Beyond Normal Practice Pt. 1 – Kevin & Dr. Hill [M/M]

The two men locked eyes as Kevin finished undoing the button on his trousers. As he started to lower his zipper Dr. Hill intervened. “Are you positive you want to do this, Kevin?” The older man asked. Kevin could only nod sheepishly before his zipper was unfastened. His trousers hung open, each flap slightly askew revealing the bulge beneath.

Dr. Hill took hold on Kevin’s pants, slowly but meticulously bringing them towards his ankles. Then down past his feet. Kevin lay on the bed in his boxers and tee shirt. He was blushing, a deep crimson embarrassed blush, one Dr. Hill found to be among the most adorable expressions a face could produce. Kevin’s hands returned to his boxers in order to attempt to hide his bulge once again. A coy effort, of course, as Kevin had been the one to instigate the situation.

Kevin entered the office of his dentist, Dr. Joseph Hill, around noon for a, presumably, started oral examination. He had a condition which necessitated he visit his dentist monthly, rather than biannually as is custom. He had done so since he first consulted with Dr. Hill, just after he turned 18, now 11 months past. In that time he and Dr. Hill had become as close as a patient and his provider can be. They conversed at length before and after each session about a number of topics. Usually they talked about Kevin’s life. Dr. Hill did seem legitimately interested, and truly was. He found the young man to be a quality conversationalist, quick witted, and quite handsome.

Dr. Hill was a man in his mid-40s. Once he had been a collegiate tennis player at the top of his peers. His athletes matched his academics and he had little issue securing his dental license. He still keeps active and maintains his slim physique when he is not at his practice. He maintains a professional appearance; combed hair, pressed pants and shirts, and no discernible facial hair. It would not be wrong to think of these two men as being an exquisite pair when they are sitting next to one another. They certainly think so.

Since they began their professional relationship these two men have grown to be fond of each other, always eager to go into the private exam room. Until now, however, there had been no physical intimacy. There had been no small amount of tension either. Kevin has had a habit of becoming excited during their time together. Dr. Hill had noticed since their first meeting but said nothing. It was not uncommon for that reaction and besides it would be highly unprofessional to think about it.

This reaction never stopped occurring. Once the two men were alone and in their respective positions the gates would open and Kevin’s bulge would emerge. Dr. Hill maintained his silence on the issue, though in his mind he wondered what was beneath the thin cloth separating them. During their last appointment Dr. Hill off-handedly asked Kevin if he was comfortable during his exam. Kevin remarked that, yes, he was comfortable and was enjoying himself. A moment of silence followed before Kevin’s face began going red. A slighter red than it was now, but noticeable. “I’m sorry Dr. Hill… I didn’t mean to..” the boy stammered off anxiously. He covered the area with his hands.

Dr. Hill pulled down his mask to reveal his smile, “it’s okay Kevin. Don’t worry about it. It happens much more than you probably think.” He reassured the young man. It was true, as far as he was concerned, this did happen frequently. What was less frequent was that he noticed it and enjoyed that it was happened. The rest of that appointment went as it would normally go. Kevin scheduled for next month and was out the door.

Now it was next month. Kevin was back in the office. The two men began their usual banter prior to beginning the procedure. Kevin, however, seemed troubled by some strange thought that Dr. Hill was unfamiliar with. He could usually read the boy’s expression. This time was different. He could only see that Kevin was not meeting his eyes directly. He was gazing down towards the floor with his hands on his knees. After a brief few moments of awkward silence between then Kevin began to squeak out a question, “Dr. Hill… about last time? I’m… what happened… I didn’t mean to. It just happens when I’m laying down.”

Dr. Hill knew what Kevin was referring to, he was thinking about it as well. “Kevin” Dr. Hill said, “Like I said it’s a perfectly normal reaction.”

Kevin retained his gaze on the floor, “I’m just worried that there might be something wrong with me.. with it..”

“What do you mean by that?” Dr. Hill asked, concerned with Kevin’s sudden shift in tone.

“It’s just… always like that when I’m here. When we talk and when you’re working.” Kevin explained.

“If you’re worried about anything physical I can refer you to-“ Dr. Hill began to say

“What about you, sir? Can you… look at it at all?” Kevin said in a cracking, shaking voice.

The two men sat in suspense for a number of seconds before Dr. Hill broke it to respond. His mind was racing in as many directions as seconds passed for him to think. His reason implored him to reject the boy’s request, to refer him to a physician he trusted. To maintain his professional manners. His reason was overshadowed by his interest. His desire to know this young man more intimately. He answered Kevin in a low, pleasant tone, “I can look at it Kevin. If you’d like.”

The boy only nodded and looked up at Dr. Hill who instructed him to lay on the bed as he would usually do. Once Kevin had put himself in the appropriate position, Dr. Hill went about prepping himself. He donned his mask and gloves as normal. Now, he moved his chair to a spot near the boy’s area of interest. “Are you positive you want to do this, Kevin?”

[To Be Continued]
