Thats how i have my revenge ;) [FM]

I’ve had a few serious relationships. The last was with a really controlling narcissist who was really threatened by me even talking to other guys. Stupidly I ended up changing my behaviour and even distanced myself from close guy friends. Anyway he cheated on me and then was dumb enough to leave his Whatsapp web open on has laptop, so I know he did stuff with at least three other girls that I know of. I was actually sick reading what he wrote to them, physically puked. I was staying at his place so obviously left straight away.

I’m not the best at feeling shit or being alone but I did call Sara my absolute bestie, my rock. Sara has (and probably will always be) the more confident and outgoing one of us. We’ve known each other since we were 11 ffs. She really listened to me and hugged me for hours. We basically then spent a weekend drinking and plotting revenge – she’s a dark bitch and I love her for it, daring too. She’d been open about being very hesitant about my ex whilst we were dating. She rightfully pointed out how insanely jealous he would get over nothing. While it might have been healthier to confront him and start making sense of it all – I was also very ready to hurt him. I blanked his calls for those couple of days.

Sara suggested hooking up with three different guys as payback and this did actually excite me. I grew up quite strict and Catholic so sex was always quite shameful and I’d repressed a lot of myself with my ex too. Sara and I wanted to even the score. That night we messaged a few guys who I knew would be interested. M was a friend from uni who there’s always been quite a lot of chemistry with. Another was a random guy who had given me his number at a dance class and the third was someone Sara had seen previously: P. She pretty much wrote the messages for me and was a laugh texting phrased I’d never use.

Without asking me she invited over P, who lives nearby and so I messaged my friend M. We were having such a laugh I thought why not, plus it would be a welcome change to not have my ex breathing down my neck – also fuck my ex. Sara picked out her little black dress for me, did my make-up and handed me some of her panties to wear. After about an hour P came over with a bottle of rum and was really charming – we got into interesting deep chat pretty quick. M arrived about another hour later and I was really happy to see him – I didn’t go into any details about the shit with my ex.

We all chatted and danced around in Sara’s living room. S was flirting like mad with both of them and kept whispering to me to kiss M. We were all sat on her massive sofa when she kissed me in front of them, something we’ve done quite a bit before, mostly for attention but she is just also an incredible kisser. Their eyes were fixed on us and it did shift the mood a lot.

P asked us if we’d kiss again. Sara said only if he and M kissed. There was an awkward look between them, P looked more at ease with the idea than M, P just lunged in and kissed M properly on the mouth for a bit. Sara loves that shit so she rammed her tongue into my mouth really hungrily. As soon as she finished she kissed M and I felt a slight pang of jealousy so I kissed M straight after her to his slight surprise. Sara moved straight onto intensely making out with P.

There’s been nearly 2 years of tension with M so I got lost in kissing him almost straight away and got really excited. This meant I didn’t notice Sara had undone P’s jeans and was sucking his dick right by us. M was a bit surprised and asked me if we should go upstairs. Sara heard and said mmm no you’re staying here. She turned and kissed me again this time with the musky taste of P’s cock in her mouth. I looked down at P’s impressive cock still in her hand, wet with her spit and with her other hand she pulled me down next to it. There was a tiny moment in which I considered backing out it did feel pretty weird this was happening, but I could feel my own wetness pulsing between my legs.

I looked around at all of them for a second, M didn’t look annoyed, he was watching intensely. I took Ps solid dick right into my mouth letting the tip hit my throat and I felt him groan and lean back. Sara was sucking his balls beneath me. M was behind me and had pulled my skirt up over my ass. I felt the wetness of the panties slide down my thigh and could feel M’s faint breath against my pussy. I pushed backwards starving to meet his mouth and finally felt his lips around mine. I surprised myself by almost growling and plunging P’s dick even deeper down my throat. Sara felt this and whispered that I was a Goddess and I got full body goosebumps!

I needed to breath and she instantly took over sucking P as I paused M had taken out his cock and slid it slowly but forcefully inside me, I let out a yelp. He was noticeably bigger than my ex and more than filled me. I had to pause him for a second before I felt myself fully relax around him, my wetness completely covering him and then my pussy began almost pulling him in. I took my deepest lunge onto my P’s cock, feeling solid cock fill my throat and pussy locked me into some blissful state.

Sara swivelled around so her legs were either side of P’s face and she was grinding her pussy over his mouth hard whilst facing me. I could kiss her we could both go suck P’s cock. She knows I like filthy chat and was calling me a good little slut. M had both hands on my hips and was really pounding the fuck out of me. I could feel the building tension first in the back of my thighs, my spine, then stomach.

I lost control of the sounds I was making but I know I was fucking loud. M started smashing into me, almost splitting me with his solid cock. I was scared I might puke the waves were so increasingly powerful and then with my thighs shaking like crazy a bolt of pleasure shot up from pussy through my spine, my knees buckled and P’s cock went deep into my throat whilst growled moaned. P immediately shot hot cum into the back of my throat and mouth. I managed to swallow before gasping for air and falling forwards on top of P. I could feel M pumping his cum into my pussy still and we just lay there in a heap.

Sara broke the silence by saying: Fucking hell – I hope you’ve got some left for me and we all pissed ourselves laughing. We did fuck around the rest of that night and in the morning.

After 2 weeks at home with my fam I finally messaged my ex and organised to pick up some stuff I’d left at his. I told him what I’d found and what I did with Sara and he was shocked. To be honest I enjoyed hurting him but it didn’t really help my pain and it still took a lot of grieving. Me and Sara have had a few more adventures since then.

Please don’t slut shame me/us for this, it’s quite a big deal that I’m sharing it. Feel free to message me if you’re sex positive and supportive though.

love & penises




  1. A fitting revenge porn situation to get back at a cheater @

  2. Sounds like you had a very exciting night. It’s such a hot read ???

  3. They say the cure for a broken heart is a good dick or two. You go girl!

  4. This is legit the best story I’ve found on here in weeks.

  5. Awesome story!! Hope you’re healing okay. On behalf of guys everywhere, sorry for the asshole that hurt you but good on you and Sara for finding some fun from it!

  6. Very hot you got P’s load in your mouth and M’s load in your pussy!

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