My friend asked me to show her some porn [Long]

‘Josh, could you come here a minute?’ Sophie’s voice came bouncing down the stairs to me, a strange note in it.
‘Why? I’m in the middle of cooking.’ I called back, carefully pouring the flavour packet into my bubbling noodles with practiced precision.
‘I just need…a favour. Nothing much… Whenever you can, no rush.’ Definitely weird. She was trying very hard to sound nonchalant, but she’d been behaving oddly all day and had practically shot up to her room when our other housemates went out.
‘Kay, I’ll be up in a minute!’ Was she late on another assignment? I’d been helping her out a lot recently and didn’t want her to start relying on that. Probably time to have a word with her about it.
A few minutes later I was knocking on her door, carrying my bowl of gently steaming student cuisine. Sophie called me to enter, and I slowly pushed myself into her bombsite of a room. The girl herself was sitting at her desk and she span in her computer chair to face me as I nudged her door to with my foot. She was strangely flushed, hands fiddling with the hem of her oversized white t-shirt.
‘Hey, you came, thanks.’ She said, her words coming out fast, nervously.
‘Yeah, you alright?’ I said, carefully stepping around the clutter on her floor and settling myself on her bed. ‘Look, Sophie, I can’t help you with every assignment yeah? I have my own work to -‘
‘I know, I know, it’s not about that.’ She said quickly, cutting me off. 
‘What then? Is everything okay?’ I’d not seen her behave like this before. We’d been housemates since first year, and had agreed to live together after that since we got on well. Sophie was pretty, but I’d resigned myself to nothing happening between us after my first terrible attempts had been rebuffed during Fresher’s, and now she was just Soph, my housemate. Sporty but a little awkward, focused on her studies and not much time for boys, though the loudest person at a party after a few drinks.
‘You watch porn, right?’ The question caught me off guard and she looked like it had surprised her as well, but she kept going. ‘I mean, I know you do, I’ve seen you -‘
‘Yes, thank you!’ I said, cutting her off. My turn to blush now, she had walked in on me once during our first semester and it had been the subject of every drunken truth-or-dare since. ‘What about it?’
‘Can… can you show me?’ This was quickly becoming the weirdest conversation of my life. Instantly I felt my body flood with adrenaline, prickly and hot, and my brain made excited connections that my mind was more hesitant of. Sophie was looking at me earnestly, affecting a calmness that her breathing betrayed slightly.
‘What…what do you mean “show you”?’ I asked, putting my bowl of noodles carefully on her bedside table, suddenly very aware I was just in loose boxers and joggers.
Without a word she turned and clicked her mouse. Instantly her laptop lit up with a website that I was very familiar with, though not one I’d seen a girl using before. To my surprise she started clicking through some tabs, about ten or so videos of people in various stages of lust, random settings and fetishes, finally settling on a paused video of a heavily made-up blonde crouching under a coffee table and seemingly having the time of her life with a gentleman behind her.
‘I normally go for stories or erotica, but wanted to try something new.’ Sophie said, not quite meeting my eye. ‘But it’s all so weird. Incest and stupid scenarios, is this what blokes like?’
‘No, nobody likes the step-sister stuff.’ I answered quickly. Not quite sure what I was doing I moved over and knelt next to her, keeping a distance as we both became aware of the awkward tension in the room. I swallowed before the next question. ‘Well, what are you normally into?’
‘Erm…’ She hesitated, ‘What do you normally watch?’
The next 25 minutes were a surreal experience of me voluntarily showing things I’d gone to great lengths to hide to a girl I realised I had a much bigger crush on than I’d thought. I began tame with some subreddits and saved posts, before moving on to the tube sites and more hardcore content, checking with Sophie and clicking related content when she asked. Although she started out nervous, soon she was devouring the screen with her eyes, her breath quickening while she squirmed a little in her seat. I had to shift things in my trousers, and although I tried to be subtle about it I caught her looking away quickly, her face burning. It was hopeless to try and hide my erection at this point, and I found I didn’t mind her stealing glances down at me as we went on because it gave me permission to keep looking at her too. She had moved closer, leaning slightly towards me so that I could feel the warmth coming off her flushed skin, smell the scent of her as we watched the people moaning and gyrating on the screen. Sophie wasn’t wearing a bra, and I know she saw me glancing at her hard nipples pressing against the fabric with increasing frequency. My mind was whirling, imagining and discounting scenarios of where this could lead, trying to work out exactly what was happening here, how far this was going to go.
‘Is there anything kinkier?’ She asked, speaking so softly that I had to almost press my cheek to hers to hear her. By this point her legs were crossed tightly together and I could see her making little movements with her hips. I had completely given up hiding my arousal. I navigated to some bondage videos and brought one up that Sophie suggested. Together we watched a bound woman being pleasured for a few minutes.
