[MF] giving my close friend, now girlfriend her very first orgasm during a road trip, with 3 other people in the vehicle.

r/erotica and r/sexstories loved this, so I figured I’d post it here as well.

I’m going to preface this by saying I’m not a very good writer, but I’ll do my damnedest, this did actually happen, I’ll do my absolute best to include as much detail as I remember.

let’s introduce the people of the story:

there’s me, my name is not important, at the time I was ~6’2-6’4. I’m not sure, it doesn’t really matter though.

(((we are all high school Seniors in this story, everyone is 18 besides CO, who’s 19 at the time)))

there’s Blondie, a ~5’8 kinda chubby short haired bisexual girl, not really my type

There’s Kate, she’s ~6’2, small breasts, large A’s small B’s, perfect in my eyes, (it’s worth noting that at the time, me and her were only friends, nothing more. but this did bring us closer, you’ll see) Kate is not her real name, that’s just the name I’m giving her for this story.

There’s Josh, no that’s not his real name, he’s 6’2, straight, Mexican, not really important to the story really, just an all around bro, been friends since forever

Last but not least, there’s CO (called CO because she’s a lieutenant colonel in JROTC, I’m shit at making up names so you’re going to have to live with it), ~5’9, not my type either though.

I really don’t mean to be dry with these descriptions, but I don’t know how else to describe them to you.

let’s get into it.

>be me

>on the MCJROTC marksmanship team

>we have a competition to go to, nice, been looking forward to this one for a while, should be fun.

>it’s in Jefferson City MO, roundabout 3 hour drive.

>I, CO and Josh have a license and personal vehicles, no big deal.

>I have the biggest vehicle, a 2001 Chevy suburban, Josh drives a 2000 2 door dodge ram 1500, and CO has some random black sedan.

>Naturally, having the biggest vehicle, I get slick dicked into supplying the vehicle for the trip, woo.

>the day comes, it’s a Saturday, we need to be there by 2pm, so at 7am I get everything packed for a 3 hour car ride, leaving early so we can arrive at/near lunch and dick around for a little before the competition.

>call ahead, everyone’s good to go, so I leave at 7:30 to go and pick everyone up

>uneventful as hell, chatting about nonsensical shit for a few minutes, first Kate, then CO, then Josh, and lastly Blondie.

>after picking up Josh, on the way to pick up Blondie, I get a migraine, great.

>ask Josh if he can drive, he says sure, thanks bro

>I’m in the middle row, my bag is sitting on the back row of seats in the middle.

>Josh driving, we pick up Blondie, and get on the highway.

>me in the middle, blondie to my left, CO in the passenger seat, Kate behind her to my right.

>once again not talking about anything in particular for a while

>migraine subsides during conversation

>CO (always asking me weird ass questions) asks “what does a orgasm feel like for guys”

>not that weird, she’s always asking dumb shit like this, so I paunder the thought for a second, and say “that’s like trying to explain what water tastes like, you just kinda gotta know”

>Josh agrees, there’s really no good way to explain what it feels like

>Kate pipes up with “I’ve never had an orgasm, what does it feel like?”

>goes thermonuclear with how she blushes after she says this

>this is a revelation, but it makes sense, she’s only had 1 serious relationship I know about, but it’s still surprising

>I inquire as to why with “you mean like, you’ve never tried? Or just never been able to?”

>(still blushing) she responds with “little bit of both”

>so I ask her “would you like to have on in the future? Or are you abstaining from it?”

>she responds with something along the lines of “I would like to have one eventually”

>so I mentally say “fuck it” and tell her straight up, “I could give you one, right now, if you’d like”

>(this isn’t that weird for our friend group, me and Blondie had been friends with benefits for a while beforehand, we were all “aware” of each other essentially, the girls had seen each other nude more than once.)

>she somehow gets redder, seriously radiating energy at this point

>looks over to CO, with a smile CO says “it’s okay, he’s really good at it from what I’ve heard from Blondie!”

>me, CO, and Kate look at Blondie now, she just blushes and nods in agreement



>sheepishly, she says “really? You’d do that for me?”

>still perplexed by CO’s statement,I respond with a curt “Mhm”

>a small “okay” is all I get back

>she undoes her seatbelt, I undo mine, unclip my keys from my belt loop and slide them into the left pocket of my jeans so she’s not sitting on them, and she sits on my lap.

