My girlfriend and I [FF] fooled around with a stranger [M]

My first girlfriend is a multi-part saga of her own I will write about eventually. I don’t exactly miss her because she was an extraordinarily difficult person to be with, but I definitely miss the sex. She was fucking insatiable and generally open to anything.

Anyway, I was really young when we dated and remarkably less experienced than her in every way but one: I had been with men. She had literally only made out with two men in her life and didn’t think it was her thing. I respected that- to each their own. However, she was also weirdly competitive about these things and hated that I had an experience she couldn’t relate to.

As time went on she started getting curious and kept asking me questions about what it was like. Finally she admitted it was something she would be open to trying once, but with very specific ground rules. She didn’t want vaginal penetration (I can work with that), and it had to be a stranger (guys hit on her a lot and she didn’t want to give anyone in our circle a reason to question her gayness).

If I’m being honest, I didn’t really think it would ever happen. She was forward, but super picky and a bit mean with her jealousy, so I quickly put this idea out of my mind because I didn’t actually think she would be down.

One night we were sitting on her porch with a drink when we heard her neighbors fighting in the unit beside us. Apparently the woman in apartment 102 had cheated on her boyfriend, a fact of which he had recently become privy to after finding dirty texts to another man on her phone. I know all this because they were screaming at each other through an open window and listening to neighborhood drama is far more entertaining than Netflix.

He finally left her place, slamming the door behind him as he wiped tears away with his sleeve. He was so consumed by their fight that it took him a moment to notice we were only a few feet away on the porch next to him.

“I’m so sorry,” he said. “Yall probably heard all of that.” I gave him a sympathetic nod.

To my surprise my girlfriend piped in, “You know what’s a good remedy for getting over your slutty girlfriend? Hanging with a couple of sluts.”

He was a little taken aback, “I… It’s not really a good time. I think I need to just like, go somewhere and get super drunk.”

“Even better,” she smiled as she raised her glass a little as if they were about to toast.

He considered this. “I can’t hang on this porch. I don’t want her to walk out and find me.”

“We can go to my room then,” she shrugged. He stared at her a little dumbstruck and finally said, “Ok, I have whiskey in my car. I’ll be right back.”

The moment he was around the corner she turned to me with a mischievous smile, “Him.”


“You remember the rules, right? If we stick to them, I’m down to try this once with you and him.”

My mouth hung open still expecting to hear the punchline. “Are you serious?”

“Yep, if he’s down, and I highly doubt he’s going to reject us.”

He came back around the corner with a bottle in hand and my girlfriend quickly ushered us inside and into her room. The two of us instinctively sat on the bed and he settled into her desk chair and started drinking from the bottle. For the first time I let my eyes sweep over him and allowed myself to fantasize just a bit. He was hot, but I was still not totally convinced this was going to happen and decided I was not going to be the one to initiate. Regardless we drank together for about half an hour and he was nice enough company.

“You have a lot of… art,” he smiled a little uncomfortably as he studied her room. She did not. She had a lot of bad drawings and photos of naked women taped to her walls, but I don’t think this guy had fully caught on yet to our dynamic.

“Thank you, I’m a passionate collector. Which one is your favorite?”

He smiled sheepishly and got up to study a few photos pinned to the wall. “I guess this one,” he chuckled, pointing to a drawing of a full-chested woman bent over a desk.

“That’s what you like,” she mused. “So you probably like these,” she said as she reached over and cupped one of my breasts. I shot her a surprised glance but couldn’t help but smile as she started to play with me. “Do you want to feel?”

He hesitantly walked over and bent down so that the two of them were touching me over my shirt. I let out a gasp as they started going harder, matching each others’ rhythms as I leaned back against the wall.

I reached to unbuckle his belt, glancing quickly at my girlfriend who gave me a nod before I pulled down his pants so that he was fully exposed. I took her hand and placed it around his dick, slowly moving it up and down. He closed his eyes and took in a sharp breath as he reached to run his fingers through her hair.

“I’ve never done this before,” she admitted.

His eyes shot open as he sputtered, “Oh, we don’t have to. I didn’t mean-”

I cut him off with a laugh, “No, no. *We* do this all the time.” I glanced down and smiled, “She’s never done *that* before.”

Now he understood. “You two?” he asked, pointing his fingers back-and-forth between us.

“-Yeah,” my girlfriend smiled.

“Do you think I could… watch?”

My girlfriend’s face lit up at this prospect. “Lay back,” she told me, a command I was all too happy to oblige. She unbuttoned my shirt and started kissing my neck, slowly nibbling my ear gently before moving her mouth all the way down my body. She lifted my skirt and helped me remove my underwear before her tongue finally found its way in between my legs.

Now don’t get me wrong because I have met some very gifted people over the course of sex life, but this girl had a very special gift when it came to this department. I’ve never met anyone who could get me off as fast or as hard with just her tongue. As always, she started slowly, almost teasing me with tiny licks as reached up to play with my breasts, moving her hand beneath my bra. I begged her for more so she moved her hands behind my ass, pushing me towards her so she could bury her entire face in me and quicken her speed. I started moaning, rocking my hips back and forth as my hand found the back of her head to play with her hair. Finally, she slammed two fingers inside of me as she continued to lick harder. I could feel myself getting close.

I glanced over and noticed him stroking himself as he watched us and I smiled at him through my haze. The thought of him watching us was way hotter than I had anticipated. I noted the movement of his hand matched the way I was squirming beneath her and I finally felt myself come harder than usual as I studied him.She lifted herself from me and met my eyes with a triumphant smile.

“Fuck,” he whispered, still touching himself.

“Ok, I think it’s both yall’s turn,” I announced as I reached over to grab her vibrator. A fun fact about queer women is that we are generally very decked out in the toys department.

She gave me a nervous glance, but I just smiled as I gently removed her dress and moved her to the edge of the bed so that she was facing him. I wrapped my arms around her from behind as I unbuckled her bra before my hands to massage her breasts. He reached to do the same and she finally let out a small gasp of pleasure at his touch. I let my hand fall in between her legs then and started touching her with my fingers until I could feel her get wet. As I grabbed the vibrator to and started moving it in gentle circles, she reached for him to move closer and took him in her mouth.

I cannot describe to you how hot it was to get her off while she was sucking him. I could hear her muffled whimpers of pleasures as he gasped above her. I started speeding up and she matched my rhythm, going deeper as they both came closer to climax. I rubbed harder and harder until I could feel her shaking beneath me and looked up to see him throw his head back as he came in her mouth. She came shortly after with a final, satisfied moan.

The three of us laughed at ourselves as we got dressed and raised our glasses for a final toast. He said something about how his night had really taken a turn. When he asked if we could hang out again, we politely turned him down. Some partners are better left as strangers.
