[FM] I split a couple apart

Please don’t judge me on this, not my proudest moment but i did what i felt was right.

So one day i drove my friend to the hospital because she had a plaster cast that needed to be taken off and she couldn’t drive. so i took her. She got in line. Behind her was a girl in her 20’s with her boyfriend. My friend is financially not that stable so she cannot afford the bills and hence uses a government medical support program ( i wont name the program ) for medical stuff.

i didn’t see the whole fight or whatever happened but apparently the girl behind my friend made a lot of fuss about people using their tax money ( referring to my friend ) and that she should be given priority. You know a real bitch move . She made my friend embarrassed in front of a lot of people and my friend even gave her own spot ( she is very shy and doesn’t takes confrontation well ). anyway later when she told me about it i got very angry. i hate bitches. i contacted my dom and asked if i could get a bit of freedom i wanted to punish a bitch and the exact words of my dom were”You better not return empty handed, make her an example of”

Now we were in the waiting room, my friend pointed out the bitch to me and she was till growling at her. i saw his boyfriend leave for bathroom and saw an opportunity. i waited outside the mens restroom and when he got back i asked him to follow me regarding a very serious issue. He was cute no idea what he was doing with that bitch. i took him to a spare room that was used for spare things and locked it.

I said ” I hate your GF” but right now i have a very strong urge for a dick can you help me please. i didn’t waited for his answer and got down on my knees. the poor boy was in disbelief. i started sucking and that calmed him down in a minute. His dick was nothing out of the ordinary it was a pretty average dick. but flavor wise it was delicious. i kept working on it for 5 minutes but he did not cum. Another hurdle was that he kept bending down to squeeze my boobs which made my job of blowing him even more difficult so i stopped, stood up took my top off and told him to play with them.

he attacked them like hungry lions. he sucking them like a baby, any way he played with them for 5 minutes or so and then i decided to go down. i was more focused now and i sucked with more enthusiasm but still it took 7-8 minutes for him to come. Contrary to his dick taste his cum was too salty maybe was saving for quite some time. Anyway i did that and came out with him.

i made sure that the bitch saw us coming out together. she didnt exactly get what happened but she scolded for taking too much time.

After a few minutes i got up from my seat and went near them and said ” Thanks for cumming Sir. i hope you enjoyed it ” and then i said in a hushed tone to the boyfriend but in a way that the bitch could hear it aswell”If you dump her right now in front of everyone else, like she humiliated my friend. you can fuck me aswell”

i went back to my friend and told her to just wait and watch and thank me later.The boyfriend took some time but eventually did it, and surprisingly most of the people cheered him ( she really was a bitch )

i did hook up with him after my friend’s cast came off
we fucked in the car while my friend drove us home. it was nothing that great.

fun fact: my friend dated that guy later for 6 months.

But the most satisfactory thing from the whole encounter was the smile on my friends face and the happiness she felt

Source: reddit.com/r/gonewildstories/comments/n6vhfx/fm_i_split_a_couple_apart


  1. Didn’t know shit like this was even possible. Impressive!!..

  2. Don’t get me wrong what you did was vile but in this situation I think a karmic pass is deserved for a toxic entitled witch. Good job.

  3. That is awesome! She deserved that, and he got really lucky! ;-)
    Hot story, thanks for sharing. What did your Master say/do when you told him about this?

  4. My favorite part is that u fucked him while your friend drove you home. Feels like she owed you won so judgement but I guess she found him impressive if she ended up dating him

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