
We have been friends for more than 2 years now. She has called me over for movie night. It’s not that it’s the first time I am going to stay at her place but we never had a movie night while her parents were out of town. I wore my new jeans and t-shirt which was gifted by her.

*rings the door-bell*

She appears in a black leggings and a red hoodie and hugs me. “Well you smell nice today”, she said. “Don’t I smell always nice? “I asked jokingly. She replied, “You always smell nice”. She turned and we both walk into the room and I could see her blush as she replied back to me. I brought her chocolates and flowers, but she didn’t notice like always. She is one carefree person, free from the world stress and does what she likes. “I will put on the popcorn, do you want something else?” she asked. “No popcorn is fine” nervously replied. I had to tell her that I like her today; I said to myself in my head and made up my mind. She came out with pop-corn and Gatorade. It was cold night so we both sat in the blanket and she asked, “Which one you want to watch?” I replied,” fifty first date would be nice.”

We both watching the movie I could smell her amazing hair like beautiful summer garden. I was busy looking at her as she watches the movie. As the movie progresses the part comes when Drew Barrymore kisses Adam Sandler and say nothing beat the first kiss, she looks as me smiling and say making a funny face, “nothing beat the first kiss” and laugh. I smile back and lean to her. Her laughter disappears in surprise and we are both looking at each other and lean forward for our First kiss.

It was soft and small peck and we both looked into each other eyes. We both could feel each other heart facing fast, our face getting hotter, the movie running behind us but we have no knowledge of anything happening. We both kissed again and this time deeper and meaningful..

To be continued…

*I Hope you liked it , please share your love and support it will help me motivate*

Thank you


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