A Half-Intended Encounter [roommates] [breeding] [female domination]

My roommate had a friend over for dinner, presumably a first date. I knew that she had known him for quite some time, but thats about all I knew, so I threw her a bone and cleared out that night to give them privacy. 

It had been less then a week since we encountered each other in her bedroom. We hadn’t managed to address the subject yet for multiple reasons, not the least of which being that we worked different schedules and simply saw too little of one another. I had mixed feelings on the subject, having never once considered her as a sexual interest, despite the allure of her personality and physicality. It was like we were business partners more than potential mates; we balanced our mutual payments and shared our space professionally, and it worked as well as an agreement between people to share space and property could. We were friends.

But I had still left my seed inside her. That meant something, leaving a part of my physical self inside a woman. It was inexplicable, yet the tinge of jealousy that swept through my chest when she offhandedly told me that she had a date… it was undeniable. This wasn’t nothing, and I concluded that I would address this issue with her at the first appropriate opportunity.

I decided to wait a few days first, and re-evaluate my feelings.

I left the apartment while she was getting dolled up, so I tossed a casual “Good luck” toward her. A pause, just barely too long to be appropriate, before she said “thanks” in response. 

I bounced between the library and a couple of chill taverns in the area for a matter of four hours before deciding to go back home. It was eleven by then, surely time enough had elapsed for the business to be over with. 

But his late-model sports car was still there when I returned. After a moment of deliberation, I decided to go in anyway. I was tired, so I could just retire to bed and turn my box fan on to drown out any noises that may be coming from her room. They were on the patio when I went in, sitting in chairs facing away from me. They were positioned awful close. I jerked my sight from them and threw my jacket over an obvious chair to signify my presence, and went to my bedroom, closing myself off to the world. I plugged in my small box fan, but when I flipped the switch, all it did was make an electric buzzing noise. I scoffed, hoping that my roommate had already gotten what she wanted from this guy, so that I wouldn’t have to hear it.

I dressed for bed and turned my lights out, pulling the sheets up to my neck and stared at the ceiling. I had almost drifted off when I heard footsteps in the hall, and the low voice of the dude followed by words in her own light tone. 

It was precisely six minutes later when I heard the first feminine moan. A minute later, I heard him moan, prompting me to turn on my side and burrow my head between my pair of pillows in a desperate attempt to keep the noise from my ears.

One last moan from her and I rolled my eyes in exasperation. I threw my pillow and sheets away from me and turned on my lamp, with full intention of leaving the apartment again, just to get away from these two. 

But then their voices turned from moans into words, serious words, which rose in intensity, if not volume. I could piece nothing together, only catching the occasional word, all of them non sequiturs to me since I wasn’t privy to the subject. Finally the voices stopped, her door opened, and heavy footsteps paced down the hall, followed shortly by the slamming of the front door of the apartment. 

A fight? In the middle of getting busy?

I considered going to check on her, but I heard no crying or anything of that nature, so I decided that if anything needed to be said, it could be said tomorrow. So, my plan to leave the second time unnecessary, I crawled back into bed and switched the lamp off, my mind buzzing with the potentialities of what happened on the other side of the wall nearest me.

Once again, I had almost drifted off. A soft pair of knocks at my door came to me, buoyancy for my foundering consciousness, and the door clicked open, letting a widening shaft of light paint my stucco wall.

“Yes?” I said automatically, fumbling for my bedside lamp. I blearily looked round in the sudden light to see my roommate closing the door behind her back, her face framed by dishevelled natural blonde hair, the hem of her night shirt hanging low, yet revealing bare, toned thighs.

Sitting up in my bed, I cocked my head in sleepy inquisition, blinking like an owl. She didn’t hesitate. 

She strode straight toward me, climbed over the foot of my bed, and slithered up my form, straight to my face, where she paused with her lips brushing mine.

