Oasis Inn: The Gloryhole

The summer sun bore down on the windshield of my car, as I sped down the nearly empty Nevada highway. Occasionally another car would zip past the other direction or I’d have to pass another one.

The drive was getting boring, when a large structure came into view, it look like a motel only fancier. My curiosity took over and I turned into the parking lot. A large sign with a palm tree over stereotypical waves and the words ‘Oasis Inn’ stood near the sandstone building. It was the biggest building I’d seen in the vast desert that is Nevada. It had two stories and wrapped around a garden, hopefully there was a pool.

I walked inside, immediately greeted by a refreshing wave of cold air. I sighed with relief and walked up to the main counter, where a cute Latina girl sat. She smiled at me when I approached,

“Welcome to the Oasis, how can I help you?”

“What is this place?”

“We offer lots of services, chief among them is room and board.” She replied cheerily.

“How much?”

“Cheapest offer we have is a week for $100”

“I’ll take it!” I said before really even thinking about it.

“Excellent, I’ll just need a Name and date of Birth.”

“Mark Young, October 12th 1993”

“And will you be staying on the first or second floor?”

“Uh second”

“Room 223 is waiting for you.”

*in the room*

The room was opulent, decorated with silk curtains and sheets. There was a soft couch and a television as well. As I explored the room I saw a balcony that opened up to a sprawling tropical garden.

“This place is literally paradise.” I said admiring the view.

I decided to shower and get the road sweat off me. In the bathroom I saw a strange circle in the wall, it was about level with my crotch and was labeled “gloryhole”

I’d heard about these but honestly had not expected one in a place so luxurious. I stared at it for a minute, the idea of some random woman waiting eagerly for my cock on the other side of the wall eventually got me hard, and just curious enough to try it out. The gloryhole had a cover and when I opened it there was a purple silk curtain in the other side.

I stroked my cock a little and then slid it into the hole, it was a little roomy but I took that as a good sign. I felt my tip brush past the silk and immediately I felt something soft wrap around the shaft. It moved up and down, I assumed it was a hand and leaned against the wall. The soft stroking sped up and I groaned softly. Suddenly I felt a wet sensation on the tip of my cock groaning softly I felt what I could only assume was a pair of lips slide down the side of my cock, and then the other. I pressed my hands into the wall flexing and unfeeling my toes. I felt a little awkward not being able to see the face of the person playing with my fully erect cock but I was enjoying myself too much to back out.

Suddenly my cock slid inside a mouth, the sensation was startling but unmistakable. Whoever was sucking my cock definitely knew what they were doing. I felt them bobbing up and down my cock and then a soft hand gripped the base stroking in synch with their mouth. It was inevitable I could feel the organ building up and I flexed in anticipation. The sensation boiled over the edge and suddenly my cock was pumping out cum the mouth stopped on my tip while the hand kept stroking slowly milking my every last drop.

When it was done I felt warm air on my slowly shrinking cock, a clear sign that my cock wasn’t being touched. I pulled back closing the flap over the gloryhole and made my way to the bed.

It was definitely going to be an interesting week.

Source: reddit.com/r/eroticliterature/comments/n2aare/oasis_inn_the_gloryhole