Part one: Lonely Omega

Meenie waved sadly as both her sons left on the bus to boarding school. It had been hard saying goodbye every September the last two years saying goodbye to her eldest, but waving goodbye to them both left her feeling sad and deflated.

She looked at the other mothers and occasional fathers waving the bus off. many still clutched babies and toddlers. Her heart gave a jealous pang, but it swiftly passed. Meenie may miss her boys being babies, but she did NOT miss diapers and midnight feedings.

Her pack was a large one, ruled with an iron fist by a powerful Alpha and his graceful and elegant Luna. Meenie had been born to an Omega, but her father’s identity had been muddied due to her mothers’ flightiness. Because her father’s identity was unsure, she was limited in who was allowed to mate with her. Her Mother’s flirty nature had left her only able to be safely mated with a few Betas and Gammas.

She had managed to catch the attention of a Gamma twice, resulting in her two children. They were destined to be Gamma warriors and guards, while she remained a lowly Omega, born to serve.

She had rarely if ever complained about her lot. By far, she actually had a fairly free lifestyle, for an Omega. She had a small one bedroom apartment in the large housing building most Omega’s lived in. She had a job doing skilled woodcarving at the pack’s workhouse. She even occasionally got invited to the Alpha parties.

She knew she was only invited for one reason, but she couldn’t contain her excitement every time the Luna would approach her and hand her an invitation. Her role at the parties was to sit patiently, naked, on a settee – waiting for an Alpha, Beta, or guest to select her. Once selected she would be expected to please the man, or occasionally woman – by any means necessary.

She never wished to be anything other than an Omega, and she was a classic Omega. As soon as a strong Alpha or Beta was in her presence she would blush, get hot, and the arousal would be completely out of her control. She wanted to serve. Desperately. She wanted to please the large hulking men who demanded to fuck her throat – who poured cum on her breasts.

She would, however, occasionally lament that protocol at the Alpha parties made cumming deep into her pussy a taboo. She loved the feel of cum. She loved feeling hard throbbing dicks slide into her wet and begging pussy. She wished it would never end, that they would never pull out. But they invariably did, and she would gladly lick her pussy juices and their cum up. The memories of feeling her pussy stretched to its limits and the taste of salty bitter cum would sustain her until the next party.

Some Omegas complained to be used this way. Not Meenie. As she waved goodbye to her sons she secretly hoped that her availability might mean she might get invited to the main house for parties more often.

It was only four days later she got her wish. She was slowly adding roses and leaves to a piece of wood that would eventually be an armrest for a rocking chair when the steady whine of saws stopped. She looked up to see her Luna walking through the dusty shop. It was like a single ray of light lit up the sawdust into swirling motes of fairies as she passed through.

She was gorgeous. The Luna was tall, nearly 6 feet, and thin, graceful. Like a ballerina dancing around a horde of thick squat monsters. Her dark hair, pale skin, and light linen sundress only added to the etherialness of her movements. She had a small basket draped over one arm, and she stopped at Linda’s station to hand her a small envelope. Linda squealed in delight. She then moved on, coming right for Meenie.

She averted her eyes, casting them down as she greeted her Luna, “Hello Luna, is there a way in which I might please you today?” The greeting was practiced. drilled into Meenie from a time before she could remember. Omegas were meant to serve, and Meenie meant every word as she secretly prayed that the Luna might hand her one of the dainty envelopes.

Luna smiled, and gracefully pulled out one of the small envelopes, offering it to Meenie. Meenie didn’t dare look up to meet her Luna’s eyes, but she could feel the pleasurable blush heating up her face, and travelling down to cover her whole body. “I thank you, Luna, for the opportunity to serve you!”

It was another practiced response, but, again, Meenie meant it. She tried to say the words in a reverent tone, but she was afraid that she had perhaps betrayed her excitement too much. Either way, the Luna simply moved along.

As the luna exited the warehouse-like woodshop, the saws began to power up with their shrill whine. Meenie carefully opened the envelope in her hands.

“You are cordially invited to a gathering between the Half Moon Pack and the Thick Fur Pack to celebrate the continuation of the Treaty between both Packs” In large Gothic calligraphy. The meeting place was at the main lodge of her Pack, the Thick Fur Pack this coming Friday evening. Handwritten below in gracefully swooping cursive that Meenie knew belonged to the chief Beta’s mate, right hand woman to the Luna, “Come clean and arrive in the back rooms at 4:30.”

Meenie’s blush deepened and the warmth on her skin melted into a pool of hot warmth deep in her belly. She could feel her breaths becoming shallow as her excitement threatened to overtake her. She carefully slipped the card back into the envelope and placed the envelope carefully in her take-home satchel. There was little need for purses around the pack territory, but Meenie liked to have a novel, diet coke, and sudoku book on her most of the time.

Two days later, Meenie finished at lunchtime at the woodshop and headed home to get cleaned up. Beta Anna was very specific about what she consdered clean, and how she expected the Omegas to prepare themselves before these events.

Meenie carefully stripped herself naked. She stood in front of the full length mirror and noted that she did have a bit too much hair on her legs. Some Warewolves only grew light peach fuzz along their limbs until they transformed into their wolf state. Meenie, and many others of the Thick Fur Pack, however, grew a bit more than the Alphas enjoyed seeing. She shaved them carefully, ensuring no nics along her curvy legs.

She drew a scalding hot bath and slowly lowered herself in. The hot water burned her sensitive skin, turning what had been a near-constant blush the last few days into a bright lobster red. The hot water stung, but Meenie knew it was to be expected. She carefully exfoliated her skin using loofahs that she passed over the entirety of her body, twice to be sure.

She then scooted forward her knees bending until her plump bottom rested against her heels. She arched back, dipping the back of her head into the water. Carefully, in this painful position she washed her hair with an unscented shampoo. None of her soaps had scents. Some Omegas kept separate soaps for their own time, but Meenie felt if Alphas liked to smell her natural musk, then who was she to prefer otherwise?

Once her hair was clean, she sat up into a more comfortable position and began rubbing conditioner into her hair. after running her fingers through her shoulder length hair Meenie paused a moment before reaching down into the water and petting her mound. She might shave all the hair of her legs, but the Alphas wanted their women to be as natural as possible.

Meenie’s pubic bush was curly, and she wanted to be sure that it would be attractive to the guests tonight. She ran her fingers through the curls, petting the crease between her thighs and her puffy swollen labia. She wanted to be sure ALL her hair was well conditioned.

She took care of herself gently, but stopped herself before she could derive much pleasure from the act. She was careful not to allow any of her fingers to run along the slippery slit between her legs. She wanted to part them and allow her fingers to pleasure herself – to fondle and pinch her taut clit, to slide deep into her hot wet center – but she knew today, self pleasure was forbidden.

After she left the bath, she carefully toweled off, and wrapped a towel around her still wet hair. She then slipped into her fuzzy bathrobe, slipped on her knock-off birkenstocks, and made her way to the Pack House to present herself for inspection to Beta Anna. She always followed the rules, so she was sure Beta Anna would look her over, order her to let her hair air dry naturally, and wait until they were ready to place her among the other decorations in the main rooms.

**This is written by me for my discord server – Feel Free to contact me