‘Is that everything you need?’ I asked, sitting back and making to stand up. I didn’t know how far she wanted to go with this, and I didn’t want to push it. Besides, my cock was aching and my boxers were beginning to chafe.
‘Wait!’. Sophie reached out and grabbed my arm, stopping me from standing up. On the screen the scene changed, the male actor now fucking the bound girl on her back, her moans of pleasure escaping around a ball gag. ‘Stay with me. Stay for…don’t go.’
When I didn’t move, she went and fully closed her door, before picking up her laptop and carrying it to her double bed. Somehow she was the only one of us lucky enough to get a room with a double bed, and she shuffled over and patted the space next to her. I got up, and as I came over she pulled her top over her head, revealing perfect breasts that I had spent a lot of time imagining. I was shocked, but at this point I definitely wasn’t thinking clearly. I pulled off my own clothes, enjoying her gasp of surprise as my erection finally stood freely.
‘Fuck Josh…’ She said, sliding her shorts off. I took in the sight of her naked body, those curved I had done my best to ignore for two years as I slid into bed next to her and we shared a kiss of equal parts passion and nerves. I put my hands on her, feeling her hot smooth skin and thrilling at the fact that this was finally happening.
‘No, not yet.’ She whispered, gently taking my hands off her breasts and moving me onto my back against her pillows. Shifting with a restless energy, he propped herself up in the crook of my arm and moved the laptop in front of us. ‘Show me.’ She guided my right hand to my cock and my left to her breast, then with a gasp of released tension she opened her legs and began to touch herself. Unable to stop myself I began to stroke, my mind flooded with the sensation of this beautiful girl pleasuring herself pressed against me. On-screen the two performers switched to ever more elaborate scenarios, but all I had eyes for was Sophie working herself to orgasm in my arms.
‘Have you done this before?’ I asked, wondering if this was some elaborate foreplay
‘No, I just couldn’t help myself. Keep going for me.’ She whispered in response.
I struggled to control my speed, not wanted to burst too soon and focusing on playing with her nipple instead, trying combinations of circles and pinches to see what got the best reaction out of her, seeing her switch between watching the screen and watching me touch myself for her. I had never done this with an audience and found the mutual voyeurism thrilling, he eyes focused on my movements and me on hers, on her body and pleasure.
‘Oh my God, I’m going to cum…’
Her breathing sped up, and then all at once she bucked, pressing her shoulders into my chest and lifting her hips away from me. Sweat rolled down her face as her hand furiously worked and I stared in awe at her shaking legs, the way her breasts rose on her chest, the moans and squeaks she let slip as the orgasm rolled through her body. My mind whirled as I watched my housemate cum, years of pent-up desire from evenings of watching TV in pyjamas, half caught glimpses under a towel as she left the bathroom, and now here she was grinding ecstasy from her naked body against me. Finally she lowered herself back to the bed. It was all too much, and I felt heat growing rapidly as I pumped.
‘Fuck Soph! I think I’m going to-‘
‘Wait, not yet!’ Hearing the strain in my voice she rolled over, one hand still between her legs. While I watched in disbelief she bent down and took my head in her mouth. The feeling of her lips slipping around me sent me over the edge and I came almost instantly, the only warning being a grunt I just about managed to get out. Sophie squeaked in combined surprise and pleasure, but she didn’t take her mouth off me until I had finished, the pulses of pleasure filling her. I had moved my hand off myself as she had started sucking me, so now she started slowly stroking me, massaging out the last few jolts while gently circling her other hand between her own legs. After a moment she released and took a long, shaking breath which I matched. For a few moments we just sat in the afterglow, my hand resting on her back, the video on the computer still playing quietly to itself.
‘I think I needed that.’ She said at last, turning to give me a sheepish smile.
‘Yeah, certainly seemed like it.’ I said, then added slightly lamely, ‘Let me know if you ever need it again.’ 
She giggled at say up. ‘I definitely will, though I might trade it for some assignment help.’ 
‘I can do that.’ I said with a small laugh. Sophie began pulling her t-shirt on and I followed her lead. Within a few moments we were dressed again as if nothing had happened, though maybe slightly sweatier and redder in the face.
‘Right, shoo before the others get back.’ She said, pecking me on the cheek and taking her laptop back to her desk. ‘I don’t want the neighbours talking.’
‘Wouldn’t dream of it.’ I replied, ‘Total secret.’ With that I went and picked up my bowl of stone-cold noodles. ‘See you later Sophie.’
‘See you soon Josh.’ She said as I pulled her door shut.



  1. Such a generous friend not taking advantage of her in this situation ?

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