The tentacles in the mist [F][tentacles]

**This is a long one I wrote from a prompt – so I might need to add the continuation in comments! I have a discord where I post all my writings, let me know if you want more!**

It was most annoying in summer. Being held hostage in a hot house, the warm summer air stagnant and sticky. But going outside after curfew could be dangerous. First the smoky haze would sweep in. Like the haze from a nearby forest fire. Luckily the haze didn’t scratch and choke the way real smoke did. It was more of a humid sticky wetness than a true fog. In the haze though, was danger. The rumors swirled, although Meenie had never experienced it herself.

Some said it was a demon, a succubus – others said it was an octopus, a kraken. Either way one thing always was the same, story to story. The tentacles.

It was a languid Sunday afternoon. Meenie had mowed the lawn and weeded out the small garden behind her small cottage. Being a single woman in a small house suited her well. She liked the charm of her old little cottage despite the constant need for small fixes. She liked her small garden. This year, early in spring she found an antique wooden lounger. A cheap set of cushions, and it was perfect.

She grabbed a cold beer – she loved Coronas in the heat. It was cold and relaxing, but she didn’t feel dehydrated or the need to switch up to a non alcoholic beverage no matter how many she drank. In the shade of her house, in the warm heat, she fell asleep on her new lounger. It was so deliciously warm, and her new lounger was so comfortable, add a few beers on top of that and she was very pleased to slip into a well deserved cat nap.

She woke up slowly. It was so much hotter than when she fell asleep. She languidly opened her eyes, worried for a moment she was in direct sun and burnt as a lobster. No, it wasn’t sunburn – it was the haze.

In her sleepy eyes it felt so good to have the hot, wet motes swirling around her. She had been deliciously warm before, now she felt deliciously… Melted. She had no desire to move.

Slowly, she closed her eyes again, sinking into the wet warm heat that surrounded her. She felt a cool breeze on her leg and languidly opened one eye. A tentacle was looming over her shin.

Her eyes popped open and she sat up in a start. “Oh no… This is bad.” She thought as the large tentacle whipped at her sudden movement to wrap around her calf. She froze in terror and shock.

The tentacles was as thick around as her wrist and quickly wound around her lower leg. It wasn’t an unpleasant feeling, shocking as it was. The tentacles was soft and warm. She had imagined it would be cold and slimy, but it was more like a soft velvet as it began coiling around her leg.

The suckers on the tentacles were more octopus like that she expected – large hungry looking circles softly rubbed her calf. Before she realized she hadn’t moved the tentacle had softly encircled her leg from knee to ankle.

She reached down to pull it off – the adrenaline starting to pump though her system, waking her up completely. As she tugged on the thick tentacle, another sneaked around and grabbed her other leg, beginning the same winding process.

Truly in a panic now, Meenie was tugging both tentacles, trying to pull her legs out of their strong grip. As soft as they were, they were STRONG. She felt like she couldn’t even budge them. As a last attempt she rolled off the lounger onto her lawn. She couldn’t budge the thick strong coils. She could feel the hot, hungry circles sticking to her legs. She hit the lawn with a thud and managed to roll onto her stomach.

If she couldn’t get the tentacles off her, maybe she could get to safety. She began trying to crawl to the back door. It was tantalizingly close. She began moving, but as soon as she made it three feet, WHOOSH. Her legs were pulled out from under her. Army crawl it is.

She made it another few feet, dragging herself along the freshly mowed lawn before she felt the next tentacle. She spun, looking behind her. A third tentacle had come out of the haze and was sliding along her back, following her spine. To her horror, it quickly ate up the distance. She swatted at it, but it was like wrestling with a metal pole. Despite it’s soft moist velvety texture, it’s central muscle was too powerful for her to even slow it’s movements.

Meenie screamed as it coiled around her throat. “This is how I die.” She thought sadly. The adrenaline that had been coursing through her seemed to shut off and she felt resigned to her fate. The tentacle coiled around her neck twice. She layed down, face into the grass, waiting for her fate. But the warm velvet collar didn’t squeeze. It carefully encircled her throat and she felt the hot puckers pressing hickies into her delicate skin.

As she waited for death to come, more tentacles came from the haze. Soon she was laying facedown in the grass, completely spread eagle, her legs, wrists, and neck all completely under the tentacles’ control.

Then more started running under her clothes. It was almost pleasant she thought. Not as bad a way to die as others, certainly. Then the soft tentacles spasmed and she felt the clothes on her press deeply into her and tear.

It was painful to have her sports bra ripped from her, and when her panties were torn, they gave her a super labia wedgie before finally ripping.

So there she was. Naked, hot, wet, and held down by impossibly strong tentacles.

Now that she was naked, the tentacles seemed to be exploring her. they gently rubbed tracks down each limb, every inch of her exposed back, and a few began snaking beneath her in the grass, feeling every inch of her. The touch was so delicate she almost enjoyed it.

All Meenie could see was the grass and one of her arms stretched out beside her, from her elbow to her wrist was thick burgundy tentacles. The back of them seemed bumpy, and the underside, a slightly lighter color had the wet suckers. As she watched the tentacles on her arm move slightly, she realized there was almost a rhythm, a heartbeat. She realized she could feel it in her arms, legs, and even slightly in the tentacle wrapped around her neck.