>this isn’t all to abnormal, I’ve had her sit on my lap before riding in Josh’s truck

>CO in the passenger seat has a smile from ear to ear, she knows, I’ve done this same thing with Blondie before about 4 months prior with her driving.

>Blonde has her ears perked up at the sight of all this.

>as Kate is sitting down, I give Josh a look, and tell him not to crash my car, pretty please.

>he snickers

>Kate now sitting happily on my lap, I whisper into her ear “put your right hand on my thigh, squeeze if you get uncomfortable, okay?”

>I get a soft “alright” as a response

>I start by placing my left palm flat on her stomach

>she inhales sharply

>”calm down, you’re shaking like a leaf” I whisper into her ear, my head over her left shoulder

>she takes a few deep breaths in response

>after a few moments of chilling there, letting her breathing get more shallow, and her heart rate subside, I bring my hand upwards, cupping her right breast

>no sharp inhale this time, she kinda coos into me, cocking her head to the left, nuzzling hers into mine


>with my right hand, which had previously just been sitting limply to my side, I reach up and with one swift clockwise motion I unhook the clasps of her bra through the back of her shirt

>bringing my right hand back around to the front, I bring both hands up under the hem of her blue tee shirt, she brings her arms forward and inwards, and I slide the bra out from underneath and place it in the now vacant seat to my right

>afterwards she puts her right hand back on my thigh where it’d been before

>I slide my left hand under the hem yet again, and place it on her right breast, I roll my ring, middle, and pointer finger over her (very hard) nipple

>this evokes another deep breath and a “mmmmmm” type sound

>I squeeze my left hand just a little bit, she shudders and sinks into me a little more as I do this

>you know, it’s a proven fact that small tits are more sensitive

>small tits best tits

>I remove my hand, and grab the hem of the shirt, slide it barely past her navel before she squeezes my thigh with her right hand

>I freeze

>alright, no big deal

> I ask her “you’re afraid of the others seeing, huh?” in a barely audible whisper

>a nod is all I get back

>they’ve seen you nude before, but okay

>I swivel my head over to Blondie, which is looking on with a grin, elbow propped up on the edge of the door, watching intently

>say “my bag, top pocket, the rolled grey blanket, please”

>I get a “alright” and she’s off, leaning over the seat to fetch the blanket

>doesn’t take her long, before I know it she’s back with the rolled grey wool blanket in her hand

>”this one?” she asks

>I give her a “yup”

>she hands it to me, I unroll it, it’s a fairly large blanket, perfect for a full size bed

>I drape it over the both of us

>during this time, CO is just looking at the both of us through the rear view mirror, smile still plastered on her face

>Josh is just pokerfacing it, glancing back every once and a while, “sneaking” looks at the two of us

>blanket now draped over us two, encompassing our bodies in a (not too warm) warmth that only wool can provide, I get back to it

>I ask her “can I take your shirt off now?” in a whisper

>I get another nod of the head in return

>I put my hands back to the hem of the shirt, whisper “arms up”

>she obliges, with newfound confidence under the veil of the blanket that’s covering all but our heads and feet now

>I slide the shirt up and over her head, bring it to my right, ball it up and place it next to the bra in the vacant seat to my right

>I return my hands to her breasts, do the same as before, small squeezes, rolling my fingers across the mounds, small pinches here and there

>I cock my head to the left, open my mouth and kiss her neck, pushing my tongue into her while retaining a seal with my lips

>small moan

>I bring my head up

>speak softly into her ear “take your shoes off so I can take off your shorts”

>she takes the left toe of her converse and presses it to the heel of the right shoe, the right shoe slides off, she does the same with her left, leaving her with just black socks on, the shoes falling to the floorboards

>I bring my hands down, in response she arches her back, lifting her butt off of my lap so I can slide the highlighter yellow sport shorts off her

>they’re down around her ankles now, she slips her right leg out of them, returns that foot to the floor and lifts her left leg up with the shorts hanging off of the ankle for me to grab

>I take the shorts off of her ankle in my right hand, and lay them with the shirt and bra in the seat

>I bring my right hand back up to her left breast, and my left hand to the inside of her leg, palm against her left thigh

>another exhale and a soft moan

>now we’re getting somewhere

>I’m distinctly aware that Blondie is feeling herself up right now, CO is still staring with her smile, and Josh is still driving and sneaking looks.

