Putting out feelers.. OF or erotic ghost writing (not a plug or promotion, honestly curious)

I am a very skilled writer I have studied my ass off for the last 4 years and I’ve been thinking about fun and creative things I can do with degree

I would be most grateful if ya’ll could answer any of the following questions for me:

How much money, one time or monthly, would you be willing to pay for personalized smut created by a trained professional?

How long do you prefer your scenes or chapters to be? 300 words? 500? 1000?

Would you be interested in other services such as editing or tutoring sessions specifically surrounding the creation of erotic literature?

If you’re a writer yourself, would you be interested in hiring a ghostwriter specially for sexual/kinky scenes?

Thank you in advance. I know this isn’t a very sexy post but it could certainly lead to fun opportunities..

Source: reddit.com/r/eroticliterature/comments/n4sj9j/putting_out_feelers_of_or_erotic_ghost_writing

1 comment

  1. Please refrain from grilling my writing. This is a casual post and I do not have the time or effort to flex

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