Then, the tentacles again began exploring, but this time, they didn’t explore all of her. they seemed to have goals. As if they had received orders after a moment of deliberation. she felt two small tentacle slither beneath her. They were smaller than the ones that wound around her body, she could tell. They reached her breasts, and each one selected a breast, and began winding around them.

Unlike the other winding processes, these tentacles weren’t squeezing at all. they seemed to simply be cupping her breasts. She wondered what the hell was going one, and then suddenly the small tentacles wound around her nipples. They expertly, tightly began pinching her nipples, and she gave a small gasp in surprise.

Before she could really comprehend the pain and pleasure from her chest below her, she felt more tentacles. She wasn’t sur how many there were, but they were sliding up from her coiled calves, gently feather light touching the inside of her thighs. They made haste to her warm mound.

Meenie’s ass was up, and the tentacles had previously moved her into a spread eagle position. they deftly discovered her puffy labia, and two tentacles seemed to part them slowly, as if opening her up for some lover to see. Meenie had experienced this before from past boyfriends, but she was shocked the tentacles would act so intelligently, she was also shocked that they seemed interested in that part of her at all. What did the tentacles want?! she thought, attempting half heartedly to struggle.

All she managed to do, thanks to her strong bindings was wag her ass around in the air. The two tentacles still holding her open – moving with her fluidly. She gave up after a few shakes. There were tentacles pinching her now-hard nipples, there were tentacles holding her open… this seemed crazy!

Then she felt more tentacles running up her thighs alongside the two already there. She could tell, these were bigger – bigger even possibly than the tentacles holding her wrists and ankles.



  1. **[CONTINUED]**

    Slowly, she felt one of them rubbing along the inside of her pussy lips. She stifled a moan as the how velvet began stroking her exposed pussy. She hadn’t been wet before, but she was now. it almost seemed like the haze made her wet all over – or possibly the tentacle was itself wet. either way – she knew as the tentacle rubbed against her open hole, it was slick and moist.

    She bit back a moan as it began pressing against her hole. The thick tentacle very slowly entered her, pushing in with the slow force of a pneumatic pump. There was no stopping it – and Meenie was glad that it had made her slick before starting. It was so thick. While it tapered to a point that had entered her easily, as it pushed deeper and deeper into her Meenie felt herself stretch to her limits. No, that wasn’t her limit, she was stretching more.

    As the Thick Tentacle pressed into her slowly and deliberately the tentacles around her nipples twitched and spasmed, pinching and releasing, squeezing and caressing. It was insane she thought. Insane. Am I enjoying this? It was true no boyfriend she’d even had ever filled her this way. no boyfriend had ever teased her nipples so expertly – no boyfriend had ever held her down in a way that made her feel this powerless.

    The hot velvety tentacle reached her cervix and paused. Meenie was full, and oddly, she was really starting to like it. Her pussy hurt, but the pain of stretching was very quickly melting away into the pleasure of being so perfectly and wonderfully filled. She flexed her pelvic muscles tentatively, squeezing that thick rod deep within her. It felt so good to squeeze it back.

    Meenie’s emotions were running rampant. She should hate this. She should feel terrible and horrified. She might have earlier on, but all that had melted away once the tentacles started pleasuring her. She gave a heady groan as her nipples continued being harassed and the thick tentacle in her pussy refused to move. She was afraid to move more than to squeeze her pussy against it. It was just so thick.

    As a moment ticked by and Meenie laid in agony, wondering what was coming, the large tentacle inside her finally stirred. It slowly, thickly, purposefully began withdrawing. Meenie could feel every sucker inside her slowly rubbing against her slick walls, and popping out of her strained pussy entrance. She grunted, and attempted to move her pelvis, to encourage it to leave, even though part of her never wanted it to.

    She wanted to be full, and after being forced so full she felt empty as it pulled completely out of her. She desperately squeezed the walls of her pussy, trying to enjoy even the thin tapered tip as it left her.

    Once it was out she felt almost a cool breeze – her now sopping wet pussy was still being shown, pulled wide for all to see, for the cooling evening air to pass over. She struggled a little, and as she moved, suddenly again her nipples were assaulted. She didn’t mind, and kept struggling as much as she could, which was for the most part limited to her ass shaking. She began to pant with the exertion.

    She froze when she again felt a tentacle begin to slide up and down her open wetness. Her nipples were being assaulted and she moaned slightly as the opening of her was again rubbed with the velvety hotness. This time however, it didn’t enter her. Instead it slid down her and curled around her clit. The tiny little nub was standing at attention as best it could, and the tentacle swirled around it, squeezing and pinching just as her nipples were being teased.

    This was too much for Meenie. She didn’t bother to hold back and instead allowed herself to pant and moan loudly. What little movement she had, she used to press herself upon the tentacle that was so expertly torturing her. As she did she could feel the heat rising.

    It was already so hot and she was getting hotter and hotter. It began pooling in her stomach, deep where the fat tentacle had previously violated her. She was close and she wanted it. AS soon as she came to the realization that her orgasm was close and she gave into it, leaned into it, panting an moaning, the tentacle seemed to sense it and withdrew.

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