had only just paid off last month, let alone started saving for the 1st of next month.

She decided to make an only fans, and send the link to a few of the more generous twitch fans she had. A few shots of her actual tits would hopefully allow her to pay her rent in time if they were generous.

By the time the first week had rolled around her OnlyFan account had spread through her twitch fans. She felt slightly embarrassed knowing most of the guys following her had seen her tits instead of the few she had planned on. It was a lot easier to swallow since her OnlyFans page had managed to clear her upcoming rent though.

The next month, simply by jiggling and taking baths, soaping her (In her opinion) average breasts and pinching her nipples on camera she cleared rent in record time. After two months the twitch streaming had started to take backseat to her growing OnlyFan account.

That was until she received an email from her old boss at the Used Car Lot where she used to detail cars. He recognized her, and was VERY happy to see that she had grown up so beautifully – and was she interested in earning a little extra money?

Gabby bit her lip. She was already in deeper than she had expected, and she hated that her “online life” was crossing into her real life. That said she knew that even a no-touching private show could earn her even more.

She emailed him saying she’d swing by the lot to talk, but that he better not tell anyone about her account. The next day she dressed in a pair of loose sweatpants, a black lacy thong hidden underneath. She did wear a bra under her band tshirt today and slipped on some flipflops before heading out.

When she met John at the lot he greeted her warmly ‘as an old coworker’ – he hugged her a little longer than he should have, pulling her tight against him.

“So John, what’s the deal. Cause I’m not a whore you know. Like I don’t put out for money.” Gabby jutted her chin out defiantly.

“Oh god no.” John dropped his voice lower, whispering, “I’m just dying to suck on your tits. Like I mean, with my mouth. Just your tits. You wouldn’t even need to take your pants off!”

Gabby smirked, “You want to suck on these tits? You big naughty boy. You better be willing to pay. How much?” John turned red at the dirty talk. “100 bucks.” He gulped, his mouth seemingly filling with drool.

Gabby smiled. “Deal. You only get ten minutes. Your office? I don’t have all day.” John nodded, transfixed.

As the two of them walked into the building past the other salesmen, John loudly announced that he was sure he had copies of her employment documents and would be happy to make copies for her.

As soon as they were in his office John locked his door and pulled his wallet out. He pulled five twenty dollar bills out. Gabby checked the bills, and they seemed legitimate. She sat on his desk and pulled her shirt up over her head. Before she could unhook the back of her bra, John had pulled it down to access her tits.

He groped them both roughly, growling as he nipped and nibbled on one of her nipples. She was a bit shocked at his vigor, but managed to undo the back and shrug her shoulders out of the black bra as he attacked her chest.

He didn’t even notice, his fingers pulling and teasing one nipple while he suckled and slurped on the other. Gabby leaned back, her hands bracing her on the desk. Once she was braced, he seemed to lean into her chest harder.

He began moving from one nipple to the other, teasing and pinching, flicking and pulling with his hands. His mouth was hot and wet and Gabby had to bite her lip to keep from moaning. She was loving every second, but she knew that if she let down her bad-bitch-in-charge persona she might not be as safe locked in the office with John.

He was loving the feeling of rolling her hot nubs in his mouth, his tongue sliding hot circles around her areolas. He was gentle with his teeth, never truly biting, but nibbling and teasing her tits with wild ferocity.

Gabby kept as still as possible, feeling her pussy begin to moisten as her chest was attacked by Johns hot mouth.

After another ten or so minutes of hot slurping and pinching, Gabby declared, “Times up!”

John took a deep breath, planting a finally wet smooch on each nipple, and stood up. Gabby cleared any trace of arousal from her face and with a stiff huff she stood and collected her bra from the floor where it had fallen.

She put it back on, her poor nipples feeling chapped and chafed by John’s attentions. She retrieved her shirt and slipped it on as John watched her hungrily.

She looked him directly in the eyes, challenging him. “Worth every penny. Can I shoot you an email later?” He grunted.

Despite her stomach in knots and her pussy dripping Gabby lifted her chin with an arrogant sneer. “You can message me wherever you want, but I might not respond.”

John closed his eyes as a shudder passed over him. He licked his lips. “Sounds fair.” He grabbed some blank paper from the printer tray and folded it in half, handing it to Gabby. He walked her out to her car silently.

After she drove away she could barely get into her room at her apartment before her hand was down her pants. She threw herself on her bed and furiously rubbed her clit. With her other hand under her shirt pinching her now sore nipple she moaned loudly. It only took her a few moments of sliding her thin fingers in and out of her hungry pussy for her to cum, spasming and shaking.

Maybe she should message a few of her fans she knew were local. She wouldn’t mind experiencing that again, she thought as she pulled her slick hand from her pants.
