Step Sister Corruption Part 119 – Day 75 Sabrina Gets What She Wanted and Hilarity Ensues (fiction, M/F, d/s, teaching, step siblings, con)


The moment we got out of Gabe’s room Sabrina instantly perked up as she turned to stare at Gabe and she spoke in a guttural voice, “Yum!”

Then she bounced on the couch with glee, “Yay a cock! Come here you stud.”

Gabe stopped and whispered to me, “You sure you want me to stick my dick in her?”

I whispered back, “It’s the only way I can see.”

I turned to him keeping my voice low, “Besides what’s the worst that can happen?”

He raised his eyebrow at me, “Do you want me to start listing them? Out of the billion scenario’s she could go from man hater to man destroyer or become a complete and utter nympho more than you or Kel.”

I sighed and pinched the bridge off my nose thinking he was right. I looked at him, “Well we’ll face that once it happens.”

We started back down the stairs as Sabrina bounced on the couch more letting her perky breasts bounce more.

Gabe whispered, “How come I feel like I’m about to stick my dick in the crazy?”

I scoffed though the way she was acting he might be right.

I held up my hand to Gabe forcing him to stop as I spoke, “You sure you want to do this Sabrina?”

Sabrina furiously bobbed her head up and down as she spoke, “I need cock Summer.”

I smiled, “Now you do realize that I’m *letting* you fuck Gabe just to get it out of your system. Nothing more nothing less. He will not be your boyfriend. He will not be anything more than a one time fuck meaning you’re accepting to be *used*. You understand?”

Sabrina blinked, “Really?”

I nodded, “Yes.”

Sabrina spoke, “But why?”

I spoke, “Because Gabe and I have an agreement. As long as I’m willing to share him and **I** agree to his possible partner’s then he’s allowed to fuck them as long as they agree that he’ll be returning to **MY** and only **MY** bed alone as long as they’re willing to accept to that along with other conditions then he’s allowed to fuck them. Understand?”

Sabrina looked from Gabe to me, “Why not just keep him to yourself if he’s your’s? That doesn’t make sense.”

I smiled, “Before the class I was like that,” I was lying. Technically I was sharing him with myself and Kelly only. Though I did let him have his bender with Jessica begrudgingly but once he came back he kind of told me it was over with him and Jessica and only wanted to be with me.

But she doesn’t need to know that. I continued, “When we started doing the project’s I kind of found some weird enjoyment letting him stray fucking different girl’s when we collaborated with a few other classmates. Since then we kind of created our own rules to our unique *relationship*. This being one of them.”

I spoke, “So you understand I’m not giving him to you to keep. I letting you have some fun with him but you have to understand he’s still mine and will be returning to **my** bed.”

Sabrina thought about it and looked at me, “So I can fuck him just this once?”

I nodded.

She continued, “But he’ll return to your bed after this?”

I nodded.

She looked at us then she spoke, “What keep’s me from keeping him?”

Gabe laughed startling Sabrina as he spoke, “Trust me honey there’s nothing you can do that’ll make me stray from Summer here.” As he wrapped his arm around me seeing how he was standing behind me and grabbed my breast. His other hand grabbed my ass and slip a digit inside me causing me to moan.


He slowly twirled his finger inside me causing me to shudder and moaned again. And to top it off the hand that was covering my breast pinched my nipple eliciting a yelp and a moan.

Sabrina pouted at him, “Fine you’ve made your point.”

I tried to recollect my thoughts but it was difficult as he was now slowly sliding his finger in and out of me.

I groaned and moved myself away from him. I slowly panted trying to recollect my thoughts. I looked at Sabrina, “So you agree.”

Sabrina looked between me and him before she huffed, “Fine I agree. As long as I get fucked.”

I huffed and smirked at her, “Good because if you took any longer to agree I was going to have him fuck me now.” I looked him, “Ass.”

He mimicked a kiss at me, “You know you love it.”

I smiled at him not answering him.

Gabe walked around me towards the couch letting his member swing between his legs as his precum was slowly dripping to the ground with each step and Sabrina gasped, “Oh my!”

Her eyes transfixed on his pussy pleaser.

When the hypnotic object was swinging in front of her Gabe snapped his fingers near her face and spoke, “My eyes are up here.”

Sabrina blinked but spoke while still staring at his dick, “Seeing how this is only what I want I’ll keep my eyes down here thank you very much.”

I nearly laughed thinking that was a good comeback line.

