Casting off clothes and inhibitions on [naked] ski trip with my GF and our friends [MF]/[MF]

There was a recent request for a story by someone who’d seen their friend’s GF naked. I thought I’d share this one from a few years back.

One winter my GF and I went on a ski trip with another couple — our friends Pete and Erin. We knew them pretty well from college — Erin lived on my floor then and we hung out a lot, always totally platonic since we were dating other people. We would be staying two nights in a motel a few miles from the slope and we would be sharing a room with two queen beds.

We got to the motel pretty late the first night after a long drive, planning to ski the next day. When we checked in we learned the motel had an indoor pool and hot tub, across the parking lot from our room. We hadn’t brought suits, but since it was late we figured no one would mind if we went in our underwear, most of which was at least not white. We grabbed towels and headed over through the cold. Sure enough when we got there no one else was around. We hopped in the hot tub for a little while. Of course all the cotton clung to the skin and didn’t leave much to the imagination.

To set the scene, Erin’s slim with longish wavy strawberry blonde hair; my GF Kate’s got curly golden hair and is just a little shorter and has perky D-cup boobs that at this moment were doing a marginal job of staying in her wet bra. After a little while we got overheated in the hot tub and went to plunge in the pool to cool off. We started horsing around, me and Pete carrying the girls on our shoulders and kind of jousting, then launching the girls through the air. Before long Erin landed in the water in front of me in just such a way that her boobs totally popped out of her bra, exposing cute pink nipples and just a few freckles. She didn’t seem too embarrassed — she giggled, popped them back in, and sort of slyly told me if she wasn’t worried about random guests showing up she’d probably get rid of it. Pete was busy launching Kate through the air and I’m not sure he saw any of this. After a little, we headed back to the hot tub, and then figured we’d call it since it was getting late.

The pool area had small changing rooms with showers off to the side and we headed there to rinse off the chlorine before going back to our rooms. Pete and I headed into the men’s side and the girls to theirs. The shower was an open shower with two shower heads, so Pete and I just stripped down and rinsed off — I’m not gay but I’ve got no hangups about nudity and anyway we’d seen each other naked in locker rooms before. But, it got me to thinking that of the four of us, the only pair that hadn’t seen each other naked before was me and Erin, because the previous year Kate had gone on hiking trip with them and at some point they’d gone skinnydipping. Anyway after a quick rinse, we wrapped ourselves in our towels, squeezed into our shoes, and all walked back to our room with our wet clothes in our hands.

So once the door closed and we’d kicked off our shoes, there we all were in just our towels with the lights on. We’d turned up the heat in the room before and now it was really warm. There was a moment’s “now what?” look on people’s faces, and then I grabbed a pillow from the nearest bed and swatted Kate with it. Well, five seconds later everyone’s towels had dropped and it was a full-on pillow fight. There’s really not much of a better sight than two totally naked girls with wild, wet hair and golden pubes standing on the beds, grinning and trying to get you, but that’s what me and Pete had. (We’re not bad looking so hopefully the girls liked the view too). Anyway we swatted and wrestled (all ways) for maybe 10 minutes before we were tired out and it was really time to turn in. Of course by now it was quite pointless to put anything on and so after a bit Pete and Erin climbed into their bed, and me and Kate climbed into ours (about 2 feet away), totally naked.

Now up to this point it was kind of exhilarating, but not really sexual. In bed, with the lights out except for a dim light near the door that we couldn’t turn off, with my GF beside me, is a whole other thing. I got hard real quick and played with my GF a little, but she was pretty sleepy and maybe felt a little awkward with Erin and Pete in the bed right next to us, so after making out a little she rolled over and fell asleep. I rolled over too, now facing toward Erin and Pete’s bed. I’d been ignoring what was going on over there and now I got a surprise.