>I slide my left hand back and forth, while still feeling her up with my right hand

>every few strokes, I get further and further up

>eventually reach what I’m after

>rub the outside of my pointer finger up against her slit

>she flinches the first time, but not the second

>her right hand is still on my thigh, no squeeze yet

>with my right hand I can feel her heart beating a mile a minute

>speak into her “you want to stay here for a minute? your heart is beating out of your chest”

>get a soft “keep going” in response

>don’t gotta tell me twice

>after a few more strokes, cup her crotch with my left hand, pushing in a little bit

>medium moan, everyone heard

>get a giggle from CO, then Josh mirrors it

>Blondie is still feeling herself up, hand is now in her adidas track pants, she seems to be enjoying herself

>rub a few small circles at the top of her slit, just below her pelvic bone

>she moans again, not as loud this time, just a “mmmmmahhh” starts as a closed mouth hum and ends as a “ahh” sound as she opens it at the end.

>I whisper “lets get your panties off”

>by the time “off” comes out of my mouth I’ve got my thumbs hooked at the hem of them on the outside of her hips

>she arches her back, same routine as with the shorts

>I slide them off

>see them for the first time, they’re dark blue

>add them to the pile to my right

>she’s now wearing only socks under the blanket, nothing else

>after removing her panties, I switch hands, right moves down, left moves up to her other breast

>I slip my right hand onto her crotch, cupping it

>she’s not completely smooth, just a little bit of stubble

>slide my middle finger to the bottom of her slit, then back up again

>she kind of gyrates in response to this

>still no squeeze from her right hand

>I stagger my fingers, place the tip of my middle finger on the fingernail of my pointer

>bring my hand up, in front of her mouth

>she gets the idea, wets them

>I bring my fingers back down, still staggered

>place some pressure at the bottom of her slit, and slip inside

>no squeeze

>I slip in a little farther

>very tight, warm, absolutely soaking wet

>get a sharp inhale

>giggle, from Blondie this time

>indifferent, I curl my fingers upwards, sliding farther inside of her

>she spreads her legs further apart, her knees sliding over mine

>find that little “rough” patch that’s a different texture than everything else on the inside


>she squeaks

>well not really, it’s a “eugh” sound

>a good sound

>she claps her left hand over her mouth in response to this

>swear I feel her body heat rise for half a second

>I do it again

>this time no squeak, just another hum moan type sound

>rub a small circle while thumbing her clit

>feel her contract a little bit

>stop thumbing, take my hand out, bring my middle and ring finger together and stagger them again, this time middle finger is on top

>slide back in again

>un-stagger my fingers once I’m back inside and curl them upwards

>bring my palm flush with her

>do the reverse of the spock symbol, ring and middle finger together, pinky and pointer splayed outwards.

>rub upwards then push downwards, this is rubbing her G spot and clit at the same time

>another squeak

>another giggle, this time shared by everyone

>I repeat the process





>repeat about 10 or so times before I feel her contract a little bit

>she sinks further into me and moans

>small O

>wait a few seconds

>then I keep going

>repeat 15 or so times

>feel her contract again, same thing as last time

>instead I speed up

>after about 5-10 seconds of this, she climaxes


>lets out a shrill moan

>I stop, remove my fingers from inside her and clap my hand over her crotch

>she’s squirming, every muscle in her body tensing up and releasing

>I just hold her there in an embrace for a while, let her go through the afterthrows for a minute

>afterwards, I get a “thank you” between deep breaths

>but she’s crying

>thinking I did something wrong, I sit up a little straighter and slide backwards into the back of the seat

>say “what’s wrong?” with a perplexed look on my face

>she just says nothing, pivots around, now facing me, and hugs me


>squeezes me

>after a second I ask “why are you crying?”

>she hesitates for a few moments, takes a few deep breaths and says “because I’ve never had someone make me feel safe like that before”

>she takes a few more breaths

>”never had someone make me feel anything like that before, like I was in control but not at the same time”

>more breathing

>”it was amazing”

>I say nothing, and just hug her back equally as hard

>we sit like that for what must be 10 minutes

>Blondie speaks up first

>”Imagine if we got pulled over right now” and giggles

>we all laugh

>the thought hadn’t even crossed my mind at the moment

>imagining the look on the cops face, I laugh then turn my attention to Blondie

>she still has her hand in her pants

>I look to the left and ask “feeling left out are we?”

