After Dropping My Kids At School, I [F] Sucked of a Stranger [M] Who Payed For My Coffee.

My husband is usually the one who does the school run, but this week I was in much need of a change of scenery. WFH is starting to get really isolating and this week I decided to take a few hours to myself to clear my head each morning, drop children at school, then go for a jog along the beach and a nice coffee on the way home. Each day of my jog I would pass the same guy, by day 3 he was waving and saying hi as we passed each other. I’d say he was in his late 40s, slim runners build and looked like he was beginning to embrace the silver fox look. Yesterday like every day this week I stopped of at a nice coffee shop before heading home, but this day didn’t go as expected.

When I got to the counter to pay I noticed a new sign ‘cash only’, my heart sank as I only had my phone to pay. The young girl at the counter explained that they were having internet issues but she would try to make the transaction. No luck and no cash I was about to hand my coffee and treats back when a voice behind me called out “I’ll get that”, I looked around to see none other than the silver fox jogger. I protested that it was fine but he wasn’t taking no for an answer and handed the money to the girl behind the counter. I thanked him and we chatted for a while outside, he was very sweet and a tad flirty.

“I owe you” I told him as the conversation began to die down. He came back with “if you didn’t have that ring on your finger you could have payed me back with a second coffee date”.

“Is this a date?” I joked, I don’t know if it was the isolation of lockdown, the dry spell at home or the fact that I knew he was into me. But I was getting a sudden tingle and rush of dirty thoughts, the kind that make you make questionable and rash decisions. We joked and flirted some more, he wasn’t my usual type and I don’t like to play so close to home. But in that moment I only had one goal in mind and it was tucked away in his running shorts.

“I know how I can pay you back” I blurted out while he was mid sentence and did my best sexy subtle tongue in cheek universal blowjob sign. He froze slightly as I bit my lip and told him to follow me, then turn and walked back to my car. I looked back over my shoulder to see him still standing where I left him, “one time offer, you coming?” I called back. He wasn’t long catching up with me and we both jumped in my car, a short silent drive later and I parked in a secluded spot around the corner. I had to brake the silence and told him to get his cock out if he wanted to get payed back, he hesitated at first then slowly pulled the waistband of his shorts down to reveal his flaccid little cock hidden in a forest of pubic hair. He apologised profusely and turn red in the face, I told him to relax while I took off my seatbelt and got into position.

Holding back his pubes, did I ever mention I hate pubes but it was to late now. I stroked him softly at first trying to bring him to life, but when that fail it was time to dive right in. I took him into my mouth and sucked on his shrivelled member, thinking to myself that this was a bad idea. He was musty from jogging and I was beginning to think maybe this was going to be a write off. But beings a good little slut I wasn’t going to give in just yet.

After some hand and tongue work I eventually started to feel him rise, growing in my mouth. It felt amazing feeling the blood pump into him and I wish I could say that he grew and stretched my jaws wide open; Alas he was average at best. His silence soon turned to soft groans and whispers of “thank you” over and over, so sweet I know but I need a man to take control and call me all the dirtiest things possible as I slurp on their cock. If it wasn’t for the fact that it was happening in broad daylight in public car park, I think I would have got rather bored. But the show must go on!

I picked up the pace and took his whole length with ease, minus those pesky pubes. He was groaning louder and faster now, his hand grasped so tightly to the door that his fist has turned white. I was in the zone and I knew he wasn’t going to hold out much longer, slurping, sucking, stroking, gagging and deep throating. He tried to pull away as he warned me he was close, I resisted and kept going. His groans turned to more hurried “thank yous” and “omg thank yous” everything fucking ending with thank you, guess he was very grateful that he was about to blow a load into my mouth. After the 9th or 10th version of “thank you” he let out one final laboured groan as he coated my mouth with his warm thick cum. Not much unfortunately, but enough to feed my cravings. I continued to slowly suck his rapidly fading cock before he pull away and slumped back into the seat, taking what was left of my coffee and washing down the remainder of his cum.

Again silence feel and I drove him back, he thanked me once again as he got out. A slightly awkward encounter by all accounts but an enjoyable one all the same, maybe best to look for a new jogging and coffee spot lol.



  1. He didn’t seem to turn you on much? hahaha the multiple thank yous seemed a little awkward I might add

  2. Maybe I should spend more time in coffee shops paying for ladies who don’t have cash

  3. I have a similar feeling of release after dropping the kids off at the pool

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