Still I whispered to Gabe ‘Remember to be nice’. He held up his hand telling me he understood.

Sabrina huskily spoke, “Mind if I kiss it?”

Gabe laughed, “Sure.”

Sabrina leaned in and stopped herself, “Wait.” She actually looked up at Gabe, “You have a condom right?”

Gabe sighed and held up two condoms. She smiled but blinked, “Why two?”

Gabe leaned down and smiled, “Just in case your tight unused pussy shreds the first one.”

Sabrina spoke in astonishment, “It’s not unused!!!”

Gabe straightened, “Oh really. When was the last time you accepted an actual dick in you?”

Sabrina blushed, “Two months.”

He smiled, “Exactly.”

He walked around the couch and sat down next to Sabrina. Her smiled at her, “Now you can kiss it.”

Sabrina smiled as her head disappeared in front of me.

I decided to walk around the couch. Might as well enjoy the show.

I walked around and sat down on the chair and watched as Sabrina was lightly kissing Gabe’s dick refusing to open her mouth and stuff his dick in her mouth.

Gabe looked at me and mouthed ‘Fuck me why isn’t she giving me a blow job?’

I shrugged and mouthed back, ‘Just let her enjoy herself.’

He shrugged and laid his arms out on top of the sofa just watching Sabrina kiss his dick making it slowly rise.

Gabe just groaned feeling Sabrina’s lips touch his sensitive dick but never opening her mouth nor using her impressive tongue.

Eventually after A LOT of dick kissing did his soldier stand.

I felt bad for Gabe as I had spoiled him with constant blowjobs that in comparison Sabrina’s kiss job was nothing compared to my technique.

Once his dick stood at attention Sabrina looked up at him, “Gimme.”

Gabe looked down at her in confusion as to what she was talking about.

I sighed, “Condom Gabe.”

He spoke, “Oh right.”

Her tore off one of the packages and Sabrina took the condom from him. She quickly unrolled the material onto his dick giving his dick a rubber look.

She quickly got up straddled him, lined up her opening through her rough patch of wild fur and lowered herself down impaling herself on the object she had begged for since I walked out of Kelly’s room.

She moaned stopping herself where she felt full and groaned, “Yeah that’s it!” As she leaned her head back enjoying having her pussy stuffed again.

Gabe looked at me and mouthed ‘Why do these small Bitches keep stopping at half fucking mast.’

Looked at him giving him a look ‘REALLY? That’s all you have to say about getting another pussy. We went over this idiot.’

He blinked and then mouthed ‘Oh right size!’

I nodded and mouthed ‘Yes ass’

He pleaded at me ‘Sorry I forgot’

Sabrina got done enjoying the sensation and started bouncing herself on his dick.

And what proceeded next was a series of events that was both *Hot* and fucking hilarious.

Here’s what happened:

Sabrina bouncing on his dick looking up enjoying every sensation his silicone coated dick gave her pussy as Gabe just sat there mouthing all sorts of shit at me.

Things like:

*FUCK!!!! She’s tight!!!!*



*You fucking owe me Summer damn it!!!*

*This bitch needs to work on her sex game!!!*

The entire time I tried to think of the whole scene as a turn on but Gabe would ruin it and mouth something to me causing me to shake as I tried to contain my laughter and quickly cross my legs so I don’t fucking pee. Each mouthed item my hand quickly covered my mouth to not let a loud laugh out and make me tighten my imaginary hold on my bladder with my legs crossed getting tighter and tighter. All because I didn’t want to embarrass Sabrina or ruin the moment.

Each time Sabrina would look down Gabe would stop miming to me and pay attention to her as she asked how she felt as he would nonchalantly reply, “You’re doing fine.”

Then she would go back to bouncing looking up at the ceiling and Gabe would be back to mouthing shit at me making my face red from contained laughter.

I think the thing that set me off as I had to excuse myself from my private show just so I wouldn’t piss on the chair was when Sabrina looked down at Gabe and said, “You feel amazing!!”

Gabe non chalantly replied, “You too.”

She looked back up at the ceiling and he looked me dead in the eyes and slowly shook his head as he mouthed *I CAN’T FEEL A DAMN THING!!!!*

I was done.

I bolted to the closest bathroom which was in Kelly’s room and hightailed it to the bathroom just so I could pee.

That and I let out all my pent up laughter that I semi contained now that I was out of ear shot.



1 comment

  1. Man I really hope he’ll get to fuck her properly soon lol but this was a really funny chapter

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