>she seems to catch herself and whips her hand out of her pants at the speed of light

>everyone laughs, including Kate

>blondie blushes

>we go silent again

>another 5 or so minutes go by

>I pipe up with whisper “wanna get dressed again” into Kate’s ear

>get a equally quiet “yeah” as a response

>slide my hand out from under the blanket and pick up her panties first, they’ve got a wet spot

>give them to her

>she lifts her legs up, and spins 180 degrees, back to her original position facing away from me on my lap

>with a little shimmying, she’s got them back on

>bra next

>she slides it onto herself like you normally would (I don’t fucking know how to explain it)

>leans forward and I help her out by clipping it together in the back

>the blanket comes off now, gets rolled back up and placed back in my bag by Blondie

>thanks blondie :)

>she grabs her shirt up, puts it on.

>same thing with the shorts

>slides off of my lap and into the vacant seat

>picks up her shoes and puts them back on

>lastly puts her seatbelt on

>I do the same

>she lays her head on my shoulder, says a soft “thank you” and rests her eyes for a little bit, with her hand in mine, snuggled up next to me

>da cutest

>Blondie says “that was the hottest thing I’ve ever seen”

>CO asks Kate “did you have a good time”

>Kate says a quick “yeah, it was great”

>Josh is still straight facing it, says “I agree with Blondie, that was hot as hell, y’all should do that more often”

>everyone laughs

>the rest of the car ride is kinda uneventful, we stop at a rest stop to piss and get shitty hotdogs

>eventually we arrive at the school in Jefferson city

>event goes as planned, nothing much to say about it

>we won though (just sayin)

>but Kate was beaming the entire time, happy as a clam

>we pile back into the car for the drive back

>this time me and Kate are in the back, CO has switched spots with Blondie, my bag to her right, and Josh is still driving

>Kate is still cuddling me, this time I’m sitting “regularly” but she has her legs draped over mine, kind of sitting on her left side with her arms around my neck, blanket once again wrapped around us


>I whisper into her ear “want another?”

>I easily could, she’s in the perfect position for me to do so

>get a “no thanks, I’m kinda sore” in return


>I giggle a bit

>it is what it is, I just pull her closer and snuggle up with her, knock out for about an hour

>I wake up when we’re passing through Topeka

>Kate has moved the blanket off the both of us, it’s just across our laps now

>she’s also topless

>shoot Josh a look

>he get it and says “yeah, she took them off shortly after you went to sleep”

>she’s not on my lap, I’m sitting in the corner to the very right, she’s sitting 90 degrees away from me, legs splayed across the vacant seat, laying her torso flush with mine

>she has both my arms around her on her lap, hers on the back of mine

>this is nice

>mentally say “fuck it” and bring my left hand up yet again and cup her left breast

>she jolts awake

>startles the shit out of me

>whisper into her ear “sorry!”

>she giggles and says back “no it’s fine, keep going”


>but first, I undo my seatbelt then ask CO in the middle row (I have to tap her on the shoulder, she was listening to music) “hey, hand me the pillow out of my bag”

>she nods and does so

>just occurred to me that I haven’t gone over my bag, it’s a rucksack, huge ass thing, I can fit a months worth of stuff in it easily and still have room for other shit

>I take the pillow, place it behind me against the side of the car so that I’m not getting jabbed in the back by the plastic

>I sit down, do a “come here” motion with my hands to Kate

>she kinda crawls over (remember, we’re two over 6ft mfs in the back of a cramped fucking suburban)

>meets me, kinda sits on my thighs, leans forward and wraps her arms round mine

>our lips meet

>this is the very first time we’ve kissed

>it’s nice, I don’t really know how to describe it, but we’re kissing

>pro tip: inhale through your mouth while kissing (seriously try it)

>we make out for a while, during this time she drags my hand down and into her pants yet again

>I have an idea

>break away from the kiss and pipe up


>she looks back with a “what the fuck do you want now” look on her face

>I just chuckle and say “hand me the whole bag please”

>she gives it to me, I put it on the floorboard to my right

>open it up, dig around for a second, and find what I’m looking for

>a pair of headphones, and one of those blindfold things for when you’re sleeping

>Kate gives me an inquisitive look

>I plug the headphones into my phone

>pat my lap with my left hand while the headphones and blindfold are in my right

>she sits down on my lap again

>her waist length jet black hair is in my face for fucks sake

>I reach down to her right wrist and take off one of the three hair ties she always has on her

>she gets the idea, leans forward so I can put her hair into a loose ponytail and drape it over her right shoulder

>afterwards, while she’s still sitting forward I take the blindfold and slide it onto her, and rest it on her forehead

>whisper into her ear “right hand on my thigh, keep an open mind okay?”