“If you don’t want this, stop me now.” her whisper came clearly to my rushing ears. I thought about it for a second, my plan to rationally, methodically discuss the chemistry between us over a cup of coffee touching the back of my mind. But this was no time for a calm, collected discussion, so I pressed my lips to hers.

We kissed for a moment, feeling each other’s rhythm, but she was impatient. She moved her knees so that she could pull the sheet off of me. While we made out, she pulled my hand to her bare crotch, where I felt a veritable reservoir of lubricant all but dripping from her. The scent reached me, and I inhaled deeply through my nose, my arousal heightening with every passing millisecond, converting me in that moment into a creature with one sole purpose: to breed.

She eased me back onto my pillow, and pulled her mouth from mine. I watched as she gathered up her shirt, exposing her flat belly, getting up in a crouch over my hips. I snuck my hand down to my engorged dick, holding it upright for docking procedures to commence.

I watched her lever her hips down to impale herself flawlessly on my cock, her glistening labia parting to kiss my cock as it was swallowed by flesh. I groaned in ecstasy as her warm, tight body welcomed me inside once again.

She sat down fully on my lap with a squeak, shifting her weight from her legs to my dick. She drew in a deep breath and blew it out, ruffling what locks of her hair had covered her face. A grin graced her sensuous expression, set upon a face gibbous from the lighting. 

My hands crept up her knees as she began to rock back and forth on my hips, angling me back and forth inside her, one of her hands creeping down her belly to begin working at her clitoris. Once again, she had already been turned on before I became involved in the scenario, so it wasn’t long before her movements became frantic until she ground to a halt in my lap, and let out a long groan from the depths of her chest. I waited out the shivers until she sat up straight again, flipping her blonde hair out of the way, then I reached for the hem of her shirt, intending on revealing more of the body I was inside of.

Instead, she grabbed my wrists firmly, and pulled them above my head, pinning them against the sheet, leaning over me so that our faces were close. I was exhilarated at the shift in control from our last session, and this just intensified my arousal. She began to bounce her butt on my cock, subtle squelching noises filling the room.

“Cum in me, now!” she hissed in my face, her eyes liquid balls of blue fire. 

Granted, I was getting close before she exhorted me to cum, and I had already tossed aside any reservations I had once had about cumming inside her pussy, since I already had earlier in the week. But something about her desperate command, with her control over my body, started the ball rolling.

So I came in her. 

My testicles were drawn up close to my body, and released their load of swimmers, rushing through me to mix with my seminal fluid. I bunched my butt muscles, lifting her up as I thrust mightily, my accelerating pants being intoned with my voice, until I exploded into her. 

My eyes were squeezed shut, so I didn’t see her expression, but as I flinched with exertion and my first shot careened off of her cervix, she vocalized in my face, “Yeessssss!”

Again and again I jerked with pleasure, grunts escaping my throat, and left more and more of myself within her depths. Finally, I let my hips fall back to the mattress, and I could focus on little but my breathing. 

Cracking my eyes open revealed her smiling face, her lower lip caught between her teeth. She released my wrists and leaned in to kiss me once, imbuing the smooch with care.

“Thanks!” She said after she broke the kiss. I nodded, not a single word in my vocabulary coming to mind. My roommate got her knees under her and lifted herself off of me, an appreciative murmur on her lips and a slick sound accompanying my dick leaving her juicy folds, and a wet smack as it slapped back against my lower stomach. A few drops of my cum leaked out of her to join the sodden mess which surrounded my hips on my bed. 

With shaky knees, my roommate pivoted to stand next to the bed, and strode happily towards the door. I couldn’t help but watch the swiveling of her ass as she walked, half visible beneath the hem of her shirt. Casting a look back at me as she slipped through the doorway, she gave a little wave before closing the door behind her blonde head.

I knew I ought to shower and change my sheets, and I intended to do just that, but my mind had other plans. Sleep crept over me until I knew no more that night.

Source: reddit.com/r/eroticliterature/comments/n6qjmv/a_halfintended_encounter_roommates_breeding


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