Erin was on her side, facing me, with Pete in the middle of slowly fucking her from behind in spoon position. Pete’s face was behind her and he couldn’t see me, but she saw me at once and there was a brief look of surprise/”busted” and then before I could look away she just gave a wild grin and stuck out her tongue… a “look what I’m getting” kind of expression. The blanket was up to her waist but her nipples were again in plain view in the dim light, jostling with Pete’s thrust. Even though she didn’t seem to mind I gave her a smile and rolled back mostly the other way. But I could hear them in within just a moment Pete grunted, Erin sighed, they stopped moving, and all logic pointed to Erin being full of cum. An interesting thing: I was kind of expecting to hear Erin get up and clean off at some point; they hadn’t had any opportunity to get a condom and there was nothing around to wipe off a snail trail. But after a few minutes I rolled over again quietly and they were asleep, with Erin tucked into Pete’s chest.

The next morning we headed out quickly to go skiing and since we were going to get sweaty anyhow no one showered. Erin and I are actually much better skiers than Kate and Pete and so I spent a lot of the morning with just her on the expert trails. On a chairlift I eventually said “so you had a good time last night…” and she started going on about how nice it was to have friends so good you could just hang out naked with no worries. And I was like “I meant later…” and then she was like “yeah sorry about that” and I just said “glad you had fun, didn’t bother me at all.” But I was also thinking how some trace of Pete’s cum was still in her and on her skin as she sat there next to me.

That evening we finally got back to the motel after dinner and had a plan to go to the pool again. But this time, we staggered it: Kate and I told Erin and Pete to go ahead and we’d catch up in a few minutes. This gave us the motel room to ourselves and we sure as hell used it. After 20 minutes with a well-rested and cock-hungry Kate, we were ready to join them, once again in our underwear. There were a few other folks around this time but no one seemed to mind our skimpy attire. We swam and hung out in the hot tub, with Kate and Erin spending a good bit of time sitting on our laps, and then Erin and Pete announced they were heading back and suggested we enjoy the pool for another 20-30 minutes. After a while, Kate and I rinsed in the showers again and walked back to the room in our towels as before. We opened the door to find Erin and Pete watching TV. Erin was sitting neat the head of her bed, with her knees curled up in front of her and the sheet gathered up near her neck. Pete was lying on his back on the other side of the bed, totally naked and uncovered. Kate asked “did you find a way to pass the time?” and Pete and Erin smiled proudly.

We’d picked up a six pack on the way back from the mountain and this seemed a good time to break into it. So, Kate and I popped open beers, hung up our towels and sat down on the bed totally naked like it’s the normal thing to do. I pulled out a pack of playing cards and suggested we play hearts. We moved to the floor to do this since there was no good table, throwing down towels so we didn’t get the motel carpet on our junk. Erin threw back the sheet and climbed out of bed — she was totally naked too. In the light I could see a good sized wet spot where she’d been sitting.

Well, from that point we had a good time playing cards. Erin was kneeling across from me; Pete was across from Kate. The girls kept teasing us, holding the cards near their crotches, licking the necks of the beer bottles, and playing with their hair. I was sporting a chub, which the ladies clearly noticed — the only time I really felt naked. Finally Pete said he thought he and Erin should take a proper shower before bed. They headed into the bathroom to do this but didn’t close the door. As soon as they headed off I started touching Kate. This escalated quickly and in a moment she sat me on the edge of our bed, kneeled in front of me, and began blowing me in earnest. While she did this I could see her from behind in a mirror that was on one of the walls, and out the corner of my eye and through the bathroom door I could see a hazy version of Erin and Pete through the shower curtain, doing the same thing we were. I melted in Kate’s mouth very quickly and my cum was gone without a trace.

We were watching TV in bed when Pete and Erin came back out, clean, all smiles, and very touchy-feely. We all slept naked again, with less inhibitions about rustling the sheets, and then went out for another day of skiing.



  1. I love stories like this. Happy, uninhibited people having exceptional (but not unbelievable) sexy encounters.

    Also, thank you for using full names rather than initials or such. Everybody yells at people who do it wrong, but nobody ever appreciates when it’s done right.

  2. That’s extremely hot. I wish I had the confidence to be like that with friends, and had friends who’d be comfortable with it!

  3. When I see the words Naked and Ski Trip in a title, my mind immediately thinks horrible frost bite or mistaken ski pole accident….

  4. Pete and Erin? Are those there actually names or did you get that from The Office?

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