>get a nod in return

>I put the headphones onto her, and turn the volume up to 60% or some shit, I don’t remember exactly, nor do I remember what music was playing

>I look up, at the other people in the car

>CO is still intently staring at her phone listening to music

>Blondie has her eyes GLUED to the rear view mirror watching the two of us, probably has her hand in her pants again

>Josh is just driving, seems unbothered, he might not even know this is happening right now

>after glancing at everyone in the car, I slide the blindfold down over her eyes

>she sinks back into me scooting down a little bit

>I bring my thumbs down to her shorts, she arches her back yet again

>I don’t even fuck around taking the shorts off first, then panties, just take them both off at once

>throw the two at our feet, they land in the corner of the seat

>(to explain how we’re sitting better, if you’re sitting regularly facing the front of the vehicle, pivot 90 degrees to the left while sitting in the very right seat of the back row, and put your feet across the other two seats, hope that explains it better)

>she’s now wearing only socks, blindfolded with music playing in her ears

>I bring my right hand down and cup her crotch

>she moans


>I don’t think she realizes how loud she’s being right now

>everyone giggles

>I clap my left hand over her mouth

>she understands what just happened and how loud she was

>I bring my left back down to her breast

>I continue with my right, small circles at the top of her slit

>she’s sopping wet at this point

>then I make the same reverse spock symbol with my right hand, and slip inside

>basically do the same thing as last time, small ones then big ones

>alternate between the two, small, big, small, big

>after the last big one she’s writhing and squirming in my lap

>she squeezes my thigh

>she slips the left side of the headphones off

>says into my ear between gasps “stop, sensitive, please”

>4? Rookie numbers, Blondie’s limit is 9

>but I don’t say this

>I just slowly slide my middle and ring finger out

>cup her crotch again

>we sit like that for a while

>she takes the blindfold off eventually, she’s crying again

>good tears

>after a second she spins around and hugs me again, whispering “thank you” in my ear then curling up beside me

>I just pick the blanket up off the top of my backpack where it’d been just bunched up and placed, then drape it over the both of us

>she falls asleep, then the sandman finally gets my ass

>wake up about an hour later, 45 minutes till we get back

>I lean forward, Kate (being a light sleeper) wakes up

>I grab her shorts and panties, she gets the idea and I slip them back onto her

>she’s still topless though

>she says she wants to stay that way

>doesn’t matter to me really, we just cuddle back up under the blanket again, I toy with her and feel her up for a while while we cuddle

>we eventually arrive back, it’s 5pm at this point, the sun is low in the sky

>josh is the first to be dropped off, CO insists on driving

>then we drop off Blondie

>CO is the last, she parts with “alright, you two love birds, don’t have too much fun”

>I’m now driving, Kate in the passenger seat

>we drive back to my house, holding hands the whole way

>during this time she calls her mom and explains that she’s gonna stay the night at a friends house, her mom’s a bro and has no issue with any of it

>we get back to my house, spend the whole night playing video games and cuddling, 10/10

>next morning we wake up and do basically the same thing, I make some breakfast, biscuits, gravy, bacon, hash browns, eggs, etc.

>shit’s cash

>over breakfast, we discuss boundaries, we’re not BF&GF, just really close friends, that’s fine with me.

>after breakfast, we take a shower together, nothing sexual happens, we just soap up and rinse off, I wash her hair, etc.

>shower stuff

>afterwards we cuddle and play more video games, till about 3pm, when she has to leave


>oh well, all good things must come to an end eventually

>we part ways, she goes back to her house, we meet up at school the next day, and continue being good friends.

>eventually, through dating, and a lot of time together, we’re now happily together, in fact, she was sitting on my lap, topless (as always) while I wrote most of this, filling in some of the details that I missed.

I really hope you enjoyed! if you liked this story, I have two others on my profile you can check out, if you’re so inclined.

Source: reddit.com/r/gonewildstories/comments/n4yzcq/mf_giving_my_close_friend_now_girlfriend_her_very


  1. I am fairly certain I have never read a story with a combination of weirdness, hotness, and sweetness like this. Well done.

  2. Took a minute to myself to do the reverse Spock, excellent description

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